

I still think about the night your mother and I had to leave you. 我还会想到那个晚上 你母亲和我不得不离开你
Hopefully, it's not for long, but I'll call you when we get settled . 希望能快去快回 我们安顿好了会打给你的
settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
When I have a better indication of what's going on. 等我更了解情况了的
Mommy? 妈妈
Jellybean . 小糖豆
Daddy and I have a last-minute business trip... 爸爸和我要临时出趟差
so Rose is gonna stay with you for a few days. 萝丝会在这里陪你几天
No. I don't want you to go. 不要 我不要你走
It's gonna be so boring . 肯定可无聊了
I won't be able to keep my... 我会困得睁不开
eyes... 眼睛
Goodbye, sweetheart . All right, we'll see you soon. 再见 亲爱的 我们很快就回来
Janet, we gotta go. 珍妮特 我们得走了
I wish we could have put down our bags... 真希望我们能够放下行李
tucked you back into your bed... 哄你上床
but too many lives were at stake . 但这事关太多性命
Oh, my God. 天呐
They've already launched . 已经发射了
We have to stop it. 我们得拦截它
Come on. 走吧
To disarm the missile , we had to get inside it... 要拆除导弹 我们必须进去
disarm:vt.解除武装;裁军;缓和;vi.放下武器;裁减军备; missile:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物;
but the plating was too thick. 但外壳太厚了
The only way in was to shrink between the molecules . 如果想进去 只能缩小 钻过分子间隙
shrink:v.收缩;减少;退缩;畏缩;n.精神病学家;心理学家; molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数);
I can't get through. 我钻不透
Hank. 汉克
We both knew that if you go that small... 我们都清楚 如果缩小到那个程度
there is no coming back. 就回不来了
It should have been me, but my regulator was damaged. 本该是我去的 但我的调节器坏了
Your mother's wasn't. 你妈妈的还完好
Tell Hope I love her. 告诉霍普我爱她
She turned it off. 她关掉了它
Janet. No! 珍妮特 不要
She went subatomic to deactivate the bomb. 进入了亚原子状态好拆弹
subatomic:adj.[化学]亚原子的;原子内的; deactivate:vt.使无效;使不活动;遣散;复员;
Your mother saved thousands of lives that day knowing she'd be lost in the quantum realm . 你母亲那天拯救了上千人的性命 尽管她知道 她会迷失在量子域中
quantum:n.量子论;额;美国昆腾公司(世界领先的硬盘生产商); realm:n.领域,范围;王国;
Alone. 孤身一人
Afraid. 害怕恐惧
Gone forever. 永远迷失
Telling you that she wasn't coming home... 告诉你她再不能回家
was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. 是我这辈子做过的最难的事
But then Scott showed up. 但后来斯科特出现了
Or should I say, broke into our house. 或者该说 他闯进了我们家
And when he went to the quantum realm... 他进入量子域后
and came back. 却又回来了
Everything changed. 一切都变了
I started to wonder... 我开始想
could your mother still be alive? 或许你妈妈还活着
So, I dusted off some old plans. 所以我翻出了一些旧图纸
Dad, what are you saying? 爸爸 你是什么意思
I think it's possible to bring her back. 我们或许能救她回来
Okay. We're in. 好 我们进来了
Oh, this place is a maze . 这地方就是个迷宫