

I'm going to share with you the story as to how I have become an HIV/AIDS campaigner . 我欲与你们分享一个故事, 它将告诉你们我是如何成为一名 艾滋病社运人士。
And this is the name of my campaign: SING Campaign. 这就是我发起得运动,SING运动。
In November of 2003, 2003年11月,
I was invited to take part in the launch of Nelson Mandela's 46664 Foundation -- that is his HIV/AIDS foundation. 我获邀参加 纳尔逊·曼德拉发起得 46664基金会的奠基典礼。 这也是一个艾滋病基金会。
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射; Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
And 46664 is the number that Mandela had when he was imprisoned in Robben Island. 46664则是曼德拉于罗本岛 监狱的囚号。
And that's me with Youssou N'Dour, onstage , having the time of my life. 在舞台上,与我站一起的则是尤索·恩多 我们俩正享受着生命中最辉煌的一刻。
The next day, all the artists were invited to join Mandela in Robben Island, where he was going to give a conference to the world's press, standing in front of his former prison cell. 第二天,所有到场艺术家皆被 邀至罗本岛,以参加曼德拉 所举办的新闻发布会, 而曼德拉他则站在 他以前的囚室窗外。
You can see the bars of the window there. 你们还可清晰地看到囚窗上的栅栏。
It was quite a momentous occasion for all of us. 那会,对于我们来说皆是重大时刻。
In that moment in time, 在那时,
Mandela told the world's press that there was a virtual genocide taking place in his country; that post-apartheid 曼德拉向各国媒体宣告 南非正经历一场大屠杀, 那有彩虹之国美誉的 南非,
virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); genocide:n.种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀;
Rainbow Nation , a thousand people were dying on a daily basis and that the front line victims, the most vulnerable of all, were women and children. 每天皆有 逾千人死亡, 而那些亟待救援的人士中, 最需要帮助的都是 妇孺之辈。
Rainbow Nation:n.彩虹之国(指南非,因其多种族、多文化而得名); front line:adj.前线的;第一线的; vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
This was a huge impact on my mind, because I am a woman and I am a mother, and I hadn't realized that the HIV/AIDS pandemic was directly affecting women in such a way. 这大大地影响了我, 因为我也身为女人,也是一位母亲, 而我却还未觉察到 这场艾滋瘟疫 已肆虐到此种地步,能直接影响到女人们的生活。
impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; pandemic:adj.(疾病等)全国流行的;普遍的;n.流行性疾病; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
And so I committed -- when I left South Africa, when I left Capetown, 当我离开开普敦,离开南非之时, 我作出许诺
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
I told myself, "This is going to be something that I have to talk about. 说:“我将为之 奔走告语,
I have to serve." 为之服务。”
And so, subsequently 随后,
I participated in every single 46664 event that I could take part in and gave news conferences , interviews , talking and using my platform as a musician, with my commitment to Mandela -- out of respect for the tremendous , unbelievable work that he had done. 我参加了每场 我能参加的 46664聚会、 及各种会议 和采访, 从而发挥一位歌手所能及的功用, 以回应我向曼德拉作出的承诺, 因为我敬仰他 所做出的伟大业绩。
participated:v.参加;参与;(participate的过去式和过去分词) conferences:n.会议(conference的复数形式); interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的
Everyone in the world respects Nelson Mandela, everyone reveres Nelson Mandela. 世上无人不敬仰曼德拉。 所有人皆尊崇曼德拉。
But do they all know about what has been taking place in South Africa, his country, the country that had one of the highest incidents of transmission of the virus? 但他们知道 曼德拉的故乡南非 正饱经病毒侵袭吗? 南非的病毒传染率 是世界最高的。
I think that if I went out into the street now and I told people what was happening there, they would be shocked. 假若我现在走出这个大堂, 随意向一位路人告知南非现状, 他会大吃一惊。
I was very, very fortunate a couple of years later to have met Zackie Achmat, the founder of Treatment Action Campaign, an incredible campaigner and activist . 几年之后,我非常有幸地 见到了扎基·阿克莫(Zackie Achmat), 他是Treatment Action运动的发起者, 他是一位了不起的社运人士及人权活跃分子。
fortunate:adj.幸运的;交好运的;吉利的; founder:vi.失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛;vt.破坏;使摔倒;垮掉;n.创始人;建立者;翻沙工; Treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子;
I met him at a 46664 event. 我是于一场46664聚会上见到他的。
He was wearing a t-shirt like the one I wear now. 他当时穿的体恤衫与我现在穿的很像。
This is a tool -- this tells you I am in solidarity with people who have HIV , people who are living with HIV. 这是一件工具。 这件工具告知你们我正 和艾滋病患者 并肩作战中。
solidarity:n.团结,团结一致; HIV:n.艾滋病病毒;
And in a way because of the stigma , by wearing this t-shirt 由于艾滋病的昭著臭名,我们可以通过穿上这件体恤衫
I say, "Yes, we can talk about this issue . 说:“我们当然可以谈论这个话题。
It doesn't have to be in the closet ." 它又不是什么见不得人的东西。”
I became a member of Treatment Action Campaign and I'm very proud to be a member of that incredible organization . 我由焉成为Treatment Action运动的一位会员, 我为成为这不凡组织的 一份子而感到自豪。
It's a grassroots campaign with 80 percent membership being women, most of whom are HIV-positive. 这是一场草根运动, 百分八十的会员皆为女性, 大多数皆是艾滋病阳性。
grassroots:adj.基层的;草根的;乡村的;n.草根;基础; membership:n.成员资格;(统称)会员;会员人数;
They work in the field. 但他们仍艰苦劳作。
They have tremendous outreach to the people who are living directly with the effects of the virus. 他们与那些患病者 有很大面积的 接触交往。
outreach:vt.超越,伸出; vi.拓广,延伸; n.延伸,拓广; adj.扩大服务的;
They have education programs. 他们还有教育项目。
They bring out the issues of stigma. 他们认为艾滋病不该成为人人回避的社会标签。
bring out:出版,生产;使显示;说出; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
It's quite extraordinary what they do. 他们所干成的事真是了不起。
And yes, my SING Campaign has supported Treatment Action Campaign in the way that I have tried to raise awareness and to try to also raise funds . 同时,我的SING运动 也支持Treatment Action运动, 我们则是通过宣传艾滋病常识 及募款来支援他们。
in the way:妨碍;挡道; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金;
A lot of the funding that I have managed to raise has gone directly to Treatment Action Campaign and the incredible work that they do, and are still continuing to do in South Africa. 我们所募集的款项大部分皆捐给了 Treatment Action运动, 以支持他们的惊人成就, 而他们也准备在南非发起这个运动。
So this is my SING Campaign. 这就是我的SING运动。
SING Campaign is basically just me and about three or four wonderful people who help to support me. SING运动只包括我 及三到四位能人, 他们都是来帮助我的。
I've traveled all over the world in the last two and a half years -- 我于两年半里 环游世界了。
I went to about 12 different countries. 我去了十二个国家。
Here I am in Oslo in Norway, getting a nice, fat check; singing in Hong Kong, trying to get people to raise money. 这是在挪威奥斯陆, 在那里我得获一份慷慨地捐赠, 这是在香港开演唱会以募集捐款。
In Johannesburg, I had the opportunity to play to a mainly white, middle-class South African audience who ended up in tears because I use film clips that really touch the heart, the whole nature, of this terrible tragedy that is taking place, that people are tending to avoid, because they are fatigued , and they really don't quite know what the solutions are. 这是在约翰内斯堡,我有机会为 南非中产阶级白人开演唱会, 他们最后都泪流满面, 因为演唱会中我放映了一次短影片。 这个短影片触摸到了他们内心最柔软的地方, 让他们了解到了南非所发生的惨剧, 但大多人皆不愿得知, 因为他们倦怠了, 而且他们也不知道怎么办。
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; middle-class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; clips:n.夹子; v.夹住; tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品; fatigued:adj.身心交瘁; v.使疲乏;
Aaron Motsoaledi, the current health minister , attended that concert and I had an opportunity to meet with him, and he gave his absolute commitment to try to making a change, which is absolutely necessary. 亚伦·莫梭累迪也到了这场演唱会, 他是南非现任卫生部部长, 因此我趁机与他一会, 他当场向我作出承诺 要改变现状, 这正是我们所需的。
minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
This is in the Scottish Parliament . 这是在苏格兰议会里。
Scottish Parliament:n.苏格兰议会(由苏格兰人民选举产生,有权制定教育、卫生等法规);
I've subsequently become an envoy for Scotland and HIV. 在此会议后,我成为了苏格兰及 艾滋病社运人士的公使。
And I was showing them my experiences and trying to, again, raise awareness. 我在那宣扬了我的经历 以提高他们的警惕意识。
And once again, in Edinburgh with the wonderful African Children's Choir who I simply adore. 这是在爱丁堡, 与我所钟爱的非洲儿童合唱团在一起。
Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名); Choir:n.唱诗班;合唱团,歌唱队;
And it's children like this, many of whom have been orphaned because of their family being affected by the AIDS virus. 其中成员多为孤儿, 因他们父母皆被艾滋病 感染了。
I'm sitting here in New York with Michel Sidibe -- he's the director of UNAIDS. 这是在纽约,我正和米歇尔·西迪贝(Michel Sidibe)坐一起。 他是联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)执行主任。
And I'm very honored by the fact that Michel invited me, only a few months ago, to become a UNAIDS ambassador . 我为此处邀请 而感到光荣, 就在几个月前, 我成为了联合国艾滋病规划署大使。
And in this way, I've been strengthening my platform and broadening my outreach. 通过这些方式,我加强了我的影响力, 及增强了人们的认知度。
The message that UNAIDS are currently sending out to the world is that we would like to see the virtual elimination of the transmission of the virus from mother to child by 2015. 联合国艾滋病规划署欲向世界 传达的消息则是 他们希望能于2015年前 看到母婴之间的病毒传播 被完全消除。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; elimination:n.消除;淘汰;除去;
It's a very ambitious goal but we believe it can be achieved with political will. 非常有野心的一个目标, 但我们相信通过政府参与,我们就能达成目标。
This can happen. 这可以发生。
And here I am with a pregnant woman, who is HIV positive and we're smiling, both of us are smiling, because we're very confident , because we know that that young woman is receiving treatment so her life can be extended to take care of the baby she's about to give birth to . 这是我和一位阳性艾滋病 母亲的照片,她怀孕了, 但我们皆笑容满面,因为我们确信 她能获得治疗 以延长她的生命, 同时,她的孩子 也会被照料。
pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; confident:adj.自信的;确信的; extended:adj.延长了的;扩展了的;v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;(extend的过去式和过去分词) give birth to:产生,造成;生孩子;
And her baby will receive PMTCT, which will mean that that baby can be born free of the virus. 她的孩子会获得艾滋病母婴传播阻断 治疗,这意味着 孩子生下来将不带有艾滋病病毒。
Now that is prevention at the very beginning of life. 从生命伊始就获得 各种保护。
prevention:n.预防;阻止;妨碍; at the very beginning of:在…一开始的时候;
It's one way to start looking at intervention with the AIDS pandemic. 这是政府干预这场艾滋病瘟疫的 一种方法。
Now, I just would like to finish off to tell you the little story about Avelile. 我现在想用另一个故事 来结束这场演讲, 故事主角是阿维利尔(Avelile)。
This is Avelile -- she goes with me wherever I go. 这位就是阿维利尔。 她与我同在。
I tell her story to everyone because she represents one of millions of HIV/AIDS orphans . 我将她的故事告知给所有人, 因为她就是千千万的 艾滋病孤儿 代表。
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) orphans:n.孤儿(orphan的复数);v.成为孤儿(orphan的三单形式);
Avelile's mother had HIV virus -- she died from AIDS-related illness. 阿维利尔的母亲 是携有艾滋病病毒。 她因艾滋病 并发症而死。
Avelile had the virus, she was born with the virus. 阿维利尔也有艾滋病病毒。 她一生下来就有。
And here she is at seven years old, weighing no more than a one year-old baby. 这就是她七岁时的照片, 她还没一个一岁大的婴儿重。
no more than:adv.只是;仅仅;
At this point in her life, she's suffering with full-blown AIDS and had pneumonia . 这就是她人生的转折点, 她正被艾滋病魔折磨着, 而且还患有肺炎。
full-blown:adj.成熟的;(花)盛开的;(帆等)张满的; pneumonia:n.肺炎;
We met her in a hospital in the Eastern Cape and spent a whole afternoon with her -- an adorable child. 我们是在东开普省的一间医院中见着她, 我们与她一起度过了一个下午的时光,她是一位可爱的女孩。
Eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; Cape:n.披肩;披风;短斗篷;地角; adorable:adj.可爱的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的;
The doctors and nurses were phenomenal . 那里的护士和医生都很了不起。
They put her on very special nutritious diet and took great care of her. 他们为阿维利尔设计了一种特殊的营养食谱, 同时还悉心照顾她。
And we didn't know when we left the hospital -- because we filmed her story -- we didn't know if she was going to survive. 当我们离开这间医院时 我们却无法预料她前程如何,即使我们为她拍摄了一部影片。
So, it was obviously -- it was a very emotional encounter and left us feeling very resonant with this direct experience, this one child, you know, that story. 很显然,这次会面 对我们产生剧烈影响, 就是这种直接接触的震撼景象 让我们引起共鸣。
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; encounter:v.遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n.遭遇,偶然碰见; resonant:adj.洪亮的,共振的;共鸣的;
Five months later, we went back to South Africa to meet Avelile again. 五个月后, 我们再次回到南非 以期见到阿维利尔。
And I'm getting -- the hairs on my -- I don't know if you can see the hairs on my arms. 当时我手臂上的毛发, 不知道你们看不看得见,
They're standing up because I know what I'm going to show you. 但毛发们皆根根竖起,因为它们知道我所要带给你们的震撼。
This is the transformation that took place. 这就是她所发生的变化。
Isn't it extraordinary? 是不是很了不起呢?
(Applause) (掌声)
That round of applause is actually for the doctors and nurses of the hospital who took care of Avelile. 这些掌声应是为那些护士和医生 而响起来的。
And I take it that you appreciate that kind of transformation. 我认为你们都为这种转变而感到欣慰。
So, I would like to say to you, each one in the audience, if you feel that every mother and every child in the world has the right to have access to good nutrition and good medical care, 因此我想对你们说, 在场的每一位听众, 假若你们希望 世界上每位母亲,每位孩子 都能获得良好的营养供给 以及完善的医疗照顾,
and you believe that the Millennium Development Goals, specifically five and six, should be absolutely committed to by all governments around the world -- especially in sub-Saharan Africa -- could you please stand up. 而且你们认同联合国千年目标,尤其是 第五和第六项目标, 而且希望所有国家政府 皆能对此作出承诺, 那么请你们 站起来。
Millennium:n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; sub-Saharan:撒哈拉以南地区;
I think that's fair to say, it's almost everyone in the hall. 好吧,我认为在场的所有人 都支持这项决议。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢你们。
(Applause) (掌声)