

Shah Rukh Khan : Courage, determination , and a single-minded vision . 沙鲁克汗:勇气、决心, 并且能够心无旁骛。
Khan:n.可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店; determination:n.测定;确定;决心;计算; single-minded:adj.专心的;纯真的;真诚的;率直的; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
These are the qualities the biggest achievers have in common. 这正是那些最成功的人 所拥有的共同品质,
These are those brave hearts for whom failure is not an option . 这些也属于那些从不将失败 考虑为选项的勇敢之心。
What looks to us an unconquerable sea, to our next speaker is an irresistible stage she was born to perform on. 我们看起来难以征服的大海, 却是我们下一位 演讲者眼中诱人的舞台, 她似乎就是为游泳而生。
unconquerable:adj.克服不了的;不可征服的;压制不了的; irresistible:adj.不可抵抗的;不能压制的;极为诱人的; perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好);
So let's dive straight into the story of our fearless speaker, 让我们一同潜入我们这位 无所畏惧的讲者的故事吧,
dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动); fearless:adj.无畏的;大胆的;
Bhakti Sharma, who's making waves in the world of long-distance swimming. 她就是巴克蒂·夏尔玛 (Bhakti Sharma), 她在长距离游泳中大放异彩,
Bhakti:n.宗教虔诚(以对一个神的虔诚信奉求得自身的解脱);终身信奉一神; long-distance:adj.[通信][交]长途的;长距离的;vt.打长途电话给;adv.通过长途电话;
Bhakti Sharma. 有请巴克蒂·夏尔玛。
(Applause) (掌声)
Bhakti Sharma: Imagine, in the scorching Rajasthan heat, on a hot summer afternoon, a two-and-a-half-year-old riding on a moped behind her mom, not knowing where they were headed. 巴克蒂·夏尔玛:想象一下, 在拉贾斯坦邦的高温下, 在一个炎热的夏天午后, 一个两岁半的小孩 坐在妈妈电动车的后座上, 却不知道他们要去哪里。
scorching:adj.灼热的; v.把…烧焦; moped:n.助动车;机动脚踏两用车;v.抑郁不乐;生闷气(mope的过去式和过去分词);
And 20 minutes later, that two-and-a-half-year-old finds herself completely submerged in water. 二十分钟以后, 她发现自己 完全浸在了水里。
submerged:adj.在水中的; v.(使)潜入水中,淹没; (submerge的过去式和过去分词)
Before I knew it, 在我意识到之前,
I would be kicking, splashing , screaming, gulping down water, holding onto my mom for my dear life. 我一直在踢水、拍水、尖叫, 大口呛水, 紧紧抱住妈妈以求保命。
splashing:n.泼洒,喷洒;v.飞溅(splash的ing形式);溅湿; gulping:vt.狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地吸;vi.哽住;喘不过气;n.一大口(尤指液体);吞咽;
That's how I learned how to swim. 这就是我怎么学会游泳的,
I started pool-swimming when I was two and a half, and open water swimming when I was 14 years old. 在我只有两岁半的时候, 我开始学习在泳池游泳, 当我 14 岁时, 我学会了在户外游泳,
And so I have given over 25 years of my life to this sport, during which I have swum in all five oceans of the world, crossed the English Channel -- which is also known as the Mount Everest of swimming -- and set a world record in the freezing Antarctic ocean. 这项运动占据了我生命中的 25 年。 在这 25 年里, 我游遍了世界的五大洋, 游过了英吉利海峡—— 它也被称之为 游泳界的珠穆朗玛峰—— 还在冰寒刺骨的南极洋 创造了新的世界纪录。
Everest:n.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰); Antarctic:adj.南极(地方)的;n.南极地区;网络释义:南极的;南极区;南极地带的;
(Applause) (掌声)
When you spend so much time with a sport, it ceases to be just that and becomes a mirror. 当你为一项运动 付出了如此多的时间, 它不再仅仅只是一项运动, 而是人生的一面镜子,
And that shows who you really are. 它向我展示了真实的自己。
You see that your mettle as an athlete is not only tested on race day but every single day, when the sport demands that you get up at 4:30 in the morning, swim for two hours, go to school, come back, swim for three hours, go home, eat and sleep. 你会发现你作为运动员的耐力 不仅仅是在比赛日被测验, 而是在每一天, 这项运动要求你 每天清晨 4 点半起床, 去游泳两个小时, 去上学,放学后再游三个小时, 然后回家、吃饭,再上床睡觉。
mettle:n.勇气;气质;耐力; athlete:n.运动员,体育家;身强力壮的人;
When you win a medal or set a world record, this mirror shows the happiness that you and your loved ones feel, but also reflects the tears that you shed all by yourself, alone in the water. 当你赢得奖牌, 或是创造一项世界纪录, 这面镜子让你看到 你和你爱的人感受到的幸福, 也映射了所有 一个人在水中流淌的泪水。
reflects:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;(reflect的第三人称单数) shed:v.摆脱;去除;蜕;落;n.工棚;简易房;剪羊毛棚;挤奶棚;
Open water swimming is a very lonely sport. 公开水域游泳是 一项非常孤独的运动。
I have spent hours looking into the infinite , seemingly bottomless ocean underneath me, with nothing to keep me company but my own thoughts. 我曾用无数个小时, 凝视着身下深不见底的海洋, 除了我的思绪,再无其他伴我左右。
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限; seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; bottomless:adj.无底的;深不可测的;难解的;取之不尽的; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
And so, I have not only been tested as a swimmer but also as a thinking, feeling, imaginative human being. 因此,这不仅考验我 作为一位游泳选手, 更是在考验我作为一个有思想、 有感情、有着无限想象力的人类。
swimmer:n.游泳者; imaginative:adj.虚构的;富于想象的;有创造力的;
Be it my first test as a marathon swimmer, when I decided to swim for 12 hours non-stop in a swimming pool or crossing the English Channel in 13 hours and 55 minutes. 我的第一次考验 是作为游泳马拉松选手, 我决定在一个游泳池中 不间断地连续游泳 12 个小时, 或用 13 个小时 55 分钟 跨越英吉利海峡。
non-stop:adj.直达的;中途不停的;adv.不停地; swimming pool:n.游泳池;游泳场;游泳馆;
When you're swimming, you don't talk, you don't hear very well, and your vision is restricted to what's right in front of you or underneath you. 当你在游泳时,你不能说话, 你甚至听不太清楚, 你的视线也仅限于看到正前方, 或者正下方。
This isolation has been my sport's biggest gift to me. 这样的独处时刻却成了 我的运动赐予我最好的礼物。
Through open water swimming, 通过这样的户外游泳,
I have come to know myself in ways that I could have never expected to. 我以从未想过的方式认识了我自己。
I remember, at the age of 14, when I jumped into an ocean for the first time for a swim, and throughout this swim, the waves were picking me up and throwing me down, 我记得在我 14 岁那年, 我第一次跳进大海游泳, 而在这个过程中, 海浪一次又一次地 把我拍起又放下,
I saw the child in me, who enjoys such adventures. 我感受到自己内心的那个孩子 无比享受这样的冒险。
While crossing the English Channel, after already having swam for 10 hours, when I got stuck in one place for one and a half hour because of the currents, 在我跨越英吉利海峡的时候, 在游了大概 10 个小时后, 我在一个地方 被困了有 1 个半小时, 因为水流的关系。
I saw the strong and dedicated athlete in me, who did not want to disappoint her parents or her country. 我看到了自己内心 那个强大而专注的运动员, 不想让她的父母或国家失望。
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
In an open water marathon held in Switzerland, when I won my first gold medal for India -- 在瑞士的一个户外游泳马拉松中, 当我为印度夺得第一块金牌时——
gold medal:n.金牌;金质奖章;
(Applause) (掌声)
I witnessed a proud Indian in me. 我见证了自己心中 那个骄傲的印度人。
While crossing the English Channel again, this time in a relay with my mother, not knowing that we were creating history, 当我再一次挑战英吉利海峡时, 这次是为了实现母亲的心愿, 在不知情的情况下创造了历史。
relay:n.接力赛; v.转发(信息、消息等);
I saw the protective daughter in me, who just wanted to see her mom fulfill her own dreams. 我看到了自己内心 还是个有保护欲的女儿, 只想看到妈妈梦想成真。
protective:adj.防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的; fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到;
And four years ago, when I jumped into the Antarctic Ocean, wearing nothing but a swimsuit , cap and goggles , with an unwavering spirit of just doing, 在四年前, 当我只身跳进了南极洋, 除了泳衣、泳帽和泳镜, 以及“就这么做”的坚定意志, 其他什么都没有带。
swimsuit:游泳衣(女式) goggles:n.护目镜;风镜;游泳镜;v.瞪大眼睛看;(goggle的第三人称单数和复数) unwavering:adj.坚定的;不动摇的;
I saw a fighter in me. 我看到了内心的战士。
When I jumped into that zero-to-one-degree-Celsius water, 当我跳入几乎零度的冰水中,
I realized that I had prepared my body and mind for the cold, but what I wasn't prepared for was the density of the water. 我意识到了我的身心 都已为严寒做好准备, 但是我没有准备好的 却是面对水的密度。
Every stroke felt like pulling through oil. 每一次摆臂都犹如 在厚重的油中前行,
And in the first five minutes, 在前 5 分钟,
I had that paralyzing thought of just giving up. 我几乎想要放弃了。
How nice it would be to just forget about all this, get on the boat, stand underneath the hot shower or wrap myself in a warm blanket? 忘了这次挑战, 直接跳回船上, 洗个热水澡, 或给自己披个温暖的毯子该有多好?
But with that thought, also came a stronger, a more willful voice from deep within. 但是伴随着这个念头, 内心深处还有一个更强大的声音,
'"You know you have it in you to just take one more stroke." “你知道,你还可以再划一次。”
So I lifted my arm and took a stroke. 所以,我举起了我的手臂, 又划了一次,
'"Now one more." “现在再划一次。”
So I took a second and a third stroke. 所以,我划了第二次、第三次。
By the fourth one, 在我划到第四次时,
I saw a penguin swimming underneath my stomach. 我看到一只企鹅从我肚皮底下游过,
It came up to my left and started swimming with me. 它来到我的左侧, 开始和我一起游泳,
'"See? A penguin is cheering you on," “看到吗?一只企鹅在为你喝彩呢,”
said that voice within. 内心的声音对我说道。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声和欢呼)
I looked up to my people on the boat. 我抬头看了下我船上的团队,
They had the same smile on their faces that I had on mine. 他们脸上挂着和我同样的笑容。
The same smile that we all have when we are stuck in a difficult situation and we see a ray of hope. 这和我们遇到困境 却看到希望曙光 所拥有的相同的笑容。
We take it as a sign from destiny , and we just keep pushing forward. 我们把它视作命运的征兆, 于是不断向前。
Just as I did, and 41 minutes later, set the world record for swimming the longest distance in the Antarctic Ocean. 于是我继续不停的划水, 在 41 分钟过后, 我打破了在南极洋最长距离游泳 的世界纪录。
(Applause) (掌声)
Imagine, it doesn't even snow in Rajasthan. 想象下,拉贾斯坦甚至从不下雪。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That voice, which has accompanied me through all my difficult situations throughout my swims, would have never shown itself if I had not spent so much time alone, had not paid attention to every single thought that crossed my mind. 在的我游泳生涯中, 当我面对一切困境时, 内心的那个声音 总是陪伴着我, 若不是我花了 这么多时间学会独处, 若不是我总是细心聆听 我脑海中的每一个想法, 它或许永远都不会出现。
When you find yourself alone in an ocean, with your thoughts, the dangers that you face are not just external , like whales, sharks, jellyfish or even demotivating people. 当你发现你自己, 与你的思绪一同身处海洋, 你所面对的风险不仅仅来自外界, 像是鲸鱼、鲨鱼、水母, 甚至是会让你失去动力的他人。
external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人; demotivating:vt.使失去动力;使变得消极;
But the more dangerous demons you face are the fear and negativity inside you that tell you, "You're not good enough. 你所要面对的最危险的恶魔 是你内心的恐惧和消极态度, 它一直在提醒你,“你还不够好,
demons:n.恶魔;魔鬼;心魔;邪念;(demon的复数) negativity:n.否定性;消极性;
You will never reach the other shore. 你永远到不了彼岸。
You haven't trained enough. 你训练得不够多,
What if you fail? What will people think? 如果你失败了会怎样? 人们会怎么看你?
What if:如果…怎么办?
I'm sure everybody is thinking right now how slow you are." 我很肯定大家都觉得你游得太慢。”
We all have our own internal demons, don't we? 我们都有自己的心魔,不是吗?
In a day-to-day life, you can hide from them, behind your work or many other distractions . 在我们的日常生活中,你可以 躲在工作或其他许多 让你分心的事情后面。
day-to-day:adj.日常的;逐日的; distractions:n.分心,干扰;分散注意力的事;娱乐;消遣;(distraction的复数)
But like I said, in the middle of the ocean, there is nowhere to hide. 但就像我所说, 身处海洋中的我们,无处可藏。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
I have to face my internal demons, just as much as I have to taste the salt in the sea, feel the chafing on my skin, and acknowledge the whales swimming beside me. 我们必须面对内心的恶魔, 就像我在海中不得不 品尝海水的咸味, 感受皮肤上摩擦的痛苦, 并且意识到鲸鱼在我边上游荡。
I hate it, and I love it. 我恨这项运动,我也热爱它。
I hate it because this sport shows me the side of myself that I don't want to believe exists. 我恨它是因为这项 运动让我见到了自我, 那个我不愿相信存在的自我,
The side of me that is human and not perfect. 一个不完美的自我。
Like the part of me that can't get out of bed in the morning and make it to practice. 就像那个 不愿在清晨起床去练习的我。
The side of me that gets so burned out , so tired, that just wants to quit swimming. 还有精疲力竭, 时常想放弃游泳的我。
burned out:adj.烧坏的;疲倦不堪的; quit:v.离开;放弃;停止;使…解除;n.离开;[计]退出;adj.摆脱了…的;已经了结的;
But I also love it, because this sport has given me moments that I can look back on when I feel unmotivated . 但我也爱它, 因为这项运动带给了我 在失去动力时可以回首的时刻。
And they bring me to my knees, because I feel so grateful. 这些时刻让我保持谦逊, 因为我心存感激。
Many of you may not spend hours swimming non-stop. 你们大多数人大概 没有不间断地游泳过,
But who do you spend the most amount of your time with? 但是你们大多数时间 又是与谁相处呢?
You may share your external space with many others, but there is one constant companion that you all have: you. 你或许会花时间 与外界接触,和他人相处, 但是我们都有一个共同的伙伴: 你自己。
And yet, most of us may never come to knowing who we really are. 然而,很多人还未意识到 我们自己是谁。
I'm a daughter, an Indian, a swimmer, a student. 我是一个女儿,一个印度人, 一个游泳选手,一个学生。
But I am so much more. 但我的身份远远不止这些。
If you are not investing in yourself, not setting a path that brings you closer to you, no amount of "success" in life can bring you lasting joy or satisfaction . 如果你不投资你自己, 无法确定一条适合你自己的路, 无论生命中多少的“成功” 都无法带给你永远的喜悦或满足。
investing:v.投资;投入(时间、精力等);(invest的现在分词) no amount of:即使再大(或再多)的…(也不); satisfaction:n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪;
Even today, when I can't find motivation or joy in what I'm doing, all I ask myself is, "Is this the best I can do right now?" 甚至在今天, 当我在我所做的事中 找不到任何动力或是乐趣, 我会问我自己, “这就是你能做到的最好吗?”
And the meaning of my "best" changes. “最好”的意义已经改变,
On some days, it means not giving up, continuing to swim in freezing water and setting a world record. 在某些日子,它意味着不放弃, 在冰寒中游泳,打破世界纪录。
But on many other days, it means getting over my depressing thoughts, stepping out of the house and being able to do the daily chores. 但在其他的日子里, 它意味着战胜内心的沮丧, 走出家门, 能够处理日常琐事。
depressing:adj.令人抑郁的; v.使沮丧; (depress的现在分词)
What does not change is that voice within. 不变的永远是内心的那个声音,
That internal compass which guides me to a better self every day. 内心的指针指引我 每天都能做一个更好的自己。
And I believe that a truly successful life is the one which is spent in the pursuit of becoming the best possible version of yourself when you take that last breath. 而且我相信, 一个真正成功的生活, 是花费时间不断地追寻 如何成为一个更好的自己, 直到你生命的最后一刻。
in the pursuit of:追求;为了追求;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
SRK: I think the only sport I can't do is swim -- 沙鲁克汗:我想我唯一 不擅长的运动就是游泳——
I sink like a rock. 我沉得像块石头。
So standing next to the world's best swimmer makes me kind of feel -- if you can excuse my pun -- kind of at sea. 所以,当我和世界最好的 游泳运动员同台, 让我有点觉得—— 原谅我用词不当—— 像身在海里。
But -- 但是——
BS: (Laughs) No pun intended , of course. 巴:(笑声)说笑的,当然。
SRK: But what is your next goal as a swimmer? 沙:作为游泳选手, 你下一个目标是什么?
BS: I have a major fear of competition , so what better goal to set than aiming for the Olympics? 巴:我特别害怕竞赛, 所以,我还是最好 把奥运会当作目标?
Because open water swimming is an Olympic sport now. 因为公开水域游泳 现在已经成为奥运会项目了。
(Applause) (掌声)
Even saying it out loud gives me shivers , because it's such a huge goal that I don't want to accept that I have set that goal, but that's the thrill of it, that's the part of it. 即使大声说出来都能让我吓到发抖, 但是这是一个远大的目标, 我不想承认我已把此作为目标, 但是这也是令人激动的一部分, 这是人生的一部分。
shivers:n.寒颤;碎片(shiver的复数);v.颤抖(shiver的第三人称单数);打碎; thrill:n.兴奋感;兴奋;激动;v.使非常兴奋;使非常激动;
And my idea is that if I make it to the Olympics or I don't make it, that doesn't matter, but in the process of training for it, 我的想法是无论我能否参加奥运会, 都没关系, 但是我会为之努力训练,
in the process of:在…的过程中;
I will have become a better swimmer and a better person. 我会因此成为更好的游泳运动员, 并且成为一个更好的人。
SRK: Inshallah , you will make it to the Olympics. 沙:愿神灵保佑你能参加奥运会。
And I want to tell you a lot of people who are watching this show at home, there's lots of people, all of whom are thinking only positively for you, so when you go for the Olympics, 我也想告诉你, 现在很多人正在家里看着这个节目, 很多人都非常积极地为你祝福, 所以当你为奥运会而战,
imagine all of us will be wearing our penguin suits and swimming with you, and saying, "Go on, go on, Bhakti, go on, go on." 想象我们所有人都穿着企鹅服, 在你周围和你一同游泳, 在说,“加油,加油, 巴克蒂,加油,加油。”
BS: Can you be my personal penguin? 巴:你可以做我的私人企鹅吗?
SRK: I am your penguin now. 沙:我现在就是你的企鹅。
It would have been cooler if you said, like, a shark and all, but penguin -- 你其实还可以说让我当个 酷一点的,像鲨鱼之类的动物, 但是企鹅——
BS: Orcas are my spirit animal, but you can be my orca. 巴:虎鲸是我的灵兽, 你也可以做我的虎鲸。
(Applause) (掌声)
SRK: Ladies and gentleman, Bhakti. 沙:女士们和先生们,感谢巴克蒂。
BS: Thank you. 巴:谢谢你。
(Applause) (掌声)