

Report to your stations immediately. 立即到你的岗位报到
This is not a drill. We are under attack! 这不是演习 我们遭到袭击
We are under attack! 我们遭到袭击
Shit! 妈的
Language! 别说脏话
Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs? 贾维斯 从上面看情况如何
The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield . 某种能量护盾保护着里面的建筑物
Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken. 斯托克的科技 远比之前拿下的九头蛇基地先进
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; Hydra:n.九头蛇;[无脊椎]水螅;难以根除之祸害;
Loki's scepter must be here. 洛基的权杖一定在里面
Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. 没有它 斯托克不可能有这种防御
At long last. 终于
'"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys. 终于 是拖得太久了 小伙子们
Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise. 对 我觉得已经没法出奇制胜了
Wait a second. 等一下
No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said "language"? 没人想回应一下 刚才队长说的 别说脏话 吗
I know. 我知道
Just slipped out. 顺嘴就说出来了
Who gave the order to attack? 谁下的攻击命令
Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers . 斯托克先生 复仇者来了
They landed in the far woods. The perimeter guard panicked . 他们在森林外围着陆 外围守卫慌了
perimeter:n.周长;周界;[眼科]视野计; panicked:v.(使)惊慌,惊慌失措;(panic的过去分词和过去式)
They have to be after the scepter. 他们一定是为权杖而来
Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers. 我们能挡住他们吗 -他们可是复仇者
Deploy the rest of the tanks. 部署所有坦克
Concentrate fire on the weak ones. 集中火力猛攻弱点
A hit may make them close ranks . 攻击可能会让他们团结起来
close ranks:使队伍靠拢;向前靠拢;
Everything we've accomplished ... 我们取得的一切成就...
But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough . 但我们马上就要取得最大的突破了
on the verge of:濒临于;接近于; breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的;
Then let's show them what we've accomplished. 那就让他们瞧瞧我们的成就
Send out the twins. 派出双胞胎
It's too soon. 太早了
It's what they signed up for. 他们当初加入就是为了这个
My men can hold them. 我的手下能挡住他们
Sir, the city is taking fire. 先生 城市受了打击
Well, we know Strucker's not gonna worry about civilian casualties . 我们知道斯托克 不在乎平民伤亡
civilian:adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的;n.平民,百姓; casualties:n.伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数);
Send in the Iron Legion . 派出钢铁军团
This quadrant is unsafe . Please back away. 这一地区很危险 请撤离
quadrant:n.象限;[海洋][天]象限仪;四分之一圆; unsafe:adj.不安全的;危险的;不安稳的;
We are here to help. 我们是来帮你们的
This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. 这一地区很危险 请撤离
Please back away. 请撤离
We wish to avoid collateral damage. - Costel! 我们想减少附带损失 -科斯特尔
We will inform you when this current conflict is resolved . 这场冲突一结束 我们就通知你们
inform:v.通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式)
We are here to help. - Avengers, go home! 我们是来帮你们的 -复仇者 回家去吧
We are here to help. 我们是来帮你们的
We will not yield ! 我们决不屈服
The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. 美国人派他们的怪物来考验我们
circus:n.马戏;马戏团; freaks:n.狂热爱好者; v.(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧; (freak的第三人称单数和复数)
We will send them back in bags. 我们把他们的尸体送回去
No surrender ! - No surrender ! 决不投降 -决不投降
I am going to surrender. 我准备投降
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
You delete everything. 你得把一切都删除
If we give the Avengers the weapons, they may not look too far into what we've been... 如果把武器留给复仇者 他们可能不会深入调查我们的研究...
The twins. 双胞胎呢