

18 minutes is an absolutely brutal time limit , so I'm going to dive straight in, right at the point where I get this thing to work. 十八分钟是一个非常紧的时间限制, 因此我直入主题,讲重点的, 我将马上开始。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; time limit:n.时限,期限;极限时限; dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动);
Here we go. I'm going to talk about five different things. 好,我要谈五个不同的事情。
I'm going to talk about why defeating aging is desirable . 一,我要谈谈为什么抗老化是可行的。
I'm going to talk about why we have to get our shit together, and actually talk about this a bit more than we do. 二,我要谈谈为什么我们必须打起精神, 多讨论这个课题,并且发觉我们应该指望战胜老化。
I'm going to talk about feasibility as well, of course. 当然,三,我也会谈谈战胜老化的可行性。
I'm going to talk about why we are so fatalistic about doing anything about aging. 四,我要谈谈为什么我们在人类抗老化上采取的行动这么的认命, 以为都是注定的。
And then I'm going spend perhaps the second half of the talk talking about, you know, how we might actually be able to prove that fatalism is wrong, namely , by actually doing something about it. 然后,第五,我也许在这个节目的下半段的时间谈谈 我们如何证明这个[对战胜老化]漠不关心以及以为是注定的心态是错误的, 并且实际上做点什么事来纠正这个错误。
fatalism:n.宿命论; namely:adv.也就是;即是;换句话说;
I'm going to do that in two steps. 这第五点,我会用两个步骤来谈论。
The first one I'm going to talk about is how to get from a relatively modest amount of life extension -- which I'm going to define as 30 years, applied to people who are already in middle-age when you start -- to a point which can genuinely be called defeating aging. 第一个步骤是 如何从一个相对适中的延长寿命治疗科技 - 我这就把它定义为可延长三十年寿命, 并且在已经是中年年龄的人开始应用 – 直到一个能真正被称为战胜老化问题的程度。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; modest:adj.些许的;谦虚的; extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机; define:v.定义;使明确;规定; applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) middle-age:中年; genuinely:adv.真诚地;诚实地;
Namely, essentially an elimination of the relationship between how old you are, and how likely you are to die in the next year -- or indeed, to get sick in the first place . 也就是说,实质上消除了你多大年纪, 以及你在下一年死去或 生病的可能性之间的关系。
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; elimination:n.消除;淘汰;除去; in the first place:首先;起初;
And of course, the last thing I'm going to talk about is how to reach that intermediate step, that point of maybe 30 years life extension. 最后一件事[第五件事情, 第二个步骤]我要谈的是如何实现过度步骤, 那个能给我们每一个人延长三十年寿命的治疗科技。
intermediate:adj.中间的; v.起调解作用; n.中级学生;
So I'm going to start with why we should. 好,我就从为什么要延长人类的寿命开始。
Now, I want to ask a question. 现在,我想问一个问题。
Hands up: Anyone in the audience who is in favor of malaria ? 观众席里有谁赞成疟疾是有利的?请举手。
That was easy. OK. 好,这很简单。
OK. Hands up, anyone in the audience who's not sure whether malaria is a good thing or a bad thing? 行。行。请不知道疟疾 是好事还是坏事的人举手?
OK. So we all think malaria is a bad thing. 好。所以,我们都认为,疟疾是一件坏事。
That's very good news, because I thought that was what the answer would be. 这是一个非常好的消息,因为我原以为这就是答案。
Now the thing is, I would like to put it to you that the main reason why we think that malaria is a bad thing is because of a characteristic of malaria that it shares with aging. 现在我希望你们想一想 我们认为疟疾是一件坏事主要的原因, 是因为疟疾和老化有着共同的特征。
And here is that characteristic. 那个特征就是两者都杀死人。
The only real difference is that aging kills considerably more people than malaria does. 唯一真正的区别是,老龄化杀死的人数比疟疾杀死的多许多。
Now, I like in an audience, in Britain especially , to talk about the comparison with fox-hunting , which is something that was banned after a long struggle, by the government not very many months ago. 现在,我喜欢观众,尤其是在英国的观众, 比较一下老化和打猎狐狸。 打猎狐狸是是经过长期斗争 不久前被政府禁止的活动。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; comparison:n.比较;对比;相比; fox-hunting:vi.猎狐;n.猎狐; banned:v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事;(ban的过去分词和过去式)
I mean, I know I'm with a sympathetic audience here, but, as we know, a lot of people are not entirely persuaded by this logic . 我的意思是,虽然我知道富有同情心的观众应该大多数都反对打猎狐狸, 但我们知道,很多人并不是完全被这个逻辑说服。
sympathetic:adj.同情的;赞同的;和谐的;n.交感神经;容易感受的人; persuaded:v.劝说;说服;使信服;使相信;(persuade的过去式和过去分词) logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
And this is actually a rather good comparison, it seems to me. 在我看来,这其实和老化是一个不错的比较。
You know, a lot of people said, "Well, you know, city boys have no business telling us rural types what to do with our time. 你知道,很多[郊外]的人说:“你们这些 住在城市的人没有权利告诉我们什么活动可以做什么东西不能做。
have no business:无权,没有理由;无关; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
It's a traditional part of the way of life, and we should be allowed to carry on doing it. 这是我们[住在郊外的人]的传统生活方式的一部分, 我们应该有权力继续做它。
It's ecologically sound; it stops the population explosion of foxes." 这是促进生态健全的,它控制了狐狸数量爆涨。”
ecologically:adv.从生态学的观点看; population explosion:n.人口激增;人口爆炸;
But ultimately , the government prevailed in the end, because the majority of the British public, and certainly the majority of members of Parliament , came to the conclusion that it was really something that should not be tolerated in a civilized society. 但是,政府最终占了上风, 因为大多数的英国公众, 还有国会多数成员, 得出的结论,就是这[打猎狐狸] 是一个文明社会所不能容忍的活动。
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; prevailed:v.普遍存在;盛行;流行;被接受;战胜;压倒;(prevail的过去分词和过去式) majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: Parliament:n.议会,国会; conclusion:n.结论;结局;推论; tolerated:v.容许;忍受;包容;有耐受性;(tolerate的过去式和过去分词) civilized:adj.文明的; v.教化; (civilize的过去式和过去分词)
And I think that human aging shares all of these characteristics in spades . 我认为,人类衰老也有这些特点, 它是一个不能容忍的活动。
characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) spades:v.用铲挖(spade的三单形式);n.锹;铲;(纸牌中的)黑桃;(spade的复数)
What part of this do people not understand? 这有什么难明白的?
It's not just about life, of course -- 这当然不只是生命,
(Laughter) (众笑)
it's about healthy life, you know -- getting frail and miserable and dependent is no fun, whether or not dying may be fun. 这也是有关可以健康的生活下去。 因为无论人们觉得死亡是否好玩[是否应该容忍], 身体越来越衰弱,悲惨地依赖别人一点都不好玩。
frail:adj.脆弱的;虚弱的;n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女; miserable:adj.悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的; dependent:adj.取决于;依靠的;依赖的;有瘾的;n.受赡养者;扈从;依存[从属]物; whether or not:是否…;
So really, this is how I would like to describe it. 因此,其实这就是我想要对它的[人类衰老]描述。
It's a global trance . 这[它]是一个全球性恍惚。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; trance:n.恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷;v.使恍惚;使发呆;
These are the sorts of unbelievable excuses that people give for aging. 这是人们对老龄化作出了 种种令人难以置信的借口。
And, I mean, OK, I'm not actually saying that these excuses are completely valueless . 而且,我的意思是,好吧,我不是在说 这些借口是完全没有价值。
There are some good points to be made here. 这些借口也有一些好的积极方面。
Things that we ought to be thinking about, forward planning so that nothing goes too -- well, so that we minimize the turbulence when we actually figure out how to fix aging. 比如说我们应该思考的种种问题,有规划些, 来尽量减少我们在战胜老化路途上 的不必要的动荡。
minimize:v.使减少到最低限度;降低;贬低;使显得不重要; turbulence:n.骚乱,动荡;[流]湍流;狂暴;
But these are completely crazy, when you actually remember your sense of proportion . 但只要如果你真正衡量它们, 这些借口都是完全疯了!
You know, these are arguments, these are things that would be legitimate to be concerned about. 你知道,这些[借口的]论点 是合理的,值得去关注。
legitimate:adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;v.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize); concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词)
But the question is, are they so dangerous -- these risks of doing something about aging -- that they outweigh the downside of doing the opposite, namely, leaving aging as it is? 但问题是,这些论点有没有那么危险? 战胜老化的风险 有没有高过 不理会人类老化的代价?
outweigh:vt.比…重(在重量上);比…重要;比…有价值; downside:n.下降趋势;底侧;adj.底侧的;
Are these so bad that they outweigh condemning 100,000 people a day to an unnecessarily early death. 难道这些[修复老化的风险]如此糟糕, 比每天超过十万人面对早死的命运还糟糕?
condemning:n.谴责;处刑;v.谴责;(condemn的现在分词) unnecessarily:adv.不必要地;多余地;
You know, if you haven't got an argument that's that strong, then just don't waste my time, is what I say. 你知道,如果你还没有比这一个说法更强的论点, 那么就不要浪费我的时间。这是我[对反对战胜老化]的看法。
(Laughter) (众笑)
Now, there is one argument that some people do think really is that strong, and here it is. 话虽如此,有一种观点有些人认为, 确实是很强,我们就在这儿讨论一下。
People worry about overpopulation; they say, "Well, if we fix aging, no one's going to die to speak of, or at least the death toll is going to be much lower, only from crossing St. Giles carelessly . 人们担心人口过多,他们说, “好吧,如果我们战胜老化,没有人类死亡可言, 或至少是死亡人数变得低得多, 变得只有不小心越过圣吉尔斯河而死[笑话]。
death toll:n.(事故、战争、灾难等的)死亡人数; carelessly:adv.粗心地;不注意地;无忧无虑地;
And therefore, we're not going to be able to have many kids, and kids are really important to most people." 因此,我们不需要有很多孩子, 可是孩子对多数人很重要。”
And that's true. 这是事实。
And you know, a lot of people try to fudge this question, and give answers like this. 你知道,很多人试图捏造这个问题, 并给予这样的答案。
I don't agree with those answers. I think they basically don't work. 我不同意这些答案。我认为它们根本行不通。
I think it's true, that we will face a dilemma in this respect. 我认为这是真的,我们会在这方面面临两难。
We will have to decide whether to have a low birth rate , or a high death rate . 我们将必须决定是否有一个低生育水平, 或者高死亡率。
birth rate:n.出生率; death rate:n.死亡率;
A high death rate will, of course, arise from simply rejecting these therapies , in favor of carrying on having a lot of kids. 拒绝这些战胜老化治疗,死亡率就会变高[和接受治疗的死亡率相比下], 当然,在这种情况下我们就能生许多孩子。
arise:v.出现;发生;产生;起身; rejecting:v.拒绝接受;拒收;不录用;不出售,不出版;(reject的现在分词) therapies:n.治疗方法(therapy复数形式);
And, I say that that's fine -- the future of humanity is entitled to make that choice. 我觉得这没问题 – 人类的下一代,有权做出这个选择。
humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; entitled:v.使享有权利;使符合资格;给…命名;(entitle的过去分词和过去式)
What's not fine is for us to make that choice on behalf of the future. 不正确和不应该的是我们现在就替下一代的做出这个选择。
on behalf of:代表;为了;
If we vacillate , hesitate , and do not actually develop these therapies, then we are condemning a whole cohort of people -- who would have been young enough and healthy enough to benefit from those therapies but will not be, 如果因为我们犹豫, 而不开发这些[战胜老化的]疗法, 那么我们就等于判了我们的子孙一个不能永远活着的命运。 本来因为他们够年轻,够健康, 可以获益于这些疗法。
vacillate:vi.犹豫;踌躇;摇摆; hesitate:v.(对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决;顾虑;疑虑; cohort:n.一群人,一批人;同伙;支持者;
because we haven't developed them as quickly as we could -- we'll be denying those people an indefinite life span , and I consider that that is immoral . 但因为我们的犹豫,没有尽快开发这些疗法 – 我们等于不让这些人有更长的寿命, 我认为这是不道德的。
denying:v.否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;(deny的现在分词) indefinite:adj.不确定的;无限的;模糊的; span:n.持续时间; v.持续; immoral:adj.不道德的;邪恶的;淫荡的;
That's my answer to the overpopulation question. 这是我对人口过多的问题的回应。
Right. So the next thing is, now why should we get a little bit more active on this? 好,接下来的是, 为什么我们应该在这一方面积极点?
And the fundamental answer is that the pro-aging trance is not as dumb as it looks. 最根本的答案是,[潜意识的认同老化是必然的] 亲老化恍惚并不像它看起来的那么笨。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; dumb:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的;
It's actually a sensible way of coping with the inevitability of aging. 它其实是在应对无法避免的老化时的一个很明智的办法。
sensible:adj.明智的; n.可感觉到的东西; coping:n.墙压顶;v.(成功地)对付,处理;(cope的现在分词) inevitability:n.必然性;不可逃避;
Aging is ghastly , but it's inevitable , so, you know, we've got to find some way to put it out of our minds, and it's rational to do anything that we might want to do, to do that. 老化是可怕的,但它是不可避免的,所以, 我们必须想尽办法把这想法从我们头脑中忘记, 理性地去做我们想要做的事情来改变。
ghastly:adj.可怕的;惨白的;惊人的;极坏的;adv.恐怖地;惨白地; inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的;
Like, for example, making up these ridiculous reasons why aging is actually a good thing after all. 例如,人类会想出这些荒谬的原因 来解释其实老化是件好事。
But of course, that only works when we have both of these components . 当然,这些[荒谬]的原因的起因有两个连接部分[一是老化,二是命中注定。]
And as soon as the inevitability bit becomes a little bit unclear -- and we might be in range of doing something about aging -- this becomes part of the problem. 只要命中注定那个部分在我们的脑海中没那么的肯定, 我们就可以开始对战胜老化采取行动, 这是老化问题的一部分。
as soon as:一…就; unclear:adj.不清楚的;不易了解的;
This pro-aging trance is what stops us from agitating about these things. 这亲老化恍惚常常妨碍人们解决老化这个问题。
agitating:adj.搅拌的,搅动的; v.搅动;
And that's why we have to really talk about this a lot -- evangelize , I will go so far as to say, quite a lot -- in order to get people's attention, and make people realize that they are in a trance in this regard. 这就是为什么我们一定要继续提出以及谈论这个课题, 我甚至会说 – 为了吸引人们的注意力,使人们认识到, 他们在这方面的恍惚,
evangelize:vt.传福音;使信基督教;vi.传福音;传道; so far as:只要;就…而言;在…范围内;
So that's all I'm going to say about that. 关于这个话题我就说到这里。
I'm now going to talk about feasibility. 我现在要谈的是第三点,打败老化的可行性。
And the fundamental reason, I think, why we feel that aging is inevitable is summed up in a definition of aging that I'm giving here. 其根本原因,我想,为什么我们认为老化是不可避免的, 是可以用我在这儿给老化的定义作为总结。
summed:v.归纳;总计;总结,概括;(sum的过去分词和过去式) definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释;
A very simple definition. 这是一个非常简单的定义。
Aging is a side effect of being alive in the first place, which is to say, metabolism . 老化是一种活着的副作用, 也就是说,新陈代谢的副作用。
side effect:n.副作用;附带后果; metabolism:n.[生理]新陈代谢;
This is not a completely tautological statement; it's a reasonable statement . 这并不是一个完全同义重复的声明, 它是一个合理的声明。
tautological:adj.赘述的;同义反复的;类语叠用的; reasonable:adj.合理的,公道的;通情达理的; statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单;
Aging is basically a process that happens to inanimate objects like cars, and it also happens to us, despite the fact that we have a lot of clever self-repair mechanisms , because those self-repair mechanisms are not perfect. 老龄化基本上是一个过程,发生在无生命的物体如汽车, 也发生在人类的身上, 尽管我们的身体有很多聪明的自我修复机制, 因为这些自我修复机制还不完善[我们还是会老化]。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; inanimate:adj.无生命的;无生气的; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; self-repair:n.自行修复; mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学;
So basically, metabolism, which is defined as basically everything that keeps us alive from one day to the next, has side effects. 基本上,新陈代谢,就是说 [在我们身体里]所有为了让我们能够每一天活着所维持的种种化学过程, 有副作用。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
Those side effects accumulate and eventually cause pathology . 这些副作用会不断的积累,最终导致病理[不可避免的死亡]。
accumulate:vi.累积;积聚;vt.积攒; eventually:adv.最后,终于; pathology:n.病理(学);(比喻)异常状态;
That's a fine definition. So we can put it this way: we can say that, you know, we have this chain of events. 这是一个不错的定义。因此,我们可以这样表达, 我们可以说,大家都知道,我们有着这一系列事件。
And there are really two games in town, according to most people, with regard to postponing aging. 而且根据大多数人,对于推迟衰老, 只有两种方法。
according to:根据,据说; postponing:n.推迟;
They're what I'm calling here the gerontology approach and the geriatrics approach. 这两种方法就是老年学和老年医学。
gerontology:n.老年医学;老年病学;老人学; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; geriatrics:n.老年病学;老年病人;
The geriatrician will intervene late in the day, when pathology is becoming evident , and the geriatrician will try and hold back the sands of time, and stop the accumulation of side effects from causing the pathology quite so soon. 老年医学医生会在一个人老化过程的后段, 病理越来越明显的时候, 做治疗来尽量阻止老化时间 和副作用积累 并且阻止那么快就造成不可避免地死亡。
intervene:vi.干涉;调停;插入; evident:adj.明显的;明白的; hold back:n.滞留; accumulation:n.积聚,累积;堆积物;
Of course, it's a very short-termist strategy , it's a losing battle, because the things that are causing the pathology are becoming more abundant as time goes on. 当然,这是一个非常短暂的战略,是一个败仗, 因为导致病理[不可避免地死亡]的这些副作用 会随着时间的推移越来越多。
strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略; abundant:adj.丰富的;充裕的;盛产;
The gerontology approach looks much more promising on the surface, because, you know, prevention is better than cure. 老年学的方法在表面上看起来更充满希望具发展前景, 因为你们也知道,预防胜于治疗。
But unfortunately the thing is that we don't understand metabolism very well. 但不幸的是,我们对新陈代谢的理解非常少。
In fact, we have a pitifully poor understanding of how organisms work -- even cells we're not really too good on yet. 事实上,我们对生物体的了解少的可怜 – 甚至细胞,我们都不是很懂。
pitifully:adv.可怜地,令人怜悯地;可恨地; organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体;
We've discovered things like, for example, 连对细胞如何操作的
RNA interference only a few years ago, and this is a really fundamental component of how cells work. 基本知识, 例如核糖核酸机能失常, 在仅仅几年前,我们才发现它。
Basically, gerontology is a fine approach in the end, but it is not an approach whose time has come when we're talking about intervention . 基本上,如果我们要讨论在我们一生中能用到的延长寿命的治疗, 老年学以后将会是一个很好的方法, 但它的时机未到[因为我们对新陈代谢的理解还太少]。
So then, what do we do about that? 然后呢,这怎么办呢?
I mean, that's a fine logic, that sounds pretty convincing , pretty iron-clad , doesn't it? 我的意思,这是一个很好的逻辑, 听起来非常有说服力的,不是吗?
convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词) iron-clad:n.铁壳,金属覆层;
But it isn't. 但事实并非如此。
Before I tell you why it isn't, I'm going to go a little bit into what I'm calling step two. 在我告诉你为什么不能之前, 我要谈谈我所谓的第二步。
Just suppose , as I said , that we do acquire -- let's say we do it today for sake of argument -- the ability to confer 30 extra years of healthy life on people who are already in middle age , let's say 55. 我们假设,如果正如我所说的, 我们 - 假设说今天 – 就拥有能够给现在已是中年,假设说五十五岁的人, 多三十年的健康寿命的治疗方法。
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: as I said:正如我所说的 acquire:v.获得;取得;学到;捕获; sake:n.目的;利益;理由;日本米酒; confer:vt.授予;给予;vi.协商; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: middle age:中年;
I'm going to call that robust human rejuvenation . OK. 我称这为‘强健人类再生’ 。好。
robust:adj.强健的;健康的;粗野的;粗鲁的; rejuvenation:n.[地质][水文]回春,返老还童;复壮,恢复活力;
What would that actually mean for how long people of various ages today -- or equivalently , of various ages at the time that these therapies arrive -- would actually live? 那么实际上这对于现在不同年龄的人们, 或者相等地,当这些治疗方法到达时 已是不同年龄的人有什么影响呢? 他们会活多久些呢?
In order to answer that question -- you might think it's simple, but it's not simple. 你可能会认为回答这个问题很简单, 但它并不简单。
We can't just say, "Well, if they're young enough to benefit from these therapies, then they'll live 30 years longer." 我们不能只是说:“好吧,如果他们足够年轻,得益于这些治疗方法, 那么他们就会活[比本来]多三十年的时间。”
That's the wrong answer. 这是错误的答案。
And the reason it's the wrong answer is because of progress. 而错误的原因是因为进步。
There are two sorts of technological progress really, for this purpose. 对于我们这方面的治疗, 科学进步有两种。
There are fundamental, major breakthroughs , and there are incremental refinements of those breakthroughs. 第一种是突破性的进步, 然后还有第二种就是不断的在那些突破性的进步上做出改良和提高它们的有效率。
breakthroughs:突破; incremental:adj.增加的,增值的; refinements:n.(生活)风雅;
Now, they differ a great deal in terms of the predictability of time frames . 这两种科学进步所需的 时间的预测度有很大的不同。
predictability:n.可预测性;可预言; frames:n.[计][电子][通信]帧,[电影]画面;[建][计]框架;眼镜架(frame的复数);
Fundamental breakthroughs: very hard to predict how long it's going to take to make a fundamental breakthrough. 我们很难预测 多久才会有 突破性的进步。
It was a very long time ago that we decided that flying would be fun, and it took us until 1903 to actually work out how to do it. 人类很有可能在很多年前就想在天空上飞行了, 可是要等到一九零三年才发现到底怎么飞行。
But after that, things were pretty steady and pretty uniform . 可是这之后,人类飞行的科技就很有步骤地发展下去。
steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣; uniform:adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;始终如一的;n.制服;v.使穿制服;使成一样;
I think this is a reasonable sequence of events that happened in the progression of the technology of powered flight. 我认为这是一个很合乎情理才导致了 动力飞行的科技进展。
sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; progression:n.前进;连续; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
We can think, really, that each one is sort of beyond the imagination of the inventor of the previous one, if you like. 我们可以想象这些科技发展的每一步都是 上一步的研发人所想不到的。
imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
The incremental advances have added up to something which is not incremental anymore. 比起原先每次都递进增值 有进展。
This is the sort of thing you see after a fundamental breakthrough. 在每个科学突破性的进步后,您都会看到这些有步骤性的发展。
And you see it in all sorts of technologies . 而且在很多科技上都是这样。
Computers, you can look at a more or less parallel time line, happening of course a bit later. 比如说电脑,和飞行科技也很类似, 只是发生的时间不同罢了。
more or less:或多或少; parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
You can look at medical care. I mean, hygiene , vaccines , antibiotics -- you know, the same sort of time frame . 您也可以看一看医药保健科技,比如说卫生,疫苗,抗生素, 也有着一样的发展时间表。
hygiene:n.卫生;卫生学;保健法; vaccines:n.[药][计]疫苗; antibiotics:n.抗菌素;抗生素(如青霉素);(antibiotic的复数) time frame:n.期间时限;
So I think that actually step two, that I called a step a moment ago, isn't a step at all. 因此,我认为其实两个步骤,我刚才称为一个步骤, 并不完全是一个步骤。
That in fact, the people who are young enough to benefit from these first therapies that give this moderate amount of life extension, even though those people are already middle-aged when the therapies arrive, will be at some sort of cusp . 事实上,很年轻的人 会从这些实验治疗方法受益, 能使人们的生命适量延长, 即使这些人已经中年,当这些治疗方法来到 人们还可以尝试治疗方法。
moderate:v.缓和; adj.适度的; n.持温和观点者(尤指政见); middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; cusp:n.尖头;尖端;
They will mostly survive long enough to receive improved treatments that will give them a further 30 or maybe 50 years. 他们多数活得足够长来接受改进的治疗方法, 从而使他们多活30年甚至50年。
improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式) treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数)
In other words, they will be staying ahead of the game . 换句话说,他们将领先于老化的速度。
ahead of the game:领先,占优势;捷足先登;
The therapies will be improving faster than the remaining imperfections in the therapies are catching up with us. 治疗法比起治疗法中存在的缺陷 改进得更快。
improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词) imperfections:n.不合格折贴(imperfection的复数);
This is a very important point for me to get across. 这是我想说的非常重要的一点。
Because, you know, most people, when they hear that I predict that a lot of people alive today are going to live to 1,000 or more, they think that I'm saying that we're going to invent therapies in the next few decades that are so thoroughly eliminating aging that those therapies will let us live to 1,000 or more. 因为,很多人一听到 我推测很多现在活着的人将会活到一千或更多年以上, 他们都在想,哦,我们将会在这几十年内发明 延缓老化的治疗方法, 研究如何活到一千年甚至更多的治疗方法。
thoroughly:adv.彻底地,完全地; eliminating:v.排除;清除;消除;淘汰;(eliminate的现在分词)
I'm not saying that at all. 我并不是这么说。
I'm saying that the rate of improvement of those therapies will be enough. 我说的只是这些延长寿命的治疗方法的 发展速度会足够使人们继续活下去。
They'll never be perfect, but we'll be able to fix the things that 200-year-olds die of, before we have any 200-year-olds. 这些治疗方法我想永远都不可能完美, 但我们将可以在还没有两百岁的人之前就研究到如何治疗两百岁的人所死于的病理因素。
And the same for three- and 400 and so on. 接下来,我们就在还没有三,四百岁的人之前就研究到如何治疗三,四百岁的人所死于的因素。
I decided to give this a little name, which is " longevity escape velocity ." 我称这为“长寿逃逸速度”, 要逃离死亡,长寿治疗方法必有快速的发展,叫逃逸速度。
longevity:n.长寿,长命;寿命; velocity:n.[物]速度;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Well, it seems to get the point across. 这是个很容易明白的名称。
So, these trajectories here are basically how we would expect people to live, in terms of remaining life expectancy , as measured by their health, for given ages that they were at the time that these therapies arrive. 这就是我们可以期待 在余下的预期寿命, 以他们的健康来衡量, 到了一定年龄,相对应的治疗就相应而出。
trajectories:n.轨迹;轨道线(trajectory的复数形式); life expectancy:预期寿命; measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式)
If you're already 100, or even if you're 80 -- and an average 80-year-old, we probably can't do a lot for you with these therapies, because you're too close to death's door for the really initial , experimental therapies to be good enough for you. 如果你已经100岁,或者你是80岁, 平均80岁, 我们可能很难为您做些什么, 因为您的时间不多了。 所以最初的,实验性疗法对你已经不起作用了。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于; experimental:adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的;
You won't be able to withstand them. 你将无法避免老化。
But if you're only 50, then there's a chance that you might be able to pull out of the dive and, you know -- 可是,如果您才五十岁的话, 您很有可能像我刚刚描述的那个样子摆脱了老化去世的问题。
(Laughter) (笑声)
eventually get through this and start becoming biologically younger in a meaningful sense, in terms of your youthfulness , both physical and mental, and in terms of your risk of death from age-related causes. 您不但可以活的更久些, 某种意义上 你的青春,从身体和头脑上, 你的生命变得更加年轻, 你死于和老化有关的病症的几率也会降低。
biologically:adv.生物学上,生物学地; meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; youthfulness:n.少壮; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
And of course, if you're a bit younger than that, then you're never really even going to get near to being fragile enough to die of age-related causes. 当然,如果你还不到五十岁的话, 您更有可能永远摆脱了老化去世的问题, 而不会虚弱因老化而生成的疾病死亡。
So this is a genuine conclusion that I come to, that the first 150-year old -- we don't know how old that person is today, because we don't know how long it's going to take to get these first-generation therapies. 因此,这是我得到的一个真正的结论,就是说第一位[能够活到一百五十岁 – 我们不知道该人现在多老了, 因为我们不知道第一代[延长寿命的] 疗法要多久才会出现。
But irrespective of that age, 但无论是年龄,
irrespective of:prep.不考虑;不管;不受…影响;adj.不顾;不考虑;
I'm claiming that the first person to live to 1,000 -- subject of course, to, you know, global catastrophes -- is actually, probably, only about 10 years younger than the first 150-year old. 我声称的第一人会活到一千年的人 – 当然,排除全球性灾难 - 实际上, 大概只有比我说的那位活到一百五十岁的人年轻十岁左右。
claiming:v.声称;要求给予;理应获得;(claim的现在分词) catastrophes:n.灾难;灾祸;横祸;不幸事件;困难;(catastrophe的复数)
And that's quite a thought. 很令人值得想一想的结论吧。
All right, so finally I'm going to spend the rest of the talk, my last seven and a half minutes, on step one; namely, how do we actually get to this moderate amount of life extension that will allow us to get to escape velocity? 好,接下来我要用这个讲座所剩下的时间, 我的七个半分钟来谈谈我所谓的第一个步骤, 就是我们如何得到这第一批延长寿命的适中治疗, 使我们可以达到长寿逃逸速度?
And in order to do that, I need to talk about mice a little bit. 而为了做到这一点,我需要说一点点关于老鼠的事。
I have a corresponding milestone to robust human rejuvenation. 我有一个对强健人类再生相应的里程碑,
corresponding:adj.符合的; v.相一致; (correspond的现在分词) milestone:n.里程碑,划时代的事件;
I'm calling it robust mouse rejuvenation, not very imaginatively . 我不是很富有想象力地称它为强健老鼠再生[的治疗科技]。
And this is what it is. 这是什么呢?
I say we're going to take a long-lived strain of mouse, which basically means mice that live about three years on average. 就是我们要采用一种长寿的老鼠, 就等于平均可以活三年左右的老鼠。
long-lived:adj.长命的;历时长久的; strain:n.压力;品系;应力;张力;v.扭伤;拉紧;滤;损伤;
We do exactly nothing to them until they're already two years old. 我们完全没有碰过它们,直到它们已经两岁。
And then we do a whole bunch of stuff to them, and with those therapies, we get them to live, on average, to their fifth birthday. 然后我们对它们做了一大堆的东西, 用那些治疗方法使它们延长寿命, 想办法让他们平均活到五岁。
bunch:n.群;串;突出物;vi.隆起;打褶;形成一串;vt.使成一串;使打褶; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
So, in other words, we add two years -- we treble their remaining lifespan , starting from the point that we started the therapies. 因此,换句话说,我们开始把这些老鼠治疗后,添加了两年寿命 – 已经是它们剩余寿命 的三倍。
treble:adj.三倍的; n.三倍; vi.变成三倍; vt.使成三倍; lifespan:n.寿命;预期生命期限;预期使用期限;
The question then is, what would that actually mean for the time frame until we get to the milestone I talked about earlier for humans? 接下来的问题是,到底什么时候, 我们讨论的这些才能用在人类身上呢?
Which we can now, as I've explained, equivalently call either robust human rejuvenation, or longevity escape velocity. 我们现在可以,正如我已经解释过, 把它称为强健人类再生,或长寿逃逸速度。
Secondly, what does it mean for the public's perception of how long it's going to take for us to get to those things, starting from the time we get the mice? 第二,从我们得到的第一只老鼠时开始, 公众对多久我们才能获得这些东西, 对这些科技的发展有什么影响?
And thirdly, the question is, what will it do to actually how much people want it? 第三,问题是,它对多少人想要避免老化的人们起作用? 这些科技有什么影响呢?
And it seems to me that the first question is entirely a biology question, and it's extremely hard to answer. 我的看法是, 第一个问题完全是生物学的问题, 这是非常难回答。
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
One has to be very speculative , and many of my colleagues would say that we should not do this speculation , that we should simply keep our counsel until we know more. 一个人必须非常投机, 和我的许多同事会说,我们不应该做这种推测, 我们应该简单地保持沉默,直到我们了解更多。
speculative:adj.投机的;推测的;思索性的; colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); speculation:n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖; counsel:n.劝告,忠告,建议;法律顾问;律师;vt.提供专业咨询;建议,劝告(做某事)
I say that's nonsense . 我觉得这是一派胡言。
I say we absolutely are irresponsible if we stay silent on this. 保持沉默,绝对是不负责任的。
We need to give our best guess as to the time frame, in order to give people a sense of proportion so that they can assess their priorities . 我们需要给我们最好的猜测有时间框架, 以便使人们有个概念, 使他们能够评估他们的优先事项。
assess:vt.评定;估价;对…征税; priorities:n.优先事项;优先权;重点;(priority的复数)
So, I say that we have a 50/50 chance of reaching this RHR milestone, robust human rejuvenation, within 15 years from the point that we get to robust mouse rejuvenation. 所以,我说,从我们应用强健老鼠再生的科技 的十五年内,我们有百分之五十的机会 实现强健人类再生科技 这个重要的里程碑。
15 years from the robust mouse. 强健老鼠再生的科技应用的十五年内,
The public's perception will probably be somewhat better than that. 人们的看法可能会变好。
The public tend to underestimate how difficult scientific things are. 因为人们往往低估的科学进步的困难性。
underestimate:v.低估;看轻;n.低估; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
So they'll probably think it's five years away. 因此,他们很可能会认为只需五年。
They'll be wrong, but that actually won't matter too much. 他们可能是错误的,但实际上这不太重要。
And finally, of course, I think it's fair to say that a large part of the reason why the public is so ambivalent about aging now is the global trance I spoke about earlier, the coping strategy. 最后,当然,我认为公众对于老龄化 的看法这么的矛盾的主要原因, 是我刚才谈到的全球恍惚的应对策略。
That will be history at this point, because it will no longer be possible to believe that aging is inevitable in humans, since it's been postponed so very effectively in mice. 这将是历史性的一刻, 因为公众将不再认为老化是人类不可避免的, 因为它已经非常有效地在小老鼠体内被推迟。
So we're likely to end up with a very strong change in people's attitudes , and of course that has enormous implications . 因此,我们很可能会看到人们的观念有了巨大变化, 而这将会具有极大的影响。
attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数); enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数);
So in order to tell you now how we're going to get these mice, 为了现在要告诉你我们要如何得到这些老鼠,
I'm going to add a little bit to my description of aging. 我要补充一点我对老化的描述。
I'm going to use this word "damage" 我会用“损害”这个词来表示
to denote these intermediate things that are caused by metabolism, and that eventually cause pathology. 所有由新陈代谢中阶段造成的东西, 而最终导致不可避免的死亡。
Because the critical thing about this is that even though the damage only eventually causes pathology, the damage itself is caused ongoingly throughout life, starting before we're born. 因为这个关键的是, 尽管这些损害只有在最终才会造成不可避免的死亡, 它们是从我们出生之前就开始累积的东西,我们整个人生它们都不断累积。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
But it is not part of metabolism itself. 但是这些损害不是新陈代谢的一部分,
And this turns out to be useful. 这一点对我们来说是有益的。
Because we can re-draw our original diagram this way. 因为这样我们可以重新绘制我们的原始图。
We can say that, fundamentally , the difference between gerontology and geriatrics is that gerontology tries to inhibit the rate at which metabolism lays down this damage. 我们可以说,老年学和老年病学之间根本区别就是, 老年学试图抑制[避免]新陈代谢[的副作用], 这些“损害”累积的速度。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 inhibit:vt.抑制;禁止;
And I'm going to explain exactly what damage is in concrete biological terms in a moment . 我等一下会准确地解释我所谓 的“损害”在生物学里指的是什么。
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 in a moment:立刻;
And geriatricians try to hold back the sands of time by stopping the damage converting into pathology. 老年病学呢,就试图阻止[医治] 这些“损害”所带来的的后果,
And the reason it's a losing battle is because the damage is continuing to accumulate. 比如说死亡。这是一个败仗, 因为损害只会继续积累。
So there's a third approach, if we look at it this way. 如果我们这样看的话,有第三种办法。
We can call it the engineering approach, and I claim that the engineering approach is within range. 我们可以把它叫做工程方法, 我声称工程方法是在人类的科技,技术范围之内。
The engineering approach does not intervene in any processes . 该工程方法不会干预任何[我们身体内的新陈代谢的]过程。
processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
It does not intervene in this process, or this one. 它不会干预这个过程,也不干预这一个。
And that's good because it means that it's not a losing battle, and it's something that we are within range of being able to do, because it doesn't involve improving on evolution . 这很好,因为这意味着这不是一个败仗, 并且它是在我们现在的[技术]范围之内能够做到的事情, 因为它不涉及对人类进化改善。
involve:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加; evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进;
The engineering approach simply says, "Let's go and periodically repair all of these various types of damage -- not necessarily repair them completely, but repair them quite a lot, 该工程方法只是表示, “我们定期修复所有的这些不同类型的损害 – 他们不一定完全修复[这些损害],
so that we keep the level of damage down below the threshold that must exist, that causes it to be pathogenic ." 但修复的足以让我们继续避免 一个会造成导致死亡或生病的程度。”
threshold:n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值; pathogenic:adj.致病的;病原的;发病的(等于pathogenetic);
We know that this threshold exists, because we don't get age-related diseases until we're in middle age, even though the damage has been accumulating since before we were born. 我们知道这个门槛程度的存在, 因为我们只有当我们在中年时才会得到与年龄有关的疾病, 即使损害已经从我们诞生时就开始累积了。
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; accumulating:n.[数]累加;v.积累(accumulate的ing形式);
Why do I say that we're in range? Well, this is basically it. 为什么我说,[工程方法]在人类近期的技术范围内呢?这[图片]基本上就是原因。
The point about this slide is actually the bottom. 这图片的重点在底部。
If we try to say which bits of metabolism are important for aging, we will be here all night, because basically all of metabolism is important for aging in one way or another. 如果我们试图说新陈代谢的那个部分才是对老化过程有着重要的影响, 那我们可能要在这里呆一整晚, 因为基本上新陈代谢的每个组件都对老化有影响。
This list is just for illustration , it is incomplete . 这个列表仅仅是一个例子,它是不完整的。
illustration:n.插图;图解;示例;图示; incomplete:n.未完成;adj.不完整的;不完全的;不完善的;
The list on the right is also incomplete. 右边的列表也一样不完整。
It's a list of types of pathology that are age-related, and it's just an incomplete list. 它们只是一种与年龄 有关的病的列表。
But I would like to claim to you that this list in the middle is actually complete, this is the list of types of thing that qualify as damage, side effects of metabolism that cause pathology in the end, or that might cause pathology. 但这中间的我主张是完整的列表, 所有代谢副作用有资格被称为“损害”, 最终会导致病理[不可避免的死亡] 或可能造成病理类型。
And there are only seven of them. 而这列表只有七个。
They're categories of thing, of course, but there's only seven of them. 当然,这七个是类别,但只有七个。
Cell loss, mutations in chromosomes , mutations in the mitochondria and so on. 细胞损失,染色体突变,在线粒体基因突变等。
mutations:n.[遗]突变;变化;转变(mutation的复数形式); chromosomes:n.[遗][细胞][染料]染色体(chromosome的复数形式); mitochondria:n.线粒体(mitochondrion的复数);
First of all , I'd like to give you an argument for why that list is complete. 首先,我想给你们解释一个为什么我认为这份列表是完全的。
First of all:adv.首先;
Of course one can make a biological argument. 当然,我们可以使用生物学的角度来争论。
One can say, "OK, what are we made of?" 可以说,好,我们是什么做的?
We're made of cells and stuff between cells. 我们是由细胞和细胞间的东西。
What can damage accumulate in? “损害”可以累积在那里?
The answer is, long-lived molecules , because if a short-lived molecule undergoes damage, but then the molecule is destroyed -- like by a protein being destroyed by proteolysis -- then the damage is gone, too. 答案是,长期存在的分子里, 因为如果一个短暂寿命的分子遭到破坏,它将会在寿命完了后被销毁 – 就像蛋白质被水解摧毁 – 累积的损害也一起被销毁了。
molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数); short-lived:adj.短暂的,短期的;短命的;无常的; undergoes:vt.经历,经受;忍受; protein:n.蛋白质;
It's got to be long-lived molecules. 所以“损害”累积的地方一定是很长寿命的分子里。
So, these seven things were all under discussion in gerontology a long time ago and that is pretty good news, because it means that, you know, we've come a long way in biology in these 20 years, so the fact that we haven't extended this list is a pretty good indication that there's no extension to be done. 因此[因为这个理由的很大的可能性],这七个东西,都是由老年学士很久以前就讨论过了。 这是相当好的消息,因为这意味着, 尽管我们在这二十年里对生物学有着很大的成就, 这份列表还只有七样东西是一个非常好的迹象, 因为它显示它已不可再增加了。
come a long way:突飞猛进; extended:adj.延长了的;扩展了的;v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;(extend的过去式和过去分词) indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征;
However, it's better than that; we actually know how to fix them all in mice, in principle -- and what I mean by in principle is, we probably can actually implement these fixes within a decade. 这个消息比你们想象的更好, 因为我们在原则上知道如何在老鼠里解决所有这些七样东西 – 我所谓的原则指的是, 我们或许可以真正实现在十年内这些修复治疗。
in principle:大体上,原则上; implement:v.实施;执行;贯彻;使生效;n.工具;
Some of them are partially implemented already, the ones at the top. 其中有些[七样里的]部分已经落实了,尤其是在顶部的。
partially:adv.部分地;偏袒地; implemented:v.使生效;贯彻;执行;实施;(implement的过去式和过去分词)
I haven't got time to go through them at all, but my conclusion is that, if we can actually get suitable funding for this, then we can probably develop robust mouse rejuvenation in only 10 years, but we do need to get serious about it. 我[在这里]没有时间一个一个的解释, 但我的结论是,如果我们能够得到适合的资金, 那么我们或许可以在只有十年内成功发展强健的大规模人类再生[治疗科技], 但我们确实需要认真想想它。
suitable:adj.合适的;适宜的;适当的;适用的; funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词)
We do need to really start trying. 我们需要真正开始尝试。
So of course, there are some biologists in the audience, and I want to give some answers to some of the questions that you may have. 对于观众里的生物学家, 你们可能有一些问题,我会回答你们。
You may have been dissatisfied with this talk, but fundamentally you have to go and read this stuff. 你可能对这个讲座有些不满, 但你必须去阅读这些[已经刊登在研究杂志]内容,
dissatisfied:adj.不满意的; v.使不满(dissatisfy的过去式和过去分词);
I've published a great deal on this; 我已经刊登了对老化很多的资料;
I cite the experimental work on which my optimism is based, and there's quite a lot of detail there. 而且我就凭着这些研究为基础对人类老化治疗科技持乐观态度, 里头的细节还有很多。
cite:v.引用;援引;引述;提及(原因);n.引文; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
The detail is what makes me confident of my rather aggressive time frames that I'm predicting here. 这些细节使我对我在这里预测的 相当挑战性的时间表更加有信心。
confident of:确信,相信; aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的; predicting:v.预言;预告;预报;(predict的现在分词)
So if you think that I'm wrong, you'd better damn well go and find out why you think I'm wrong. 如果你觉得我错了, 我希望你能看了这些资料以及研究报考后再来解释为什么你认为我是错的。
And of course the main thing is that you shouldn't trust people who call themselves gerontologists because, as with any radical departure from previous thinking within a particular field, 最主要的是你不应该相信 自称是老年医学的人, 因为在任何领域里
radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; departure:n.离开;出发;违背;
you know, you expect people in the mainstream to be a bit resistant and not really to take it seriously. 如果有激进的思想变化,主流的人一定有点抵抗 而且不认真的对待它。
mainstream:n.主流; resistant:adj.抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的;n.抵抗者;
So, you know, you've got to actually do your homework, in order to understand whether this is true. 所以,你必须真正做好准备工作, 才能了解这是否属实。
And we'll just end with a few things. 我们在结束前就讲讲几件事。
One thing is, you know, you'll be hearing from a guy in the next session who said some time ago that he could sequence the human genome in no time , and everyone said, "Well, it's obviously impossible." 有一件事就是,你将会在下届会议听一个家伙说起以前, 当他说他可以测序人类基因组时,人们是怎么的回答他。 每个人都说:“这是不可能的。”
session:n.会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会;学期;讲习会; genome:n.基因组;染色体组; in no time:立刻,很快;
And you know what happened. 可是你也知道,
So, you know, this does happen. 这确实发生了。
We have various strategies -- there's the Methuselah Mouse Prize, which is basically an incentive to innovate , and to do what you think is going to work, and you get money for it if you win. 我们有不同的策略 – 有玛士撒拉奖, 这基本上是一个鼓励创新, 做你认为是可行的[方法延长寿命], 如果成功的话,你就可以赢钱。
strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数) Methuselah:n.非常高寿的人;玛士撒拉; incentive:n.动机;刺激;adj.激励的;刺激的; innovate:vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人;
There's a proposal to actually put together an institute . 还有一个计划建议组织一个机构,
proposal:n.提议,建议;求婚; put together:..放在一起;组合;装配; institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院;
This is what's going to take a bit of money. 可是这将会需要点钱。
But, I mean, look -- how long does it take to spend that on the war in Iraq? 我的意思是,你看我们在伊拉克战争上耗这么久浪费了多少钱?
how long does it take:需要多长时间?;
Not very long. OK. 不会再久吧。好吧。
(Laughter) (众笑)
It's got to be philanthropic , because profits distract biotech , but it's basically got a 90 percent chance, I think, of succeeding in this. 这些研究的钱的来源最好是[私人]慈善,因为利润会分散生物技术研究公司[的注意力], 但我认为它[我所提出的这些时间表和延长人类寿命的治疗科技的发展蓝图]]基本上有着百分之九十的机会成功。
philanthropic:adj.博爱的;仁慈的; profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数) distract:v.转移(注意力);分散(思想);使分心; biotech:abbr.生物技术;生物科技(biotechnology);
And I think we know how to do it. And I'll stop there. 因为我们已经知道应该怎么做。我就说到这里。
Thank you. 谢谢您。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Chris Anderson: OK. I don't know if there's going to be any questions but I thought I would give people the chance. 克里斯安德森:好。我不知道大家有没有问题, 但我想我会给他们机会。
Audience: Since you've been talking about aging and trying to defeat it, why is it that you make yourself appear like an old man? 观众:既然你在谈论老龄化,并试图战胜它, 那为什么你看上去就像一位老人呢?
(Laughter) (众笑)
AG: Because I am an old man. I am actually 158. 奥布里德格雷:因为我是一个老人。其实我是已经是一百五十八岁。
(Laughter) (众笑)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Audience: Species on this planet have evolved with immune systems, to fight off all the diseases so that individuals live long enough to procreate . 观众:这个星球上的物种进化了免疫系统, 以对抗各种的疾病,使个人活到足够生育的年龄。
Species:n.[生物]物种;种类; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) immune:adj.免疫的;免于…的,免除的;n.免疫者;免除者; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); procreate:vi.生育(子女);产生;vt.生殖;
However, as far as I know , all the species have evolved to actually die, so when cells divide, the telomerase get shorter, and eventually species die. 不过,据我所知,所有的物种都进化到实际会死亡, 因此,当细胞分裂时,端粒酶变得越来越短了,最终物种死亡。
as far as I know:据我所知;就我所知; telomerase:n.端粒酶(核糖体蛋白酶);
So, why does -- evolution has -- seems to have selected against immortality , when it is so advantageous , or is evolution just incomplete? 那么,为什么进化过程似乎已选定‘针对’永存不朽? 或者那只是进化过程还不完整?
immortality:n.不朽;不朽的声名;不灭; advantageous:adj.有利的;有益的;
AG: Brilliant. Thank you for asking a question that I can answer with an uncontroversial answer. 奥布里德格雷:好!谢谢你问一个我可以 用一个没有争议的答案来回答你。
I'm going to tell you the genuine mainstream answer to your question, which I happen to agree with, which is that, no, aging is not a product of selection , evolution; 我要告诉你主流思想的答案来回答你的问题, 我也恰巧同意这个答案。 那就是,不,老化不是一个进化过程的后果,
[aging] is simply a product of evolutionary neglect . 只是进化过程所忽视的后果。
evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; neglect:v.忽视;忽略;疏忽;疏于照顾;n.忽视;忽略;未被重视;
In other words, we have aging because it's hard work not to have aging; you need more genetic pathway , more sophistication in your genes in order to age more slowly, and that carries on being true the longer you push it out. 换句话说,我们会老化,因为没有老化的话比较难; [因为]你需要更多的遗传途径,你的基因需要变得更复杂, 以便让你老的比较慢些, 而且你越想要把老化推迟,你[的身体的进化过程]就越需要面对这些难题。
genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; sophistication:n.复杂;诡辩;老于世故;有教养; genes:n.基因;(gene的复数)
So, to the extent that evolution doesn't matter, doesn't care whether genes are passed on by individuals, living a long time or by procreation , there's a certain amount of modulation of that, 因此,到进化不重要的程度, 不在乎是个体, 或则生活的很长的一段时间, 或则靠生育种种方法来把基因传给下一代,有一定的调节,
extent:n.程度;范围;长度; procreation:n.生殖;生产; modulation:n.[电子]调制;调整;
which is why different species have different lifespans , but that's why there are no immortal species. 这就是为什么不同物种有不同的寿命, 但是这就是为什么没有永存的物种。
CA: The genes don't care but we do? 克里斯安德森:这些基因并不关心,但我们关心?
AG: That's right. 奥布里德格雷:是的。
Audience: Hello. I read somewhere that in the last 20 years, the average lifespan of basically anyone on the planet has grown by 10 years. 观众:您好。我听说在过去的二十年中, 基本上这个星球上的人的平均寿命增长了十年。
If I project that, that would make me think that I would live until 120 if I don't crash on my motorbike. 如果以这个资料推断,如果我没有在我的摩托车上发生任何事故, 我将能够活到一百二十岁。
That means that I'm one of your subjects to become a 1000 year old? 这意味着,我将会变成你所谓能够活到一千年研究课题之一?
AG: If you lose a bit of weight. 奥布里德格雷:如果你瘦一点儿。
(Laughter) (众笑)
Your numbers are a bit out. 你的数据有点出入。
The standard numbers are that lifespans have been growing at between one and two years per decade. 标准的数字是, 寿命已经在每十年增长一至两年。
So, it's not quite as good as you might think -- you might hope. 因此,它不是你觉得或希望的那么好。
But I intend to move it up to one year per year as soon as possible. 不过,我打算尽快将它快速发展到每年寿命多一年。
Audience: I was told that many of the brain cells we have as adults are actually in the human embryo , and that the brain cells last 80 years or so. 观众:我被告知,许多我们成人的脑细胞, 实际上在胚胎里是就有了, 而脑细胞能活八十年左右的时间。
If that is indeed true, biologically are there implications in the world of rejuvenation? 如果事实的确如此, 在生理的角度看,对再生[科技]的世界会有什么影响?
If there are cells in my body that live all 80 years, as opposed to a typical , you know, couple of months? 如果在我身体的所有细胞, 可以活到八十年,而不是一个典型的在两个月就死去的细胞?
opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式) typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的;
AG: There are technical implications certainly. 奥布里德格雷:当然,这是技术问题。
Basically what we need to do is replace cells in those few areas of the brain that lose cells at a respectable rate, especially neurons, but we don't want to replace them any faster than that -- or not much faster anyway, because replacing them too fast would degrade cognitive function. 基本上我们需要做的是取代大脑 的几个领域的细胞的流失率, 尤其是神经元,但我们不想比 那流失率更快地取代任何细胞 – 因为更换地太快会降低认知功能。
respectable:adj.值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的;n.可敬的人; degrade:v.降低…身份;使受屈辱;(使)退化,降解;分解;降低; cognitive:adj.认知的,认识的;
What I said about there being no non-aging species earlier on was a little bit of an oversimplification . 我刚刚说的没有不老化物种 是有点过于简单化。
There are species that have no aging -- Hydra for example -- but they do it by not having a nervous system -- and not having any tissues in fact that rely for their function on very long-lived cells. 有些物种没有老化。例如水螅 – 因为他们没有一个神经系统 – 也没有任何用于老化的的细胞 却有长寿的细胞组织。
Hydra:n.九头蛇;[无脊椎]水螅;难以根除之祸害; nervous system:n.神经系统; tissues:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织;(tissue的复数) rely:vi.依靠;信赖;