

For emotions , we should not move quickly to the desert. 从感情上,我们最好不要很快地转移到沙漠上。
So, first, a small housekeeping announcement: please switch off your proper English check programs installed in your brain. 所以首先我发布一个小小的管家告示: 请关掉您 大脑里安装的传统意义上的 英文检测程序。
housekeeping:n.家政;家务管理;家用开支; installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式)
(Applause) (掌声)
So, welcome to the golden desert, Indian desert. 那么下面,欢迎你们来到金色的印度沙漠。
It receives the least rainfall in the country, lowest rainfall. 这里只能获得这个国度里最低的降雨量。 最低的降雨量。
If you are well-versed with inches, nine inches, centimeters , 16 inches. 如果你习惯于使用英尺单位,9英尺, 厘米,16英尺。
well-versed:adj.精通的;熟知的; centimeters:n.[计量]厘米(centimeter的复数);
The groundwater is 300 feet deep, 100 meters. 地下水有300英尺深,相当于100米深。
And in most parts it is saline , not fit for drinking. 并且绝大多数是盐湖,不适合饮用。
So, you can't install hand pumps or dig wells, though there is no electricity in most of the villages. 所以,尽管这里大多数的村子里没有电力供应, 你同样不能安装手压泵或是打井以解决他们的饮水问题。
pumps:n.[机]泵; v.用泵送; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
But suppose you use the green technology , solar pumps -- they are of no use in this area. 然而设想你使用绿色环保技术,太阳能抽水泵— 在这块土地上他们一样没有任何作用。
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
So, welcome to the Golden Desert. 欢迎大家来到金色的沙漠。
Clouds seldom visit this area. 云朵很少光临这里。
But we find 40 different names of clouds in this dialect used here. 但是我们却在这里找到四十种不同的方言来命名它。
There are a number of techniques to harvest rain. 这里有许多用来接收雨水的技术。
This is a new work, it's a new program. 这是一项新兴事业,一个新的程序。
But for the desert society this is no program; this is their life. 然而对于沙漠社会 这里没有程序可言;这是他们的生活方式。
And they harvest rain in many ways. 并且他们通过很多途径获得雨水。
So, this is the first device they use in harvesting rain. 看这里,这是他们使用过的第一个 用于接收雨水的装置。
It's called kunds; somewhere it is called [unclear]. 被称作“kunds”;有些地方称它为[印度语]
And you can notice they have created a kind of false catchment . 你们可以注意到他们已经创造出 一种不实际的集水池。
The desert is there, sand dunes , some small field. 沙漠在那里,沙丘,一些小块儿的区域。
And this is all big raised platform . 这是一个高高凸起的平台,
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
You can notice the small holes the water will fall on this catchment, and there is a slope . 你们可以看到一些小孔, 使得雨水从这里流向这个集水池, 这里还有一个斜坡。
Sometimes our engineers and architects do not care about slopes in bathrooms but here they will care properly. 虽然有时我们的工程师和建筑设计师 并不那么关心我们浴室里的斜坡, 但在这里,他们将适当地关注这些斜坡。
architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); slopes:n.倾斜,斜坡;[数]斜率;山坡翱(slope的复数形式);
And the water will go where it should go. 以及雨水应该流向什么地方。
And then it is 40 feet deep. 于是它有40英尺深。
The waterproofing is done perfectly, better than our city contractors , because not a single drop should go waste in this. 他的防水层处理得无懈可击。 建造水平好过我们城市里的建筑承包商, 因为在这里哪怕是一滴水都不应该被浪费。
waterproofing:adj.防水的;n.防水;防水剂; contractors:n.[经]承包商;[法]立约人;合约商(contractor的复数);
They collect 100 thousand liters in one season. 他们在一个季节里收集近十万升的雨水。
And this is pure drinking water . 这是仅供饮用的水。
drinking water:n.饮用水;
Below the surface there is hard saline water. 地表以下是咸咸的硬水。
But now you can have this for year round . 而如今在大约一年的时间里,你可以持续拥有这些饮用水。
year round:adj.(开放,使用或运转等)一年到头的;整年;全年;全年的;
It's two houses. 这里有两个房子。
We often use a term called bylaws . 我们经常用到一个专业术语叫做次要法规。
Because we are used to get written things. 因为我们曾经获得过书面文件,
But here it is unwritten by law. 但并未立法。
And people make their house, and the water storage tanks. 人们建造自己的房子 和储水槽。
These raised up platforms just like this stage. 这些凸起的平台就像这个舞台。
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
In fact they go 15 feet deep, and collect rain water from roof, there is a small pipe, and from their courtyard . 事实上他们有15英尺深, 收集来自屋顶的雨水, 这里有一个小小的管道,来自他们的院子里。
It can also harvest something like 25 thousand in a good monsoon . 如果赶上一个多雨的雨季它可以收集大约25000.
Another big one, this is of course out of the hardcore desert area. 另一个大一些的, 当然它没有坐落在沙漠的中心。
This is near Jaipur. This is called the Jaigarh Fort . 这里临近斋浦尔。这里被叫做斋格尔古堡。
And it can collect six million gallons of rainwater in one season. 它可以在一个季度里收集六百万加仑的雨水。
gallons:n.加仑;大量(gallon的复数);一加仑的容器; rainwater:n.雨水;软水;
The age is 400 years. 已经有400年的历史。
So, since 400 years it has been giving you almost six million gallons of water per season. 所以在这400年里每个季度它都为你供应 近六百万加仑的水量。
You can calculate the price of that water. 你可以估算出那些水的价格。
It draws water from 15 kilometers of canals. 它通过15公里长的管道系统收集雨水。
You can see a modern road, hardly 50 years old. 你可能会看到一条现代的公路,有时几乎不到50年,
It can break sometimes. 就会出现断裂破损。
But this 400 year old canal, which draws water, is is maintained for so many generations. 但是这已经使用了400年的用来集水的陈旧管道, 却被好几代人一直维护着。
Of course if you want to go inside, the two doors are locked. 当然如果你想进去,有两个门是锁着的。
But they can be opened for TED people. 但是它们会为TED人敞开的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we request them. 我们请求他们的允许。
You can see person coming up with two canisters of water. 你看到的这个人提着 两桶水。
And the water level -- these are not empty canisters -- water level is right up to this. 可以看到桶内水平面--这些可不是空桶-- 水面一直到这里。
It can envy many municipalities , the color, the taste, the purity of this water. 它可以遭到许多其他自治区的垂涎, 它的颜色,它的味道,以及它的纯洁。
envy:n.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;v.嫉妒,妒忌;羡慕;感到妒忌;显示出妒忌; municipalities:n.市民,自治市;市政公债;(municipality复数形式) purity:n.[化学]纯度;纯洁;纯净;纯粹;
And this is what they call Zero B type of water, because it comes from the clouds, pure distilled water. 这就是被他们称作Zero B的纯净水, 因为这些水来自于云层, 是纯正的蒸馏水。
We stop for a quick commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional systems. 让我们为一个短暂的商业断开稍停片刻, 然后我们要回到传统的输水系统。
commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告; traditional:传统的,惯例的,
The government thought that this is a very backward area and we should bring a multi-million dollar project to bring water from the Himalayas. 政府认为这里是一个非常 落后的区域,应该不惜斥资 数百万建立 喜马拉雅山水源引入的项目。
backward:adj.向后的;反向的;发展迟缓的;adv.向后地;相反地; multi-million:数百万;
That's why I said that this is a commercial break. 那就是为什么我刚刚说这是一个“商业断开”。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But we will come back, once again, to the traditional thing. 但是我们将要再次回到 这个传统的引水系统。
So, water from 300, 400 kilometers away, soon it become like this. 于是,从三四百公里外引水于此, 不久就变成了这样。
In many portions , water hyacinth covered these big canals like anything. 在许多部分,水风信子 拼命地蔓延着这些巨大的引水河道。
portions:n.部分; v.把…分成若干份(或部分); (portion的第三人称单数和复数) water hyacinth:[植]水葫芦;凤眼兰;凤眼蓝;
Of course there are some areas where water is reaching, 当然,这里有一些地区确实接收到了通过引水管道来自喜马拉雅山的水,
I'm not saying that it is not reaching at all. 我并没有说它完全无效。
But the tail end , the Jaisalmer area, you will notice in Bikaner things like this: where the water hyacinth couldn't grow the sand is flowing in these canals. 但是在它的末端,斋沙默尔地区, 你将会注意到在比卡内尔发生的事情就像这样: 哪里水风信子不能生长, 哪里就会有沙子流入管道。
tail end:n.末端;末尾;尾端;
The bonus is that you can find wildlife around it. 值得庆幸的是,你可以在其周围找到围绕着它的野生物种。
(Laughter) (笑声)
We had full-page advertisements, some 30 years, 25 years ago when this canal came. 我们有大量整幅的广告, 几十年前,当这些管道建成时,
They said that throw away your traditional systems, these new cement tanks will supply you piped water. 让人们抛弃以往传统的储水系统, 宣称这些新建的水泥槽子可以为人们提供管道水,
throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品; cement:n.水泥;(干燥后硬化的)水泥;胶合剂;胶接剂;v.加强;胶合;
It's a dream. And it became a dream also. 那是每一个人的梦想。然而它真的变成了一个梦。
Because soon the water was not able to reach these areas. 因为随后的日子里引水不能到达这些地方,
And people started renovating their own structures . 人们开始重新修建他们自己传统的储水设备。
renovating:v.修复;翻新;重新粉刷(renovate的现在分词) structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
These are all traditional water structures, which we won't be able to explain in such a short time . 这些全部是传统的蓄水设备, 因为时间的原因我不能在此做更进一步的解释。
short time:adj.短暂的;快速的(shorttime的变形);
But you can see that no woman is standing on those. 但是你可以看到那个女人正站在上面。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they are plaiting hair. 她们正在编辫子。
(Applause) (掌声)
Jaisalmer. This is heart of desert. 斋沙默尔,这里是沙漠的中心,
This town was established 800 years ago. 这个城镇被建立于800年前。
I'm not sure by that time 我不是很确定在那个时候
Bombay was there, or Delhi was there, or Chennai was there, or Bangalore was there. 孟买是不是在那里,德里是不是在那里, 金奈是不是在那里,班加罗尔又是不是在那里。
Delhi:n.德里(印度城市名); Chennai:n.金奈(印度的第四大城市);
So, this was the terminal point for silk route . 所以这里是丝绸之路的终点。
terminal:n.终端;航站楼;终端机;航空终点站;adj.晚期的;不治的;致命的;患绝症的; route:n.路线;路途;固定线路;途径;v.按某路线发送;
Well connected , 800 years ago, through Europe. 有优越的社会关系,800年以前,通往欧洲。
Well connected:adj.有好亲戚的;出身名门的;血统关系好的;精心构思的;
None of us were able to go to Europe, 我们没有人可以到达欧洲,
But Jaisalmer was well connected to it. 但是斋沙默尔却一直与那里保持着很好的联系,
And this is the 16 centimeter area. 这就是只有16厘米降雨量的地方。
Such a limited rainfall, and highest colorful life flourished in these areas. 降雨量如此有限的地区 却繁荣着最多姿多彩的生活。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) flourished:v.繁荣;昌盛;兴旺;茁壮成长;(flourish的过去式和过去分词)
You won't find water in this slide. 虽然你在这个幻灯片里看不到水,
But it is invisible . 但它是暗藏的。
Somewhere a stream or a rivulet is running through here. 某处的小河或小溪 会流经于此。
Or, if you want to paint, you can paint it blue throughout because every roof which you see in this picture collects rainwater drops and deposit in the rooms. 或许,如果你想作画,你可以把这里画成蓝色, 因为在这张图片里你看到的每一个屋顶 都是用来收集雨水的, 并把这些雨水引入屋里储存起来。
throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; deposit:n.订金; v.放下;
But apart from this system, they designed 52 beautiful water bodies around this town. 但是除了这个系统, 他们还围绕着这个城镇设计了52个美丽的储水池。
And what we call private public partnership you can add estate also. 这就是我们所说的公私合作公司, 你也可以加入你的土地。
partnership:n.合伙;[经管]合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约; estate:n.房地产;财产;身份;
So, estate, public and private enterprise work together to build this beautiful water body. 所以,土地、公有的和个人的公司 一起为建设这样美丽的贮水池而合力工作。
private enterprise:n.私营企业;民营企业;
And it's a kind of water body for all seasons. 它是一种适合任何季节的贮水池。
You will admire it. Just behold the beauty throughout the year. 你将会赞美它,哪怕只是终年地注视着它的美丽。
Whether water level goes up or down, the beauty is there throughout. 无论水位升起或回落, 它的美丽是自始至终存在的。
Another water body, dried up, of course, during the summer period, but you can see how the traditional society combines engineering with aesthetics , with the heart. 另一个贮水池,干涸了,当然 是在夏季里。 但你可以看到古代社会是如何 用心地将工程学与美学结合在一起。
engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) aesthetics:n.美学;美的哲学;
These statues , marvelous statues , gives you an idea of water table . 这些雕像,这些令人惊异的雕像, 为你提供着地下水位的信息。
statues:n.[建]雕像(statue的复数);v.在…处装饰;用雕像装饰(statue的三单形式); marvelous:adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的; water table:n.地下水位;
When this rain comes and the water starts filling this tank, it will submerge these beautiful statues in what we call in English today " mass communication." 当雨季来临,雨水开始填满这个槽子, 它将掩盖住这些美丽的雕像, 如同我们今天常说的“大众传媒工具”。
submerge:vt.淹没;把…浸入;沉浸;vi.淹没;潜入水中;湮没; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
This was for mass communication. 这就是为了达到大众传媒的目的。
Everybody in the town will know that this elephant has drown , so water will be there for seven months or nine months, or 12 months. 当人们看到大象被淹没时,每个人都可以根据大象被淹没的位置 判断出储水量可以供应7个月,9个月 或者12个月。
And then they will come and worship this pond , pay respect, their gratitude . 然后他们会来到这个池子前做礼拜, 瞻仰并感恩。
worship:n.崇拜;崇敬;爱慕;阁下;v.崇拜(上帝或神);做礼拜;热爱;崇拜; pond:n.池塘;水池(尤指人工的);v.把…挖成池塘;堵(溪流)水成池; gratitude:n.感谢(的心情);感激;
Another small water body, called the [unclear]. 另一个小贮水池叫做[印度语],
It is difficult to translate in English, especially in my English. 很难将它翻译成英文, 特别是以我的英语水平。
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
But the nearest would be "glory," a reputation. 但是最贴切的词语应该是“荣誉”,一个名誉。
The reputation in desert of this small water body is that it never dries up. 这个小小的贮水池在沙漠中的名气源于 它从未干涸过。
In severe drought periods nobody has seen this water body getting dried up. 即使在严重干旱的时期, 也没有人见到过它 曾经干涸。
severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; drought:n.干旱;缺乏;
And perhaps they knew the future also. 或许他们早知道将来也会是这样。
It was designed some 150 years ago. 这个贮水池已有150多年的历史。
But perhaps they knew that on sixth, November, 2009, there will be a TED green and blue session , so they painted it like this. 又或许他们早已预知在2009年11月6日 这里会有一个蓝绿色的TED演讲, 所以他们把它画成了这个样子。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Dry water body. Children are standing on a very difficult device to explain. 这是一口干涸的贮水池。孩子们正站在 一个很难解释的设备上。
This is called kund. We have, in English, surface water and ground water. 这个叫做kund。在英语里我们有地表水和地下水。
But this is not ground water. 但是它不是地下水。
You can draw ground water from any well. 你可以通过任何一口井来汲取地下水,
But this is no ordinary well. 但是这里没有普通的井。
It squeeze the moisture hidden in the sand. 它榨取的是沙子里 暗藏的水分。
squeeze:v.挤;紧握;勒索;压榨;n.压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金; moisture:n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量;
And they have dubbed this water as the third one called [unclear]. 他们把这种水称作[印度语]。
dubbed:v.把…戏称为; (dub的过去分词和过去式)
And there is a gypsum belt running below it. 在它的下面有一条带状的石膏物质汲取着水分,
gypsum:vt.用石膏处理;施石膏肥料于;n.石膏;石膏肥料; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰;
And it was deposited by the great mother Earth, some three million years ago. 它是大自然的产物, 大约在三百万年前就开始形成了,
And where we have this gypsum strip they can harvest this water. 哪里有这种石膏样的物质, 他们就可以从哪里获得水分。
strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的;
This is the same dry water body, 这也是一个干涸的贮水池,
Now, you don't find any kund; they are all submerged . 现在,你找不到那些kund; 他们全部被水淹没了。
submerged:adj.在水中的; v.(使)潜入水中,淹没; (submerge的过去式和过去分词)
But when the water goes down they will be able to draw water from those structures throughout the year. 但是当水位下降时, 他们又开始通过那些复杂的结构全年不间断地汲取水分。
This year they have received only six centimeters. 今年他们只收到了六厘米,
Six centimeter of rainfall, and they can telephone you that if you find any water problem in your city, 六厘米的降雨量, 他们会给你打电话 如果你在你的城市,
Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore, Mysore, please come to our area of six centimeters, we can give you water. 德里,孟买,班加罗尔,或者迈索尔遇到了用水的困难, 邀请你到我们这个六厘米降雨量的地区,告诉你我们将为你提供水资源。
(Laughter) (笑声)
How they maintain them? 人们是怎么维护他们的?
There are three things: concept, planning, making the actual thing, and also maintaining them. 这里有三要素原则:“观念,规划,实事求是” 并且要坚守原则。
It is a structure for maintain, for centuries, by generations, without any department, without any funding , 它是一个维护准则, 代代相传使用了几个世纪,没有任何政府部门负责管理, 没有获得过任何拨款,
So the secret is "[unclear]," respect. 所以它的秘诀就是“印度语”,尊重。
Your own thing, not personal property, my property, every time. 你们自己的东西,不是私人财产, 我的财产,任何时候。
So, these stone pillars will remind you that you are entering into a water body area. 所以,这些石柱 将提醒你已经进入了一个贮水池的内部。
pillars:n.柱子;柱状物;台柱(pillar的复数);v.用柱支持(pillar的第三人称单数); remind:v.提醒;使想起;
Don't spit, don't to anything wrong, so that the clean water can be collected. 不要吐痰,不要做任何不该做的事情, 以致这些干净的水能够被收集起来。
Another pillar, stone pillar on your right side. 另一个柱子,在你右侧的石柱。
If you climb these three, six steps you will find something very nice. 如果你向上攀登三、六个台阶, 你将会发现一些很美妙的东西。
This was done in 11th century. 这里被建于11世纪。
And you have to go further down. 你必须继续向下走。
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words , so we can say a thousand words right now, an another thousand words. 有人说用千言万语都不足以描绘一幅图画, 所以此刻我们可以说上一千个词语, 又是一千个词语。
a picture is worth a thousand words:一幅画胜过千言万语(百闻不如一见);
If the water table goes down, you will find new stairs. 如果水位下降, 你将会发现新的台阶。
If it comes up, some of them will be submerged. 当水位上升时,其中的某些部分则将被淹没。
So, throughout the year this beautiful system will give you some pleasure. 所以,在全年里 这个美丽的体系将周而复始的为你带来不尽的快乐。
Three sides, such steps, on the fourth side there is a four-story building where you can organize such TED conferences anytime. 贮水池的三面全部由这些台阶构成,在它的第四面 有一个四层楼的建筑, 你们可以随时在那里组织TED的会议。
organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; conferences:n.会议(conference的复数形式);
(Applause) (掌声)
Excuse me, who built these structures? 抱歉,请问是谁建造的这些建筑物?
They are in front of you. 他们就呈现在你们眼前。
The best civil engineers we had, the best planners , the best architects. 我们最好的土木工程师,最棒的策划人, 最有天赋的建筑设计师。
civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员;
We can say that because of them, because of their forefathers , 我们可以说正是因为他们, 因为他们这些先人,
India could get the first engineering college in 1847. 印度才可以在1847年 拥有了自己第一个工学院。
There were no English medium schools at that time, even no Hindi schools, [unclear] schools. 在那个时候,这里没有英语授课学校, 甚至没有北印度语学校,[印度语]学校。
medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; Hindi:n.北印度语;adj.北印度的;
But such people, compelled to the East India Company, which came here for business, a very dirty kind of business ... 但是很多人迫使东印度公司 为了做生意来到这里,一种非常肮脏的交易…
(Laughter) (笑声)
But not to create the engineering colleges, but because of them, first engineering college was created in a small village not in the town. 而并不是创建工学院, 但正是因为他们,第一个工学院的创建不是在城里, 而是在一个小乡村。
The last point, we all know in our primary schools that that camel is a ship of desert. 最后一点,我们都知道在小学的课本上写着 骆驼是“沙漠之舟”。
So, you can find through your Jeep, a camel, and a cart . 所以你可以通过你的吉普找到 一只骆驼,一个手推车。
This tire comes from the airplane . 这个轮胎原本是一个飞机部件。
So, look at the beauty from the desert society who can harvest rainwater, and also create something through a tire from a jet plane, and used in a camel cart. 所以,看这些沙漠社会里 可以获得雨水的美妙东西, 从一个喷气式飞机废弃轮胎 被骆驼手推车再次利用, 我们还可以看到这个沙漠社会的创造力。
Last picture, it's a tattoo , 2,000-years-old tattoo. 最后一个图片,是一个刺青, 2000年前的刺青。
They were using it on their body. 过去被用在人们的身体上。
Tattoo was, at one time , a kind of a blacklisted or con thing, but now it is in thing. 刺青曾经一度是 一种被列入黑名单的 或者是欺骗事物的象征。但如今它是流行文化。
at one time:曾经,一度;同时; blacklisted:v.将…列入黑名单;(blacklist的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
You can copy this tattoo. I have some posters of this. 你可以复制这个刺青图案。我有一些它的大幅海报。
(Laughter) (笑声)
The center of life is water. 生活的中心是水。
These are the beautiful waves. 这些是美丽的波纹。
These are the beautiful stairs which we just saw in one of the slides. 这些是我们刚刚 在一张幻灯片上见到过的美丽的台阶。
These are the trees. 这些是树。
And these are the flowers which add fragrance to our lives. 还有这些带给 我们生活芬芳的花朵。
So, this is the message of desert. 所以这就是沙漠的主题思想。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: So, first of all , I wish I had your eloquence , truly, in any language. 克里斯?安德森: 首先,我真诚地希望拥有您超凡的口才,无论是用哪种语言。
first of all:adv.首先; eloquence:n.口才;雄辩;雄辩术;修辞;
(Applause) (掌声)
These artifacts and designs are inspiring . 这些人工制造的物品和设计非常地鼓舞人心。
artifacts:n.史前古器物;人工产品; inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词)
Do you believe that they can be used elsewhere , that the world can learn from this? 您是否相信他们可以被世界其他地方 学习并得以利用?
Or is this just right for this place? 或者它只适合这个地方?
Anupam Mishra: No, the basic idea is to utilize water that falls on our area. 阿努帕姆?密斯拉:不,根本的想法是 充分利用本地区的降雨资源。
So, the ponds , the open bodies, are everywhere, right from Sri Lanka to Kashmir, and in other parts also. 所以,那些池塘,开放的水池在每一个地方, 从斯里兰卡到克什米尔地区都适合,甚至其他地区也同样适用。
And these [unclear], which stored water, there are two type of things. 还有这些用来储存水的[印度语], 他们包括两大类,
One recharge , and one stores. 一类是可再充水的,另一类则是仅用来储存的。
So, it depends on the terrain . 所以选择哪一类取决于当地的地形及地质结构。
But kund, which uses the gypsum belt, for that you have to go back to your calendar , three million years ago. 但对于通过石膏带汲水的“kund”, 你必须让时间倒转, 回到三百万年前,
If it is there it can be done right now. 如果那个时候它存在,你现在就可以马上使用它了。
Otherwise, it can't be done. 否则,它肯定不能使用。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
CA: Thank you so much. 克里斯?安德森: 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)