

I dedicated the past two years to understanding how people achieve their dreams. 我花了两年的时间去理解 人们如何实现他们的梦想。
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
When we think about the dreams we have, and the dent we want to leave in the universe, it is striking to see how big of an overlap there is between the dreams that we have and projects that never happen. 说到我们的梦想、 我们想要在这个宇宙留下的痕迹, 让人吃惊的是 我们的梦想常常只是梦。
dent:n.凹痕;[名]登特;v.使…凹陷;破坏; overlap:n.重叠;重复;v.部分重叠;与…同时发生;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I'm here to talk to you today about five ways how not to follow your dreams. 今天我在这里要讲的就是 5个如何毁灭梦想的办法。
One: Believe in overnight success. 第一:相信一夜成名。
overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上;
You know the story, right? 你肯定听过这样的故事:
The tech guy built a mobile app and sold it very fast for a lot of money. 一个技术男开发了一个移动应用并迅速转卖赚了很多钱。
You know, the story may seem real, but I bet it's incomplete . 这个故事可能是真的,但是很可能是不完整的。
bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿; incomplete:n.未完成;adj.不完整的;不完全的;不完善的;
If you go investigate further, the guy has done 30 apps before and he has done a master's on the topic, a Ph.D. 如果你深入研究就发现, 这个人在之前已经开发了30个应用, 他有相关的硕士和博士学历,
He has been working on the topic for 20 years. 他研究这个领域已经20年了。
This is really interesting, 这很有意思。
I myself have a story in Brazil that people think is an overnight success. 我自己本身在巴西也是一个“一夜成名”的故事。
I come from a humble family, and two weeks before the deadline to apply to MIT, 我来自一个普通家庭, 麻省理工大学(MIT)申请截止日期两个星期前,
humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭; deadline:n.最后期限;截止日期; apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
I started the application process . 我开始申请。
application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
And, voila ! I got in. 哇啦,我被录取了!
People may think it's an overnight success, but that only worked because for the 17 years prior to that, 人们可能认为这是“一夜成名”, 但是这背后是我17年来
prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先;
I took life and education seriously. 对生活和教育的执着努力。
Your overnight success story is always a result of everything you've done in your life through that moment. “一夜成名”总是 你之前所有努力加起来的结果。
success story:n.获得巨大成功的人(或事物);
Two: Believe someone else has the answers for you. 第二:相信别人有你需要的答案。
Constantly , people want to help out, right? 人们总是很乐意帮助,对吗?
All sorts of people: your family, your friends, your business partners, they all have opinions on which path you should take: "And let me tell you, go through this pipe." 各种各样的人,你的家人、朋友、商业伙伴, 他们都觉得你应该这样或那样做。 “听我说,走这个管道。”
But whenever you go inside, there are other ways you have to pick as well. 但是你进到里边,你还需做出其他的选择,
And you need to make those decisions yourself. 而你需要自己做出这些选择。
No one else has the perfect answers for your life. 没有人能给你的人生提供完美的答案,
And you need to keep picking those decisions, right? 你自己需要做出决定,对吗?
The pipes are infinite and you're going to bump your head, and it's a part of the process. 管道无穷无尽,你可能会磕到头, 这是这个过程的的一部分。
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限; bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地;
Three, and it's very subtle but very important: 第三点不太明显但是很重要,
Decide to settle when growth is guaranteed . 在一时的成功面前止步。
settle:v.定居;结算;停留;确定;n.高背长椅(老式木家具,有扶手,座下多带柜); guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证;
So when your life is going great, you have put together a great team, and you have growing revenue , and everything is set -- time to settle. 你的生活很不错, 你组建的团队很棒。 你们的收入持续增长,一切都很好—— 可以休息了。
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配; revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署;
When I launched my first book, 在我出版了我的第一本书之后,
I worked really, really hard to distribute it everywhere in Brazil. 我非常努力在巴西到处宣传。
With that, over three million people downloaded it, over 50,000 people bought physical copies. 伴随我的努力,超过300万人下载了这本书, 超过5万人买了印刷版。
When I wrote a sequel , some impact was guaranteed. 当我写续集的时候,影响力已经得到保障
sequel:n.续集;结局;继续;后果; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
Even if I did little, sales would be okay. 即使我只付出一点点,销售量也应该还可以。
But okay is never okay. 但是还可以是永远不够的。
When you're growing towards a peak , you need to work harder than ever and find yourself another peak. 当你朝着一个顶峰前进的时候, 你需要更加努力来找到另一个顶峰。
peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的;
Maybe if I did little, a couple hundred thousand people would read it, and that's great already. 也许如果我只付出一点点,几十万人会读续集, 这固然很棒,
But if I work harder than ever, 但是如果我付出前所未有的努力,
I can bring this number up to millions. 我可以把这个数字推到几百万。
That's why I decided, with my new book, to go to every single state of Brazil. 这就是为什么我决定把我的新书介绍到巴西的每一个州,
And I can already see a higher peak. 我已经能够看到一个更高的顶峰。
There's no time to settle down. 没有时间止步。
Fourth tip , and that's really important: 第四点,也是非常重要的一点:
Believe the fault is someone else's. 相信错误永远是别人的。
I constantly see people saying, "Yes, I had this great idea, but no investor had the vision to invest." 我经常听到人们说: “是的,我有过一个非常好的想法,但是没有有远见的投资者愿意投资。”
investor:n.投资者; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
'"Oh, I created this great product, but the market is so bad, the sales didn't go well." “哦,我做了这个很棒的产品, 但是市场太糟糕了,销售情况不是很好。”
Or, "I can't find good talent; my team is so below expectations ." 或者,“我找不到人才,我的团队实在太差了。”
If you have dreams, it's your responsibility to make them happen. 如果你有梦想, 让梦想实现是你的责任。
Yes, it may be hard to find talent. 是的,人才也许很难找,
Yes, the market may be bad. 是的,市场也许很糟糕,
But if no one invested in your idea, if no one bought your product, for sure, there is something there that is your fault. 但是如果没有人愿意对你的想法进行投资, 如果没有人买你的产品, 这其中肯定是因为你做错了什么。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Definitely . 肯定!
You need to get your dreams and make them happen. 你需要努力把你的梦想变成现实。
And no one achieved their goals alone. 没有人可以一个人单独实现梦想,
But if you didn't make them happen, it's your fault and no one else's. 但是如果你不努力实现它,那是你自己的错而非他人。
Be responsible for your dreams. 你需要对你的梦想负责。
And one last tip, and this one is really important as well: 最后一点也是非常重要的一点:
Believe that the only things that matter are the dreams themselves. 相信只有梦想本身是最重要的。
Once I saw an ad, and it was a lot of friends, they were going up a mountain, it was a very high mountain, and it was a lot of work. 我曾经看到过一个广告,很多朋友在一起, 我们在爬山,这是一座很高的山, 他们爬得很辛苦,
You could see that they were sweating and this was tough. 你能看到他们汗流浃背很累,
And they were going up, and they finally made it to the peak. 他们往上爬最终爬到了顶峰。
Of course, they decided to celebrate, right? 当然,他们决定庆祝,对吗?
I'm going to celebrate, so, "Yes! We made it, we're at the top!" 开始庆祝,有人说 “耶!我们到啦,我们到达顶峰啦!”
Two seconds later, one looks at the other and says, "Okay, let's go down." 两秒钟以后,其中两人互相看了看说: “那么,我们下山吧。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Life is never about the goals themselves. 人生不是关于目标本身,
Life is about the journey . 而是关于旅程。
Yes, you should enjoy the goals themselves, but people think that you have dreams, and whenever you get to reaching one of those dreams, it's a magical place where happiness will be all around. 当然,你应该享受目标本身, 但是人们往往觉得如果你有梦想, 而你实现梦想的时候, 那是一个神奇的地方,那里被幸福环绕。
But achieving a dream is a momentary sensation , and your life is not. 但是梦想实现的那一刻只是短暂的瞬间, 而你的人生不是一瞬。
momentary:adj.瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的; sensation:n.感觉;轰动;感动;
The only way to really achieve all of your dreams is to fully enjoy every step of your journey. 真正实现所有梦想的唯一办法就是 尽情享受旅程的每一步。
That's the best way. 这是最好的办法。
And your journey is simple -- it's made of steps. 你的旅程很简单——它是由一步一步组成的。
Some steps will be right on. 有的你会走得很顺利,
Sometimes you will trip. 有的时候你也会被绊倒。
If it's right on, celebrate, because some people wait a lot to celebrate. 如果很顺利,那么庆祝吧,因为有的人等很久才能庆祝,
And if you tripped , turn that into something to learn. 如果被绊倒了,把它变成学习的机会。
If every step becomes something to learn or something to celebrate, you will for sure enjoy the journey. 如果每一步都是用来学习或者庆祝, 你肯定会享受这个旅程。
So, five tips : 总结一下,5个办法:
tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数)
Believe in overnight success, believe someone else has the answers for you, believe that when growth is guaranteed, you should settle down, believe the fault is someone else's, and believe that only the goals themselves matter. 相信一夜成名, 相信别人有你需要的答案, 相信在一时的成功面前应该止步, 相信错误永远是别人的, 相信只有目标本身是重要的。
Believe me, if you do that, you will destroy your dreams. 相信我,如果你做了以上这些,你肯定能成功毁灭你的梦想。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢!