

Isadora Duncan -- 艾莎道拉·邓肯 ——
(Music) -- crazy, long-legged woman from San Francisco, got tired of this country, and she wanted to get out. (音乐) 一位来自旧金山的疯狂的长腿女人, 对自己的国家感到了厌倦,打算离开。
Isadora was famous somewhere around 1908 for putting up a blue curtain, and she would stand with her hands over her solar plexus and she would wait, and she would wait, and then, she would move. 艾莎道拉在1908年的一次演出中而出名 她竖起一块蓝幕, 然后站在幕前 双手放在心口, 然后她等待着, 等待着, 然后,她开始翩翩起舞。
solar plexus:n.腹腔神经丛;心口;
(Music) (音乐)
Josh and I and Somi call this piece "The Red Circle and the Blue Curtain." 乔希、绍米和我将这一部分舞蹈取名为 “红毯与蓝幕”
Red circle. 红毯。(译注:指地板上的TED红色圆形地毯)
Blue curtain. 蓝幕。
But, this is not the beginning of the 20th century. 但是 现在已经不是20世纪初。
This is a morning in Vancouver in 2015. 现在是2015年在温哥华的 某个早晨,
(Music) (音乐)
(Singing) (歌声)
Come on, Josh! 来吧,乔希!
(Music) (音乐)
(Singing) (歌声)
Are we there yet? 我们尽兴了么?
I don't think so. 我不这么认为。
Hey, yeah! 嘿!耶!
(Music) (音乐)
What time is it? 现在什么时间?
(Music) (音乐)
Where are we? 我们到哪了?
Josh. 乔希。
Somi. 绍米。
Bill T. 比尔。
Josh. 乔希。
Somi. 绍米。
Bill T. 比尔。
(Applause) (掌声)
Yeah, yeah! 耶,耶!