

In 1962 at Rice University, 1962年在莱斯大学,
JFK told the country about a dream he had, a dream to put a person on the moon by the end of the decade. 肯尼迪向国民宣布了他的梦想, 十年内完成把人类送上月球的梦想。
The eponymous moonshot . 即有名的登月计划。
eponymous:adj.使得名的,齐名的; moonshot:n.月球探测器;对月球发射;
No one knew if it was possible to do but he made sure a plan was put in place to do it if it was possible. 没有人知道这件事有多大可能 但是只要有可能他就会全面地计划来落实这件事
That's how great dreams are. 这才是伟大的梦想。
Great dreams aren't just visions , they're visions coupled to strategies for making them real. 伟大的梦想不仅仅是幻想, 它们是幻想和让幻想成真的计划的组合产物。
visions:n.愿景; v.想像; strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数)
I have the incredible good fortune to work at a moonshot factory. 我非常有幸可以在这个疯狂工厂工作。
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生
At X -- formerly called Google X -- you'll find an aerospace engineer working alongside a fashion designer and former military ops commanders brainstorming with laser experts. 在「X」,也就是常说的「谷歌X」工作的时候, 你可以看到航空工程师和时尚设计师一起工作 可以看到前实战军事指挥官和激光专家一起头脑风暴。
formerly:adv.以前;原来; Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; aerospace:n.航空宇宙;[航]航空航天空间; fashion designer:n.时装设计师; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; commanders:n.指挥官(commander的复数); brainstorming:n.集思广益;v.集中各人智慧猛攻;(brainstorm的现在分词)
These inventors, engineers and makers are dreaming up technologies that we hope can make the world a wonderful place. 这些发明家,工程师和工匠在一起设计 可以让世界更好的科学技术。
We use the word " moonshots " to remind us to keep our visions big -- to keep dreaming. 我们用“疯狂计划”这个词来提醒我们仰望星空 去坚持梦想。
moonshots:n.月球探测器;对月球发射; remind:v.提醒;使想起;
And we use the word "factory" to remind ourselves that we want to have concrete visions -- concrete plans to make them real. 我们用“工厂”这个词提醒我们 脚踏实地, 用具体的方案把梦想付诸于现实。
Here's our moonshot blueprint . 这是我们疯狂计划的蓝图。
Number one: we want to find a huge problem in the world that affects many millions of people. 首先, 我们着眼于那些困扰亿万人 的世界性难题。
Number two: we want to find or propose a radical solution for solving that problem. 其次, 我们想找到一个彻底的解决方案。
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
And then number three: there has to be some reason to believe that the technology for such a radical solution could actually be built. 最后, 必须要有理由相信 这个可以用于完美解决问题的方法 在技术上是可行的。
But I have a secret for you. 我有一个秘密。
The moonshot factory is a messy place. 疯狂工厂是个混乱的地方,
But rather than avoid the mess, pretend it's not there, we've tried to make that our strength. 我们不仅没有避免混乱, 没有假装混乱不存在, 反而我们希望混乱成为我们的优势
We spend most of our time breaking things and trying to prove that we're wrong. 我们的大多数时间都用来搞坏各种东西 并试图证明我们是错的。
That's it, that's the secret. 就是这样,这就是秘密。
Run at all the hardest parts of the problem first. 从问题最难的部分着手。
Get excited and cheer, "Hey! How are we going to kill our project today?" 激动地大喊: “嘿!我们今天要扼杀我们的项目么?”
We've got this interesting balance going where we allow our unchecked optimism to fuel our visions. 我们一直保持着这种有趣的平衡, 一方面我们用我们的无尽的乐观化作幻想的动力,
unchecked:adj.未经核对的;未加抑制的; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
But then we also harness enthusiastic skepticism to breathe life, breathe reality into those visions. 另一方面我们通过不停地质疑回到现实, 把现实注幻想之中。
harness:vt.治理; n.马具; enthusiastic:adj.热情的;热心的;狂热的; skepticism:n.怀疑论;怀疑的态度;
I want to show you a few of the projects that we've had to leave behind on the cutting room floor, and also a few of the gems that at least so far, have not only survived that process , but have been accelerated by it. 我将会给各位展示一些 中途搁浅的项目, 和一些到目前为止 不仅依然存在, 还更加生机勃勃的项目。
leave behind:留下,丢下 cutting room:n.(影片的)剪辑室; gems:n.[宝]宝石(gem的复数形式); process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; accelerated:v.(使)加速;加速;加快(accelerate的过去分词和过去式)
Last year we killed a project in automated vertical farming. 去年我们扼杀了一个叫做自动垂直种植的项目。
automated:adj.自动化的;v.(使)自动化;(automate的过去式和过去分词) vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的;
This is some of the lettuce that we grew. 这是我们种出来的生菜。
One in nine people in the world suffers from undernourishment . 世界上九分之一的人面临营养不良的问题。
So this is a moonshot that needs to happen. 所以需要一个疯狂的计划来解决这个问题。
Vertical farming uses 10 times less water and a hundred times less land than conventional farming. 相比传统农业, 垂直种植只用十分之一的水和百分之一的土地。
And because you can grow the food close to where it's consumed , you don't have to transport it large distances. 而且由于 蔬菜不用被长距离运输
consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式) transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放;
We made progress in a lot of the areas like automated harvesting and efficient lighting. 我们在很多领域求取得了突破 比如自动收获和高效照明。
But unfortunately , we couldn't get staple crops like grains and rice to grow this way. 但是不幸的是, 稻谷这样的主要作物无法用这种方法种植。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; staple:n.主要产品; adj.主要的,常用的; v.把…分级; grains:n.谷物;颗粒;细粒;少量;一点儿;(grain的复数)
So we killed the project. 所以我们扼杀了项目。
Here's another huge problem. 还有一个重大的问题。
We pay enormous costs in resources and environmental damage to ship goods worldwide . 我们付出了资源和环境的重大代价 来进行世界范围内的货物运输。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
Economic development of landlocked countries is limited by lack of shipping infrastructure . 内陆地区的经济发展 严重收到货运基础设施的限制。
Economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; landlocked:adj.为陆地所包围的; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造;
The radical solution? 完美的解决方案?
A lighter-than-air , variable-buoyancy cargo ship. 一个比空气轻的可变浮力货船。
lighter-than-air:adj.轻于空气的; cargo:n.(船或飞机装载的)货物;
This has the potential to lower, at least overall , the cost, time and carbon footprint of shipping without needing runways . 这项计划有潜力 全面的减少 运输所需要的时间金钱和碳足迹, 而且不需要专门的航路。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; overall:v.全部; n.外套; adj.全面的; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; footprint:n.足迹;脚印; runways:n.[航]跑道(runway的复数);河床;
We came up with this clever set of technical breakthroughs that together might make it possible for us to lower the cost enough that we could actually make these ships -- inexpensively enough in volume . 我们实现了一系列科技突破 让我们减少了足够多的预算以至于 我们可以实际上造出这些船。 至少单位空间上不是很贵。
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; breakthroughs:突破; inexpensively:adv.廉价地,不践地;花费不多地; volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本
But however cheap they would have been to make in volume it turned out that it was going to cost close to 200 million dollars to design and build the first one. 但是无论单位空间多么便宜, 我们发现想要设计并制造第一艘船 需要2亿美元。
200 million dollars is just way too expensive. 2亿美元实在太多了。
Because X is structured with these tight feedback loops of making mistakes and learning and new designs, we can't spend 200 million dollars to get the first data point about whether we're on the right track or not. 因为X公司具有紧张的 遇到问题-学习-新设计反馈循环, 我们不能 为了验证我们的想法 就在项目的第一个数据点上花费2亿美元。
structured:adj.有结构的;有组织的;v.组织;构成(structure的过去分词);建造; feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; loops:n.[计]循环(loop复数); v.使...成环,以圈结,以环连结(loop的第三人称单数形式); track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
If there's an Achilles' heel in one our projects, we want to know it now, up front, not way down the road . 如果我们的计划有漏洞, 我们希望马上知道而不是最后才知晓。
down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上;
So we killed this project, too. 所以我们也扼杀了这个项目。
Discovering a major flaw in a project doesn't always mean that it ends the project. 发现了项目中的重大缺陷 不一定总是意味着项目的终结。
flaw:n.瑕疵,缺点; v.使生裂缝,使有裂纹; vi.生裂缝;
Sometimes it actually gets us onto a more productive path. 有的时候它反而提供了一种更有成效的方法。
This is our fully self-driving vehicle prototype , which we built without a steering wheel or break pedal . 这是我们全自动驾驶工具的原型, 它没有方向盘和刹车。
self-driving:自驾; vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态; steering wheel:n.方向盘;(操)舵轮; pedal:v.踩踏板;骑车;n.踏板;脚蹬子;adj.脚的;脚踏的;
But that wasn't actually our goal when we started. 但这却不是一开始我们想要的。
With 1.2 million people dying on the roads globally every year, building a car that drives itself was a natural moonshot to take. 120万人每年死于交通事故, 制造一辆自动驾驶的车自然是一个疯狂的计划。
Three and a half years ago, when we had these Lexus , retrofitted , self-driving cars in testing, they were doing so well, we gave them out to other Googlers to find out what they thought of the experience. 三年半之前, 当我们使用凌志的自动驾驶翻新车进行实验时 实验状况很好,所以我们拿给其他谷歌成员试驾。 让他们评价一下这种体验。
Lexus:n.雷克萨斯(凌志),日本丰田汽车公司旗下豪华车品牌。; retrofitted:翻新(retrofit的过去式和过去分词);
And what we discovered was that our plan to have the cars do almost all the driving and just hand over to the users in case of emergency was a really bad plan. 我们发现 让汽车进行大部分驾驶工作 在紧急情况下交给司机进行驾驶 是一个非常糟糕的计划。
It wasn't safe because the users didn't do their job. 它不安全 因为司机来不及开车。
They didn't stay alert in case the car needed to hand control back to them. 他们没有时刻保持警惕 以防车把控制权交还给他们。
alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警;
This was a major crisis for the team. 项目组遭受了巨大的危及,
It sent them back to the drawing board . 一夜回到解放前。
back to the drawing board:重新开始;失败后另起炉灶;重来一次;
And they came up with a beautiful, new perspective . 随后他们从新的角度想到了一个完美的方案。
Aim for a car where you're truly a passenger . 在新的方案中你只是一个乘客,
You tell the car where you want to go, you push a button and it takes you from point A to point B by itself. 你告诉车你要去哪里, 按一下按钮, 车会自动的从A带你去B。
We're really grateful that we had this insight as early on in the project as we did. 我们很庆幸 在项目的一开始我们就想到了这一步。
And it's shaped everything we've done since then. 从那以后我们所做的所有都围绕着新的计划。
And now our cars have self-driven more than 1.4 million miles, and they're out everyday on the streets of Mountain View, California and Austin, Texas. 现在我们的车已经自动驾驶超过140万英里 它们每天都 在加州的山景城和德州的奥斯丁的街道上跑。
The cars team shifted their perspective. 自动驾驶车团队改变了他们看问题的角度。
This is one of X's mantras . 这是X公司的真谛之一。
Sometimes shifting your perspective is more powerful than being smart. 有的时候换个角度比变聪明更加强大。
Take wind energy. 再说说风能利用。
It's one of my favorite examples of perspective shifting. 这是我最喜欢的转变思路的例子。
There's no way that we're going to build a better standard wind turbine than the experts in that industry. 我们没有办法比 工业领域的专家制造更好的风力涡轮机。
standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; wind turbine:n.风力机;风力涡轮机;风力发电机;
But we found a way to get up higher into the sky, and so get access to faster, more consistent winds, and so more energy without needing hundreds of tons of steel to get there. 但是我们想到了一种让它飞得更高的办法。 越高的天空风力越强也蕴含越多的能量, 但是我们需要上百吨钢铁的支架。
Our Makani energy kite rises up from its perch by spinning up those propellers along its wing. 我们的马堪尼能量风筝从基站升起 它的翅膀上有很多旋转的螺旋桨。
perch:n.鲈鱼;高处;(鸟的)栖息处;高座;v.栖息;停留;置于(顶上或边上); spinning:n.纺纱(手艺):纺线v.(使)旋转:纺线:纺纱;(spin的现在分词) propellers:n.[航][船]螺旋桨;[印刷]螺旋辊(propeller的复数);
And it pulls out a tether as it rises, pulling energy up through the tether. 它飞起来的时候会拉出一根 用来传递能量的绳子。
Once the tether's all the way out, it goes into crosswind circles in the sky. 当这根绳子拉直的时候, 风筝就进入了侧风圈中。
And now those propellers that lifted it up have become flying turbines . 这时那些飞机上的螺旋桨就变成了空中的涡轮机。
And that sends energy back down the tether. 用绳子把能量传递下来。
We haven't yet found a way to kill this project. 到目前我们还没发现扼杀这个项目的办法。
And the longer it survives that pressure, the more excited we get that this could become a cheaper and more deployable form of wind energy for the world. 它在这种压力下活得越久我们越因为可能为世界 找到了一种更便宜的,更广泛的获得风能的方式 而惊喜不已。
Probably the craziest sounding project we have is Project Loon . 也许我们最疯狂最有名的项目就是气球项目了。
We're trying to make balloon-powered Internet. 我们在尝试用热气球提供互联网。
A network of balloons in the stratosphere that beam an internet connection down to rural and remote areas of the world. 平流层的热气球网络 可以让农村和偏远地区全部连接互联网。
stratosphere:n.同温层;最上层;最高阶段; beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波); rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;
This could bring online as many as four billion more people, who today have little or no internet connection. 这可以让超过40亿 到今天还没有网络或网络不畅的人用上网络。
But you can't just take a cell tower, strap it to a balloon and stick it in the sky. 但是你不能造一个基站, 绑在气球上固定在天上。
The winds are too strong, it would be blown away . 风太大了,气球会被吹走。
blown away:轻轻吹走(歌曲名);零点爆破(电影名);
And the balloons are too high up to tie it to the ground. 气球又离地太远了不能固定在地上。
Here comes the crazy moment. 我们有了一个疯狂的想法。
What if , instead, we let the balloons drift and we taught them how to sail the winds to go where the needed to go? 我们何不 任由这些气球飘流 但是告诉它们如何飘流并让他们飘到指定地点呢?
What if:如果…怎么办? drift:v.漂移;漂流;飘;缓缓移动;n.趋势;大意;要点;流动;
It turns out the stratosphere has winds that are going in quite different speeds and directions in thin strata . 事实上平流层的风 在不同层有不同的速度和方向。
So we hoped that using smart algorithms and wind data from around the world, we could maneuver the balloons a bit, getting them to go up and down just a tiny bit in the stratosphere to grab those winds going in those different directions and speeds. 所以我们希望用巧妙的算法和世界风向数据 来轻微地操纵气球, 让他们可以在平流层上升或下降一点点 以借助不同速度和方向的风。
maneuver:n.演习;调动;巧计;花招;v.演习; grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物;
The idea is to have enough balloons so as one balloon floats out of your area, there's another balloon ready to float into place, handing off the internet connection, just like your phone hands off between cell towers as you drive down the freeway . 这个想法基于足够多的气球 这样的话当一个气球飞出了你的区域, 另一个气球恰好进入, 交接网络连接, 就像你在高速公路上开车时 电话信号在不同基站交接一样。
We get how crazy that vision sounds -- there's the name of the project to remind us of that. 项目的名字一直提醒着我们 我们的想法是多么的不可思议。
So since 2012, the Loon team has prioritized the work that seems the most difficult and so the most likely to kill their project. 从2012年开始, 气球团队开始解决项目中最难的 最有希望扼杀项目的问题。
The first thing that they did was try to get a Wi-Fi connection from a balloon in the stratosphere down to an antenna on the ground. 首先他们要做的, 是让平流层中的气球与地上的接收器 建立Wi-Fi连接。
Wi-Fi:abbr.无线保真技术(wirelessfidelity);无线上网技术; antenna:n.[电讯]天线;[动]触角,[昆]触须;
It worked. 他们成功了。
And I promise you there were bets that it wasn't going to. 相信我很多人打赌这会失败。
So we kept going. 所以我们继续研究。
Could we get the balloon to talk directly to handsets , so that we didn't need the antenna as an intermediary receiver? 我们可以让气球直接和手机建立联系 从而省去中间的接收装置吗?
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; handsets:n.[通信]手机(handset的复数); intermediary:adj.中间的;媒介的;中途的;n.中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物;
Yeah. 可以做到。
Could we get the balloon bandwidth high enough so it was a real Internet connection? 可以增加气球的Wi-Fi带宽 到正常网络连接的程度么?
So that people could have something more than just SMS? 可以让人们用气球网络做更多的事情么?
The early tests weren't even a megabit per second, but now we can do up to 15 megabits per second. 一开始的测试速度还不到1M/s, 现在速度已经达到了15M/s。
Enough to watch a TED Talk. 足够看TED的演讲了。
Could we get the balloons to talk to each other through the sky so that we could reach our signal deeper into rural areas? 我们可以实现气球之间的沟通么? 这样我们就可以把信号更广地覆盖到农村地区。
Check. 可以做到。
Could we get balloons the size of a house to stay up for more than 100 days, while costing less than five percent of what traditional , long-life balloons have cost to make? 我们可以用传统气球的5%的花销 做一个像房子那么大的气球 并让它在天空上面呆超过100天么?
traditional:传统的,惯例的, long-life:adj.经过延长保质期处理的(牛奶等);
Yes. In the end. 是的,最终我们可以。
But I promise you, you name it, we had to try it to get there. 我保证,只要你能想到的我们都会尽力做到
We made round, silvery balloons. 我们制造了圆的银白气球
We made giant pillow-shaped balloons. 我们制造了超大枕头气球
We made balloons the size of a blue whale . 我们制造了蓝鲸那么大的气球
blue whale:n.[动]蓝鲸;
We busted a lot of balloons. 我们捅破了很多气球
(Laughter) (笑声)
Since one of the things that was most likely to kill the Loon project was whether we could guide the balloons through the sky, one of our most important experiments was putting a balloon inside a balloon. 因为这个项目会不会被扼杀很大程度上取决于 一个重要的技术,就是如何在空中控制气球。 其中一个重要的实验就是把气球放在气球中,
So there are two compartments here, one with air and then one with helium . 这样大气球中就有两种区域,一种里面是空气一种里面是氦气。
compartments:n.隔间;分隔间,隔层;(compartment的复数) helium:n.[化学]氦(符号为He,2号元素);
The balloon pumps air in to make itself heavier, or lets air out to make it lighter. 通过打气可以让气球变重, 通过放气让它变轻。
pumps:n.[机]泵; v.用泵送;
And these weight changes allow it to rise or fall, and that simple movement of the balloon is its steering mechanism . 通过改变重量控制升降, 这就是它的转向装置。
It floats up or down, hoping to grab winds going in the speed and direction that it wants. 通过上升和下降 气球可以借助风力去它想去的地方。
But is that good enough for it to navigate through the world? 但是这个气球已经足够好到可以周游世界了么?
Barely at first, but better all the time. 一开始不可以, 但是后面越来越好
This particular balloon, our latest balloon, can navigate a two-mile vertical stretch of sky and can sail itself to within 500 meters of where it wants to go from 20,000 kilometers away. 这是我们最新的气球 他可以通过在空中多达2英里的垂直运动 从20000公里外的地方飘到距离目的地 误差小于500米的地方。
We have lots more to do in terms of fine-tuning the system and reducing costs. 我们还有更多要做的事, 包括系统的微调和减少开销。
But last year, a balloon built inexpensively went around the world 19 times over 187 days. 去年一个造价不贵的气球 用187天周游了全世界19次。
So we're going to keep going. 我们将继续努力。
(Applause) (掌声)
Our balloons today are doing pretty much everything a complete system needs to do. 现在我们的气球 可以满足一个复杂系统的所有需求。
We're in discussions with telcos around the world, and we're going to fly over places like Indonesia for real service testing this year. 我们在和世界各地的通信公司联系, 而且我们今年将在印度尼西亚的上空 进行实地的测试。
This probably all sounds too good to be true, and you're right. 这些如果成真了 就太美妙了。
Being audacious and working on big, risky things makes people inherently uncomfortable. 无畏地 从事重大的,有风险的工作 让很多人从心里感到不适。
audacious:adj.无畏的;鲁莽的; inherently:adv.内在地;固有地;天性地;
You cannot yell at people and force them to fail fast. 你不能简单地逼迫他们尽快失败。
People resist . They worry. 他们会抗拒,会担心。
'"What will happen to me if I fail? “如果我失败了会发生什么?”
Will people laugh at me? “人们会嘲笑我么?”
Will I be fired?" “我会被开除么?”
I started with our secret. 演讲的开始我分享了我的秘密。
I'm going to leave you with how we actually make it happen. 现在我将告诉各位这是怎么做到的。
The only way to get people to work on big, risky things -- audacious ideas -- and have them run at all the hardest parts of the problem first, is if you make that the path of least resistance for them. 让人们敢于挑战那些重大的有挑战性的工作的 唯一办法, 让他们直面问题中最难的那部分的的唯一办法, 就是
We work hard at X to make it safe to fail. 在X公司我们努力让失败看起来很正常。
Teams kill their ideas as soon as the evidence is on the table because they're rewarded for it. 当团队发现了明显的问题就扼杀他们的想法 因为他们会因此得到奖励。
as soon as:一…就; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; rewarded:v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的过去分词和过去式)
They get applause from their peers . 会得到同事的掌声。
applause:n.欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎; peers:n.平辈,同事(peer的复数);v.凝视;比得上(peer的三单形式);
Hugs and high fives from their manager, me in particular . 会得到主管,尤其是我的拥抱和击掌。
in particular:尤其,特别;
They get promoted for it. 他们因此而被提拔。
We have bonused every single person on teams that ended their projects, from teams as small as two to teams of more than 30. 我们对终结一个计划的团队的每个人都会进行嘉奖, 无论团队里是2个人还是超过30个人。
We believe in dreams at the moonshot factory. 在疯狂工厂,我们相信梦想。
But enthusiastic skepticism is not the enemy of boundless optimism. 但是积极地质疑 并不是无限乐观的敌人,
It's optimism's perfect partner. 反而是它的最佳搭档。
It unlocks the potential in every idea. 正是质疑让很多想法得以实现。
We can create the future that's in our dreams. 我们终将创造我们梦中的未来。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)