

So I tried to do a small good thing for my wife. 我打算为我妻子做点小事
It makes me to stand here, the fame, the money I got out of it. 而那件事使我站在这里 那件事也使我取得了荣誉和财富
So what I did, I'd gone back to my early marriage days. 这个故事要从我刚结婚的时候说起
What you did in the early marriage days, you tried to impress your wife. I did the same. 你刚结婚时候都干些什么? 要想给妻子留个好印象,对吧,我也是一样。
On that occasion, I found my wife carrying something like this. 偶然,我发现我妻子 这样子拿着一样东西
I saw. "What is that?" I asked. 我问:“那是什么呀?”
My wife replied, " None of your business ." 我妻子回答:“不关你的事。”
None of your business:不关你的事;没你的事;
Then, being her husband, I ran behind her and saw she had a nasty rag cloth. 但是,我是她丈夫呀,我悄悄跟着她 看见她好像有块脏抹布
nasty:adj.极差的:令人厌恶的:不友好的:n.令人不愉快的事物: rag:n.抹布;破布;质量低劣的报纸;小报;v.嘲笑;捉弄;
I don't even use that cloth to clean my two-wheeler . 脏得我甚至不想用它来擦屁股
Then I understood this -- adapting that unhygienic method to manage her period days. 我很快明白了她拿着这个不卫生的东西的原因 她来月经了
adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) unhygienic:adj.不卫生的;不健康的;
Then I immediately asked her, why are you [using] that unhygienic method? 我当时就问她,你怎么用这种不卫生的东西?
She replied, I also know about [sanitary pads], but myself and my sisters, if they start using that, we have to cut our family milk budget . 她回答说,我也知道有卫生巾 但我和姐妹们如果用卫生巾的话 我们就没有那么多钱买牛奶了
Then I was shocked. What is the connection between using a sanitary pad and a milk budget? 我被她的话震惊了 用卫生巾和买牛奶有什么联系?
sanitary:adj.卫生的,清洁的;n.公共厕所; pad:n.软垫,护垫;便笺本;爪垫;肉掌;v.填充,覆盖,保护;蹑手蹑脚地走;做黑账;
And it's called affordability . 通常人们称之为:经济负担能力
I tried to impress my new wife by offering her a packet of sanitary pads . 于是我打算给我的新婚妻子买了一大盒卫生巾来博取她对我的好印象
pads:n.软垫,护垫; v.填充,覆盖,保护; (pad的第三人称单数和复数)
I went to a local shop, I tried to buy her a sanitary pad packet. 我走进一家小店买了一盒卫生巾
That fellow looks left and right, and spreads a newspaper, rolls it into the newspaper, gives it to me like a banned item , something like that. 卖东西的伙计左右看看 铺开一张报纸,裹着它 递给我,像是在做贼一样
banned:v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事;(ban的过去分词和过去式) item:n.条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品);adj.又,同上;
I don't know why. I did not ask for a condom . 我想:他在干嘛呢?我又不是要买避孕套
Then I took that pad. I want to see that. What is inside it? 然后我就打量着那个盒子,我想看看里面有什么
The very first time, at the age of 29, that day I am touching the sanitary pad, first ever. 那时候我29岁 第一次接触到卫生巾
I must know: How many of the guys here have touched a sanitary pad? 我很想知道,在座有多少男士碰过卫生巾?
They are not going to touch that, because it's not your matter. 这不管我们男士的事?对吗?
Then I thought to myself, white substance , made of cotton -- oh my God, that guy is just using a penny value of raw material -- inside they are selling for pounds, dollars. 我琢磨开了,白色的,不就是棉花吗 天哪,成本才几分钱而已 他们竟然卖好几美元
substance:n.物质;实质;主旨;物品; raw material:n.原料;
Why not make a local sanitary pad for my new wife? 我为什么不为我的新妻子做一点卫生巾呢?
That's how all this started, but after making a sanitary pad, where can I check it? 这就是故事的起因。可是做好之后 我到哪儿去检验一下呢?
It's not like I can just check it in the lab. 实验室好像不干这个
I need a woman volunteer . Where can I get one in India? 我需要一个女性志愿者,可是在印度
Even in Bangalore you won't get [one], in India. 甚至在班加罗尔(印度南部城市),没有
So only problem: the only available victim is my wife. 所以唯一的受害者就只能是我妻子了
Then I made a sanitary pad and handed it to Shanti -- my wife's name is Shanti. 我拿着做好的卫生巾对 Shanti 说,对了,她的名字
'"Close your eyes. Whatever I give, it will be not a diamond pendant not a diamond ring, even a chocolate, “闭上眼,猜猜是什么 很可惜不是个钻石项链 也不是钻石戒指,甚至不是巧克力
I will give you a surprise with a lot of tinsel paper rolled up with it. 这个东西是用纸做的
tinsel:n.金属箔; adj.华而不实的; vt.用金属箔装饰;
Close your eyes." 请闭上眼睛吧“
Because I tried to make it intimate . 我想要把事情搞得亲密一些
intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的;
Because it's an arranged marriage , not a love marriage. 因为这是父母安排的婚姻,不是恋爱婚姻
arranged marriage:n.包办婚姻;
(Laughter) (笑)
So one day she said, openly, I'm not going to support this research. 终于有一天,她坦白的告诉我,她不再支持我的研究了
Then other victims, they got into my sisters. 后来也就来了别的牺牲者,我的姐妹
But even sisters, wives, they're not ready to support in the research. 即使是姐妹和妻子,她们也不支持我
That's why I am always jealous with the saints in India. 这就是我为什么妒忌印度的圣人
jealous:adj.妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的; saints:n.圣徒(saint的复数); v.把…尊为圣人;
They are having a lot of women volunteers around them. 他们总是有那么多女性志愿者围着他们
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
Why I am not getting [any]? 为什么我就没有?
You know, without them even calling, they'll get a lot of women volunteers. 你知道,那些圣人不用开口,就有许多女性志愿者过来了
Then I used, tried to use the medical college girls. 我去找那些医学院的女孩
They also refused. Finally , I decide, use sanitary pad myself. 她们也拒绝了我。最终,我决定 我自己用
Now I am having a title like the first man to set foot on the moon. 我感觉我真像那个 第一次在月球上留下脚印的 Armstrong
set foot on:踏上;
Armstrong . Then Tenzing [and] Hillary , in Everest , like that Muruganantham is the first man wore a sanitary pad across the globe. 或者是登上珠穆朗玛峰的 Tenzing 和 Hillary 我,Muruganantham 是全世界第一个 穿着卫生巾的男人
Armstrong:n.阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员,登月第一人); Hillary:n.希拉里(美国国务卿); Everest:n.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰);
I wore a sanitary pad. I filled animal blood in a football bottle, 我穿着卫生巾,还弄些动物血在瓶子里
I tied it up here, there is a tube going into my panties , while I'm walking, while I'm cycling, I made a press, doses of blood will go there. 我把瓶子绑在这儿,再插一根管子通到我的内裤里 当我走路骑车的时候,我按一下那个瓶子 血就会流到“那儿”
panties:n.女式短裤; doses:v.服药(dose的三单形式);n.[药][核]剂量(dose的复数);
That makes me bow down to any woman in front of me to give full respect. That five days I'll never forget -- the messy days, the lousy days, that wetness . 这件事让我对女人非常敬佩 那五天的实验我一辈子也忘不掉 五个混乱,肮脏,潮湿的日子
messy:adj.肮脏的;凌乱的;不整洁的; lousy:adj.非常糟的;极坏的;恶劣的; wetness:n.湿润;下雨;
My God, it's unbelievable . 天哪,真是难以置信
But here the problem is, one company is making napkin out of cotton. It is working well. 问题是,工厂可以用棉花 做出很好的餐巾纸
But I am also trying to make sanitary pad with the good cotton. It's not working. 我同样用好棉花,就做不出好用的卫生巾
That makes me to want to refuse to continue this research and research and research. 这让我很沮丧,甚至不再想继续试验
You need first funds . 而且实验也是需要资金的
Not only financial crises , but because of the sanitary pad research, 还并不只是资金
financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; crises:n.危机,紧要关头;危险期(crisis的复数形式);
I come through all sorts of problems, including a divorce notice from my wife. 这些研究还给我带来了一系列的麻烦, 比如: 一封来自妻子的离婚申请书
Why is this? I used medical college girls. 为什么?就因为那些医学院的女孩
She suspects I am using as a trump card to run behind medical college girls. 她怀疑我做实验只是个借口 从而可以去追那些女孩
suspects:v.怀疑;不信任;(suspect的第三人称单数) trump card:n.王牌(最有效的谋略);
Finally, I came to know it is a special cellulose derived from a pinewood , but even after that, you need a multimillion-dollar plant like this to process that material. Again, a stop-up. 最终,我终于了解到了一种特别的纤维素 从松树中获得,但即使这样 照样也需要价值上百万的机器 来处理这些原料。所以,工作又停顿下来
cellulose:n.纤维素;(植物的)细胞膜质; derived:adj.导出的;衍生的,派生的;v.得到;推断(derive的过去分词);由…而来; pinewood:n.松木;松林; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
Then I spend another four years to create my own machine tools, a simple machine tool like this. 接着,我又用了四年时间开发我自己的机器 一个简单的机器,看起来像这样
machine tool:n.机床;工具机;
In this machine, any rural woman can apply the same raw materials that they are processing in the multinational plant, anyone can make a world-class napkin at your dining hall . 这个机器使得任何乡下的妇女都能处理原材料 和那些跨国公司处理的过程一样 卫生巾人人都可以在餐厅里就做出来,还是世界级的
rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) multinational:adj.跨国公司的;多国的;n.跨国公司; world-class:n.世界级;adj.世界级的; dining hall:饭厅
That is my invention. 这就是我的发明
So after that, what I did, usually if anyone got a patent or an invention, immediately you want to make, convert into this. 发明这台机器之后,我干了什么呢 通常如果有人得到了个专利或者发明了一样东西 他想做的第一件事就是把它变成这个(钱)
patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权; convert into:使转变;把…转化成;折合;
I never did this. I dropped it just like this, because you do this, if anyone runs after money, their life will not [have] any beauty. It is boredom . 我没有这么做,我就这样放下了(钱) 因为我想,任何只追逐金钱的人 生命并不会快乐,只会空虚。
A lot of people making a lot of money, billion, billions of dollars accumulating . 很多赚大钱的人 积累了几十亿
Why are they coming for, finally, for philanthropy ? 最后都干什么去了呢?做慈善了
Why the need for accumulating money, then doing philanthropy? 那为什么要有钱了再去做慈善呢?
What if one decided to start philanthropy from the day one? 从现在就开始呗
What if:如果…怎么办?
That's why I am giving this machine only in rural India, for rural women, because in India, 所以我把这台机器送给 所有印度乡下的女性,因为在印度
[you'll be] surprised, only two percent of women are using sanitary pads. The rest, they're using a rag cloth, a leaf, husk , [saw] dust, everything except sanitary pads. 只有百分之二的女性买得起卫生巾 其余的,都用脏布 甚至是树叶,泥土,就是没有卫生巾
It is the same in the 21st century. That's why I am going to decide to give this machine only for poor women across India. 同样是21世纪(怎么差别那么大咧)。我决定 无偿把机器贡献给贫穷的印度农村
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
So far, 630 installations happened in 23 states in six other countries. 至今,已经有630套这样的设备安置在 不同国家的不同地方 (他不是说只给印度吗……)
Now I'm on my seventh year sustaining against multinational, transnational giants -- makes all MBA students a question mark . 现在,已经是我和那些商业巨头们较量 的第七个年头——这让所有的MBA学生纳闷
sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; transnational:adj.跨国的;超越国界的; giants:n.巨人;大汉;巨兽;巨树;(giant的复数) question mark:abbr.(=questionstop)疑问号;n.问号;
A school dropout from Coimbatore, how he is able to sustaining? 一个从 Coimbatore 辍学的家伙,怎么能干这么久?
That makes me a visiting professor and guest lecturer in all IIMs. 因此他们邀请我去所有的印度管理学院做演讲
(Applause) (掌声)
Play video one. 播一段视频
(Video) Arunachalam Muruganantham: The thing I saw in my wife's hand, "Why are you using that nasty cloth?" (视频)Arunachalam Muruganantham:我问我妻子:“你怎么能用那么脏的布头?”
She replied immediately, "I know about napkins , but if I start using napkins , then we have to cut our family milk budget." 她立刻回答:“如果我用卫生巾 我们就不得不少喝牛奶”
Why not make myself a low-cost napkin? 为什么不为自己做一种低成本的卫生巾呢?
So I decided I'm going to sell this new machine only for Women Self Help Groups. 因此我决定把这种机器卖给(您不是说好了要送的吗?) 自助小组(贫困地区的人们组成的,互相帮助的小团体)
That is my idea. 这是我的主意
AM: And previously , you need a multimillion investment for machine and all. Now, any rural woman can. 以前,你需要几百万投资 去买设备。现在,任何乡下的妇女都可以
previously:adv.先前;以前; multimillion:n.数百万; investment:n.投资;投入;封锁;
They are performing puja . 这个视频是她们在礼拜(印度教)
performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) puja:n.礼拜(印度教);
(Video): (Singing) (视频)(演唱)
You just think, competing giants, even from Harvard , Oxford, is difficult. 你想一下,要和商业巨头对抗 就算你是哈佛,牛津来的也很困难
competing:adj.相互冲突的;相互矛盾的;v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛;(compete的现在分词) Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生;
I make a rural woman to compete with multinationals . 但我让一个乡下女人能够对抗跨国公司
compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); multinationals:n.跨国公司(multinational的复数);
I'm sustaining on seventh year. 而且坚持了七年
Already 600 installations. What is my mission ? 已经600套了。我接下来的任务是什么?
I'm going to make India 我要让印度的女性,在我的有生之年
[into] a 100-percent-sanitary-napkin-using country in my lifetime. 全部用上卫生巾
In this way I'm going to provide not less than a million rural employment that I'm going to create. 还有,我要在印度农村提供 不少于100万个就业机会,靠这台机器
That's why I'm not running after this bloody money. 这就是为什么我不急于追求血钱
I'm doing something serious. 我要做些大事
If you chase a girl, the girl won't like you. 如果你只是去追女孩,女孩不一定喜欢你
Do your job simply, the girl will chase you. 如果你埋头干你的事,女孩会主动来追你
Like that, I never chased Mahalakshmi. 真的,我从来没追过 Mahalakshmi.
Mahalakshmi is chasing me, I am keeping in the back pocket. 是 Mahalakshmi (第二个老婆?)追的我
Not in front pocket. I'm a back pocket man. 我没上心,我无所谓
That's all. A school dropout saw your problem in the society of not using sanitary pad. 就这样,我从一个不用卫生巾的社会里 看到了问题
I am becoming a solution provider . I'm very happy. 我提供了解决方案,我非常快乐
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; provider:n.供应者;养家者;
I don't want to make this as a corporate entity . 我不想去办什么大企业
corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; entity:n.实体;存在;本质;
I want to make this as a local sanitary pad movement across the globe. That's why I put all the details on public domain like an open software. 我就想让那些当地用不起卫生巾的女性们用上卫生巾 全球也一样。这就是为什么我公开全部资料 就像一个公共开放的软件
public domain:n.(用于不受版权保护的财产)公有领域;
Now 110 countries are accessing it. Okay? 现在有110个国家开始引进它了,很好?
So I classify the people into three: uneducated , little educated, surplus educated. 我把人们分成三种情况 没受过教育,受过少许教育和受过很好教育
classify:vt.分类;分等; uneducated:adj.无知的;未受教育的;v.未受教育(uneducate的过去式和过去分词); surplus:n.剩余;[贸易]顺差;盈余;过剩;adj.剩余的;过剩的;
Little educated, done this. Surplus educated, what are you going to do for the society? 受过少许教育的人,做了这个 而受高等教育的人,你们都为社会做了些什么呢?
Thank you very much. Bye! 非常感谢,再见!
(Applause) (鼓掌)