

BGM: Traffic - 《Dear Mr. Fantasy》
BGM: The Kinks - 《Supersonic Rocket Ship》
Okay. Hold on. Don't shoot. 好 稳住 别着急
You see where you're going? 瞄准了吗
Mm- hmm. - Okay. 嗯 - 那好
Now let's worry about how you get there. 我们想想要怎么命中目标
Move your foot here,point your toe this way. 过来一点 脚尖朝这边
Hips , here. Okay? 转过来点
Can you see? - Yeah. 看得见吗? -可以
You sure? - Mm- hmm. 你确定? - 嗯
How about now? Can you see now? 现在呢 还看得见吗
How about now? 现在怎么样
All right.
Ready? Three fingers. 准备好了吗 三指拉弓
Nice! 很好
Nice throw, kiddo ! - Here you go. 投得好 宝贝 - 接着
Hey, you guys want mayo or mustard , or both? 你俩要加蛋黄酱还是芥末酱 还是都要?
Who wants mayo on a hotdog? 谁吃热狗会加蛋黄酱啊
Probably your brothers. Two mustards , please! Thanks, momma . 没准他们兄弟俩要 来两个加芥末酱的 谢谢 亲爱的
mustards:n.芥末;芥菜;深黄色;强烈的兴趣; momma:n.妈妈;
Got it. 知道了
Nate, mayo or mustard? 内特 加蛋黄酱还是芥末酱?
How 'bout ketchup . Or ketchup . I got ketchup, too. 番茄酱怎么样 - 番茄酱啊 番茄酱我也有
Mind your elbow ... 注意肘部...
Good job, Hawkeye ! Go get your arrow. 干得漂亮 小鹰眼! 去把箭拿回来吧
Hey, guys. Enough practice. Soup's on. 嘿 各位 练习就到这儿吧 汤做好了
All right. We're coming. We're hungry. 好 来了 我们都饿了
Lila , let's go. 莱拉 走吧
Lila? 莱拉?
Honey? 亲爱的?
Hey, Babe? 宝贝?
Babe? 宝贝?
Babe? 宝贝?
Boys! 孩子们!
Boys? 孩子们?
Laura? 劳拉?
You don't need to do that, because you're just holding the position. Come here. 你不用那样 其实你只要保持这样就好 来吧
That was close. 就差一点
That's a goal. We're now one a- piece. 进了 我们现在一比一平
I would like to try again. 我想再试一次
We're tied up. Feel the tension ? It's fun. 还是平局 紧张吗 有意思吧
That was terrible. Now you have a chance to win. 这一球很糟 现在你的机会来了
And you won. Congratulations. Fair game . 这样你就赢了 恭喜 公平竞赛
Fair game:n.准许捕猎的猎物;可据理加以抨击的对象;
Good sport. 友谊第一
You had fun? 觉得好玩吗
It was fun. 挺有意思的
This thing on? 启动了吗
Hey, Miss Potts ... Pep. 波兹小姐... 佩珀
If you find this recording... 如果你看到这段录像
don't post it, on social media . It's gonna be a real tear- jerker . 别发到网上去 这个太伤感了
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; jerker:n.登船检查员;
I don't know if you're ever gonna see these. I don't even know if you're still... 我不知道你能不能看到这些 我甚至都不知道你是否还...
Oh, God. I hope so... 哦 天呐 希望你没事...
Today is day 21... uh, 22. 今天是第21... 不 第22天
You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, 要是不用去想 怎么在这浩瀚宇宙里活下去
existential:adj.存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的; staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词) literal:adj.文字的;逐字的;无夸张的; void:adj.空的;无效的;无人的;n.空虚;空间;空隙;v.使无效;排放;
I'd say, I'm feeling a little better today. 可以说我今天感觉还不错