

Democracy is in trouble, no question about that, and it comes in part from a deep dilemma in which it is embedded . 毫无疑问的是,民主正处于危难之中。 这种危难部分来自于 扎根于其中的两难境地。
Democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; dilemma:n.困境;进退两难;两刀论法; embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式);
It's increasingly irrelevant to the kinds of decisions we face that have to do with global pandemics , a cross-border problem; with HIV , a transnational problem; with markets and immigration , something that goes beyond national borders; with terrorism , with war, all now cross-border problems. 我们面临的抉择越来越与国与国之间的界线无关。 如我们所面临的的全球性流行病, 不是境内境外的问题; 如获得性免疫缺陷综合征(简称HIV),不是国家内部的问题; 如市场与移民, 不是国家领土界线内的问题; 再如恐怖主义、战争, 这些都是超越了国家与界线的问题。
increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; irrelevant:adj.不相干的;不切题的; have to do with:与…有关; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; pandemics:大流行;流行病; cross-border:adj.跨越边界的;国境线交叉的; HIV:n.艾滋病病毒; transnational:adj.跨国的;超越国界的; immigration:n.外来移民;移居; terrorism:n.恐怖主义;
In fact, we live in a 21st-century world of interdependence , and brutal interdependent problems, and when we look for solutions in politics and in democracy, we are faced with political institutions designed 400 years ago, autonomous , sovereign nation-states with jurisdictions and territories separate from one another, each claiming to be able to solve the problem of its own people. 实际上,我们共存在二十一世纪 这是一个互相依赖的世界, 也是一个有着很多残酷的互相依赖问题的世界, 当我们去政界和民主中找答案时, 我们面对的是400年前 组织建立起来的政治机构, 与有着法律与领土界线的 自治的主权国家, 这些政治机构与国际彼此分离, 各自主张自己能够解决 自己人民的问题。
interdependence:n.互相依赖; brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; interdependent:adj.相互依赖的;互助的; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) autonomous:adj.自治的;自主的;自发的; sovereign:adj.至高无上的; n.君主; nation-states:n.民族国家;单一民族国家(nation-state的复数形式); jurisdictions:n.司法管辖区;行政辖区(jurisdiction的复数); territories:n.地区;领土;边疆区(territory的复数); claiming:v.声称;要求给予;理应获得;(claim的现在分词)
Twenty-first-century, transnational world of problems and challenges, 17th-century world of political institutions. 我们生活在的是二十一世纪,应是一个有着困难和挑战 的无国界世界, 而它却笼罩在十七世纪的政治机构体制之下。
In that dilemma lies the central problem of democracy. 民主的核心问题正存在于这种两难境地中。
And like many others, I've been thinking about what can one do about this, this asymmetry between 21st-century challenges and archaic and increasingly dysfunctional political institutions like nation-states. 我与其他人一样都在想一个问题, 那就是,我们可以如何处理 这横跨在二十一世纪众多挑战中的不平衡 我们应该如何处理这种古旧的政体和 越发机能失调的政治机构(如单一民族国家)。
asymmetry:n.不对称; archaic:adj.古代的;陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的; dysfunctional:机能失调的,功能障碍的;
And my suggestion is that we change the subject, that we stop talking about nations, about bordered states, and we start talking about cities. 我的建议是, 我们应该改一改话题, 不谈国家, 不谈界线, 而开始把我们的话题转移到城市。
Because I think you will find, when we talk about cities, we are talking about the political institutions in which civilization and culture were born. 因为,我想相信当我们开始谈到城市的时候,你就会发现 我们谈到的是 孕育着文明与文化的政治机构;
We are talking about the cradle of democracy. 我们谈到的是民主的摇篮;
We are talking about the venues in which those public spaces where we come together to create democracy, and at the same time protest those who would take our freedom, take place . 我们谈到的是人民在公共场所集会, 谈论民主、创造民主, 而与此同时, 也抗议那些剥夺我们自由的势力。
venues:n.场地,场馆(venue复数形式);犯罪现场,发生地点; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; protest:n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对;v.(公开)反对;抗议;申辩; take place:发生;举行;
Think of some great names: the Place de la Bastille , 想想那些伟大的名字吧: 巴士底广场(法国巴黎,巴士底狱所在地),
Zuccotti Park, 祖科蒂公园(美国纽约,占领华尔街集会所在地)
Tahrir Square, 塔利尔解放广场(埃及开罗,埃及七月革命所在地)
Taksim Square in today's headlines in Istanbul, or, yes, 和在今日头条的塔克西姆广场(土耳其伊斯坦布尔,人民示威游行所在地) 或者,是的,
Tiananmen Square in Beijing. 中国北京的天安门广场。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Those are the public spaces where we announce ourselves as citizens, as participants , as people with the right to write our own narratives . 在这些公共场所中, 我们宣告自己为公民, 为参与者, 为有权利书写我们自己人生的人民。
participants:n.参与者(participant的复数形式); narratives:n.叙述,故事;叙述的手法(narrative复数);
Cities are not only the oldest of institutions, they're the most enduring . 城市不仅仅是最古老的机构, 还是最经久不衰的机构。
If you think about it, 想想看,
Constantinople, Istanbul, much older than Turkey. 君士坦丁堡和伊斯坦布尔(城市)比土耳其(国家)持久;
Alexandria , much older than Egypt. 亚历山大港,比埃及更不朽;
Rome, far older than Italy. 罗马,远比意大利经久不衰。
Cities endure the ages. 城市,经得起岁月的考验。
They are the places where we are born, grow up, are educated, work, marry, pray, play, get old, and in time, die. 城市是我们出生、 成长、受教育、工作以及结婚的地方; 也是我们祈祷、玩耍、老去以及死亡的地方。
They are home. 城市是我们的家。
Very different than nation-states, which are abstractions . 他们不同于抽象意义上的 民族与国家。
different than:不同于; abstractions:n.抽象;出神;心神专注;提取;分离;(abstraction的复数)
We pay taxes, we vote occasionally , we watch the men and women we choose rule rule more or less without us. 民族与国家。 也许会看着那些由我们选举出来的男人和女人们 或多或少不考虑我们的统治着这个国家。
occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; more or less:或多或少;
Not so in those homes known as our towns and cities where we live. 他们都不如我们誉为家的小镇, 和我们生活的城市。
Moreover , today, more than half of the world's population live in cities. 除此以外,超过世界人口的一半以上 都居住生活在城市。
In the developed world, it's about 78 percent. 在发达国家中,这种比例达到了78%。
More than three out of four people live in urban institutions, urban places, in cities today. 超过了四分之三的人口 居住在城市的机构、场所, 城市的各个地方。
So cities are where the action is. 所以,城市,才应该是我们采取行动的所在地。
Cities are us. Aristotle said in the ancient world, man is a political animal. 城市就是我们。 亚里士多德曾说过,“在古代,人们就是政治性动物。”
I say we are an urban animal. 而我说,我们是城市性动物。
We are an urban species , at home in our cities. 我们是以城市为栖息地的物种。
So to come back to the dilemma, if the dilemma is we have old-fashioned political nation-states unable to govern the world, respond to the global challenges that we face like climate change, then maybe it's time for mayors to rule the world, 让我们再回到一开始我们所说到的窘境, 如果这种窘境是因为我们现在所拥有的古旧的 政治体系(民族、国家)无法统治这个世界, 也无法回应我们面临的全球性挑战, 如气候变化的问题, 也许是时候让市长们统治这个世界的时候了,
old-fashioned:adj.老式的;过时的;守旧的; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; mayors:市长;
for mayors and the citizens and the peoples they represent to engage in global governance . 是时候让市长们,市民的忠实喉舌, 去参与到全球问题的管理中来。
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; governance:n.管理;统治;支配;
When I say if mayors ruled the world, when I first came up with that phrase, it occurred to me that actually, they already do. 当我说,“如果市长们可以统治这个世界”, 当我第一次想到这个说法的时候, 我突然认识到,他们其实已经这样做了。
There are scores of international, inter-city, cross-border institutions, networks of cities in which cities are already, quite quietly, below the horizon , working together 现如今在城市中已经有许多的跨国、跨市、 跨境、连接众多城市的组织 已经在悄无声息中, 合作无间,
to deal with climate change, to deal with security, to deal with immigration, to deal with all of those tough, interdependent problems that we face. 共同对抗气候变化、安全问题、 处理移民问题, 和那些纵使艰难, 但仍需要面对的共存性问题。
They have strange names: 这些组织有着一些奇怪的名字:
UCLG, UCLG (United Cities And Local Governments)
United Cities and Local Governments; 城市和地方政府联合;
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
ICLEI, ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Issues .)
Council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构; Issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
the International Council for Local Environmental Issues. 国际地方环境理事会,
And the list goes on: 这样的例子不胜枚举:
Citynet in Asia; City Protocol , a new organization out of Barcelona that is using the web to share best practices among countries. 这样的例子不胜枚举: 城市协议组织 City Protocol(一个在巴塞罗那新成立的组织, 它通过运用网络共享城市中成功的案例)
Protocol:n.协议;草案;礼仪;vt.拟定;vi.拟定; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; Barcelona:n.巴塞罗纳(西班牙);
And then all the things we know a little better, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the Mexican Conference of Mayors, the European Conference of Mayors. 还有一些我们更熟悉的组织, 美国市长会 U.S. Conference of Mayors 墨西哥市长会 Mexican Conference of Mayors 欧洲市长会 European Conference of Mayors
Mayors are where this is happening. 正因为市长们,这些组织们才得以成立。
And so the question is, how can we create a world in which mayors and the citizens they represent play a more prominent role? 所以,问题来了, 我们如何建立一个 市长们和他们所代表的的市民们 可以更扮演更重要角色的世界?
Well, to understand that, we need to understand why cities are special, why mayors are so different than prime ministers and presidents, because my premise is that a mayor and a prime minister are at the opposite ends of a political spectrum . 要回答这个问题, 我们首先要了解城市是如此特别的原因, 了解为何市长与总理和总统们相比 与众不同的原因。 那是因为我的首要前提是市长和总理 处在一个政治谱系中相反的两端
ministers:n.部长,大臣; v.辅助; (minister的第三人称单数和复数) premise:n.前提;假定;v.假定;预述(条件等);引导(论述等);; prime minister:n.首相;总理; spectrum:n.光谱;频谱;范围;余象;
To be a prime minister or a president, you have to have an ideology , you have to have a meta-narrative, you have to have a theory of how things work, you have to belong to a party. 要成为一名总理或是总统, 你必须要有思想意识, 你必须要元叙述(即对历史的意义、经历和知识的叙述) 你还必须要有上任后如何使国家运作的理论基础, 您必须要从属于一个政党。
Independents , on the whole , don't get elected to office. 如若你是无党派人士,自由、独立的个体, 那么你就无法被选举。
Independents:n.独立派;独立石油公司;独立联盟; on the whole:基本上,大体上;就全体而论;
But mayors are just the opposite. 但,市长们则相反。
Mayors are pragmatists , they're problem-solvers. 市长是实用主义者,他们能够解决问题。
Their job is to get things done, and if they don't, they're out of a job. 他们的责任就在于完成任务, 他们一旦失败就会失业。
Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia said, we could never get away here in Philadelphia with the stuff that goes on in Washington, the paralysis , the non-action , the inaction . 费城纳特市的市长曾经说过, “在费城,我们不能眼看着华盛顿的 麻痹无能、不作为 和迟钝。
Nutter:n.疯子;拾坚果的人; Philadelphia:n.费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: paralysis:n.麻痹;无力;停顿; non-action:无为;不作为; inaction:n.不活动;迟钝;
Why? Because potholes have to get filled, because the trains have to run, because kids have to be able to get to school. 为什么?因为漏洞需要被填补, 只有这样火车才能够正常运行, 只有这样孩子们才能够享受教育。”
And that's what we have to do, and to do that is about pragmatism in that deep, American sense, reaching outcomes . 而那就是我们要做的, 去做那些实质性的事, 从美国人的思维来说, 那就是去做那些能够达到成果的事。
pragmatism:n.实用主义;独断; outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数)
Washington, Beijing, Paris, as world capitals, are anything but pragmatic , but real city mayors have to be pragmatists. 华盛顿,北京,巴黎,世界的首都都一样, 一点都不务实。 但是市长们却不得不务实,
They have to get things done, they have to put ideology and religion and ethnicity aside and draw their cities together. 他们必须确保使事物运转, 他们必须摒弃意识形态、宗教和民族差异 把他们的城市联系起来。
We saw this a couple of decades ago when Teddy Kollek, the great mayor of Jerusalem in the '80s and the '90s, was besieged one day in his office by religious leaders from all of the backgrounds, 我们在在几世纪之前目睹了这一切的发生。 当耶路撒冷的市长,特迪·科勒克 (Teddy Kollek) 在八十和九十年代, 被来自于不同背景的宗教领袖 包围在办公室里,
Teddy:泰迪玩具熊 Jerusalem:n.耶路撒冷(以色列首都); besieged:v.被包围;被困扰(besiege的过去分词); religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑;
Christian prelates, rabbis , imams . 基督教主教、犹太教和伊斯兰教领袖
rabbis:n.(犹太)拉比(对有学识的人的尊称);法学博士(rabbi的复数形式); imams:n.伊玛目(清真寺内率领穆斯林做礼拜的人,imam的复数);
They were arguing with one another about access to the holy sites . 对圣地麦加的朝圣问题 争论不休。
And the squabble went on and on , and Kollek listened and listened, and he finally said, "Gentlemen, spare me your sermons , and I will fix your sewers ." 市长科勒克聆听着这些领袖们的争论, 最后说, “先生们, 把你们的步道放一放, 我去给你们修下水道。”
squabble:v.争吵;(为琐事)发生口角;n.争吵;口角; on and on:继续不停地; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; sermons:n.布道;讲道;冗长的说教;(sermon的复数) sewers:n.排水沟,[建]下水道; v.为…铺设污水管道(sewer的第三人称单数形式);
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's what mayors do. (笑声)
They fix sewers, they get the trains running. 他们修理下水道,他们使火车运行。
There isn't a left or a right way of doing. 这不是一个左翼,也不是一个右翼的处理方式。
Boris Johnson in London calls himself an anarcho-Tory. 伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊 (Boris Johnson)称他自己为无政府主义者 - 托利(党)
Strange term, but in some ways, he is. 一个非常奇怪的名字,但他却是这样。
He's a libertarian . He's an anarchist . 他是一个自由主义者。他是一个无政府主义者。
libertarian:adj.自由的;自由论者的;持自由论的;n.自由意志主义者;行动自由论者; anarchist:n.无政府主义者;无政府主义的;
He rides to work on a bike, but at the same time, he's in some ways a conservative . 他每天骑自行车上班, 但与此同时,他又在某方面又有一些保守。
Bloomberg in New York was a Democrat , then he was a Republican , and finally he was an Independent, and said the party label just gets in the way . 纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格 (Michael Bloomberg) 起先是一个民主党成员, 后来他又是一个共和党成员, 后来他又是一个共和党成员, “党派的标签妨碍我做事。”
Democrat:n.民主党人;民主主义者;民主政体论者; Republican:adj.共和国的;共和政体的;共和主义的;拥护共和政体的;n.共和主义者; label:n.标签;标记;谓;唱片公司;v.贴标签于;用标签标明; in the way:妨碍;挡道;
Luzhkov, 20 years mayor in Moscow, though he helped found a party, United Party with Putin, in fact refused to be defined by the party and finally, in fact, lost his job not under Brezhnev, not under Gorbachev, but under Putin, who wanted a more faithful party follower . 卢日科夫(Yori Luzhkov)在莫斯科担任了二十年的市长, 尽管他帮助普金共同建立了联合党 但他实际上拒绝被定义为政党人士 最后,他不是在勃列日涅夫手下 也不是在戈尔巴乔夫手下, 而是渴望更忠诚的政党追随者的普金手下丢掉了工作。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; faithful:n.信徒;adj.忠于;忠实的;正确的;忠贞的; follower:n.追随者;信徒;属下;
So mayors are pragmatists and problem-solvers. 所以,我再次强调,市长是实用主义者,他们能够解决问题。
They get things done. 他们能够使事物运转。
But the second thing about mayors is they are also what I like to call homeboys , or to include the women mayors, homies . 另外一件我想说的关于市长的事是, 我喜欢把他们叫做“哥们儿” 不过如果要把女市长们也列入其中的话,就叫他们“死党”吧。
homeboys:n.老乡;同伙;帮派成员; homies:adj.舒适的;家庭似的;自在的;
They're from the neighborhood . 他们从我们的街坊邻里中被选举出来,
They're part of the neighborhood. They're known. 是社区的一部分,而且他们也知道这一点。
Ed Koch used to wander around New York City saying, "How am I doing?" 纽约市长埃德?科克(Ed Koch)层漫步于纽约街头, 采访路人问,“我任职期间做的怎么样?”
Imagine David Cameron wandering around the United Kingdom asking, "How am I doing?" He wouldn't like the answer. 想想戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron), 如果他漫步于大不列颠王国的街头,随口就问,“我做的如何?” 他应该不会喜欢那个答案。
United Kingdom:n.英国;
Or Putin. Or any national leader. 或者普金,或者任何国家领导人。
He could ask that because he knew New Yorkers and they knew him. 埃德?科克 之所以能够这么问是因为他了解纽约人, 纽约人也了解他。
Mayors are usually from the places they govern. 市长通常从他所管辖的区域中选举出来,
It's pretty hard to be a carpetbagger and be a mayor. 非本地的参政者通常没有办法被选举为市长。
You can run for the Senate out of a different state, but it's hard to do that as a mayor. 你可以在不同的州为议员拉选票, 但却无法作为市长这么做。
And as a result , mayors and city councillors and local authorities have a much higher trust level, and this is the third feature about mayors, than national governing officials. 所以,市长、市议员 和地方当局 在民众中有更高的信任度。 而这也是关于市长的第三个特点, 那就是比国家领导人更具有民心。
as a result:结果; councillors:n.议员;顾问;参赞(等于councilor); authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数)
In the United States, we know the pathetic figures: 18 percent of Americans approve of Congress and what they do. 在美国,我们知道一个可悲的数据: 只有18%的美国民众 赞成国会和国会的所作所为。
pathetic:adj.可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的; approve:v.批准;赞成;同意;核准; Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交;
And even with a relatively popular president like Obama, the figures for the Presidency run about 40, 45, sometimes 50 percent at best. 而甚至是稍微更受青睐的总统奥巴马, 也不过在总统大选中获得的支持率得到40%或45%, 最多50%。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; Presidency:n.总统(或董事长,会长,大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配;
The Supreme Court has fallen way down from what it used to be. 最高法院的支持率也比以往大大下滑。
Supreme Court:最高法院;
But when you ask, "Do you trust your city councillor, do you trust your mayor?" 但如果你问民众,“你是否信任你们市议员, 你是否相信你们市长?”
the rates shoot up to 70, 75, even 80 percent, because they're from the neighborhood, because the people they work with are their neighbors, because, like Mayor Booker in Newark , 支持率飙升至70%,75%,甚至是80%。 因为他们从街坊邻里中被选举出来, 因为他们的同僚们也是他们的邻居, 因为,就像纽瓦克的市长布克(Cory Booker)
Booker:n.(旅馆车票,戏票等的)登记人;寻选模特儿的人; Newark:n.纽瓦克市(美国新泽西州港市);
a mayor is likely to get out of his car on the way to work and go in and pull people out of a burning building -- that happened to Mayor Booker -- or intervene in a mugging in the street as he goes to work because he sees it. 是一个不坐豪华车去上班的市长, 是一个冲进火场并把人火场里救出来的市长 (这是真实发生在市长布克身上的事情) 或者在他上班的途中看见行凶抢劫毫不犹豫的上前见义勇为 就只因为他看见了,他就不会坐视不管。
intervene:vi.干涉;调停;插入; mugging:n.公然行凶抢劫案;拦路抢劫罪;v.(公开)行凶抢劫;扮鬼脸;(mug的现在分词)
No head of state would be permitted by their security details to do it, nor be in a position to do it. 没有任何一个国家领导人 会被安全条例所允许去做这件事, 也不会去做这件事。
head of state:n.国家元首;
That's the difference, and the difference has to do with the character of cities themselves, because cities are profoundly multicultural , open, participatory , democratic , able to work with one another. 这就是他们之间存在的区别。 而这种区别与城市的特性本身相关, 因为城市是融合多种文化的, 开放的、供人分享的、民主的、 合作无间的。
profoundly:adv.深刻地;深深地;极度地; multicultural:adj.多种文化的;融合或具有多种文化的; participatory:adj.供人分享的;吸引参与的; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的;
When states face each other, 而国家间的交流,
China and the U.S., they face each other like this. 如中美两国,他们的交流模式是一种模式 ,
When cities interact , they interact like this. 而城市间的交流是另外一种模式。
China and the U.S., despite the recent meta-meeting in California, are locked in all kinds of anger, resentment , and rivalry for number one. 中美两国,且不论最近在加州召开的高层会议, 两国之间被各种 愤怒、不满以及竞争所禁锢。 两个国家都想要争第一。
despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; resentment:n.愤恨,怨恨; rivalry:n.竞争;对抗;竞赛;
We heard more about who will be number one. 两个国家都想要争第一。
Cities don't worry about number one. 但城市之间从来不用担心谁会第一的问题。
They have to work together, and they do work together. 城市之间必须彼此合作,而它们真的在这么做,
They work together in climate change, for example. 她们合作对抗气候变化问题,
Organizations like the C40, like ICLEI, which I mentioned, have been working together many, many years before Copenhagen . 如C40,ICLEI这些我刚才提到的组织, 都在互相合作, 而这些是很早就在哥本哈根气候大会之前发生的事。
Organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; Copenhagen:n.哥本哈根(丹麦首都);
In Copenhagen, four or five years ago, 184 nations came together to explain to one another why their sovereignty didn't permit them to deal with the grave , grave crisis of climate change, but the mayor of Copenhagen had invited 200 mayors to attend. 四五年前, 184个国家聚集在哥本哈根 为自己辩解为什么他们的国家不允许他们 处理这一场日渐严峻的气候变化危机。 但是哥本哈根市长却邀请到了 200位来自世界各地的市长参与会议。
sovereignty:n.主权;主权国家;君主;独立国; grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
They came, they stayed, and they found ways and are still finding ways to work together, city-to-city, and through inter-city organizations. 他们参加会议,共同商讨并最终找到 并仍在寻找方法使城市间、 通过城际组织共同合作的道路。
Eighty percent of carbon emissions come from cities, which means cities are in a position to solve the carbon problem, or most of it, whether or not the states of which they are a part make agreements with one another. 80%的碳排放来自于城市, 而这意味着城市正处于一个 解决碳排放问题的关键位置。 无论这些城市是否来自于同一个国家, 他们达成协议。
carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数) whether or not:是否…;
And they are doing it. 并且履行承诺。
Los Angeles cleaned up its port, which was 40 percent of carbon emissions, and as a result got rid of about 20 percent of carbon. 洛杉矶清理了它的港口 也就是说原40%的碳排放量 被减少为20%的碳排放量。
New York has a program to upgrade its old buildings, make them better insulated in the winter, to not leak energy in the summer, not leak air conditioning . That's having an impact . 纽约同样有着一个翻新旧建筑物的项目, 使这些建筑可以在冬天隔绝冷风, 而减少夏天泄露室内的冷气的现象, 从而减少用电,减少碳排放量。
upgrade:v.使升级;提升;改良品种;n.升级;上升;上坡;adv.往上;adj.向上的; insulated:adj.有隔热(或隔音、绝缘)保护的; v.使隔热; (insulate的过去式和过去分词) leak:n.泄漏;渗漏;漏洞;裂缝;v.漏水;透露;使泄漏;传开; air conditioning:n.空调系统;空气调节; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
Bogota , where Mayor Mockus, when he was mayor, he introduced a transportation system that saved energy, that allowed surface buses to run in effect like subways, express buses with corridors . 哥伦比亚首都波哥大,前市长莫库斯 Antanas Mockus 引进了一种可以节省能源、 又让地面交通如地铁般高效的 通达地点多的 公共交通系统。
Bogota:n.波哥大(哥伦比亚首都); transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; corridors:n.廊道,[建]走廊(corridor的复数形式);
It helped unemployment , because people could get across town, and it had a profound impact on climate as well as many other things there. 它帮助减少失业率因为人们能够在城市中自由穿行, 并且对当地气候 有了显著的改善。
unemployment:n.失业;失业率;失业人数; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
Singapore, as it developed its high-rises and its remarkable public housing , also developed an island of parks, and if you go there, you'll see how much of it is green land and park land. 再如新加坡,一个拥有众多发达的高楼大厦 和卓越的公共住房体系的国家, 也同样发展了公园岛屿政策, 如果你有机会去到新加坡,你就可以看到 新加坡遍地是绿地和公园。
high-rises:n.高楼大厦(high-rise的复数); remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; public housing:n.(美国政府为低收入者修建的)公共住房;
Cities are doing this, but not just one by one . 城市们正在实践,但并不是一个接着一个的,
one by one:一个接一个;
They are doing it together. 而是合力共赢。
They are sharing what they do, and they are making a difference by shared best practices. 它们彼此分享经验, 而且他们通过分享让世界变得不同。
Bike shares, many of you have heard of it, started 20 or 30 years ago in Latin America . 公用自行车,你们可能听说过, 大约二十至三十年前在拉丁美洲起源。
Latin America:n.拉丁美洲(以西班牙语或葡萄牙语为主要语言的美洲地区);
Now it's in hundreds of cities around the world. 而现如今已再全世界的数以千计的城市里有了这个项目。
Pedestrian zones, congestion fees, emission limits in cities like California cities have, there's lots and lots that cities can do even when opaque , stubborn nations refuse to act. 行人专用区、交通拥挤费、 以及像加州城市有的碳排放限制条款, 有很多是城市可以做的, 而不透明、固执的国家体制不愿意去做的。
Pedestrian:adj.徒步的;缺乏想像力的;n.行人;步行者; congestion:n.拥挤;拥塞;充血; opaque:adj.不透明的;不传热的;迟钝的;n.不透明物;vt.使不透明;使不反光; stubborn:adj.顽固的;顽强的;难处理的;
So what's the bottom line here? 那,我们的底线是什么?
the bottom line:底线;本质内容;最底线;
The bottom line is, we still live politically in a world of borders, a world of boundaries , a world of walls, a world where states refuse to act together. 底线就是,我们依旧生活在政治性界线之下、 生活在领土界线之下、 生活在高墙之下、 生活在国家拒绝共同合作努力的现实之下;
politically:adv.政治上; boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数)
Yet we know that the reality we experience day to day is a world without borders, a world of diseases without borders and doctors without borders, of economics and technology without borders, of education without borders, of terrorism and war without borders. 但是我们却知道我们所经历的现实是 世界正一天一天的变成一个没有界线的世界, 因为世界性流行病跨越了国界, 所以医生们跨越了国界, 经济和技术跨越了国界; 教育跨越了国界; 恐怖主义和战争跨越了国界;
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
That is the real world, and unless we find a way to globalize democracy or democratize globalization , we will increasingly not only risk the failure to address all of these transnational problems, but we will risk losing democracy itself, locked up in the old nation-state box, unable to address global problems democratically . 而这就是真实的世界, 除非我们找到了一个方法去使民主全球化, 我们将会不仅冒着无法解决国际问题的危险, 并且冒着失去 民主的危险, 被锁在一个旧的民族国家的牢笼里 无法民主地处理这些全球性的大问题,
globalize:vt.使全球化; democratize:vt.使民主化;使大众化;vi.民主化;大众化; globalization:n.全球化; democratically:adv.民主地;民主主义地;
So where does that leave us? 那我们处于一个何等的境地?
I'll tell you. The road to global democracy doesn't run through states. 让我来告诉你。通往全球民主之路, 不会通过国家
run through:n.贯通;从头到尾读一遍;排练;
It runs through cities. 而是通过城市。
Democracy was born in the ancient polis . 民主起源于古代城邦,
I believe it can be reborn in the global cosmopolis. 我相信它也可以在全球大都市中重生。
In that journey from polis to cosmopolis, we can rediscover the power of democracy on a global level. 从古代城邦到现代大都市的旅程中, 我们重新发现了全球层次的 民主的力量。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; rediscover:vt.重新发现;再发现;
We can create not a League of Nations, which failed, but a League of Cities, not a United or a dis-United Nations, but United Cities of the World. 我们要创造的不是国家的联盟,因为它注定会失败。 我们要创造的而是城市间的联盟, 不是联合或对抗的国家组合, 而是联合起来的全球的城市。
We can create a global parliament of mayors. 我们可以创立全球市长议会。
That's an idea. It's in my conception of the coming world, but it's also on the table in City Halls in Seoul , Korea, in Amsterdam , in Hamburg, and in New York. 这是一个新的议题,是我理想中的未来社会, 也是在市政会议厅上迫在眉睫的议题, 在韩国首尔、阿姆斯特丹、 汉堡、纽约,
conception:n.怀孕;概念;设想;开始; Seoul:n.[城]首尔; Amsterdam:n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都);阿姆斯特丹(美国纽约东部城市);
Mayors are considering that idea of how you can actually constitute a global parliament of mayors, and I love that idea, because a parliament of mayors is a parliament of citizens 市长们正正在考虑如何真正的组成一个 国际市长议会。 我钟意这个创意,因为市长议会 也是市民议会,
and a parliament of citizens is a parliament of us, of you and of me. 市民议会就是我们的议会, 是你,也是我的议会。
If ever there were citizens without borders, 如果有一个地方的市民是无国界的,
I think it's the citizens of TED who show the promise to be those citizens without borders. 我想,那就是TED的市民, 是发誓成为无国界市民的TED人。
I am ready to reach out and embrace a new global democracy, to take back our democracy. 我已经张开双臂去拥抱 一个全新的全球性民主, 去拿回属于我们的民主。
And the only question is, are you? 唯一的问题是, 你准备好了吗?
Thank you so much, my fellow citizens. 谢谢,各位市民的聆听与关注。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。 (掌声)