

ules Verne once wrote, "Put two ships in the open sea without wind or tide , they will come together." 儒勒.凡尔纳曾经写道 把两艘船放在 风平浪静的大海上 它们必会相遇
in the open:在户外;在野外; tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行;
That's how my parents met. 我的父母就是这样相遇的
Like two ships destined for each other. 就像两艘命中注定会相遇的船
It's okay. 没事了
Easy. You weren't breathing. 别紧张 你刚才都没气了
They were from different worlds. 他们来自两个不同的世界
But life, like the sea, has a way of bringing people together. 但人生就如大海 让他们走到了一起
I was gonna make you some eggs. 我正打算给你煎鸡蛋
ust don't eat my dog, okay? 别把我的狗吃了 好吗
It's okay. 没事的
I made tea. 我给你泡了茶
Go on, try it. 来 喝一口
It'll make you better. 喝了会感觉好些
So, uh, who are you? 那么 你是谁
Atlanna. 亚特兰娜
Queen of Atlantis. 亚特兰蒂斯女王
I'm Tom. Keeper of lighthouse . 我叫汤姆 灯塔看守人
She had fled an arranged marriage . 她从一场包办婚姻中逃离
fled:v.迅速离开;逃避,逃跑;(flee的过去分词和过去式) arranged marriage:n.包办婚姻;
Left her whole world behind. 抛下了她的世界
But in my father's lighthouse, she found something unexpected . 但在我父亲的灯塔里 她找寻到了意想不到的东西
And my father found the love of his life. 而我父亲找到了他的一生挚爱
Category 4 Hurricane Arthur is due to make landfall sometime after 2:00 P.M. 四级飓风亚瑟 将在下午两点后登陆
Category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴; Hurricane:n.飓风,暴风; landfall:n.着陆;[水运]初见陆地;到达陆地;
How about Arthur? 叫亚瑟怎么样
After the hurricane? 飓风的名字吗
After a legend . He's a king, isn't he? 是传奇亚瑟王的名字 他也是个王 不是吗
He's more than that. 他还不止如此
He's living proof our people can coexist . 他是我们两族能和平共处的证明
proof:n.证据;证实;adj.能抵御;可防护; coexist:vi.共存;和平共处;
He could unite our worlds one day. 总有一天他会让我们的世界团结起来
And the trident could only be wielded by the strongest Atlantean. 只有最强大的亚特兰蒂斯人 才能使用三叉戟
trident:n.三叉戟;三齿鱼叉;制海权; wielded:v.使用;行使;挥舞;
And it gave King Atlan mastery over the seven seas . 亚特兰王凭借它掌控了七大海洋
mastery:n.掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权; seven seas:n.世界所有海洋;
It made him so powerful that the ocean itself became jealous and sent a terrible earthquake to destroy Atlantis. 三叉戟使他变得如此强大 以至于海洋都嫉妒他 发动了一场可怕的地震来摧毁亚特兰蒂斯
Down it fell, to the bottom of the ocean. 亚特兰蒂斯陨落了 沉入了海底
But, legend has it that one day a new king will come who will use the power of the trident to put Atlantis back together again. 但是 传说有一天会有一个新的国王到来 他将使用三叉戟的力量 将亚特兰蒂斯重新联合起来
Take him! 抱着他
Queen Atlanna, by the authority of King Orvax, you are ordered to return to Atlantis. 亚特兰娜女王 欧瓦克国王命令您 立刻返回亚特兰蒂斯
Atlanna! 亚特兰娜
But Atlantis' memory is long... 但亚特兰蒂斯从不忘却
And its king refused to let her go. 国王不愿放她走
Atlanna! - Tom! 亚特兰娜 -汤姆
My weapon! - Here! 我的武器 -接住
Their two worlds were never meant to meet, and I was a product of a love that never should've been. 他们的两个世界本就不该相遇 而我是一段本不该相爱的爱情的产物
You don't have to do this, Atlanna. Please. 你不必回去的 亚特兰娜 求你
No. They will always find me. 不 他们总能找到我