

Ever since I was a young girl, I was always fascinated -- 我从小就非常好奇——
(Laughter) (笑声)
Oh! 哦!
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, I meant younger and more short. 好吧,我是说更年轻,更矮的时候。
(Laughter) (笑声)
If that's possible to imagine. 如果你可以想象到的话。
But ever since I was a young girl, 从我还是个小姑娘的时候开始,
I was always fascinated with how the world worked exactly how it did. 我就对这个世界 是如何运转感到非常好奇。
So this, very early on, led me to the fields of mathematics and chemistry. 这一点让我从很早开始, 就对数学和化学很感兴趣。
I would keep going further and further, and as I kept going, 我努力学习,而随着学习的深入,
I realized that all the fields of science are interconnected . 我意识到所有科学领域 都是互相关联的。
And without one, the others have little or no value. 如果离开某一学科,其他的学科的价值 就会大大下降,甚至毫无价值。
So, inspired by Marie Curie and my local science museum, 于是,受居里夫人 和我老家的科学博物馆的启发,
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) Curie:n.[核]居里(姓氏);
I decided to start asking these questions myself and engage in my own independent research, whether it be out of my garage or my bedroom. 我决定开始在我家的车库里, 或者我的卧室中 思考这些问题, 并进行独立研究。
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库;
I started reading journal papers, started doing science competitions , started participating in science fairs, doing anything I could to get the knowledge that I so desperately wanted. 我开始阅读期刊论文, 参加科学竞赛, 参加科学展会, 用尽一切办法 获取我渴望的知识。
journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报; competitions:n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式); participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词) desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地;
So while I was studying anatomy for a competition, 有一次为了参加竞赛, 我开始研究解剖学,
I came across the topic of something called chronic wounds . 我遇到了一个名词, 叫长期性伤口。
chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的; wounds:n.(身体上的)伤,伤口; v.使(身体)受伤; (wound的第三人称单数和复数)
And one thing that stood out to me was a statistic that said that the number of people in the United States with chronic wounds exceeds the number of people with breast cancer , colon cancer , lung cancer and leukemia , combined. 引起我注意的是一项数据统计, 在美国有长期性伤口的人数 比患乳腺癌, 结肠癌、肺癌和白血病的人 加起来还多。
statistic:n.统计学;统计数字;统计资料;(一项)统计数据;adj.统计(上)的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) exceeds:v.超过;胜过; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; colon:n.[解剖]结肠;冒号(用于引语,说明,例证等之前);科郎(哥斯达黎加货币单位); leukemia:n.[内科][肿瘤]白血病;
Hold up. 先等一下。
So what is a chronic wound? 什么是长期性伤口呢?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And why haven't I heard about a 5K walk for chronic wounds, why haven't I even heard about a chronic wound in general ? 我怎么从没听过为支持 长期性伤口患者进行的5公里步行活动, 甚至从没听过长期性伤口这回事?
in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So after I got past those preliminary questions, and one that I will clarify for you, a chronic wound is essentially when someone gets a normal wound, except it fails to heal normally 在我搞清楚这些初级问题之后, 我要说清楚一点, 长期性伤口本质上就是普通的伤口, 只是它无法正常愈合,
preliminary:n.准备;预赛;初步措施;adj.初步的;开始的;预备的; clarify:v.澄清;阐明;得到澄清;得到净化; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; heal:v.复原;治疗(病人);使又愉快起来;(使)结束 normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地;
because the patient has some kind of preexisting condition, which in most cases is diabetes . 因为病人在受伤之前 就已经有其他病症会影响愈合, 大部分情况是糖尿病。
patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者; preexisting:adj.先前存在的;先于…而存在的; diabetes:n.糖尿病;多尿症;
So more staggering statistics were to be found as I kept going on in this research. 随着研究的不断深入, 我找到了更多令人震惊的数据。
staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词) statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数)
In the year 2010 alone, 50 billion dollars were spent worldwide to treat chronic wounds. 仅在2010年, 全球范围内用于治疗长期性伤口的 费用就高达500亿美元。
worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣;
In addition , it's estimated that about two percent of the population will get a chronic wound at some point in their lifetime. 除此之外,据估计,有2%的人口 会在一生中的某个时刻 遭遇长期性伤口。
addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的;
This was absurd . 这真的有点难以置信。
So as I started doing more research, 于是我开始更深入的研究,
I found that there was a correlation between the moisture level inside a wound dressing and the stage of healing that the chronic wound would be at. 我发现长期性伤口的出现与否 与伤口包扎物的潮湿程度 和伤口治疗所处的 阶段之间存在关联。
correlation:n.[数]相关,关联;相互关系; moisture:n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量; healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词)
So I decided, why don't I design something to measure the moisture level within the wound so this can help doctors and patients treat their wounds better. 于是我就想, 为什么不设计一件产品, 可以测量伤口的湿度, 就能让医生和病人 更好地对伤口进行治疗。
And essentially, expedite the healing process. 这样一来就能加快治疗进程。
So that's exactly what I set out to do. 这就是我决定要做的事情。
Being a 14-year-old working out of her garage-turned-lab, 一个14岁女孩, 在自己家的车库实验室工作,
I had a lot of constraints . 面临着许多限制。
Most being that I wasn't given a grant , I wasn't given a lot of money, and I wasn't given a lot of resources . 最主要的是我没有经费,没什么钱, 也没有什么资源。
grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
In addition, I had a lot of criteria , as well. 除此之外,我的设计 还需要符合许多标准。
Since this product would be readily interacting with the body, it had to be biocompatible , it also had to be low-cost , as I was designing it and paying for it myself. 因为这个产品需要跟人体发生作用, 因此它必须具备生物兼容性, 而且成本要低, 因为我是自己设计并自费生产。
readily:adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地; interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词) biocompatible:adj.生物适合的;不会引起排斥的; low-cost:adj.廉价的;价格便宜的;
It also had to be mass-manufacturable, because I wanted it to be made anywhere, for anyone. 而且它还需要能够量产, 因为我想让它能 在任何地方生产,人人都能使用。
Thus, I drafted up a schematic . 因此,我画了个示意图。
drafted:v.起草;草拟;选派;抽调;(draft的过去分词和过去式) schematic:adj.图解的;概要的;n.原理图;图解视图;
What you see on the left hand-side is the early schematics in my design, showing both a bird's-eye view and also one stacking variant . 左手边的图是我早期的设计, 同时显示了鸟瞰图和堆叠变体。
schematics:n.图表;电路图(schematic的复数); stacking:n.[交]堆垛;v.堆叠,堆积(stack的现在分词); variant:adj.不同的;多样的;n.变体;转化;
A stacking variant means that the entire product is consisted of different individual parts that have to work in unison . 堆叠变体的意思是, 整个产品由不同的独立部分组成 需要协同发挥作用。
consisted:vi.组成;在于;符合; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; unison:n.和谐;齐唱;同度;[声]同音;
And what's shown there is one possible arrangement . 图上显示的是某种可行的方案。
So what exactly is this? 那这些到底是什么呢?
So I had gone on to testing my sensors and as all scientists have stumbles along their work, 我对我的传感器进行了实验, 但凡科学家,总会遇到挫折,
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); stumbles:n.错误;v.蹒跚;结巴(stumble的第三人称单数);
I also had a couple of problems in my first generation of sensors. 我也不例外,第一代 传感器出现了不少问题。
first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代;
First of all , I couldn't figure out how to get a nanoparticle ink into a printcheck cartridge without spilling it all over my carpet . 首先,我想不出好办法 把纳米墨水精确地 注入打印墨盒里面, 而不会撒得地毯上到处都是。
First of all:adv.首先; nanoparticle:n.纳米颗粒;毫微粒; printcheck:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。; cartridge:弹药筒,打印机的(墨盒);[摄]暗盒;笔芯;一卷软片; spilling:v.(使)洒出,泼出,溢出;涌出;(spill的现在分词) carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板;
That was problem number one. 这是第一个问题。
Problem number two was, 第二个问题,
I couldn't exactly control the sensitivity of my sensors. 我没法控制传感器的灵敏度。
I couldn't scale them up or down, 无法将它调高或者调低,
I couldn't really do anything of that sort. 一点办法都没有。
So I wanted something to solve it. 我要想办法解决问题。
Problem one was easily solved by some scouting on eBay and Amazon for syringes that I could use. 第一个问题很容易, 我搜了一下易趣网和亚马逊, 找到了我可以用的注射器。
scouting:v.侦察,搜寻(某处);物色优秀人才;(scout的现在分词) Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; syringes:n.(皮下)注射器; v.用注射器清洗(耳朵); (syringe的第三人称单数和复数)
Problem two, however, required a lot more thought. 第二个问题就需要 更多的思考来解决了。
So this is where this factors in. 下面就是我要谈的。
factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
So what a space-filling curve does is it aims to take up all the area it can within one unit square. 所谓的空间填充曲线, 其目标是占据一个 平方单位内所有的空间。
And by writing a computer program, you can have different iterations of the different curve, which increasingly get close to one unit square, but never quite reaches there. 通过编写计算机程序, 你可以得到以不同方式重复的 不同曲线, 它们会越来越接近 填满一个平方单位, 但永远也无法完全填满。
iterations:n.迭代次数;反复(iteration的复数); increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地;
So now I could control the thickness , the size, 于是我就可以控制它的厚度、尺寸,
I could do whatever I want with it, and I could predict my results. 做我想做的一切, 也可以对结果进行预测。
So I started constructing my sensors and testing them more rigorously , using money that I had gotten from previous science fair awards. 于是我开始制造我的传感器 并且更严格地测试, 实验花费来自我以前 参加科学展会的奖金。
constructing:n.构造;v.构造(construct的现在分词); rigorously:adv.严厉地;残酷地; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
Lastly, I had to connect this data in order to be read. 最后,我需要建立输出,让数据可读。
So I interfaced it with a Bluetooth chip , which you can see here by the app screenshots on the right. 于是我用蓝牙芯片做了个交互界面, 就是右边的应用截屏的样子。
interfaced:v.把界面缝合; n.分界面; (interface的过去分词) Bluetooth:n.蓝牙技术(一种无线通信的标准); chip:v.削,凿;削成碎片;剥落;碎裂;n.[电子]芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的)小片;薄片; screenshots:n.画面;截屏;
And what this does is that anyone can monitor the progress of their wound, and it can be transmitted over a wireless connection to the doctor, the patient or whoever needs it. 它可以让我们 监控自己伤口愈合的过程, 也可以通过无线连接的方式 传给医生、病人或者任何需要的人。
transmitted:v.传送;输送;发射;播送;传播;传染;(transmit的过去分词和过去式) wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送; whoever:任何人:无论是谁:
[Continued Testing and Refinement] 【持续测试和改进中】
So in conclusion , my design was successful -- however, science never ends. 总结来说,我的设计是成功的, 当然,科学永无止尽。
in conclusion:总之;最后;
There's always something to be done, something to be refined . 总有事情可以做,总有地方可以改进。
refined:adj.精制的; v.精炼;
So that's what I'm currently in the process of doing. 这就是我现在正在做的。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; in the process of:在…的过程中;
However, what I learned was what's more important than the actual thing I designed is an attitude that I had taken on while doing this. 然而,我真正学到的是 比起我设计出来的东西,更重要的 是我在这过程中所持的态度。
And that attitude was, even though I'm a 14-year-old working in her garage on something that she doesn't completely understand, 这个态度就是, 尽管我是一个14岁的孩子, 在自己家的车库中工作, 做的也是自己不完全懂的事情,
I could still make a difference and contribute to the field. 但我还是能做出点成绩, 对这个领域有所贡献。
make a difference:有影响,有关系; contribute to:有助于;捐献;
And that's what inspired me to keep going, and I hope it inspires many others to also do work like this even though they're not very sure about it. 这一点鼓励我继续前进, 我也希望能鼓励更多的人 来做同样的事情, 尽管他们对此还不太确定。
So I hope that's a message that you all take on today. 这就是我今天想 传递给大家的信息。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)