

The first thing I want to do is say thank you to all of you. 首先,我想要感谢大家
The second thing I want to do is introduce my co-author and dear friend and co-teacher. 第二,我要介绍我的合著者 我亲密的朋友和合作老师,
Ken and I have been working together for almost 40 years. 肯尼斯和我在一起工作 已经有将近40年了。
That's Ken Sharpe over there. 肯尼斯·夏普就坐在那里。
(Applause) (掌声)
So there is among many people -- certainly me and most of the people I talk to -- a kind of collective dissatisfaction with the way things are working, with the way our institutions run. 很多人—— 包括我,和大部份与我交谈过的人—— 有一种共同的不满: 对社会上事情运作的方式, 对于社会上机构运转的方式不满。
collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; dissatisfaction:n.不满;令人不满的事物; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
Our kids' teachers seem to be failing them. 我们孩子的老师好象是辜负他们;
Our doctors don't know who the hell we are, and they don't have enough time for us. 我们的医生不知道我们究竟是谁, 也没有足够的时间给我们。
We certainly can't trust the bankers, and we certainly can't trust the brokers . 我们当然也不能信任银行家, 更不能相信股票经纪人,
They almost brought the entire financial system down. 他们几乎弄垮了整个金融体系。
And even as we do our own work, all too often, we find ourselves having to choose between doing what we think is the right thing and doing the expected thing, or the required thing, or the profitable thing. 甚至当我们只是做自己的工作时, 我们也常常会 会发现自己不得不选择, 是做我们认为是正确的事, 还是做被期望做的事, 或是做被要求做的事, 还是做有利益的事。
So everywhere we look, pretty much across the board , we worry that the people we depend on don't really have our interests at heart. 所以环顾周围, 基本上的情况都是, 我们担心我们所依靠的人 并不真的在乎我们的利益;
across the board:全面地,整体地;
Or if they do have our interests at heart, we worry that they don't know us well enough to figure out what they need to do in order to allow us to secure those interests. 或者即使他们在心里面在乎, 我们担心他们不够了解我们 来弄清他们该怎么做 才能让我们 确保我们的利益和意愿。
They don't understand us. 他们不理解我们。
They don't have the time to get to know us. 他们也没有时间来认识我们。
There are two kinds of responses that we make to this sort of general dissatisfaction. 对这种普遍的不满足感, 我们一般会有 两种反应。
If things aren't going right, the first response is: let's make more rules, let's set up a set of detailed procedures to make sure that people will do the right thing. 如果事情出错了, 第一种回应是: 让我们制定更多的规则, 让我们设定一系列 更详细的步骤和程序 来确保人们做正确的事。
Give teachers scripts to follow in the classroom, so even if they don't know what they're doing and don't care about the welfare of our kids, as long as they follow the scripts, our kids will get educated. 比如给老师能在课堂上 遵守的教学守则, 那么即使他们不知道他们在做什么, 也不在乎我们孩子的福利和成长, 只要他们遵守这些守则, 孩子们就能得到教育。
scripts:n.原稿,手稿(script的复数形式); welfare:n.福祉;(政府给予的)福利; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Give judges a list of mandatory sentences to impose for crimes, so that you don't need to rely on judges using their judgment . 比如给法官一张必须执行的判罪清单 让他用来治罪 所以你不再需要依赖 法官们自己的判断。
mandatory:adj.强制的;托管的;命令的;n.受托者(等于mandatary); impose:v.推行;迫使;强制实行;把…强加于; rely:vi.依靠;信赖; judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力;
Instead, all they have to do is look up on the list what kind of sentence goes with what kind of crime. 相反,他们所需做的一切 只是对照这个清单, 看什么罪行应该给什么判决。
look up on:看待;
Impose limits on what credit card companies can charge in interest and on what they can charge in fees. 比如规定 信用卡公司能收取利息的范围, 和什么方面能收取费用。
credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
More and more rules to protect us against an indifferent , uncaring set of institutions we have to deal with. 有越来越多的条例 来保护我们 来对付那些冷漠的没有人情味的 但是我们不得不面对的机构。
indifferent:adj.漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的; uncaring:adj.心不在焉的,不注意的;
Or -- or maybe and -- in addition to rules, let's see if we can come up with some really clever incentives so that, even if the people we deal with don't particularly want to serve our interests, it is in their interest to serve our interest -- the magic incentives that will get people to do the right thing even out of pure selfishness . 或者,或许应该说是并且, 除了制定更多的规章条例之外, 看看我们还能不能想出 一些聪明的激励机制。 那样即使如果我们面对的人 并不特别想满足我们的意愿, 但是为了他们自己的利益 他们也会来为我们服务-- 也就是说,神奇的激励措施 能让人们纯粹出于私心 也能做正确的事。
in addition to:除…之外; come up with:提出;想出;赶上; incentives:n.激励;奖励;诱因(incentive的复数形式);奖励措施; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; selfishness:n.自私自利;自我中心;任性;
So we offer teachers bonuses if the kids they teach score passing grades on these big test scores that are used to evaluate the quality of school systems. 所以我们给老师提供奖金, 如果他们所教的学生 能通过那些 用来衡量学校质量的 大型考试。
Rules and incentives -- sticks and carrots. 规则和奖励 -- 大棒和萝卜。
We passed a bunch of rules to regulate the financial industry in response to the recent collapse . 在这次金融危机之后, 我们已经又通过了一大把规则 来规范金融行业。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; regulate:v.调节;控制; in response to:响应;回答;对…有反应; collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭;
There's the Dodd-Frank Act, there's the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency that is temporarily being headed through the backdoor by Elizabeth Warren . 有多德-弗郞克(Dodd-Frank) 法案(美国华尔街改革和个人消费者保护法案), 成立了新的暂时实际上由伊丽莎白·罗伦(Elizabeth Warren) 主管的 消费者金融保护局。
Consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; Agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; temporarily:adv.临时地,临时; backdoor:adj.秘密的;n.后门; Warren:n.养兔场;大杂院;拥挤的地区;
Maybe these rules will actually improve the way these financial services companies behave . 也许这些条例 真能改善 那些金融服务公司的行为方式。
improve:v.改进;改善; behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用;
We'll see. 我们还需拭目以待。
In addition, we are struggling to find some way to create incentives for people in the financial services industry that will have them more interested in serving the long-term interests even of their own companies, rather than securing short-term profits . 另一方面, 我们努力 寻找创建激励机制的方法 使得金融服务业界的人 能够更重视 为长远的利益服务, 哪怕仅仅是为他们自己的公司的长远利益, 而不只是为了取得近期眼前的利润。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; short-term:adj.短期的; profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数)
So if we find just the right incentives, they'll do the right thing -- as I said -- selfishly , and if we come up with the right rules and regulations , they won't drive us all over a cliff . 那样如果我们能找到合适的奖励机制, 他们也会“自私地”,如我所讲,做正确的事情。 所以如果我们能制定正确的规章条例, 他们就不会把我们都拉下悬崖。
as I said:正如我所说的 selfishly:adv.自私地; regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数) cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁;
And Ken [Sharpe] and I certainly know that you need to reign in the bankers. 然而肯尼斯和我当然知道 我们应该支配银行家的行为!
If there is a lesson to be learned from the financial collapse it is that. 如果从这次金融危机中我们应该学到什么, 就是这个教训。
But what we believe, and what we argue in the book, is that there is no set of rules, no matter how detailed, no matter how specific , no matter how carefully monitored and enforced , there is no set of rules that will get us what we need. 但是我们相信, 也是我们这本书的观点, 那就是:没有任何规定, 无论多详细, 无论多具体, 无论监管和 执行实施多么有力, 没有任何条例 能让我们得到我们起初所希望的。
specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; enforced:adj.强迫的;强制性的;v.强制执行;迫使;(enforce的过去分词和过去式)
Why? Because bankers are smart people. 为什么?因为银行家很聪明,
And, like water, they will find cracks in any set of rules. 像水一样, 他们能从任何规定和条例中 找到漏洞和可乘之机。
cracks:n.裂纹; v.破裂; (crack的第三人称单数和复数)
You design a set of rules that will make sure that the particular reason why the financial system almost collapsed can't happen again. 你设订一系列法案来确保 那个使整个金融系统 几乎崩溃的特定原因 不再发生;
It is naive beyond description to think that having blocked this source of financial collapse, you have blocked all possible sources of financial collapse. 但如果你认为 只要把这个导致金融危机的源头堵住了, 就堵住了所有可能 导致金融系统崩溃的源头,那未免太天真了。
naive:adj.天真的,幼稚的; beyond description:无法形容,难以形容; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数)
So it's just a question of waiting for the next one and then marveling at how we could have been so stupid as not to protect ourselves against that. 所以这只是等待下一次危机, 然后惊异于我们怎么这么愚蠢, 竟然没有防备到这一招,没有保护到自己。
What we desperately need, beyond, or along with, better rules and reasonably smart incentives, is we need virtue , we need character, we need people who want to do the right thing. 我们真正急需的, 不光是更完善的制度, 和聪明合理的激励, 而是我们需要美德, 我们需要人格, 我们需要想要做正确的事的人。
desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地; reasonably:adv.合理地;相当地;适度地; virtue:n.美德;优点;贞操;功效;
And in particular , the virtue that we need most of all is the virtue that Aristotle called practical wisdom . 特别地, 我们最需要的美德 是亚里斯多德所称的 实用智慧。
in particular:尤其,特别; Aristotle:n.亚里士多德; practical:adj.实际的;真实的;客观存在的;n.实习课;实践课; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
Practical wisdom is the moral will to do the right thing and the moral skill to figure out what the right thing is. 实用智慧- 是做正确的事 的道德意志; 是知道什么是正确的 道德技巧。
So Aristotle was very interested in watching how the craftsmen around him worked. 所以亚里斯多德对于观察 他周围的工匠如何工作很感兴趣。
And he was impressed at how they would improvise novel solutions to novel problems -- problems that they hadn't anticipated . 他对于他们 如何即兴针对 他们也没意料的新问题想出 新奇的解决方案印象深刻。
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式) improvise:v.即兴创作;临时拼凑;临时做; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; anticipated:adj.预期的; v.预期; (anticipate的过去式和过去分词)
So one example is he sees these stonemasons working on the Isle of Lesbos , and they need to measure out round columns . 举一个例子:他看到一些石匠 在莱斯博斯岛做工, 他们需要测量 那里的圆柱。
stonemasons:n.石匠;石工;石工锤; Isle:n.岛;小岛; Lesbos:n.莱斯博斯岛(即希腊的米蒂利尼岛); measure out:按量配给; columns:n.柱:(通常为)圆形石柱:(书,报纸印刷页上的)栏(column的复数)
Well if you think about it, it's really hard to measure out round columns using a ruler. 如果你想想的话, 用直尺量圆柱真的很难。
So what do they do? 所以他们怎么办呢?
They fashion a novel solution to the problem. 他们发明了一种新奇的手段。
They created a ruler that bends, what we would call these days a tape measure -- a flexible rule, a rule that bends. 他们制作了一种可以弯曲的尺, 也就是现在我们说的卷尺—— 一把灵活的尺 可弯曲的尺。
tape measure:n.卷尺;皮尺; flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的;
And Aristotle said, hah, they appreciated that sometimes to design rounded columns, you need to bend the rule. 亚里斯多德就说: 哈,他们也知道有时候 要设计圆的柱子, 你需要通融(放松规定)。
And Aristotle said often in dealing with other people, we need to bend the rules . 亚里斯多德又说, 对待别人 我们也需要时常通融处理。
bend the rules:通融;
Dealing with other people demands a kind of flexibility that no set of rules can encompass . 与人相处 其实需要一定的灵活性, 那是没有任何规章条例可以代替的。
flexibility:n.灵活性;弹性;适应性; encompass:vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成;
Wise people know when and how to bend the rules. 聪明的人知道什么时候,怎么样 去酌情处理,不完全遵守死规定。
Wise people know how to improvise. 有智慧的人知道如何针对具体情况恰当地处理。
The way my co-author , Ken, and I talk about it, they are kind of like jazz musicians; the rules are like the notes on the page, and that gets you started, but then you dance around the notes on the page, coming up with just the right combination for this particular moment with this particular set of fellow players. 我的合著者肯尼斯和我说起这个, 他们就像爵士音乐家; 规章制度就像纸上的音符, 你先按照音符所定的曲调开始, 但是然后你便在音符之间即兴发挥, 与当时那些一起表演的人一起 跳出那些最符合当时那个时刻的 最美妙的最佳配合。
So for Aristotle, the kind of rule-bending, rule exception-finding and improvisation that you see in skilled craftsmen is exactly what you need to be a skilled moral craftsman . 所以对于亚里斯多德, 这种 酌情处理, 你从熟练工匠中 能看到的即兴发挥和不死板执行规定, 正是你要成为一个道德层面的熟练工匠 所需要的。
improvisation:n.即兴创作;即兴演奏; skilled:adj.熟练的;有技能的;需要技能的; craftsman:n.工匠;手艺人;技工;
And in interactions with people, almost all the time, it is this kind of flexibility that is required. 并且在对待他人 的几乎任何时候, 这种一定程度的灵活性是必须的。
A wise person knows when to bend the rules. 聪明人知道什么时候不死板地按照规矩办事。
A wise person knows when to improvise. 有智慧的人知道何时应该即兴发挥。
And most important, a wise person does this improvising and rule-bending in the service of the right aims. 最重要的是, 智慧的人做这种即兴发挥和酌情处理 是为着正义的目的。
If you are a rule-bender and an improviser mostly to serve yourself, what you get is ruthless manipulation of other people. 如果你不按章办事,灵活处理的目的 只是为了自己的利益, 你就只是对他人无情的控制和摆布。
improviser:n.即兴诗人;即席演奏者;即兴创作者; ruthless:adj.无情的,残忍的; manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换;
So it matters that you do this wise practice in the service of others and not in the service of yourself. 所以重要的是你做这种灵活处理的行为 是为他人服务, 而不是为自己。
And so the will to do the right thing is just as important as the moral skill of improvisation and exception-finding. 所以想要做正义事情的愿望 与即兴发挥 和特殊情况特殊处理 的道德技巧一样重要。
Together they comprise practical wisdom, which Aristotle thought was the master virtue. 这些品质拼在一起就是实用智慧—— 亚里斯多德认为的 所有美德之核心。
So I'll give you an example of wise practice in action. 让我来举一个 这种智慧实践的例子。
It's the case of Michael. 这是迈克的故事。
Michael's a young guy. 迈克是一个年轻人。
He had a pretty low-wage job. 他有一份很低薪的工作,
He was supporting his wife and a child, and the child was going to parochial school. 得养活妻子和一个孩子, 孩子将要上教区学校。
Then he lost his job. 然而他丢了工作,
He panicked about being able to support his family. 他极度惊慌担忧 能不能继续养家糊口。
One night, he drank a little too much, and he robbed a cab driver -- stole $50. 一天晚上,他喝的有点多, 抢劫了一个出租司机, 偷了50美金。
He robbed him at gunpoint . 他是用枪来抢劫的,
It was a toy gun. 用的是把玩具枪。
He got caught, he got tried, he got convicted . 他被抓住了,被控告, 被定罪了。
The Pennsylvania sentencing guidelines required a minimum sentence for a crime like this of two years, 24 months. 宾夕法尼亚的判决条例 要求对于这类罪行的处罚 最低为两年,24个月。
Pennsylvania:n.宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名); guidelines:n.指导方针;参考; minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的;
The judge on the case , Judge Lois Forer thought that this made no sense. 这个案子的法官,法官罗易斯·佛热(Lois Forer) 认为条例在这个案子上没有道理。
on the case:民警出警;诉讼;令状;
He had never committed a crime before. 迈克以前没有过任何犯罪记录,
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
He was a responsible husband and father. 他是一个负责任的丈夫和父亲,
He had been faced with desperate circumstances . 他面对的是绝望的处境。
All this would do is wreck a family. 条例所规定的判决只会毁了这个家,
And so she improvised a sentence -- 11 months. 于是她酌情处理出一个判决——11个月。
And not only that , but release every day to go to work. 不仅那样, 还每天把迈克释放出去让他去工作。
only that:只是;要不是; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
Spend your night in jail , spend your day holding down a job. 晚上坐监,白天工作。
He did. He served out his sentence. 迈克这么做了。他服完了他的判决。
He made restitution and found himself a new job. 他做出了赔偿, 找到了新工作,
And the family was united . 家庭复原了。
united:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And it seemed on the road to some sort of a decent life -- a happy ending to a story involving wise improvisation from a wise judge. 一切似乎在通往 一种得体生活的正轨上—— 一个有智慧的法官 作了酌情处理之后的故事的 完美结局。
decent:adj.正派的;得体的;相当好的; involving:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加;(involve的现在分词)
But it turned out the prosecutor was not happy that Judge Forer ignored the sentencing guidelines and sort of invented her own, and so he appealed . 但是结果呢, 检察官不高兴, 说佛热法官没有按照判决条例办事, 而是随便发明了她自己的判决, 所以他再上诉反对。
prosecutor:n.检察官;公诉人;[法]起诉人;实行者; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式) appealed:v.上诉;申诉;有吸引力;呼吁;吁请;恳求;(appeal的过去分词和过去式)
And he asked for the mandatory minimum sentence for armed robbery . 他要求按照持枪抢劫罪名的 最低处罚来定罪。
He did after all have a toy gun. 毕竟,迈克的确用了一把玩具枪。
The mandatory minimum sentence for armed robbery is five years. 持枪抢劫的最低处罚 是 5 年。
He won the appeal. 检察官赢了上诉。
Michael was sentenced to five years in prison. 迈克被判坐监5年。
Judge Forer had to follow the law. 佛热法官必须按法律办事。
And by the way , this appeal went through after he had finished serving his sentence, so he was out and working at a job and taking care of his family and he had to go back into jail. 另外说一句, 上诉通过时, 是在迈克已经结束服刑之后, 所以他已经在外开始工作, 照料他的家庭, 但他现在得重返监狱。
by the way:顺便说一下;
Judge Forer did what she was required to do, and then she quit the bench. 佛热法官做了法律要求她做的, 接着她辞职了。
And Michael disappeared . 迈克呢,消失了。
So that is an example, both of wisdom in practice and the subversion of wisdom by rules that are meant, of course, to make things better. 所以这就是一个 既有智慧的实践, 也有智慧被那些本来是 应该让事情更好的规定所颠覆推翻的例子。
in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上; subversion:n.颠覆;破坏;
Now consider Ms. Dewey. 现在来讲杜伊(Dewey)女士的故事。
Ms. Dewey's a teacher in a Texas elementary school . 杜伊女士是德州小学的一名教师。
elementary school:小学;
She found herself listening to a consultant one day who was trying to help teachers boost the test scores of the kids, so that the school would reach the elite category in percentage of kids passing big tests. 一天她在听一个咨询顾问 给老师提建议 来提高学生成绩, 那样学校 就可以因为通过大型考试的学生的比例 成为精英学校。
consultant:n.顾问;高级顾问医师;会诊医师; boost:n.提高;增长;帮助;激励;v.使增长;使兴旺;偷窃; elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物; category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴; percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成;
All these schools in Texas compete with one another to achieve these milestones , and there are bonuses and various other treats that come if you beat the other schools. 所以这些在德州的学校相互竞争 来达到这些通过指标, 并且如果你打败了其他学校 你就能得到各种各样的奖励和优惠。
compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); milestones:n.里程碑;时间表; treats:v.以…态度对待; n.乐事;
So here was the consultant's advice: first, don't waste your time on kids who are going to pass the test no matter what you do. 所以咨询顾问的建议是: 第一:不要在那些不管你做什么,都能够通过考试的 学生身上浪费时间;
no matter what:不管什么…;
Second, don't waste your time on kids who can't pass the test no matter what you do. 第二,不要在不管你做什么 都通过不了考试的学生身上 浪费时间;
Third, don't waste your time on kids who moved into the district too late for their scores to be counted. 第三,不要在那些 太迟进入这个学区,成绩不会记入评比系统的 学生身上浪费时间。
Focus all of your time and attention on the kids who are on the bubble , the so-called bubble kids -- kids where your intervention can get them just maybe over the line from failing to passing. 集中所有你们的时间和注意力 在那些边界线上的孩子身上, 简称边界孩子—— 那些通过你们的介入和努力 也许能从不及格 到通过考试的孩子。
bubble:n.泡;气泡;肥皂泡;一点感情;v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情); so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; intervention:n.介入;调停;妨碍;
So Ms. Dewey heard this, and she shook her head in despair while fellow teachers were sort of cheering each other on and nodding approvingly . 那么杜伊女士听到了这个, 她绝望地摇头, 然而她的同事老师们却互相欢呼, 赞许地点头,
despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; approvingly:adv.赞许地;满意地;
It's like they were about to go play a football game. 就好像他们正要去一场橄榄球比赛一样。
were about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
For Ms. Dewey, this isn't why she became a teacher. 但是杜伊女士觉得, 这不是她成为老师的目的啊。
Now Ken and I are not naive, and we understand that you need to have rules. 应该说,肯尼斯和我并不天真, 我们理解这个社会需要规章条例,
You need to have incentives. 也需要刺激和奖励。
People have to make a living . 人们需要谋生。
make a living:谋生,维持生活;
But the problem with relying on rules and incentives is that they demoralize professional activity. 但是依赖规矩和激励 的问题在于 它们使人们对工作 觉得很没意思。
relying:v.依赖;信任;指望(rely的现在分词); demoralize:v.使泄气;使意志消沉; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员;
And they demoralize professional activity in two senses. 它们让人觉得职业活动很没意思 有两方面。
First, they demoralize the people who are engaged in the activity. 第一,他们使人们 工作起来觉得没劲。
engaged in:从事于;忙于;
Judge Forer quits , and Ms. Dewey in completely disheartened . 佛热法官辞职了, 杜伊女士彻底沮丧。
quits:v.离开;离任;戒掉;(quit的第三人称单数) disheartened:adj.沮丧的; v.使沮丧;
And second, they demoralize the activity itself. 第二, 他们使活动本身没有意思。
The very practice is demoralized , and the practitioners are demoralized. 活动本身没劲, 参加的人沮丧。
demoralized:adj.士气低落的; v.使士气低落; practitioners:n.实践者;开业者;实习者(practitioner的复数);
It creates people -- when you manipulate incentives to get people to do the right thing -- it creates people who are addicted to incentives. 当你想通过不同的奖励 来刺激人们做对的事时, 人们逐渐对 这些奖励上瘾。
manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; addicted:adj.上瘾的;上瘾;成瘾;有瘾;入迷;
That is to say , it creates people who only do things for incentives. 也就是说,它产生的是 只为奖励做事的人。
That is to say:就是;即;换言之;
Now the striking thing about this is that psychologists have known this for 30 years. 引人注目的是, 心理学家知道这一点 已经有30年。
Psychologists have known about the negative consequences of incentivizing everything for 30 years. 心理学家已经知道 把所有事情都用奖励来驱动的负面结果 有30年了。
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); incentivizing:以物质刺激鼓励;
We know that if you reward kids for drawing pictures, they stop caring about the drawing and care only about the reward. 我们知道如果你奖励孩子画画, 他们停止关心画画本身, 而只在乎奖励;
If you reward kids for reading books, they stop caring about what's in the books and only care about how long they are. 如果你奖励孩子读书, 他们停止关心书的内容 而只关心书有多厚;
If you reward teachers for kids' test scores, they stop caring about educating and only care about test preparation. 如果你为孩子的成绩奖励老师, 他们不再关心教育本身, 而只是关心备考。
If you were to reward doctors for doing more procedures -- which is the current system -- they would do more. 如果你去奖励医生 走更多的检查程序, 现在的系统正是这样, 那他们就会去走更多的程序。
If instead you reward doctors for doing fewer procedures, they will do fewer. 如果你奖励他们走少些步骤, 他们就会少走步骤。
What we want, of course, is doctors who do just the right amount of procedures and do the right amount for the right reason -- namely , to serve the welfare of their patients . 而我们需要的 是医生提供恰如其分的检查步骤, 为了正当的理由做适量的工作, 换句话说, 为病人的福利服务。
namely:adv.也就是;即是;换句话说; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
Psychologists have known this for decades, and it's time for policymakers to start paying attention and listen to psychologists a little bit, instead of economists. 心理学家知道这个已经有几十年了, 现在是政策制定者开始 关心这个的时候了, 他们应该听听心理学家的, 而不只是经济学家的建议。
And it doesn't have to be this way. 社会本来不必像现在这样,
We think, Ken and I, that there are real sources of hope. 我和肯尼斯都认为希望是真的存在的。
We identify one set of people in all of these practices who we call canny outlaws . 我们从所有这些领域中 发现有一批人, 一些我们称为精明的犯规者的人。
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: canny:adj.精明的,谨慎的;节约的; outlaws:n.歹徒; v.使…失去法律保护(outlaw的第三人称单数);
These are people who, being forced to operate in a system that demands rule-following and creates incentives, find away around the rules, find a way to subvert the rules. 这些 被逼在这个 要求照章办事 和制造奖励机制的系统里工作的人 在规范中钻空子, 找到推倒规则的方法。
So there are teachers who have these scripts to follow, and they know that if they follow these scripts, the kids will learn nothing. 所以,需要按照教案上课的老师 当他们知道用这些教案的话,孩子会一无所获时,
And so what they do is they follow the scripts, but they follow the scripts at double-time and squirrel away little bits of extra time during which they teach in the way that they actually know is effective . 他们就要按照教案 快速地走一遍, 拐弯抹角地找出多余的时间, 来用他们知道的 有效的办法来教学。
double-time:快步行进;使快步行走; squirrel:n.松鼠; extra time:n.[体]加时(赛);延长(赛); in the way:妨碍;挡道; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
So these are little ordinary, everyday heroes, and they're incredibly admirable , but there's no way that they can sustain this kind of activity in the face of a system that either roots them out or grinds them down. 这些人是平常人物,是日常生活中的英雄, 但是极其令人钦佩。 但是他们不可能保持这样的做法太久, 因为他们面对的是一个系统, 这个系统不是将他们剔除出去 就是把他们磨碎让他们屈服。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; admirable:adj.令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的; sustain:v.支持;支撑;遭受;证实; in the face of:面对; grinds:v.磨碎; n.令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作; (grind的第三人称单数和复数)
So canny outlaws are better than nothing, but it's hard to imagine any canny outlaw sustaining that for an indefinite period of time. 但是有这些精明的犯规者比没有要好, 但是很难想象这样的犯规 行为能长期持续。
sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; indefinite:adj.不确定的;无限的;模糊的;
More hopeful are people we call system-changers. 更有希望的 是那些我们称之为改变系统的人。
These are people who are looking not to dodge the system's rules and regulations, but to transform the system, and we talk about several. 这些人不是 躲避系统规则和制度, 而是寻求改变系统的方法。 我们讲几个这样的例子。
dodge:v.闪避;躲开;逃避;n.推脱的计策;逃避的诡计; transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式;
One in particular is a judge named Robert Russell. 其中特别要提到的 是一个叫罗伯特·罗素(Robert Russel)的法官。
And one day he was faced with the case of Gary Pettengill. 有一天他接了 加里·佩腾吉(Gary Pettengill)的案子。
Pettengill was a 23 year-old vet who had planned to make the army a career , but then he got a severe back injury in Iraq, and that forced him to take a medical discharge . 佩腾吉是一个23岁的老兵, 他原来想在军队里发展职业生涯, 但是在伊拉克受了严重的背伤 而被迫病退。
vet:n.兽医;兽医诊所;v.审查;仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等); career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处; discharge:v.履行;释放;排出;流出;n.出院;执行;退伍;排出(物);
He was married, he had a third kid on the way, he suffered from PTSD , in addition to the bad back, and recurrent nightmares , and he had started using marijuana to ease some of the symptoms . 他结了婚, 第三个孩子就要出生, 除了背伤之外, 他还得了创伤后应激障碍, 会反复做恶梦。 他开始用大麻 来帮助减轻一些症状,
PTSD:abbr.创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍(post-traumaticstressdisorder); recurrent:adj.复发的;周期性的,经常发生的; nightmares:n.噩梦;梦魇;极其糟糕的情况;(nightmare的复数) marijuana:n.大麻;大麻毒品; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
He was only able to get part-time work because of his back, and so he was unable to earn enough to put food on the table and take care of his family. 因为背伤,他只能做一些兼职工作, 所以他赚的钱不够 养家糊口,
So he started selling marijuana. 所以他开始卖大麻。
He was busted in a drug sweep. 他在一次扫毒活动中被抓获。
His family was kicked out of their apartment, and the welfare system was threatening to take away his kids. 他的全家被赶出了公寓, 福利系统 要把他的孩子带走。
Under normal sentencing procedures, 如果按正常的审判过程,
Judge Russell would have had little choice but to sentence Pettengill to serious jail-time as a drug felon . 罗素法官别无选择, 只能把佩腾吉当作毒品犯人 判他蹲很多年监狱。
But Judge Russell did have an alternative . 但是法官罗素有另外一条途径,
And that's because he was in a special court. 因为他是在一个特殊的法庭,
He was in a court called the Veterans ' Court. 他所在的法庭是老兵法庭。
In the Veterans' Court -- this was the first of its kind in the United States. 在老兵法庭—— 这是美国的第一个这类的法庭,
Judge Russell created the Veterans' Court. 法官罗素创立了这个老兵法庭,
It was a court only for veterans who had broken the law. 专门给触犯法律的 老兵用的法庭。
And he had created it exactly because mandatory sentencing laws were taking the judgment out of judging. 他之所以创立这个法庭正是因为 强制性判刑的法律 使得判刑过程中已经不用作判断。
No one wanted non-violent offenders -- and especially non-violent offenders who were veterans to boot -- to be thrown into prison. 没有人真的想把非暴力的犯罪分子—— 特别是非暴力的犯了罪的老兵—— 送进监狱。
non-violent:adj.非暴力的; offenders:n.罪犯(offender的复数);冒犯者; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
They wanted to do something about what we all know, namely the revolving door of the criminal justice system. 他们想要做一点我们称之为 刑事司法系统的旋转大门的事情。
revolving door:n.旋转门;中转站(指人们进入后很快又离开的地方或机构); justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
And what the Veterans' Court did, was it treated each criminal as an individual , tried to get inside their problems, tried to fashion responses to their crimes that helped them to rehabilitate themselves, and didn't forget about them once the judgment was made. 而老兵法庭所做的 就是把每个罪犯都当人看, 试图弄清楚他们的问题, 试图针对他们的罪行找到某种方式 来帮助他们改造自己, 而不是一旦判了刑就忘了他们。
treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; rehabilitate:v.使康复;使恢复正常;恢复…的名誉;恢复原状;
Stayed with them, followed up on them, made sure that they were sticking to whatever plan had been jointly developed to get them over the hump . 而是和他们一起, 跟踪他们的发展, 保证他们在按共同制定的计划 在改造, 以帮他们度过难关。
jointly:adv.共同地;连带地; over the hump:v.度过最困难时期;已度过一半时间;
There are now 22 cities that have Veterans' Courts like this. 现在已经有22个城市 有类似的老兵法庭了。
Why has the idea spread? 为什么这个点子会得到传播呢?
Well, one reason is that Judge Russell has now seen 108 vets in his Veterans' Court as of February of this year, and out of 108, guess how many have gone back through the revolving door of justice into prison. 一个原因 是罗素法官到今年2月份为止, 已经在老兵法庭 处理了 108个老兵的案子, 108个案子中, 你们猜猜有几个重新 走进审判的大门 被投入监狱的呢?
None. None. 一个也没有,一个也没有。
Anyone would glom onto a criminal justice system that has this kind of a record. 任何人做梦都希望 刑事司法系统 能有这样的记录。
So here's is a system-changer, and it seems to be catching. 所以这是一个改造系统者,其成果令人瞩目。
There's a banker who created a for-profit community bank that encouraged bankers -- I know this is hard to believe -- encouraged bankers who worked there to do well by doing good for their low-income clients . 另外有一个银行家, 创造了营利的社区银行, 鼓励银行家,我知道这个难以置信 鼓励在那里工作的银行家门通过帮助 低收入的顾客来达成自己的工作目标。
for-profit:以盈利为目的的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数)
The bank helped finance the rebuilding of what was otherwise a dying community. 那家银行帮助筹资重建了 一个原本快要垮了的社区。
Though their loan recipients were high-risk by ordinary standards , the default rate was extremely low. 虽然按常规来讲给他们的贷款对象贷款的风险很高, 但是事实上违约率却很低。
recipients:n.收件人(recipient的复数); high-risk:adj.高危险度的; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数) default:n.违约;拖欠;缺席;缺陷;v.违约;拖欠;缺乏;不履行; extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
The bank was profitable. 这家银行盈利不错。
The bankers stayed with their loan recipients. 那些银行家们与贷款客户一起,
They didn't make loans and then sell the loans. 他们并不只是制造和出售贷款,
They serviced the loans. 他们是给贷款服务,
They made sure that their loan recipients were staying up with their payments . 他们保证他们的贷款人 有能力持续还贷。
Banking hasn't always been the way we read about it now in the newspapers. 银行业并不一直是 象我们现在报纸里读到的那样。
Even Goldman Sachs once used to serve clients, before it turned into an institution that serves only itself. 即便是高盛, 在变成一个只给自己服务的机构之前 也曾经是为客户 提供服务的。
Banking wasn't always this way, and it doesn't have to be this way. 银行业以前并不像现在, 也不必须是现在这个样子。
So there are examples like this in medicine -- doctors at Harvard who are trying to transform medical education, so that you don't get a kind of ethical erosion and loss of empathy , which characterizes most medical students in the course of their medical training. 在医学界也有这样的例子—— 在哈佛的博士们 正在尝试医学教育改革, 让你不会像现在的医学院学生一样, 在接受专业训练的过程中 道德标准降低, 同情心磨灭。
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; ethical:adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药; erosion:n.侵蚀,腐蚀; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着; characterizes:vt.描绘…的特性;具有…的特征;vi.塑造人物; in the course of:在…过程中;在…期间;
And the way they do it is to give third-year medical students patients who they follow for an entire year. 他们用的方法是为三年级的学生 分配病人,他们要跟踪病人一整年。
So the patients are not organ systems, and they're not diseases; they're people, people with lives. 这样病人就不只是器官组成的系统而已, 不只是疾病, 他们是人, 是有血有肉的活人。
And in order to be an effective doctor, you need to treat people who have lives and not just disease . 想成为一个成功有效的医生, 对待病人应该像对待一个有生命的人,而不只是带有疾病的人。
In addition to which there's an enormous amount of back and forth , mentoring of one student by another, of all the students by the doctors, and the result is a generation -- we hope -- of doctors who do have time for the people they treat. 另外, 还有很多来回的反复 让学生互相辅导, 让医生指导所有的学生, 这样做的结果是——我们希望——下一代的医生 能为他们治疗的病人付出病人需要的时间。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; mentoring:n.导师;顾问;v.指导;做…的良师;(mentor的现在分词)
We'll see. 我们拭目以待。
So there are lots of examples like this that we talk about. 还有很多类似我们讲的事例。
Each of them shows that it is possible to build on and nurture character and keep a profession true to its proper mission -- what Aristotle would have called its proper telos. 每个事例都告诉我们 树立和培养人格, 同时,让所有职业都忠实于其真正的使命—— 就是亚里斯多德所说的“真正终级目标”—— 是可能的。
nurture:v.养育;培养;养护;支持; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教;
And Ken and I believe that this is what practitioners actually want. 肯尼斯和我都相信 这就是实践者真正想要的。
People want to be allowed to be virtuous . 人们希望能够 做有品德的人,
They want to have permission to do the right thing. 他们希望得到允许做正确的事情。
They don't want to feel like they need to take a shower to get the moral grime off their bodies everyday when they come home from work. 他们不想 每天下班回家以后感觉好像都要冲一个澡来 冲刷干净他们身上的 道德污垢。
Aristotle thought that practical wisdom was the key to happiness, and he was right. 亚里斯多德认为酌情处理的智慧 是快乐幸福的关键, 他是对的。
There's now a lot of research being done in psychology on what makes people happy, and the two things that jump out in study after study -- 心理学已经做了大量的研究 来证明什么使得人们幸福, 两样东西在研究中一再凸显,
I know this will come as a shock to all of you -- the two things that matter most to happiness are love and work. 我知道这会让你们大吃一惊, 对幸福度最有影响的两个东西是: 爱和工作。
Love: managing successfully relations with the people who are close to you and with the communities of which you are a part. 爱,就是成功地处理 和你亲近的人的关系, 和你所处群体的关系。
Work: engaging in activities that are meaningful and satisfying. 工作:就是投入到 有意义和令你感到满足的活动中去。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的;
If you have that, good close relations with other people, work that's meaningful and fulfilling , you don't much need anything else. 如果你拥有了亲和的关系, 工作富有意义, 你其实已经不再需要多少其他东西。
fulfilling:adj.让人感觉有意义的; v.实现; (fulfill的现在分词)
Well, to love well and to work well, you need wisdom. 然而,要能做到好好爱,好好工作, 你需要智慧。
Rules and incentives don't tell you how to be a good friend, how to be a good parent, how to be a good spouse , or how to be a good doctor or a good lawyer or a good teacher. 规则和奖励机制不会告诉你 怎样成为一个好朋友,怎样成为好的家长, 怎样成为一个好的配偶, 怎样成为一个好的医生,好的律师, 好的老师。
Rules and incentives are no substitutes for wisdom. 规则和奖励 绝对不是智慧的替代品。
substitutes:n.替代品; v.用…代替;
Indeed, we argue, there is no substitute for wisdom. 事实上,我们的观点是: 智慧没有替代品。
And so practical wisdom does not require heroic acts of self-sacrifice on the part of practitioners. 因此实用智慧 不需要 实践者做出 自我牺牲的英雄壮举。
heroic:adj.英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的;n.史诗;英勇行为; self-sacrifice:n.自我牺牲;献身; on the part of:就...而言;由...所作出的;在...一边;由...所表现出的;
In giving us the will and the skill to do the right thing -- to do right by others -- practical wisdom also gives us the will and the skill to do right by ourselves. 实用智慧不仅赋予我们愿望和技巧 去做正确的事情——让他人做正确的事情—— 也赋予了我们 愿望和技巧 来自己做正确的事情。
Thanks. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)