

Well, I learned a lot of things about ballooning, especially at the end of these balloon flights around the world I did with Brian Jones. 我了解到了很多关于乘气球的信息, 特别是在我和布赖恩 琼斯(Brian Jones) 乘热汽球环球飞行尾期的时候。
When I took this picture, the window was frozen because of the moisture of the night. 这张照片上我们可以看到, 由于夜晚的水分, 所以整个窗口都被冻结了。
And on the other side there was a rising sun. 而从被冻结窗口的另一面望去,却是一番完美的日出景像。
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
So, you see that on the other side of ice you have the unknown, you have the non-obvious, you have the non-seen, for the people who don't dare to go through the ice. 有人认为在冰的另一边 存在着一种未知的, 一种非显而易见的, 一种什么都看不到的东西, 这些都是对于那些害怕 穿过冰的人来说的。
There are so many people who prefer to suffer in the ice they know instead of taking the risk of going through the ice to see what there is on the other side. 有很多人 他们宁愿在冰寒中坚熬 都不愿尝试穿过冰层 去看看另一边是什么景象。
And I think that's one of the main problems of our society. 我认为这是我们社会现存的主要问题之一。
We learn, maybe not the famous TED audience, but so many other people learn that the unknown, the doubts, the question marks are dangerous. 我们认识到,也许不是著名的TED观众, 但很多其他人认为 未知,怀疑, 疑问是危险的。
And we have to resist to the changes. 我们必须抵制变化。
We have to keep everything under control. 我们必须控制住一切。
Well, the unknown is part of life. 那么,未知是生活中的一部分。
And in that sense, ballooning is a beautiful metaphor . 在这个意义上说,乘热气球好比一个美丽的隐喻。
Because in the balloon, like in life, we go very well in unforeseen directions. 因为在热气球上,就像在生活中一样, 在无法预料的方向里,我们进展的很顺利。
We want to go in a direction, but the winds push us in another direction, like in life. 我们要驶向某个方向, 但是风却把我们推向了另一个方向, 就像在生活中一样。
And as long as we fight horizontally , against life, against the winds, against what's happening to us, life is a nightmare . 只要我们在经验范围内斗争, 与生存,与风, 与将在我们身上发生的事情作斗争, 生命是一场噩梦。
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; horizontally:adv.水平地;地平地; nightmare:n.恶梦;梦魇般的经历;adj.可怕的;噩梦似的;
How do we steer a balloon? 我们如何驾驶热气球?
By understanding that the atmosphere is made out of several different layers of wind which all have different direction. 通过了解得知 大气层是由若干层次组成, 不同层风向都各不相同。
atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格; layers:n.层;表层;层次;阶层;v.把…分层堆放;(layer的第三人称单数和复数)
So, then, we understand that if we want to change our trajectory , in life, or in the balloon, we have to change altitude . 那么,我们明白,如果我们要在生活中,或是在乘热气球中, 改变我们的轨道, 我们必须改变高度。
trajectory:n.[物]轨道,轨线;[航][军]弹道; altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处;
Changing altitude, in life, that means raising to another psychological , philosophical , spiritual level. 在生活中改变高度, 这意味着提高到另一个心理,哲学, 精神层面上。
psychological:adj.心理的;心理学的;精神上的; philosophical:adj.哲学的(等于philosophic);冷静的; spiritual:n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的);adj.精神的,心灵的;
But how do we do that? 但是,我们如何做到这一点?
In ballooning, or in life, how do we change altitude? 在乘热汽球或是在生活中, 我们如何改变其 高度?
How do we go from the metaphor to something more practical that we can really use every day? 我们如何去从隐喻中 得到一些可以 实用的东西?
Well, in a balloon it's easy, we have ballast . 那么,对乘热气球来说是很容易的,我们有压舱物。
And when we drop the ballast overboard we climb. 当我们放弃我们的压舱物后,我们就会浮升起来。
Sand, water, all the equipment we don't need anymore. 如沙,水,或我们不需要的所有装备,
And I think in life it should be exactly like this. 我认为在生活中应该是完全一样的。
You know, when people speak about pioneering spirit , very often they believe that pioneers are the ones who have new ideas. 你知道,当人们谈论首创精神, 很多时候,他们认为,先驱者 是那些有新想法的人。
pioneering spirit:创业精神;
It's not true. 其实并不是这样的。
The pioneers are not the ones who have new ideas, because new ideas are so easy to have. 先驱者并不只是那些有新想法的人 因为有新的想法是很容易的。
We just close our eyes for a minute we all come back with a lot of new ideas. 我们只需要静静的闭一分钟眼睛思考一下,当我们再睁开的时候, 会带来很多新的主意。
for a minute:一会儿;
No, the pioneer is the one who allows himself to throw overboard a lot of ballast. 不,先驱者是 允许自己摆脱那些压舱物的人。
Habits, certainties , convictions , exclamation marks, paradigms , dogmas . 习惯,无疑地, 信念,感叹, 范例,教条。
certainties:n.必然;确实;确实的事情; convictions:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定;(conviction的复数) exclamation:n.感叹;惊叫;惊叹词; paradigms:n.范例,模范(paradigm的复数形式); dogmas:n.教条(定理;武断的意见);
And when we are able to do that what happens? 当我们能够做到这一点时, 那有会发生什么?
Life is not anymore just one line going in one direction in one dimension . No. 人生已不再 只是在一种程度上, 向一个方向运转。不。
Life is going to be made out of all the possible lines that go in all the possible directions in three dimensions . 人生是将在不同的方向中 在三种程度上 探索所有可能走的路线。
And pioneering spirit will be each time we allow ourselves to explore this vertical axis . 开拓精神将允许我们 探索这条垂直轴。
explore:v.探索:探测:探险: vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的; axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国;
Of course not just like the atmosphere in the balloon, but in life itself. 当然并不只是就像在热气球里的空气, 而是在现实生活本身里。
Explore this vertical axis, that means explore all the different ways to do, all the different ways to behave , all the different ways to think, before we find the one that goes in the direction we wish. 探索这条垂直轴意味着 探索尝试各种不同的方法 所有不同方式的行为,所有不同方式的思考, 在我们找到一个我们愿意做的方式之前。
This is very practical. 这是非常实用的。
This can be in politics . 这可以是在政治上。
This can be in spirituality . 这可以是在精神上。
This can be in environment, in finance , in education of children. 这可以在环境上, 在金融,教育子女上。
I deeply believe that life is a much greater adventure if we manage to do politics without the trench between the left and the right wing . 我深信, 人生是一项更伟大的冒险 如果我们在政治上能做到 没有与左翼和右翼战壕。
adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯; trench:n.沟,沟渠;战壕;堑壕;vt.掘沟;vi.挖战壕;侵害; right wing:adj.右翼的;右派的;
Because we will throw away these political dogmas. 因为我们会丢掉这些政治教条。
throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品;
I deeply believe that we can make much more protection of the environment if we get rid -- if we throw overboard this fundamentalism that some of the greens have showed in the past. 我深信,我们可以更好的保护环境 如果我们可以清除 -- 放弃或摆脱 原教旨主义,过去发生的绿色革命(伊朗)正是一个鲜明的事例。
And that we can aim for much higher spirituality if we get rid of the religious dogmas. 我们可以力争达到更高的精神境界 如果我们可以摆脱宗教教条。
Throwing overboard, as ballast, to change our direction. 放弃或摆脱,例如压舱物,来改变我们的方向。
Well, these basically are things I believed in such a long time. 那么,这些是我一直以来的坚信。
But actually I had to go around the world in a balloon to be invited to talk about it. 但其实我不得不乘着热气球环游世界 以便获得邀请谈论它。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌声)
It's clear that it's not easy to know which ballast to drop and which altitude to take. Sometime we need friends, family members or a psychiatrist . 显然,并不容易知道要放弃哪一个压舱物, 并采取什么一种高度。有些时候我们需要 朋友,家人或精神科医生。
Well, in balloons we need weather men, the one who calculate the direction of each layer of wind, at which altitude, in order to help the balloonist . 那么,乘热气球时,我们需要气象员, 一个计算每个风层风向,高度的人, 以便为了帮助热气球驾驶者航行。
But sometime it's very paradoxal. 但有时却会非常矛盾。
When Brian Jones and I were flying around the world, the weather man asked us, one day, to fly quite low, and very slow. 当布赖恩 琼斯和我环球飞行期间, 气象员有一天要求我们飞的 很低,而且要很慢。
And when we calculated we thought we're never going to make it around the world at that speed. 我们计算了一下,按照那种速度我们永远都不可能 完成我们的环球飞行计划。
So, we disobeyed . We flew much higher, and double the speed. 于是,我们没有听从他的意见,我们飞得更高,而且提高了两倍的速度。
And I was so proud to have found that jetstream that I called the weather man, and I told him, "Hey guy, don't you think we're good pilots up there? 我如此自豪地发现了这种捷流 我于是呼叫了我们的气象员, 我告诉他,“嘿小子,你不觉得我们是在天上很擅长飞行的?
We fly twice the speed you predicted ." 我们比你预测的飞行速度快两倍。”
And he told me, "Don't do that. Go down immediately in order to slow down." 他告诉我,“不要那样做。立即下降, 以便放缓速度。”
And I started to argue. I said, "I'm not going to do that. 我开始争论。我说:“我不准备这样做。
We don't have enough gas to fly so slow." 我们没有足够的天然气如果我们这么慢飞行的话。“
And he told me, "Yes, but with the low pressure you have on your left if you fly too fast, in a couple of hours you will turn left and end up at the North Pole . 他告诉我:“是的,但在你们左边目前有低压气层 如果你们飞得太快,在几个小时后 你们向左边飞去,你们的旅途将在北极上空结束。
low pressure:adj.低压的;悠然自得的; North Pole:n.北极;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then he asked me -- and this is something I will never forget in my life -- he just asked me, "You're the good pilot up there. 然后他问我 -- 这是让我在我人生中永不会忘记的 -- 他只是问我:“你是一个优秀的飞行员。
What do you really want? You want to go very fast in the wrong direction, or slowly in the good direction? 你想要怎样呢?你想用非常快的速度向 一个错误的方向航行,还是以一个很慢的速度往正确的方向飞?
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌声)
And this is why you need weathermen . 这也就是你为什么要需要气象员。
This is why you need people with long-term vision . 这就是为什么你需要有长远眼光的人。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
And this is precisely what fails in the political visions we have now, in the political governments. 而这正是 在我们现在的政治愿景失败所在, 在各国政府。
visions:n.愿景; v.想像;
We are burning, as you heard, so much energy, not understanding that such an unsustainable way of life can not last for long. 正如你们听到的,我们正在燃烧 如此多的能量, 不理解,以这样不可持续的方式生活 是不能长期持续下去。
So, we went down actually. 因此,我们实际上是在下降
We slowed down. And we went through moments of fears because we had no idea how the little amount of gas we had in the balloon could allow us to travel 45,000 kilometers. 我们放慢速度。我们经历了恐惧的时刻 因为我们不知道如何少量天然气 在我们的热气球里 可允许我们飞行45,000公里。
But we were excepted to have doubts, we're excepted to have fears. 但当我们把疑惑和恐惧除外。
And actually this is where the adventure really started. 而实际上这就是冒险的真正开始。
When we were flying over the Sahara and India it was nice holidays. 当我们飞越撒哈拉和印度时, 那是不错的假日。
We could land anytime and fly back home with an airplane . 我们可以随时随地的降落,然后乘飞机飞回家来。
In the middle of the Pacific, when you don't have the good winds you can not land, you can not go back. 可是在太平洋中间, 如果你没有顺风的话,你就不可能降落, 你就不能回家了。
That's a crisis . 这个是一个紧急关头。
That's the moment when you have to wake up from the automatic way of thinking. 这就是你必须时刻警醒 从自动思维方式中。
That's the moment when you have to motivate your inner potential , your creativity. 这就是你必须时刻激励自己 你的内在潜力, 你的创造力。
motivate:v.激励;激发;成为…的动机;是…的原因; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
That's when you throw out all the ballast, all the certainties, in order to adapt to the new situation. 这个时候你要摆脱所有的压舱物, 所有的必然的事 以便适应新的形势。
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出; adapt:vt.使适应;改编;vi.适应;
And actually, we changed completely our flight plan. 而实际上,我们完全改变我们的飞行计划。
We changed completely our strategy . 我们彻底改变了我们的战略。
And after 20 days we landed successfully in Egypt. 20天之后,我们成功的降落在埃及。
But if I show you this picture it's not to tell you how happy we were. 但是,如果我给你们看这张照片 不是告诉你们我们当时是多么高兴。
It's to show you how much gas was left in the last bottles. 是为了告诉你们我们当时在最后一个瓶子里, 还剩下多少燃料。
We took of with 3.7 tons of liquid propane . 我们一共携带了3.7吨的液体丙烷。
We landed with 40 kilos. 当我们降落时,只剩下40公斤了。
When I saw that, I made a promise to myself. 当我看到那张照片,我给自己作出了一个承诺。
I made a promise that the next time I would fly around the world 一个承诺,我将会进行下一个环球飞行
It would be with no fuel, independent from fossil energies, in order to be safe, not to be threatened by the fuel gauge . 这将是无燃料, 完全不依靠陈旧的矿物能源, 为了安全起见, 不会受到燃料容量不够的威胁。
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); fossil:n.化石;老人;老古董;adj.从地下发掘出来的;化石的;属于旧时代的;陈腐的; gauge:n.计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格;vt.测量;估计;给…定规格;
I had no idea how it was possible. 我当时不知道是如何去实现它。
I just thought it's a dream and I want to do it. 我只是想这是一个我想做的一个梦想。
And when the capsule of my balloon was introduced officially in the Air and Space Museum in Washington, together with the airplane of Charles Lindbergh with Apollo 11, with the Wright Brothers Flier , with Chuck Yeager's 61, 而当我的气球胶囊被正式引入 在华盛顿的航空航天博物馆, 并一同被展出和诸如,查尔斯·林德伯格(首次單人不着陆的跨大西洋飛行的人)的飞机, 阿波罗11,莱特兄弟的第一架實用飛機(世界上第一架實用飛機發明者), 查克·葉格(被認為是20世紀人類航空史上最重要的傳奇人物之一)的第61次(最后一次)飞行的飞机,
capsule:n.太空舱;荚;航天舱;(装药物的)胶囊;adj.简略的;小而结实的;v.节略; Apollo:n.阿波罗(太阳神);美男子; Wright:n.制作者;工人; Flier:n.飞行员;飞机乘客;小广告; Chuck:n.卡盘;夹头;辞退;(牛等的)颈肉;v.放弃;[机]用卡盘夹紧;(口语)抛出,逐出;
I had really a thought then. 当时我真的想过。
I thought, well the 20th century, that was brilliant. 我想,20世纪,那时是多么的辉煌。
It allowed to do all those things there. 人类实现了那么多的梦想。
But it will not be possible in the future any more. 但是,这不可能在未来了实现了。
It takes too much energy. It will cost too much. 因为这需要太多的能源。这将花费太多。
It will be prohibited because we'll have to save our natural resources in a few decades from now. 我们将不允许这么做, 因为我们必须要拯救我们的天然资源 从现在起的几个世纪里。
prohibited:v.禁止(prohibit的过去分词形式);adj.被禁止的; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
So how can we perpetuate this pioneering spirit with something that will be independent from fossil energy? 因此,我们如何使 这种首创精神永久化 并且完全不依靠陈旧的能源?
And this is when the project Solar Impulse really started to turn in my head. 这正是太阳能动力在我脑海里 突如其来 的一种念头。
And I think it's a nice metaphor also for the 21st century. 我认为这是一个不错的隐喻 为了二十一世纪。
Pioneering spirit should continue, but on another level. 创业精神应该继续下去,但在另一个层面上。
Not to conquer the planet or space, not anymore, it has been done, but rather to improve the quality of life. 不是征服地球或空间, 不能再像之前一样,因为地球上的能源是有限的, 而是提高生活质量。
conquer:v.占领;攻克;征服;击败,战胜;对付,克服,控制;很受欢迎 improve:v.改进;改善;
How can we go through the ice of certainty in order to make the most incredible a possible thing? 我们怎样才能穿过冰寒 以便让最令人难以置信的事情变得可行?
certainty:n.必然;确实;确实的事情; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
What is today completely impossible -- get rid of our dependency on fossil energy. 什么是今天完全不可能的 -- 摆脱对矿物能源的依赖。
If you tell to people, we want to be independent from fossil energy in our world, people will laugh at you, except here, where crazy people are invited to speak. 如果你告诉人们,我们要从 世界上的矿物能源独立出来, 大家都会笑你,除了在座的人外, 这里有一个疯狂的人被邀请发言。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, the idea is that if we fly around the world in a solar powered airplane, using absolutely no fuel, nobody ever could say in the future that it's impossible to do it for cars, for heating systems, for computers, and so on and so on. 所以,这一想法是,如果我们驾驶太阳能飞机 环绕世界飞行, 绝对不使用燃料, 没有人可以在未来说 这一点是不可能做到的 对于汽车,加热系统, 电脑,等等等等。
Well, solar power airplanes are not new. 那么,太阳能飞机并不是什么新鲜的东西。
They have flown in the past, but without saving capabilities, without batteries . 他们已经在过去尝试过, 但没有储蓄能力,也没有电池。
Which means that they have more proven the limits of renewable energies than the potential of it. 这意味着他们可更多 的证明可再生能源的界限 要比它的潜力大的多。
If we want to show the potential, we have to fly day and night. 如果我们想展现他们的可能性, 我们要昼夜飞行。
That means to load the batteries during the flight, in order to spend the night on the batteries, and fly the next day again. 这意味着在白天飞行的过程中,要给电池充电, 以便给晚上的飞行提供充足的能源, 第二天接着继续飞行。
It has been made, already, on remote controlled little airplane models, without pilots. 这已经在没有飞行员的 遥控小飞机模型实现了,
But it stays an anecdote because the public couldn't identify to it. 但是始终只是一个趣闻 因为无法得到公众的支持。
anecdote:n.轶事;奇闻;秘史; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现:
I think you need a pilot in the plane that can talk to the universities, that can talk to students, talk to politicians during the flight, and really make it a human adventure. 我认为你需要在飞机里有一位飞行员 他可以和大学探讨, 可以和学生们探讨, 甚至在飞行期间和政客们交谈, 使之真正成为人类的冒险。
For that, unfortunately , four meters wingspan is not enough. 为此,不幸的是, 4米,翼展是不够的。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; wingspan:n.翼展;翼幅;
You need 64 meter wingspan. 您需要64米翼展。
64 meter wingspan to carry one pilot, the batteries, flies slowly enough with the aerodynamic efficiency . 64米翼展以便携带一名飞行员,和电池, 用空气动力学效率足够慢的飞行。
aerodynamic:adj.空气动力学的,[航]航空动力学的; efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效;
Why that? Because fuel is not easy to replace. 为什么呢?由于燃料是不容易更换。
That's for sure. 这是肯定的。
And with 200 square meters of solar power on our plane, we can produce the same energy than 200 little lightbulbs. 用我们飞机上的200平方米的太阳能板, 我们可以产生相当 200盏小灯泡的能量。
That means a Christmas tree, a big Christmas tree. 这意味着一棵圣诞树,一棵大圣诞树。
So the question is, how can you carry a pilot around the world with an airplane that uses the same amount of energy as a big Christmas tree? 所以,问题是,你怎么能够携带一个飞行员环球飞行 驾驶一架飞机, 它所消耗的能源同等于照明一个大的圣诞树?
People will tell you it's impossible, and that's exactly why we try to do it. 人会告诉你这是不可能的, 而这也正是为什么我们尝试这样做。
We launched the project with my colleague Andre Borschberg six years ago. 我们在六年前启动了这个项目,是和 我的同事Andre Borschberg。
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) colleague:n.同事,同僚;
We have now 70 people in the team working on it. 我们的队伍现以70人了。
We have gone through the stages of simulation , design, computing , preparing the construction of the first prototype . 我们经历了模拟,设计阶段, 计算,准备第一个 样机建设阶段。
simulation:n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装; computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句; prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态;
That has been achieved after two years of work. 这个过程是两年工作的结果。
Cockpit , propeller , engine. 驾驶舱,螺旋桨,引擎。
Cockpit:n.驾驶员座舱;战场; propeller:n.[航][船]螺旋桨;推进器;
Just the fuselage here, it's so light, 只是机身这里,它是如此的轻,
It's not designed by an artist, but it could be. 它不是由艺术家设计的,但完全可以。
50 kilos for the entire fuselage. 整个机身共50公斤重。
Couple of kilos more for the wing spars . 大多数重量是在翼梁上。
This is the complete structure of the airplane. 这是完整的飞机结构。
And one month ago we have unveiled it. 一个月前我们已经向公众介绍了它。
You can not imagine how it is for a team who has been working six years on it to show that it's not only a dream and a vision, it's a real airplane. 你无法想象它对一个队伍意味着什么, 他们为此奋斗了六年的汗水 来表明它不只是一个梦想和远见, 它是一个真正的飞机。
A real airplane that we could finally present. 一个我们可以终于真正展示的飞机。
And what's the goal now? 什么是我们现在的目标呢?
The goal is to take off, end of this year for the first test, but mainly next year, spring or summer, take off, on our own power, without additional help, without being towed , climb to 9,000 meters altitude, the same time we load the batteries, 我们的目标是起飞, 今年年底的第一次试飞, 但是大致明年春天或夏天, 起飞,用我们自己的力量, 没有额外的帮助,没有牵引, 爬升至9000米的高度, 与此同时,我们给电池蓄电,
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; additional:adj.附加的,额外的; towed:v.(用绳索)拖,拉,牵引,拽;(tow的过去分词和过去式)
we run the engines, and when we get at the maximum height, we arrive at the beginning of the night. 当我们到达最高高度是,我们运行发动机, 我们将在夜晚开始时飞达目的地。
maximum:n.最大限度;最大量;最高限度;adj.最高的;最多的;最大极限的; at the beginning of:在…的开始;
And there there will be just one goal, just one, reach the next sunrise before the batteries are empty. 届时将会有只有一个目标,只有一个, 在电池用空前到达下一个日出的地方。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is exactly the symbol of our world, if our airplane is too heavy, if the pilot wastes energy, we'll never make it through the night. 而这正是我们这个世界的象征, 如果我们的飞机太重 如果飞行员浪费能源, 我们不可能穿越夜晚。
And in our world, if we keep on spoiling , wasting our energy resources, if we keep on building things that consume so much energy that most of the companies now go bankrupt , 而在我们的世界,如果我们继续溺爱, 浪费我们的能源, 如果我们继续进行建设那么多的能源消耗的事情, 大多数的公司将破产,
spoiling:v.破坏;糟蹋;毁掉;溺爱;娇惯;善待;(spoil的现在分词) consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁; bankrupt:adj.破产;倒闭;完全缺乏(有价值的东西);n.(经法院判决的)破产者;v.使破产;
it's clear that we'll never give the planet to the next generation without a major problem. 很显然,我们将不会把我们的地球交付给我们的下一代 在没有大的问题下。
So, you see that this airplane is more a symbol. 所以,你看到这架飞机更是一个象征。
I don't think it will transport 200 people in the next years. 我不认为这会在明年 就运输200人。
But when Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic the payload was also just sufficient for one person and some fuel. 但是,当 林德伯格 穿越大西洋时 他的飞机的有效载荷 也只是一个人和一些燃料。
Atlantic:adj.大西洋的;巨人阿特拉斯的;n.大西洋; payload:n.(导弹,火箭等的)有效载荷,有效负荷; (工厂,企业等)工资负担; sufficient:adj.足够的;充分的;
And 20 years later there were 200 people in every airplane crossing the Atlantic. 而20年后,可以运送200人 在每一个穿越大西洋的飞机上。
So, we have to start, and show the example. 因此,我们必须开始, 做出这个榜样。
A little bit like on this picture here. 有一点像这里的这张照片。
This is a painting from Magritte, in the museum in Holland that I love so much. 这是在荷兰博物馆里的,马格里特的一幅绘画, 我很喜欢。
It's a pipe, and it's written, "This is not a pipe." 这是一个管道,上面写这,“这不是一管道。”
This is not an airplane. 这不是架飞机。
This is a symbol of what we can achieve when we believe in the impossible, when we have a team, when we have pioneering spirit, and especially when we understand that all the certainties we have should be thrown overboard. 这是当我们相信不可能时, 我们所能做的象征, 当我们有一个团队, 当我们的创业精神, 特别是当我们明白, 我们所有一切的必然事 因该摆脱掉。
What pleases me very much is that in the beginning I thought that we would have to fly around the world with no fuel in order to have our message been understood. 我感到很高兴 在开始的时候我想我们将不得不环球飞行 并且是没有燃料的, 以便使人们明白我们要表达的消息。
And more and more, we're invited around the world with Andre to talk about that project, to talk about the symbol of it, invited by politicians, invited in energy forums , in order to show that it's not anymore completely stupid to think about getting rid of the dependency on fossil energies. 我和安德烈越来越多的被邀请到世界各地 去谈论我们的项目,谈谈它的象征, 我们收到政界人士,能源论坛的邀请 为了表明并不是 完全愚蠢的 再思考摆脱依赖 矿物能源。
forums:n.论坛; (forum的复数)
So, through speeches like this one today, through interviews , through meetings, our goal is to get as many people possible on the team. 因此,通过像今天这样的发言, 通过采访,通过会议, 我们的目标是让尽可能多的人加入我们的队伍。
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
The success will not come if we "just," quote, unquote , fly around the world in a solar-powered airplane. 成功不会来到 如果我们“只是,” 引用,非引用, 以太阳能动力飞机环球飞行。
unquote:vi.(句,文等)结束(引文);vt.(句,文等)结束(引文); solar-powered:adj.太阳能的;
No, the success will come if enough people are motivated to do exactly the same in their daily life, save energy, go to renewables . 不,我们将会成功 如果足够多的人下定决心 在日常生活中 节约能源,使用可再生能源。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机; renewables:n.可再生能源(renewable的复数);
And this is possible. You know, with the technologies we have today we can save between 30 and 50 percent of the energy of a country in Europe, and we can solve half of the rest with renewables. 这是可能的。你知道,用我们今天所拥有的技术 我们可以在欧洲节省 百分之三十至五十的能源, 另外的一部份,我们可以采用可再生能源。
It leaves 25 or 30 percent for oil, gas, coal, nuclear , or whatever. 剩余百分之25或30用 石油,天然气,煤炭,核能,或别的什么来解决。
This is acceptable . 这是可以接受的。
This is why all the people who believe in this type of spirit are welcome to be on that team. 这就是为什么那些相信 这样一种精神的人 将受到我们的欢迎。
You can just go on SolarImpulse.com, subscribe to just be informed of what we're doing. 你可以访问SolarImpulse.com 订阅 只是被告知我们正在做的事情。
subscribe:vi.订阅;捐款;认购;赞成;签署;vt.签署;赞成;捐助; informed:adj.见多识广的; v.通知; (inform的过去分词和过去式)
But much more, to get advices, to give your comments, to spread the word that if it's possible in the air of course it's possible in the ground. 但是更多的是,获得意见, 写你们的评论,告知世界 如果是否在空中可行的话 在地面上是肯定可以的了。
And each time we have some ice in the future, we have to know that life will be great, and the success will be brilliant if we dare to overcome our fear of the ice, to go through the obstacle , to go through the problem, in order to see what there is on the other side. 而每一次,我们有一些未来冰层, 我们要知道,生命是伟大的, 成功将是辉煌的 如果我们敢于克服对于冰的恐惧, 克服障碍, 解决问题,以便看看在另一边是什么景象。
overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; obstacle:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;绊脚石;
So, you see, this is what we're doing on our side. 所以,你看,这就是我们在我们这边正在做的。
Everyone has his goal, has his dreams, has his visions. 每个人都有自己的目标,有他的梦想, 有他的远见。
The question I leave you with now is which is the ballast you would like to throw overboard? 我给你们交托的问题是 那个压舱物 你想摆脱掉?
Which will be the altitude at which you would like to fly in your life, to get to the success that you wish to have, to get to the point that really belongs to you, with the potential you have, and the one you can really fulfill ? 那种高度 是你在你的生活中想飞行的, 为了你希望有的成功, 去一个真正属于你的那一点, 用你所有的潜力, 并且去实现你真正能实现的?
get to the point:言归正传;直奔主题; fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到;
Because the most renewable energy we have is our own potential, and our own passion . 由于大多数我们有的可再生能源, 是我们自己的潜力,和我们自己的热情。
So, let's go for it , and I wish you an excellent adventure in the wings of the future. Thank you. 因此,让我们去做吧,我祝愿你们创造美好的未来 经历一个卓越的冒险。 谢谢。
go for it:努力争取;加油;
(Applause) (鼓掌声)