

Auxilisun meets the high demands of your busy day with affordable , renewable energy. 奥西讯满足您繁忙一天的高消耗 采用可负担的可再生能源
affordable:adj.负担得起的; renewable:adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源;
But it wasn't always the power choice for 99% of the world's governing economic bodies. 但这并不总是全球99%... 管理经济实体的能源选择
Auxilisun was born from innovation required after the three-plant meltdown turned the world away from nuclear energy . 在 三场核电厂 崩溃后 全世界远离核能 奥西讯因此而诞生
innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; meltdown:n.灾难;彻底垮台;熔化;暴跌; nuclear energy:n.核能;原子能;
Oil barons and green extremists drove energy costs higher and higher, resulting in the energy crisis of 2018. 石油大亨和绿色极端主义者把能源成本越推越高 导致2018年的能源危机
barons:n.男爵(baron复数); extremists:n.极端主义者;极端分子;过激分子;(extremist的复数) crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
The world descended into chaos until Auxilisun introduced the tri-fission engine. 全世界陷入混乱 直到奥西讯推出了三裂变引擎
descended:adj.出身于...的;从一个祖先传下来的; chaos:n.混沌,混乱;
An Auxilisun containment facility was constructed over the three-plant disaster site so the tri-fission engine could clean up the dangerous radiation . 奥西讯建有遏制工场 位于三场核电站的灾难现场 三裂变引擎可以清除危险辐射
containment:n.包含;牵制;容量;密闭度;抑制,牵制;牵制[遏制]政策; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式) disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法;
Progress was slow. 虽进展缓慢
But independent scientific studies prove that Auxilisun's miraculous tri-fission engine not only worked, but it also created new energy from the radiation it was cleaning, and thus began the energy revolution of 2025. 但独立的科学研究证明... 奥西讯神奇的三裂变引擎不仅有效 而且它利用辐射获取的新能量 是清洁能源 并由此拉开了2025年能源革命序幕
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; miraculous:adj.不可思议的,奇迹的; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环;
No more dirty biofuels , inconsistent wind or expensive solar. 不像肮脏的生物燃料 也不像多变的风能或昂贵的太阳能
biofuels:n.[能源]生物燃料;生质燃料;生质能源(biofuel的复数形式); inconsistent:adj.不一致的;前后矛盾的;
Tri-fission engines clean up old waste while Auxilisun continues to build its next-generation plants across the world. 三裂变引擎清理废料 奥西讯持续在世界各地建造新一代工厂
Today nuclear energy powers everything you do, and Auxilisun is there to make sure it stays safe, sustainable and, most importantly, affordable. 今天核能源向您们提供一切动力 而奥西讯则保证其安全性和可持续性 最重要的是 价格实惠
Auxilisun... creating a new future by cleaning up the past. 奥西讯... 清理过去 创造未来
Lights on. 亮灯
Alarm off. 闹钟停
CSE Dixon, it's the middle of the night. 狄克逊 现在是半夜
David, communications are down with both of the field techs... It's Christmas Day. 大卫 有两处技术工场 失去通讯 - 今天是圣诞节
Is this something that can wait until tomorrow? 不可以等到明天吗?
Gibson Desert North is the largest nuclear waste repository in the southern hemisphere . 吉布森沙漠北部有最大的核废料处置库 位于南半球
Gibson:n.吉布森鸡尾酒; nuclear waste:n.核废料; repository:n.贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团; hemisphere:n.半球;
It doesn't take the day off. 它可不会过圣诞
Something's wrong. We don't have anyone available. 有点问题 我们没人可供
I'll go. What? 我去 - 什么?
You don't have anyone available. I'm going out there myself. 你没人可供 所以我自己去
Call the transpo. I'll be ready in ten. 呼叫运输 我十分钟就准备好
Coming in on the red zone now. 现在进入红色地带
Completely uninhabitable . You do not wanna lose your fuel out here. 完全无法居住 你不想在外面失去动力
So Auxilisun's sending a tech assistant to a facility this remote . 奥西讯方面派了技术助理到该偏远的工场
No chief engineers available? 没有总工吗?
I am a chief tech engineer. 我是技术总工
How many facilities you engineered? None. 你指导过多少工场? - 没有
I was recently promoted . My work's been lab-based. 我最近升职了 我一直基于实验室工作
recently:adv.最近;新近; promoted:v.促进:促销:提升:(promote的过去分词和过去式)
Live view up. 需要现场查看
Now, that's what a real-life Auxilisun containment facility looks like. 真实的奥西讯遏制工场面目
You don't see that in a lab. 你在实验室里看不到的
This your first flight schedule too? 你第一次飞行班车吗?
There's nothing in here about a pickup . 这里没有便车
We've lost communication to Gibson Desert North. 我们和吉布森沙漠北部失去了联系
Once I get them back up, I'll contact Auxilisun HQ for a pickup and request that they don't send you. 一旦通讯通畅 我会联系奥西讯总部负责接送 并要求他们不派你来
System activated . 系统已激活
Decontaminate . 净化