

I'm here today to share with you an extraordinary journey -- extraordinarily rewarding journey, actually -- which brought me into training rats to save human lives by detecting landmines and tuberculosis . 我今天和你们分享 一个不同寻常的旅行 - 一个不同寻常的有价值的旅行,事实上 - 我 训练老鼠 去拯救人类的生命 通过探测地雷 和发现肺结核。
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地; rewarding:adj.有益的;值得做的;报酬高的;v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的现在分词) detecting:n.检测;检定;v.发现;探知(detect的现在分词);adj.探测的; landmines:n.地雷(landmine的复数); tuberculosis:n.肺结核;结核病;
As a child, I had two passions . 孩童时,我有两个梦想。
One was a passion for rodents . 第一个梦想是关于啮齿类动物的。
I had all kinds of rats, mice, hamsters , gerbils , squirrels . 我有各种各样的鼠, 老鼠,仓鼠, 沙土鼠,松鼠。
hamsters:n.[脊椎]仓鼠(hamster的复数形式); gerbils:n.[脊椎]沙鼠(gerbil的复数形式); squirrels:n.松鼠;v.代理经营;把…分解成;(squirrel的第三人称单数和复数)
You name it, I bred it, and I sold them to pet shops. 你们能叫上名的鼠,我都喂养过,然后我将它们卖到宠物商店。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I also had a passion for Africa. 我还有一个关于非洲的梦想。
Growing up in a multicultural environment, we had African students in the house, and I learned about their stories, so different backgrounds, dependency on imported know-how , goods, services, exuberant cultural diversity . 在一个多元文化的环境中长大, 我们学校里有非洲的学生, 然后我了解到了他们的故事, (非常)不同的背景, 依赖于引进的技术, 物品,服务, 丰富的多元文化。
multicultural:adj.多种文化的;融合或具有多种文化的; dependency:n.属国;从属;从属物; know-how:n.诀窍;实际知识;专门技能; exuberant:adj.繁茂的;生气勃勃的,充溢的; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
Africa was truly fascinating for me. 非洲对我很有吸引力。
I became an industrial engineer, engineer in product development, and I focused on appropriate detection technologies , actually the first appropriate technologies for developing countries. 我成为了工业工程师 - 产品研发的工程师 - 我负责相应的探测技术, 实际上对于发展中国家也是 第一个适用的技术。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; detection:n.侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
I started working in the industry, but I wasn't really happy to contribute to a material consumer society in a linear , extracting and manufacturing mode. 我开始在工业界工作, 但是我工作不开心 来迎合商品消费为主的 线性市场,以及行销手段 和生产的模式。
contribute to:有助于;捐献; consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; linear:adj.线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的; extracting:n.提取;萃取;撷取;adj.拔出的(extract进行式); manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词);
I quit my job to focus on the real world problem: landmines. 我辞掉了工作专注于实际的现实问题: 地雷。
We're talking '95 now. 我们现在在讨论1995年。
Princess Diana is announcing on TV that landmines form a structural barrier to any development, which is really true. Diana戴安娜王妃在电视上宣布 地雷对于发展来说成为阻碍, 事实上确实如此。
Princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; barrier:n.屏障;障碍;障碍物;关口;v.用栅围住;
As long as these devices are there, or there is suspicion of landmines, you can't really enter into the land. 只要地雷在那里, 或者有可能存在地雷, 你就不能到那片土地。
As long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); suspicion:n.怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿;v.怀疑; enter into:进入;讨论;成为…的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅;
Actually, there was an appeal worldwide for new detectors in the sustainable environments where they're needed to produce, which is mainly in the developing world. 实际上,全球范围都需要 新的探测器 为了可持续发展的环境, 急需这些探测器的地方 尤其是在发展中国家。
appeal:n.上诉;吸引力;申诉;魅力;v.上诉;呼吁;申诉;恳求; worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; detectors:n.探测器;侦测设备(detector的复数); sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地;
We chose rats. 我们选择了鼠。
Why would you choose rats? 为什么会选择鼠呢?
Because, aren't they vermin ? 因为,它们是害虫?
Well, actually rats are, in contrary to what most people think about them, rats are highly sociable creatures . 但是,事实上鼠是 - 和多数人想的相反 - 鼠是非常友善的生物。
contrary:adj.相反的;对立的;adv.相反地;n.相反;反面; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; sociable:adj.社交的;好交际的;友善的;n.联谊会; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
And actually, our product -- what you see here. 而且实际上,我们的产品 - 你们所看到的。
There's a target somewhere here. 这里某个地方有个地雷。
You see an operator , a trained African with his rats in front who actually are left and right. 你看到了一个受过训练的非洲探测者, 和在他前面的鼠 实际上是左右相伴。
There, the animal finds a mine. 鼠在那里发现了地雷。
It scratches on the soil. 它挖土地。
scratches:n.划痕(scratch的复数); v.擦,刮;
And the animal comes back for a food reward. 然后鼠得到了食品奖励。
Very, very simple. 非常,非常简单。
Very sustainable in this environment. 非常环保。
Here, the animal gets its food reward. 这里鼠得到了食品奖励。
And that's how it works. 这是它的工作方式。
Very, very simple. 非常,非常简单。
Now why would you use rats? 现在为什么使用鼠呢?
Rats have been used since the '50s last century, in all kinds of experiments. 鼠自从上世纪50年代被使用 在各种各样的实验中。
Rats have more genetic material allocated to olfaction than any other mammal species . 鼠在嗅觉方面有更多的基因 相比于 其它哺乳动物。
genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; allocated:v.拨…(给);划…(归);分配…(给);(allocate的过去式和过去分词) olfaction:n.嗅觉; mammal:n.哺乳动物; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
They're extremely sensitive to smell. 它们对于味道非常敏感。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人;
Moreover , they have the mechanisms to map all these smells and to communicate about it. 进而,它们具备确定这些味道方位的能力 并能够表达出来。
Moreover:adv.而且;此外; mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学;
Now how do we communicate with rats? 我们怎么和鼠交流呢?
Well don't talk rat, but we have a clicker , a standard method for animal training, which you see there. 不用语言, 但是我们有一个发声器, 一个标准的动物训练的方法, 就是你看到的。
clicker:n.排字工头;鞋匠工头;站在店外招徕顾客者;遥控器; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
A clicker, which makes a particular sound with which you can reinforce particular behaviors. 一个发生器,发出特殊的声音 可以强化某类特定行为。
reinforce:vt.加强,加固; vi.求援; n.加强;
First of all , we associate the click sound with a food reward, which is smashed banana and peanuts together in a syringe . 首先,我们将声音与食品奖励联系起来, 奖励品是碎香蕉和花生做成的液体。
First of all:adv.首先; associate:v.联合:联想:交往:adj.非正式的:副的:联合的:n.伙伴:同事: smashed:adj.大醉;v.打碎;(使)猛烈撞击;(用力)撞开;(smash的过去分词和过去式) peanuts:花生(peanut的复数) syringe:n.(皮下)注射器;吸管;v.用注射器清洗(耳朵);
Once the animal knows click, food, click, food, click, food -- so click is food -- we bring it in a cage with a hole, and actually the animal learns to stick the nose in the hole under which a target scent is placed, and to do that for five seconds -- five seconds, which is long for a rat. 一旦鼠听到了声音,就有食物吃, 声音,食物,声音,食物 - 所以一旦有声音就是食物的反应 - 我们把鼠带到有个洞的笼子里, 然后实际上鼠学会 将鼻子放到洞口 下面带有目标气味的洞口, 它们停留5秒钟 - 5秒钟,对鼠来说很长。
Once the animal knows this, we make the task a bit more difficult. 一旦鼠知道了这个,我们让任务变得难一些。
It learns how to find the target smell in a cage with several holes, up to 10 holes. 它学习如何找到目标气味 在带有一些洞的笼子里,共有10个洞。
Then the animal learns to walk on a leash in the open and find targets. 然后鼠学会 拴着皮带在空地上走 并发现目标。
leash:n.皮带;束缚;v.束缚;用皮带绑住; in the open:在户外;在野外;
In the next step, animals learn to find real mines in real minefields . 在下一步,鼠学会 在地雷区发现真正的地雷。
They are tested and accredited according to International Mine Action Standards , just like dogs have to pass a test. 它们被测试和认证 通过国际地雷工作标准, 就像狗通过测试一样。
accredited:adj.官方认可的; v.把…归于; (accredit的过去分词和过去式) according to:根据,据说; Standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
This consists of 400 square meters. 在这400平方米的雷区,
There's a number of mines placed blindly , and the team of trainer and their rat have to find all the targets. 那里有一些地雷 随意地摆放。 然后训练者和他们的鼠 需要发现所有的目标。
If the animal does that, it gets a license as an accredited animal to be operational in the field -- just like dogs, by the way . 如果鼠成功了,它得到许可 作为被认证的动物 在雷区工作 - 就像狗。
license:v.许可;批准; operational:adj.操作的;运作的; by the way:顺便说一下;
Maybe one slight difference: we can train rats at a fifth of the price of training the mining dog. 可能一个很小的不同是 我们可以用五分之一的价钱训练鼠 相比起训练探雷狗的价钱。
This is our team in Mozambique: one Tanzanian trainer, who transfers the skills to these three Mozambican fellows. 这是我们在莫桑比克的队伍。 一个坦桑尼亚的训练者, 将本领传授给 这三个莫桑比克同伴。
transfers:n.[电子][计]传输(tansfer的复数); v.[计]转移;
And you should see the pride in the eyes of these people. 你应该能够看到他们眼中的自豪。
They have a skill, which makes them much less dependent on foreign aid. 他们有本领, 这使得他们更少得依靠 国外援助。
dependent on:依赖于;依靠;
Moreover, this small team together with, of course, you need the heavy vehicles and the manual de-miners to follow-up . 进而,这个小团队 当然也需要重型卡车 和人工排雷人员一起进行后续工作。
vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的; follow-up:adj.后续的;增补的;n.随访;跟进;后续行动;
But with this small investment in a rat capacity , we have demonstrated in Mozambique that we can reduce the cost-price per square meter up to 60 percent of what is currently normal -- two dollars per square meter, we do it at $1.18, and we can still bring that price down. 但是通过在鼠本领上的很小投资, 我们在莫桑比克证明 我们可以将每平方米的成本降低 百分之六十。 相比现在一般的情况 - 每平方米两美元,我们是每平方米1.18美元, 而且我们还可以进一步降低。
investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式) currently:adv.当前;一般地;
Question of scale . 关于发展的问题。
If you can bring in more rats, we can actually make the output even bigger. 如果能够使用更多的鼠, 我们就可以创造更大的产出。
We have a demonstration site in Mozambique. 我们在莫桑比克有演示地点。
demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址;
Eleven African governments have seen that they can become less dependent by using this technology . 11个非洲政府 看到他们通过使用这种手段就可以变得更少依赖 外部援助。
They have signed the pact for peace and treaty in the Great Lakes region , and they endorse hero rats to clear their common borders of landmines. 他们签订了和平的协定 和在大湖区的公约。 然后他们支持英雄鼠 去清除公共边界上的地雷。
pact:n.协定;公约;条约;契约; treaty:n.条约,协议;谈判; region:n.地区;范围;部位; endorse:vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名;
But let me bring you to a very different problem. 但是让我告诉你们一个完全不同的问题。
And there's about 6,000 people last year that walked on a landmine, but worldwide last year, almost 1.9 million died from tuberculosis as a first cause of infection . 在去年大概有6000人 走到地雷上, 但是去年,全球有 近190万人死于结核病 这成为传染病的第一死因。
Especially in Africa where T.B. and HIV are strongly linked, there is a huge common problem. 尤其在非洲 结核病和艾滋病紧密地结合着, 这是一个巨大的共同的问题。
Especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; HIV:n.艾滋病病毒;
Microscopy , the standard WHO procedure , reaches from 40 to 60 percent reliability . 根据标准的世界卫生组织程序,显微镜 达到百分之四十到六十的可靠度。
Microscopy:n.显微镜检查;显微镜使用;显微镜学; procedure:n.步骤;手术;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序; reliability:n.可靠性;
In Tanzania -- the numbers don't lie -- 45 percent of people -- T.B. patients -- get diagnosed with T.B. before they die. 在坦桑尼亚 - 数字不会说谎 - 百分之四十五的人是结核病人 - 在死前被诊断出结核。
patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) diagnosed:v.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因);(diagnose的过去分词和过去式)
It means that, if you have T.B., you have more chance that you won't be detected , but will just die from T.B. secondary infections and so on. 这说明,如果你得了结核病, 你反而有更大的可能性不被检测出不适, 但仍然通过结核第二期并发症等致死。
detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式) secondary:adj.第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的;n.副手;代理人; infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式);
And if, however, you are detected very early, diagnosed early, treatment can start, and even in HIV-positives, it makes sense. 但是,如果 你很早被检测出来,诊断出来, 治疗可以开始。 然后即使是艾滋病阳性,这也是可以治疗的。
You can actually cure T.B., even in HIV-positives. 事实上,你可以治愈结核病, 即便是艾滋病阳性病毒。
So in our common language, Dutch , the name for T.B. 所以在我们共同的语言,荷兰语, 结核病的名称
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
is "tering," 是tering,
which, etymologically, refers to the smell of tar . 语源上是 焦油的味道。
refers:v.谈及;提到;提及;涉及;描述;(refer的第三人称单数) tar:n.焦油;柏油;水手;vt.涂以焦油;玷污;
Already the old Chinese and the Greek, Hippocrates, have actually published, documented, that T.B. can be diagnosed based on the volatiles exuding from patients. 古代中国 和希腊希波克拉底, 实际上曾经发表了 也记载了结核病可以被诊断 通过 从病人身体排出的挥发物。
volatiles:n.挥发物,挥发成份; exuding:v.流露,显露;显现;流出,渗出;散发出;(exude的现在分词)
So what we did is we collected some samples -- just as a way of testing -- from hospitals, trained rats on them and see if this works, and wonder, well, we can reach 89 percent sensitivity , 86 percent specificity using multiple rats in a row. 所以我们做的是收集一些样本 - 就像测试一样 - 从医院里, 通过它们训练鼠 然后看是否有效, 并且惊奇发现, 我们的鼠可以达到百分之八十九的灵敏度, 百分之八十六的专一性 通过使用多只鼠在一组测试。
sensitivity:n.敏感;敏感性;过敏; specificity:n.[免疫]特异性;特征;专一性; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数;
This is how it works, and really, this is a generic technology. 这是工作的方式。 并且实际上,这是一般的技术。
We're talking now explosives , tuberculosis, but can you imagine, you can actually put anything under there. 我们现在讨论的是有关爆炸物,结核, 但是你能想象, 你可以应用鼠于任何地方。
So how does it work? 所以怎么工作呢?
You have a cassette with 10 samples. 你在小盒里放10个样本。
You put these 10 samples at once in the cage. 你一次在笼子里放10个样本。
An animal only needs two hundredths of a second to discriminate the scent, so it goes extremely fast. 一只鼠仅需要0.005秒 去分辨气味,所以是非常快的。
Here it's already at the third sample. 这里已经是第三个样本了。
This is a positive sample. 这是阳性样本。
It gets a click sound and comes for the food reward. 它听到响声并得到食品奖励。
And by doing so, very fast, we can have like a second-line opinion to see which patients are positive, which are negative . 这样,非常快的, 我们可以得到附属的观点 去判断病人的检测是否呈阳性, 是否呈阴性。
second-line:adj.第二线的; negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝;
Just as an indication , whereas a microscopist can process 40 samples in a day, a rat can process the same amount of samples in seven minutes only. 就像研究显示, 当一个显微镜工作者能够处理 每天40个样本, 一只鼠能够处理 同等数量的样本 仅在7分钟。
indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征; whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
A cage like this -- 一个这样的笼子 -
(Applause) (掌声)
A cage like this -- provided that you have rats, and we have now currently 25 tuberculosis rats -- a cage like this, operating throughout the day, can process 1,680 samples. 一个这样的笼子 - 并且你有鼠, 现在我们有 25只结核探测鼠 - 一个这样的笼子,每天运作, 可以处理1680个样本。
provided that:如果;条件是;倘若; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
Can you imagine the potential offspring applications -- environmental detection of pollutants in soils, customs applications, detection of illicit goods in containers and so on. 你能想象可能的衍生应用 - 环境探测 土地中的污染物, 海关应用, 探测容器中的非法物品等等。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; offspring:n.后代,子孙;产物; pollutants:n.[环境]污染物(pollutant的复数); illicit:adj.违法的;不正当的;
But let's stick first to tuberculosis. 但是首先用于结核病。
I just want to briefly highlight , the blue rods are the scores of microscopy only at the five clinics in Dar es Salaam on a population of 500,000 people, where 15,000 reported to get a test done. 我想简单得强调, 蓝色的杆 是只用显微镜的结果 在Dar es Salaam达累斯萨拉姆的五个诊所 对50万人, 其中1万5千人做过测试。
briefly:adv.简要地;简短地;暂时地; highlight:vt.突出;强调;使显著;加亮;n.最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区; rods:n.鱼竿(rod的复数);棒条体;v.装避雷针;用杆捅清(rod的单三形式); clinics:n.诊所(clinic的复数形式); Salaam:n.问安;额手礼;vt.向…行额手礼;向…问候;vi.行额手礼;问候;
Microscopy for 1,800 patients. 这是1800个病人的显微镜结果。
And by just presenting the samples once more to the rats and looping those results back, we were able to increase case detection rates by over 30 percent. 然后通过将这些样品多次交给鼠类 并将结果返回, 我们能够将探测率提高 超过百分之三十。
Throughout last year, we've been -- depending on which intervals you take -- we've been consistently increasing case detection rates in five hospitals in Dar es Salaam between 30 and 40 percent. 去年一整年, 我们 - 通过不同间隔时间 - 我们持续地 提高鼠探测率 在达累斯萨拉姆的五个医院 并使鼠探测率提高到百分之三十到四十之间。
intervals:n.间隔;[声]音程(interval的复数); consistently:adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地;
So this is really considerable . 所以这真的是很可观的。
Knowing that a missed patient by microscopy infects up to 15 people, healthy people, per year, you can be sure that we have saved lots of lives. 要知道,一个被显微镜误诊的患者 会感染15个人 - 每年15个健康的人, 你可以确定 我们拯救了很多生命。
At least our hero rats have saved lots of lives. 至少我们的英雄鼠拯救了很多生命。
The way forward for us is now to standardize this technology. 我们要做的是 现在去标准化这种技术。
And there are simple things like, for instance , we have a small laser in the sniffer hole where the animal has to stick for five seconds. 然后简单的事情随之出现 像,例如,我们在探测洞放小的激光 使鼠呆五秒。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; sniffer:n.嗅探器;嗅探犬;以鼻吸毒者;
So, to standardize this. 所以,去标准化这个事情。
Also, to standardize the pellets , the food rewards , and to semi-automate this in order to replicate this on a much larger scale and affect the lives of many more people. 而且,去标准化小球, 食品奖励, 去半自动化这个事 为了能够在更大的范围内得到推广 并且挽救到更多人的生命。
pellets:n.芯块,小球(pellet的复数);靶丸;v.使形成小球(pellet的第三人称单数); rewards:n.[劳经]奖励; v.[劳经]奖赏; replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品;
To conclude , there are also other applications at the horizon . 作为结束,还有很多类似的其他应用。
conclude:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定) horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
Here is a first prototype of our camera rat, which is a rat with a rat backpack with a camera that can go under rubble to detect for victims after earthquake and so on. 这是第一个模型 对我们的相机鼠, 背着背包 内装有一个相机可以在地震后走到碎石底下 去探测受害者 等等。
prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态; rubble:n.碎石,碎砖;粗石堆;
This is in a prototype stage. 这是在模型阶段。
We don't have a working system here yet. 我们还没有运作系统。
To conclude, I would actually like to say, you may think this is about rats, these projects, but in the end it is about people. 作为结尾,我实际想要说, 你可能想这都有关于鼠,这些活动都涉及鼠, 但是最后这都是关于人类。
It is about empowering vulnerable communities to tackle difficult, expensive and dangerous humanitarian detection tasks, and doing that with a local resource , plenty available. 这是关于给予弱小群体能力 去处理困难棘手的,昂贵的 和危险的人类探测工作, 并且应用当地的资源 - 很多现成的资源。
empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) tackle:v.处理; n.用具; humanitarian:adj.人道主义的;博爱的;基督凡人论的;n.人道主义者;基督凡人论者; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备);
So something completely different is to keep on challenging your perception about the resources surrounding you, whether they are environmental, technological , animal, or human. 所以现在很不一样的是 不断地挑战大家 对周围的资源认知, 不管是环境的, 技术的,动物或人类的认知。
perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的;
And to respectfully harmonize with them in order to foster a sustainable work. 然后我们要尊重并和它们和谐共处 为了实现可持续的工作。
respectfully:adv.尊敬地; harmonize:vt.使和谐;使一致;以和声唱;vi.协调;和谐;以和声唱; foster:vt.培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等);adj.收养的,养育的;
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)