

(Applause) (掌声)
(Applause) (掌声)
I am a papercutter. 我是个剪纸匠(此处为双关,papercutter也意为裁纸机)
(Laughter) (笑声)
I cut stories. 我裁剪出故事。
So my process is very straightforward . 我所做的其实很简单。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地;
I take a piece of paper, 我拿出一张纸,
I visualize my story, sometimes I sketch , sometimes I don't. 我构想一下我的故事, 有时候我会打画稿,有时候不打。
visualize:vt.形象,形象化;想像,设想;vi.显现; sketch:n.素描;草图;速写;概述;v.概述;简述;画素描;画速写;
And as my image is already inside the paper, 由于故事的图景 早已存在于纸里面了,
I just have to remove what's not from that story. 我只需要把不属于这个故事的部分 剪掉就行了。
So I didn't come to papercutting in a straight line. 其实我并不是 一开始就干剪纸这一行的。
In fact, 事实上,
I see it more as a spiral . 我觉得那过程曲折的多。
I was not born with a blade in my hand. 我并不是生来 就对剪纸天赋异禀。
And I don't remember papercutting as a child. 我甚至都不记得我小时候剪过纸。
As a teenager, 到我的青少年时期,
I was sketching , drawing, and I wanted to be an artist. 我开始素描,画画, 并且梦想当一个艺术家。
But I was also a rebel . 不过那时候我是个叛逆分子。
And I left everything and went for a long series of odd jobs . 我放下了一切, 去做了一堆奇奇怪怪的工作。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; odd jobs:n.零散的工作;杂活;
So among them, 那段时间里,
I have been a shepherdess , a truck driver, a factory worker, a cleaning lady . 我放过羊, 开过卡车, 还在工厂里做过工, 甚至当过清洁工。
shepherdess:n.牧羊女; cleaning lady:n.(办公室、房屋等的)清洁女工;
I worked in tourism for one year in Mexico, one year in Egypt. 我后来在墨西哥 干了一年跟旅游相关的工作, 然后又去埃及干了一年
I moved for two years in Taiwan. 然后我去台湾 住了两年。
And then I settled in New York where I became a tour guide. 最终我在纽约定居了, 并且在那当了个本地导游。
settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
And I still worked as a tour leader, traveled back and forth in China, Tibet and Central Asia. 同时我还兼任一些海外旅行团的领队, 领着大家到处跑, 去中国大陆,西藏和中亚其他国家。
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
So of course, it took time, and I was nearly 40, and I decided it's time to start as an artist. 当然了这些事儿让我花了不少时间,我那时候已经快40岁了, 于是我觉得是时候 去做一个艺术家了。
(Applause) (掌声)
I chose papercutting because paper is cheap, it's light, and you can use it in a lot of different ways. 我选择剪纸。 因为纸挺便宜的, 而且也不重, 你能用它 干许多事儿。
And I chose the language of silhouette because graphically it's very efficient . 我选择用剪影来表述的另一个原因, 是因为图像化的讲述是非常有效的手段。
silhouette:n.轮廓,剪影;v.使…照出影子来;使…仅仅显出轮廓; graphically:adv.生动地;活灵活现地;用图表表示;轮廓分明地; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
And it's also just getting to the essential of things. 而且它的确能触及事物的本质。
So the word "silhouette" 剪影(silhouette)这个词,
comes from a minister of finance , 其实是拜一位18世纪法国的财政大臣的名字所赐
minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费;
Etienne de Silhouette. 艾蒂安·德·西卢埃特 (Etienne de Silhouette)
And he slashed so many budgets that people said they couldn't afford paintings anymore, and they needed to have their portrait "a la silhouette." 他在任期间削减了许多预算, 以至于人们声称 再也买不起画了, 但是他们需要有一副自己的肖像! “一幅西卢埃特(剪影)”
slashed:v.削减(slash的过去式及过去分词); budgets:n.[财政]预算(budget复数形式);v.为…做预算(budget的第三人称单数形式); afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; portrait:n.肖像;描写;半身雕塑像;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I made series of images , cuttings , and I assembled them in portfolios . 我构思了许多图景也做了许多裁剪, 然后我把它们整合成一个作品集。
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) cuttings:n.钻屑;插条(cutting的复数);粉屑; assembled:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的过去分词和过去式) portfolios:n.档案;文件夹(portfolio的复数);证券投资组合;
And people told me -- like these surrealistic views of the Empire State building -- they told me, "You're making artist books." 大家都告诉我说—— 像这个是三十六个不同视角的帝国大厦—— 他们告诉我说:“你做的这玩意真像是艺术家之书。”
So artist books have a lot of definitions . 人们对艺术家之书有不同的定义。
They come in a lot of different shapes. 他们也有很多不同的形式。
But to me, they are fascinating objects to visually narrate a story. 但是对我而言, 他们是能够用视觉讲故事的 引人入胜的玩意儿。
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) visually:adv.形象化地;外表上;看得见地; narrate:vt.叙述;给…作旁白;vi.叙述;讲述;
They can be with words or without words. 有没有语言文字的注解 都无所谓。
And I have a passion for images and for words. 我对图像和语言文字 有着极大的热情。
I love pun and a relation to the unconscious . 我非常喜爱用双关语 以及它和潜意识之间的联系。
pun:n.双关语;v.使用双关语 unconscious:adj.无意识的;失去知觉的;未发觉的;
I love oddities of languages. 我还喜爱语言的奇异之处。
And everywhere I lived, I learned the languages, but never mastered them. 在我每个生活过的地方,我都会学习当地语言, 不过我从来没有精通过任何一个。
So I'm always looking for the false cognates or identical words in different languages. 我一直都在寻找 一些错误的同源词, 以及不同语言中相同的词语。
So as you can guess, my mother tongue is French. 也许你已经猜到了,我的母语是法语。
mother tongue:n.母语;本国语;
And my daily language is English. 不过我平时都说英语。
So I did a series of work where it was identical words in French and in English. 我曾经剪过一些关于 英语和法语中 完全一样的词的作品。
So one of these works is the "Spelling Spider ." 其中一个作品是 “蜘蛛猜词”
So the Spelling Spider is a cousin of the spelling bee . “蜘蛛猜词” 其实是“蜜蜂猜词”( spelling bee 指一般的猜词游戏)的兄弟。
spelling bee:n.拼字比赛;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But it's much more connected to the Web. 不过跟互联网(此处双关,web也作蜘蛛网)联系更多罢了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this spider spins a bilingual alphabet. 这个蜘蛛 织出了双语的字母组合。
spins:n.[物]旋转; v.[物]旋转(spin的三单形式); bilingual:adj.双语的;n.通两种语言的人;
So you can read " architecture active" 你可以读成(法语)“建筑在施工中”(architecture active)
or "active architecture." 或者(英语)“施工中的建筑”(active architecture)。
So this spider goes through the whole alphabet with identical adjectives and substantives. 这个蜘蛛用完全相同的形容词和名词 织出了这些字母组合。
So if you don't know one of these languages, it's instant learning. 所以就算你不了解其中某个语言, 你也立马就能学会。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
And one ancient form of the book is scrolls . 这书中一个历史悠久的组成部分 是卷轴。
So scrolls are very convenient , because you can create a large image on a very small table. 卷轴非常方便使用, 因为你可以用它在一张小桌子上 做出一副大图。
So the unexpected consequences of that is that you only see one part of your image, though it makes a very freestyle architecture. 不过一个意料之外的结果就是 你只能看到图的一部分, 所以这也给了我一个自由发挥的空间。
unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); freestyle:n.自由式;adj.自由式的;adv.自由地;随心所欲地;
And I'm making all those kinds of windows. 我还剪过各种各样的窗户。
So it's to look beyond the surface. 这是为了让人们能够透过表象去看。
It's to have a look at different worlds. 去看一看 不一样的世界。
have a look at:看一看,看一眼;
And very often I've been an outsider . 我有多时候都像是一个旁观者。
So I want to see how things work and what's happening. 我想要知道事物是怎么运作的 以及会发生什么。
So each window is an image and is a world that I often revisit . 每个窗户 都是一个简单的影像 但同时也是一个 我经常会重新回顾与思考的世界。
It's all if. 这些其实都是假设。
So what if we were living in balloon houses? 那么假设我们可以生活在气球房子里呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
It would make a very uplifting world. 那这个世界可就令人振奋的多了。
And we would leave a very low footprint on the planet. 我们留在这个星球上的足迹将会变浅。
It would be so light. 而且那么轻盈。
So sometimes I view from the inside, like egocentricity and the inner circles. 有时候我会从里往外看, 像这个 《自我中心城》 还有这些内部的圆圈。
Sometimes it's a global view, to see our common roots and how we can use them to catch dreams. 我试图从全球性作为切入点, 来审视我们的一些共同的根基 和我们怎样用这些根基来捕获梦想。
And we can use them also as a safety net . 我们还可以把这些根脉 当作一个安全网。
safety net:n.安全保障;为防止人摔落而设置的安全网;
And my inspirations are very eclectic . 其实我的灵感 是非常不拘一格的。
I'm influenced by everything I read, everything I see. 我会被所有我所读到 和看到的所启发。
I have some stories that are humorous , like "Dead Beats." 我也剪出过一些幽默的故事, 比如这个《懒汉》(“dead beats”,dead与图上的骷髅想呼应)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Other ones are historical . 我还剪过一些历史故事。
Here it's "Candy City." 这是《糖果城》。
It's a non-sugar-coated history of sugar. 是没有包上糖衣的 糖的历史。
It goes from slave trade to over-consumption of sugar with some sweet moments in between. 它从奴隶交易 讲到糖的过度消费 中间还穿插着一些甜蜜瞬间。
slave trade:n.(尤指17–19世纪的)奴隶买卖; over-consumption:[经]消费过度;
And sometimes I have an emotional response to news, such as the 2010 Haitian earthquake. 有时候我会对新闻做出感性的回应, 比如说我剪过2010年的海底地震。
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; response:n.响应;反应;回答; Haitian:adj.海地的;海地人的;n.海地人;海地语;
Other times, it's not even my stories. 有时候我甚至不只剪我自己的故事。
People tell me their lives, their memories, their aspirations , and I create a mindscape. 人们会告诉我他们的故事, 他们的记忆,他们的渴望, 然后我就会构思出一个心灵图景。
I channel their history 我为他们建造出能回溯历史的通道,
[so that] they have a place to go back to look at their life and its possibilities. 让他们能够有机会可以 回顾自己的生活以及相关的各种可能性。
I call them Freudian cities. 我叫他们弗洛伊德之城。
I cannot speak for all my images, so I'll just go through a few of my worlds just with the title. 我没有时间介绍每一个作品, 我就简单展示几个我的世界吧 只提一下标题。
speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
'"Modicity." 《中庸城》
'" Electricity ." 《电气城》
'"Mad Growth on Columbus Circle." 《哥伦布环上的疯狂生长》
'" Reef City." 《礁石城》
'"A Web of Time." 《时间之网》
'" Chaos City." 《混乱之城》
'"Daily Battles." 《日常战斗》
'" Felicity ." 《幸福之城》
'"Floating Islands." 《浮岛》
And at one point, 有一次
I had to do " The Whole Nine Yards ." 我剪出了《九院》。
The Whole Nine Yards:一切相关的;在各个方面;应有尽有,十全十美;
So it's actually a papercut that's nine yards long. 它真的有九码(yard既有“院子”也做“码”的意思)长!
(Laughter) (笑声)
So in life and in papercutting, everything is connected. 其实在生活和剪纸中, 所有东西都是息息相关的。
One story leads to another. 一个故事会引出另一个故事。
I was also interested in the physicality of this format, because you have to walk to see it. 我对这个作品的实物特性 也很感兴趣, 因为你得边走边看才行。
And parallel to my cutting is my running. 其实我的剪纸经历 就跟跑步差不多。
parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
I started with small images, 我是从剪小图象开始的,
I started with a few miles. 那时候我只算是积硅步。
Larger images, I started to run marathons. 大图象呢,就算是马拉松了。
Then I went to run 50K, then 60K. 后来我开始跑50公里,60公里。
Then I ran 50 miles -- ultramarathons. 最终我跑出了五十英里——超级马拉松。
And I still feel I'm running, it's just the training to become a long-distance papercutter. 不过我觉得我还在跑, 之前那些不过都是 为了成为长跑剪纸匠的训练罢了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And running gives me a lot of energy. 跑步给了我更多的活力。
Here is a three-week papercutting marathon at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. 这是一个在纽约艺术设计博物馆 的为时三周的 剪纸马拉松。
The result is " Hells and Heavens." 最后的我做出了这副《地狱和天堂》
It's two panels 13 ft. high. 它由两个13英尺高的镶板组成。
panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
They were installed in the museum on two floors, but in fact, it's a continuous image. 它们在博物馆占了两层楼的空间, 不过事实上,他们并非割裂的影像。
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的;
And I call it "Hells and Heavens" 我叫它《地狱和天堂》
because it's daily hells and daily heavens. 因为我们每天都生活在地狱和天堂。
There is no border in between. 它们之间并没有分界。
Some people are born in hells, and against all odds , they make it to heavens. 有些人生于地狱, 克服千难万险后,去到了天堂。
against all odds:克服一切困难、出乎所有人的意料而完成某事;
Other people make the opposite trip. 另一些人则相反。
That's the border. 这算是一个分界。
You have sweatshops in hells. 地狱有血汗工厂。
You have people renting their wings in the heavens. 天堂里有人出租自己的翅膀。
And then you have all those individual stories where sometimes we even have the same action, and the result puts you in hells or in heavens. 我们可以从这些故事中发现 如果我们真的去到地狱或天堂的话 我们也会做出同样的事得到同样的结果。
So the whole "Hells and Heavens" 整个的《地狱和天堂》
is about free will and determinism . 其实是关于自由意志 和宿命论的。
free will:n.自由意志; determinism:n.[力]决定论;
And in papercutting, you have the drawing as the structure itself. 在剪纸的时候, 图画其实就是结构本身。
So you can take it off the wall . 你可以把它们从墙上取下来。
off the wall:adj.异乎寻常的;疯狂的,疯疯癫癫的;
Here it's an artist book installation called " Identity Project." 这是一个叫做“身份工程”的 艺术家之书。
installation:n.安装;设施;设置;安装的设备(或机器); Identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
It's not autobiographical identities . 这不是我的自我定位。
autobiographical:adj.自传的;自传体的;自传作家的; identities:n.身份;本身;本体;特征;同一性;相同;(identity的复数)
They are more our social identities. 这更像是我们的社会身份。
And then you can just walk behind them and try them on. 你从它们旁边经过的时候, 可以尝试“试穿”一下它们。
So it's like the different layers of what we are made of and what we present to the world as an identity. 这其实就像是 组成我们的不同层面 和我们表现给世人的 我们的身份。
That's another artist book project. 这是我的另一个艺术家之书作品。
In fact, in the picture, you have two of them. 照片那两个相同的作品。
It's one I'm wearing and one that's on exhibition at the Center for Books Arts in New York City. 一个是我刚才穿着的, 另外一个正在纽约的 图书艺术中心展览。
Why do I call it a book? 我为什么把它称作书呢?
It's called " Fashion Statement ," 因为它叫做《时尚宣言》,
Fashion Statement:n.时尚宣言(为引人注目而穿戴或拥有的奇装异服);
and there are quotes about fashion, so you can read it, and also, because the definition of artist book is very generous . 在它上面有许多关于时尚的引用句, 你可以随意阅读, 而且, 由于艺术家之书的定义很宽泛。 由于艺术家之书的定义很宽泛。
quotes:n.引用,引号;报价(quote的复数);v.报价(quote的第三人称单数);引用;复述; generous:adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的;有雅量的;
So artist books, you take them off the wall. 所以,你可以把它们从墙上拿下来。
You take them for a walk. 你可以带着他们去散步。
You can also install them as public art. 你还可以把它们当做艺术品给安置起来。
Here it's in Scottsdale, Arizona , and it's called "Floating Memories." 这是亚利桑那的斯科茨代尔, 这副作品做《漂浮的记忆》。
So it's regional memories, and they are just randomly moved by the wind. 这些都是记忆的片段, 它们随风随意摆动。
regional:adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的; randomly:adv.随便地,任意地;无目的,胡乱地;未加计划地;
I love public art. 我喜欢公共艺术。
And I entered competitions for a long time. 我已经踏入这个竞争激烈的圈子很久了。 我已经踏入这个竞争激烈的圈子很久了。
After eight years of rejection , 在被拒绝了8年之后,
I was thrilled to get my first commission with the Percent for Art in New York City. 我终于从纽约“百分比艺术计划”拿到的第一笔报酬, 简直让我激动坏了。
thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式) commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作;
It was for a merger station for emergency workers and firemen . 这象征一个供救生员和消防员 共同使用的综合救护站。
merger:n.(企业等的)合并;并购;吸收(如刑法中重罪吸收轻罪); emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; firemen:n.消防员(fireman的复数);
I made an artist book that's in stainless steel instead of paper. 我没有用纸,而是用不锈钢 做了这个 艺术家之书。
stainless steel:n.不锈钢;
I called it "Working in the Same Direction." 我把它叫做《劲儿往一处使》。
But I added weathervanes on both sides to show that they cover all directions. 我还在两面都加了风向标 让它可以指向所有的方向。
With public art, 在公共艺术方面,
I could also make cut glass . 我有些作品是用玻璃做成的。
cut glass:n.雕花玻璃;刻花玻璃;
Here it's faceted glass in the Bronx . 这是一个安置在纽约布朗克斯的小型的玻璃作品。
faceted:adj.有小面的; Bronx:n.布朗克斯(纽约市最北端的一区);布朗克斯鸡尾酒;
And each time I make public art, 每次我做公众艺术品的时候,
I want something that's really relevant to the place it's installed. 我希望做出一些与它们被安置的环境 有关联的东西。
So for the subway in New York, 在纽约的地铁上,
I saw a correspondence between riding the subway and reading. 我发现了“乘坐地铁” 与“阅读”之间 有一种关联。
It is travel in time, travel on time. 乘坐地铁跟及时和准时旅行有关。
And Bronx literature , it's all about Bronx writers and their stories. 布朗克斯的文学呢 则是关于布朗克斯作家与 他们的故事的。
Another glass project is in a public library in San Jose, California. 这是另一个在 在加州圣何塞公共图书馆的 玻璃作品。
So I made a vegetable point of view of the growth of San Jose. 我做了一个以蔬菜为角度的 圣何塞的发展情况的作品。
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
So I started in the center with the acorn for the Ohlone Indian civilization . 我用橡子作为中心 来表示 奥隆(指美国西海岸部分地区)印第安文明。
acorn:n.[植]橡子;[林]橡实; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
Then I have the fruit from Europe for the ranchers . 然后我用欧洲的水果 来象征那些牧场工人。
And then the fruit of the world for Silicon Valley today. 还有用世界各地的水果来象征今天的硅谷。
Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地);
And it's still growing. 它们仍然在生长。
So the technique , it's cut, sandblasted , etched and printed glass into architectural glass. 至于做的技术,就是裁剪, 喷漆,镂空 以及把普通玻璃加工成建筑型玻璃。
technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; sandblasted:n.[机]喷砂; v.向…喷砂; adj.喷砂的; etched:v.蚀刻,凿出;(脸上)流露出;铭刻;画出…的轮廓(etch的过去分词和过去式) architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的;
And outside the library, 在图书馆外面,
I wanted to make a place to cultivate your mind. 我计划开辟一片能够“浇灌思想”的地方。
I took library material that had fruit in their title and I used them to make an orchard walk with these fruits of knowledge. 我找了些有水果名字作标题 的图书馆材料 然后我用它们做了一个“果园人行道”, 上面还有水果的相关知识。
I also planted the bibliotree. 我还“种”了一颗“书目之树”。
So it's a tree, and in its trunk you have the roots of languages. 这样一棵树, 在它的树干上有语言的根脉。
And it's all about international writing systems. 它们是关于各种国际写作体系的。
And on the branches you have library material growing. 图书馆材料 在它的枝干上生长。
You can also have function and form with public art. 公共艺术同样可以拥有 实用功能。
So in Aurora , Colorado it's a bench. 在科罗拉多的奥罗拉有这样一条长凳,
Aurora:n.[地物]极光;曙光; Colorado:n.科罗拉多;[城]科罗拉多州;科罗拉多河;
But you have a bonus with this bench. 不过你可以从这张长凳上得到点小礼物。
Because if you sit a long time in summer in shorts, you will walk away with temporary branding of the story element on your thighs . 因为如果你在夏天时候穿着短袖坐在上面稍微久一点, 你走的时候 大腿上就会多一些临时性的 故事的片段。
walk away with:顺手带走;轻易赢得;轻易获胜;偷走; temporary:adj.暂时的,临时的;n.临时工,临时雇员; branding:n.品牌化,品牌术;v.在…上加商标;使显得独一无二(brand的现在分词); element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境; thighs:n.大腿;股;食用的鸡(等的)大腿;(thigh的复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Another functional work, it's in the south side of Chicago for a subway station. 另外一个功能性的作品, 现在被安置在芝加哥南边的 一个地铁站。
And it's called "Seeds of the Future are Planted Today." 它叫做《在今天栽种未来》。
It's a story about transformation and connections. 这是一个关于变化 与连接的故事。
So it acts as a screen to protect the rail and the commuter , and not to have objects falling on the rails. 它被用来当做隔离乘客 与轨道的屏风, 防止东西掉下铁轨。
To be able to change fences and window guards into flowers, it's fantastic . 如果能够把栅栏 和防盗网变成鲜花, 那就更给力了。
And here I've been working for the last three years with a South Bronx developer to bring art to life to low-income buildings and affordable housing. 我用了过去三年时间 与一个来自南布朗克斯的工匠 一起把艺术带入了生活, 使它们可以服务于那些低收入者公寓 以及经济适用房。
So each building has its own personality . 每一栋建筑都有自己的个性。
And sometimes it's about a legacy of the neighborhood , like in Morrisania, about the jazz history. 有时候街坊邻里之间也流传着传奇故事, 像这个莫里桑尼亚的爵士乐历史。
legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
And for other projects, like in Paris, it's about the name of the street. 至于其他的作品,比如在巴黎的这个, 是关于街道名字的。
It's called Rue de Prairie -- Prairie Street. 它叫做草原街(法语为: Rue des Prairies)
Rue:vi.后悔;悲伤;vt.后悔;懊悔;n.芸香;后悔; Prairie:n.大草原;牧场;
So I brought back the rabbit, the dragonfly , to stay in that street. 我把兔子, 蜻蜓 都带回了这条街上。
And in 2009, 2009年,
I was asked to make a poster to be placed in the subway cars in New York City for a year. 我被邀请之作一个要在 纽约地铁车厢里 张贴一年的海报。
So that was a very captive audience. 地铁里的这些观众在我看来都是被俘虏的。
And I wanted to give them an escape. 所以我想给他们一个逃跑的机会。
I created "All Around Town." 我就做了一个《城市四周》
It is a papercutting, and then after, I added color on the computer. 这是一个剪纸作品, 不过除此之外,我还用电脑给它加了颜色。
So I can call it techno-crafted. 所以我叫它“科技手工艺品”。
And along the way, 这一路上,
I'm kind of making papercuttings and adding other techniques . 我在剪纸的同时, 还用上了各种别的技巧技术。
But the result is always to have stories. 但是作品的实质总是关于各种故事的。
So the stories, they have a lot of possibilities. 这些故事给我们展示了许多可能性。
They have a lot of scenarios . 同样它们也有不同的情节。
I don't know the stories. 我并不了解这些故事。
And everybody's a narrator , because everybody has a story to tell. 每个人都是一个讲述者, 因为每个人都有不同的故事要讲。
But more important is everybody has to make a story to make sense of the world. 不过更重要的是 每个人都会创造出自己的故事 来证明自己曾经存在于这个世界的意义。
make sense of:搞清…的意思;
And in all these universes , it's like imagination is the vehicle to be transported with, but the destination is our minds and how we can reconnect with the essential and with the magic. 世间万物之中, 想象就像是用来承载事物的 交通工具, 不过目的地是我们的思想, 我们要怎样用这样的魔力 把事物的本质联系起来,
universes:语义层;此生彼世; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; transported:v.(用交通工具)运输,运送,输送;(transport的过去分词和过去式) reconnect:v.使再接合;
And it's what story cutting is all about. 才是裁剪故事的最终意义。
(Applause) (掌声)