

Almost 30 years ago, my country was facing the need to rebuild everything from scratch . 大约 30 年前, 我的国家面临着 在废墟中重建的需要。
from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
After years of Soviet occupation , 在苏联多年的占领后,
Soviet:adj.苏维埃的;苏联的;n.苏维埃(前苏联的各级代表会议);苏联人; occupation:n.职业;占领;占用;工作;
Estonia regained its independence , but we were left with nothing. 爱沙尼亚重获了独立, 但我们却一无所有。
regained:v.重新获得,恢复;回到(原位);返回;(regain的过去分词和过去式) independence:n.独立;独立性;自恃心;独立不羁的精神;
No infrastructure , no administration, no legal code. 没有基础设施, 没有行政机构,没有法律条文。
infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;
Organizational chaos . 面对治理上的混乱,
Organizational:adj.组织的;编制的; chaos:n.混沌,混乱;
Out of necessity , the state leaders back then had to make some daring choices. 必需品的缺乏, 当时的国家领导人 需要做出一些大胆的选择。
of necessity:必然地;不可避免地;
The ones that our country could afford . 这些选择还得是 我们国家能够承受的。
There was a lot of experimentation and uncertainty but also a bit of luck involved , particularly in the fact that we could count on a number of brilliant visionaries , cryptographers and engineers. 当时有许多的试验 和不确定性, 也掺杂了一些运气, 幸运的是,我们可以依靠 许多优秀的有远见的人, 密码学家和工程师。
experimentation:n.实验;试验; uncertainty:n.不确定,不可靠; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; visionaries:n.空想主义者;愿景者;远见者(visionary的复数); cryptographers:n.译解密码者;担任密码者;
I was just a kid back then. 当时我还只是个孩子。
Today, we are called the most digital society on earth. 现在,我们已被称为 地球上最数字化的社会。
I'm from Estonia, and we've been declaring taxes online since 2001. 我来自爱沙尼亚。 我们自 2001 年起 就开始在网上报税。
We have been using digital identity and signature since 2002. 我们自 2002 年起就开始 使用电子身份认证和签名。
We've been voting online since 2005. 我们自 2005 年起 就开始线上投票。
And for today, pretty much the whole range of the public services that you can imagine: education, police, justice , starting a company, applying for benefits, looking at your health record or challenging a parking ticket -- that's everything that is done online. 至于现在,我们在网上 可以进行你能想到的 几乎所有的公共服务: 教育,治安, 司法,创立公司, 申请福利, 查看健康报告 或者申诉违停罚单—— 这所有的事都能在网上完成。
justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; applying:v.申请,请求;使用;应用;(apply的现在分词) parking ticket:n.违章停车罚单;
In fact, it's much easier to tell you what are the three things we cannot yet do online. 实际上,告诉你们三件 我们还不能线上完成的事 反而更容易一些。
We have to show up to pick up our ID documents, get married or divorced, or sell real estate . 我们需要当面领取身份证件, 办理结婚和离婚手续, 或者售卖房产。
real estate:n.房地产;不动产;
That's pretty much it. 大概就只有这些。
So, that's why don't freak out when I tell you that every year 所以,当我告诉你们, 每年我都迫不及待地
I can't wait to start doing my tax declaration . 要做我的纳税申报时, 别被吓到。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Because all I have to do is sit on my couch with a mobile phone , swipe a few pages with prefilled data on income and deductions and hit submit . 因为我所要做的, 仅仅是拿着手机坐在沙发上, 翻看已经填好收入 和减税额的网页, 然后点击提交。
couch:n.睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻;v.蹲伏,埋伏;躺着; mobile phone:移动电话 swipe:vt.猛击;偷窃;刷…卡;n.猛击;尖刻的话;vi.猛打;大口喝酒; deductions:n.扣除(deduction的复数);[会计]扣除额;扣减项目; submit:vt.使服从;主张;呈递;vi.提交;服从;
After three minutes, 三分钟之后,
I'm looking at the tax return amount. 纳税申报金额就会显示在页面上。
tax return:n.纳税申报单;
It actually feels like a quite rewarding experience. 这一过程其实还挺有成就感的。
No tax advisors , no collecting receipts , no doing the math. 不用税务顾问, 不用收集发票, 不需要繁琐的计算。
advisors:n.顾问,指导教授,劝告者(advisor的复数形式); receipts:n.收据;收到;收到的款项,收入;(receipt的复数)
And have I mentioned that I have not visited a state office for almost seven years? 我有提到近七年来我都没有 进过一家国家办公厅吗?
Indeed, one of the features of the modern life that has no reason to exist anymore, considering technological possibilities of today, is the labyrinth of bureaucracy . 的确,现代社会的其中一个特征—— 迷宫一样复杂的官僚主义, 在现今的科技条件下 已经没理由继续存在下去了。
technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的; labyrinth:n.迷宫;[解剖]迷路;难解的事物; bureaucracy:n.官僚主义;官僚机构;官僚政治;
We've almost got rid of it completely in Estonia, in an effort coordinated by the government that has also digitized itself. 在一个已数字化政府的协调下, 爱沙尼亚已经几乎完全脱离了它。
coordinated:v.使协调;使相配合;搭配,协调;(coordinate的过去分词和过去式) digitized:adj.数字化的;v.使数字化(digitize的过去分词);
For instance , cabinet of ministers' work in e-Cabinet is absolutely paperless . 例如,内阁部长们在 电子内阁中的工作是完全无纸化的。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; cabinet:n.内阁;储藏柜;陈列柜;adj.内阁的;小房间用的;玲珑的;细木工做的; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; paperless:adj.无纸传输信息的;
The central idea behind this development is transformation of the state role and digitalization of trust. 这种发展背后的中心思想 是国家角色的转变 和政府公信力的数字化。
transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革; digitalization:n.数字化;洋地黄疗法;洋地黄丸;
Think about it. 想想看,
In most countries, people don't trust their governments. 在大多数国家, 人民不相信他们的政府。
And the governments don't trust them back. 政府反过来也不相信民众。
And all the complicated paper-based formal procedures are supposed to solve that problem. 所有繁杂的纸质正规程序 理应解决这个问题。
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) paper-based:纸基的; formal:adj.适合正式场合的; n.(美)须穿礼服的社交集会; (口)夜礼服; procedures:n.程序;规程(procedure的复数); supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
Except that they don't. 但是它们并没有。
They just make life more complicated. 它们让生活变得更加复杂了。
I believe Estonian experience is showing that technology can be the remedy for getting the trust back, while creating an efficient , user-centric service delivery system that actively responds to citizens' needs. 我相信爱沙尼亚的经验 说明了科技可以成为 重建政府公信力的良策, 同时建立一个高效的, 以用户为中心的服务系统, 能主动满足公民的需求。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; remedy:vt.补救;治疗;纠正;n.补救;治疗;赔偿; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送; responds:v.(口头或书面)回答,回应;作出反应;响应;(respond的第三人称单数)
We did not do it by digitizing bureaucracy as it is. 我们并不仅是 把官僚制度数字化了,
But by rather agreeing on a few strong, common principles , redesigning rules and procedures, getting rid of unnecessary data collection and task duplication , and becoming open and transparent . 还在一些强硬,普遍的 原则上达成了共识, 重新制定了规则和办公流程, 摆脱了不必要的数据收集 以及重复的任务, 并且变得公开透明。
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) redesigning:v.重构;重设计(redesign的现在分词); duplication:n.复制;副本;成倍; transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的;
Let me give you a glimpse into some of the key e-Estonia design principles today. 让我来带你们了解一下 现如今爱沙尼亚 电子服务的核心设计原则。
First, it is essential to guarantee privacy and confidentiality of data and information. 首先,保障数据和信息的 隐私和保密性 十分重要。
essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; guarantee:n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;v.保证;担保; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处; confidentiality:n.机密,[计]机密性;
This is achieved through a strong digital identity that is issued by the state and compatible with everything. 这是通过强大可靠的 电子身份证实现的。 该证件由政府颁发, 并且在所有地方都有效。
issued:v.宣布;公布;发出;将…诉诸法律;(issue的过去分词和过去式) compatible:adj.兼容的;能共处的;可并立的;
In fact, every Estonian has one. 实际上,所有的爱沙尼亚 公民都有一个。
The identity is doubled with a strong digital signature that is accepted, used and legally binding both in Estonia and the European Union . 这个身份被一个 电子签名双重强化, 在爱沙尼亚和欧盟国家 都被认可,允许使用, 并具有法律约束力。
digital signature:n.数字签名; binding:v.结合; n.(书籍的)封皮; adj.必须遵守的; (bind的现在分词) European Union:n.欧洲联盟;
When the system can properly and securely identify who is using it, after logging in, it will provide access to the personal data of the citizen and all the public services within one tool, and allow to authorize anything by signing digitally . 这个系统能恰当 并安全地验证使用者的身份, 在用户登录后, 提供公民的私人信息, 并且能让使用者在一个工具中 访问所有的公共服务, 还提供所有服务的 电子签名授权功能。
securely:adv.安全地;牢固地;安心地;有把握地; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: logging:n.伐木作业;v.把…载入正式记录;记录;采伐;(log的现在分词) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; authorize:vt.批准,认可;授权给;委托代替; digitally:adv.数位;
A second principle, and one of the most transformative , is called "Once only." 第二种,也是其中 最具改革效力的一个原则, 叫做“仅此一次 。
It means that the state cannot ask for the same data more than once, nor can store it in more than one place. 意思是国家对于同样的信息 只能征求一次, 并且只能在一个地方进行存储。
For instance, if you've already provided your birth or marital certificate to the population registry , this is the only place where this data is going to be held. 比如, 如果你已经 向人口登记处提供了 你的出生或结婚证明, 那就将是这项信息唯一 能被保存的地方。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) marital:adj.婚姻的;夫妇间的; certificate:n.证明;证明书;合格证书;文凭;v.发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书; registry:n.注册;登记处;挂号处;船舶的国籍;
And no other institution will be ever asking for it again. 没有其他任何机构会 再一次向你征求该信息。
Once only is a very powerful rule, as it defines the whole structure of the data collection in a country, what information is collected and who is responsible for maintaining it, making sure we avoid centralization of data, duplication of data, and guarantee that it's actually up to date . “仅此一次”是一个 非常有效的规定。 因为它定义了这个国家 整个的信息收集结构, 哪些信息已被收集, 谁在负责保管它, 确保我们能避免 信息的集中化管理, 信息的重复采集, 并确保数据能被及时更新。
defines:v.阐明;明确;界定;画出…的线条;描出…的外形(define的第三人称单数) responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词) centralization:n.集中化;中央集权管理; up to date:adj.最新的;最近的;现代的;
This distributed approach also avoids the problem of the single point of failure. 这种分布式的举措同时也避免了 单点故障 (即会整体故障)。
distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式) approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
But since the data cannot be replicated , or collected more than once, it means that the design has to keep in mind secure and robust access to that information at all times, so the public institution can offer a service. 但由于信息不能被复制, 或是被收集超过一次, 这意味着整个设计需要确保 能随时随地提供安全 和稳定的信息获取功能, 以保证公共机构能提供相应服务。
replicated:重复的; keep in mind:记住; robust:adj.强健的;健康的;粗野的;粗鲁的; public institution:事业单位;
This is exactly the role of the data exchange platform called the X-Road that has been in use since 2001. 而这也是自 2001 年被启用 的数据交换平台 X-Road 的具体作用。
exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
Just like a highway, it connects public sector databases and registries , local municipalities and businesses, organizing a real-time , secure and regulated data exchange, saving an auditable trace after each move. 它就像信息高速公路一样, 将公共部门的数据库和登记处 与地方政府和企业进行连接, 组成了一个实时,安全, 管理规范的信息交换系统, 在每次操作后都会保留 一个可被查证的路径。
public sector:n.公营部门;公共部门; registries:登记;注册; municipalities:n.市民,自治市;市政公债;(municipality复数形式) organizing:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理;(organize的现在分词) real-time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; regulated:v.约束,控制,管理;(regulate的过去式和过去分词) auditable:可审计性;可稽核的;可查证性 trace:追溯,追踪
Here's a screenshot of a live feed showing all the requests performed on the X-Road and all the services that it actually facilitates . 这是实时页面的一张截图, 显示了 X-Road 的所有服务请求 和它所简化的所有服务。
screenshot:n.屏幕截图(截图软件名称); performed:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好)(perform的过去分词和过去式) facilitates:v.促进;帮助;使…容易(facilitate的第三人称单数形式);
And this is the real picture of all the connections between public and private sector databases. 这是包含了真实数据的图片, 显示了公有和私有部门 数据库间的所有连接,
private sector:n.(国家经济的)私营部分;
As you can see , there is no central database whatsoever . 正如你所看到的, 并不存在任何的中央数据库。
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
Confidentiality and privacy are definitely very important. 保密性与隐私绝对是相当重要的。
But in the digital world, reliability and integrity of information is just critical for operations. 但是在数字化世界中, 信息的可靠和完整性 对于操作来说也同样重要。
reliability:n.可靠性; integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的;
For instance, if someone changes your medical health record, let's say allergies , without you or your doctor knowing, treatment could be deadly . 比如, 如果有人在你和你的医生 都不知道的情况下 改动了你的医学健康档案, 比如过敏信息, 那么治疗方案可能会是致命的。
allergies:n.变态反应;过敏反应;(allergy的复数) treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; deadly:adj.致命的;非常的;死一般的;adv.非常;如死一般地;
That's why in a digital society, a system like an Estonian one, when there's almost no paper originals , there's almost only digital originals , integrity of data, data exchange rules, software components and log files is paramount . 这就是为什么在一个像爱沙尼亚 一样的数字化社会和系统中, 当几乎没有纸质原件, 几乎只有电子原件时, 信息的完整性, 信息交换的规则,软件部件 还有日志文件都是至关重要的。
originals:n.原件(original的复数);[图情]原稿; components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); paramount:adj.最重要的,主要的;至高无上的;n.最高统治者;
We use a form of blockchain that we invented back in 2007, way before blockchain even became a thing, to check and guarantee the integrity of data in real time . 我们通过在 2007 年, 当区块链还并不为人所知时, 研发出的类似的数据库 来实时核查与确保 数据的完整性。
real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
Blockchain is our auditor and a promise that no access to the data or data manipulation remains unrecorded . 区块链是我们的审计员, 确保所有的信息获取和操作 都被记录备案。
auditor:n.审计员;听者;旁听生; manipulation:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换; unrecorded:adj.未记录下来的;未登记的;
Data ownership is another key principle in the design of the system. 信息所有权是系统设计中的 另一个核心原则。
Aren't you worried by the fact that governments, tech companies and other businesses around the world claim data they've collected about you is theirs, 要是政府,科技公司 还有世界上其他的企业 宣称他们收集到的你的信息 是属于他们的,并且拒绝提供 那些信息的获取渠道,
generally refuse to give access to that information, and often fail to prove how it was used or shared with third parties? 还无法证明它是如何被使用 或是共享给了第三方, 你们难道不会担心吗?
I don't know, for me it seems like a quite disturbing situation. 对我来说,这听上去像是 一个相当令人不安的情况。
The Estonian system is based on the principle that an individual is the owner of the data collected about him, thus has an absolute right to know what information is collected and who has been accessing it. 爱沙尼亚的系统所基于的原则是, 个体才是个人信息的拥有者, 享有知晓哪些信息被采集 和信息采集人员信息的绝对权利。
Every time a policeman, a doctor or any state officer is accessing personal information of the citizens online, first they only get to access it after logging in to the information they're authorized to see to do their job. 每当警察,医生 或者任何的国家官员 在网上获取了公民的个人信息, 系统首先会确保 他们只能在登录后查看, 并且只能查看他们已被授权的, 完成工作所必须的信息。
And secondly, every time they're making requests, this is saved in a log file. 其次,他们每次关于信息获取的申请, 都会被记录在日志文档中。
This detailed log file is part of the state public services and allows real transparency , making sure no privacy violation will remain unnoticed to the citizen. 这个详细的日志文档 是国家公共服务的一部分, 确保了信息获取的透明。 保证了公民能够知晓 任何侵犯他们隐私的行为。
transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃; violation:n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸; unnoticed:adj.被忽视的;不引人注意的;未被注意的;
Now, of course, this is only a simplified summary of all the design principles that e-Estonia is built on. 当然,这只是对 爱沙尼亚数字化体系 所基于的所有原则的简单概括。
simplified:v.简化; (simplify的过去式) summary:adj.简易的;扼要的;n.概要,摘要,总结;
And now, government is building up to get ready for use of artificial intelligence and building a whole new generation of public services -- proactive services that would activate seamlessly 现在,政府正在进一步努力 为人工智能的使用做准备, 并将建立全新一代的公共服务—— 可以根据人们 现实生活中
artificial intelligence:n.人工智能; proactive:adj.前摄的(前一活动中的因素对后一活动造成影响的); activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; seamlessly:adv.无缝地;
based on different life situations that people might be in, such as childbirth , unemployment or starting a business. 所处的不同情况,比如, 生孩子,失业,或者建立企业, 提供无缝的,积极主动的服务。
childbirth:n.分娩; unemployment:n.失业;失业率;失业人数;
Now, of course, running a digital society with no paper backup can be an issue, right? 当然了, 一个没有纸质支撑的数字化社会 也可能存在某些问题。
Even though we trust our systems to be solid, but one can never be too cautious as we experienced back in 2007, when the first cyberincident happened, and it literally blocked part of our networks, making access to the services impossible for hours. 即使我们相信我们的体系是可靠的, 但是谨慎一点总没错, 正如我们在 2007 年所经历的 第一次网络事故, 直接导致部分网络的瘫痪, 使得我们几个小时 都无法获取公共服务。
cautious:adj.谨慎的;十分小心的; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
We survived. 我们当时挺过去了。
But this event put cybersecurity at the very top of agenda , both in terms of strengthening the platform and backing it up. 但是那次事件让我们 在平台的强化和备份方面 都把网络安全放在了 一切工作事项的首位。
cybersecurity:网络安全;网络空间安全; agenda:n.议事日程;
So how do you back up a country-wide system in a small state where everything is super close? 那么该如何将一个 全国范围的系统备份在一个 让所有信息唾手可得的小型区域呢?
Well for instance, you can export a copy of the data outside the country territory to an extraterritorial space of an embassy . 比如说,你可以 把信息拷贝并输出 到国家领土之外的地方, 到使馆有治外法权的地区。
export:n.出口;[无线电]呼叫;出口货;输出额;v.出口;排出;adj.输出的; territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; extraterritorial:adj.治外法权的;不受管辖的;在疆界以外的; embassy:n.大使馆;大使馆全体人员;
Today, we have those data embassies that are holding the most critical digital assets of Estonia, guaranteeing continuity of operations, protection of our data, and most importantly , our sovereignty . 现在,这种数据使馆 掌握着爱沙尼亚 最重要的数字资产, 确保了操作的持续性, 和信息的保护, 当然了,还有最重要的, 我们的主权。
embassies:n.(统称)使馆官员;大使馆(指馆舍);(embassy的复数) assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) guaranteeing:v.保证;担保;保障;使必然发生;(guarantee的现在分词) continuity:n.连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本; and most importantly:最主要的是…; sovereignty:n.主权;主权国家;君主;独立国;
Even in case of a physical attack on our territory. 即使是在我们国家的 领土遭到了实体袭击时。
Some of you might be thinking by now: 现在你们中的一些可能会想:
Where are the downsides ? 那这个系统的缺点有哪些?
Well, going all digital is administratively , and let's be honest, financially more efficient. 坦白地说, 全方位数字化 在管理和财政方面更高效。
administratively:adv.行政地;管理地; financially:adv.财政上;金融上;
Interfacing primarily with computer systems might create an impression that the human factor , elected politicians and participating in democratic processes is somehow less important. 主要通过电脑系统来进行操作 可能会让人们觉得人为因素, 比如选举政客, 参与民主活动 变得并没有那么重要了。
Interfacing:v."interface"的现在分词;网络释义:接口;界面联系;对接; primarily:adv.首先;主要地,根本上; impression:n.印象;影响;效果;感想; factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入; politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词) democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式); somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
And there are also some people who feel threatened by pervasive technology that might make their skills obsolete . 也有一些人 担心科技的广泛普及可能会导致 他们的技能被时代所淘汰。
pervasive:adj.普遍的;到处渗透的;流行的; obsolete:adj.废弃的;老式的;n.废词;陈腐的人;vt.淘汰;废弃;
So all in all , unfortunately , running a country on a digital platform has not saved us from political power struggles and polarization in the society, as we have seen in the last elections. 总而言之,不幸的是, 用数字化平台治理国家 并没有让我们避免政权上的斗争 和社会的两级分化, 正如我们在上一次选举中所见到的。
all in all:总而言之;头等重要的东西; unfortunately:adv.不幸地; polarization:n.极化;偏振;两极分化;
Well, until there are humans involved. 只要有人参与其中就难免这样。
One last question. 最后一个问题。
If everything is location-independent and I can access all of the services from anywhere in the world, why cannot others tap into some of these services, even if they don't reside within Estonian borders? 如果所有的一切 都不受地域限制, 我可以从世界上任何地方 获取所有的服务, 那其他人是不是也有机会享有它们, 即使他们不住在爱沙尼亚呢?
Five years ago, we launched a governmental start-up called e-Residency program that for today joins tens of thousands of people. 五年前, 我们的政府发起了 “线上居住”计划, 到现在为止已有数万人加入。
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) governmental:adj.政府的;政治的;统治上的; start-up:n.启动;adj.起动阶段的;开始阶段的(异体字startup);
who establish their businesses digitally, who do their banking online, and who run their companies virtually over e-Estonia platform, within European Union legal framework, using an e-identity card similar to mine and all of that from anywhere in the world. 他们在网络上成立自己的企业, 使用线上银行服务, 在爱沙尼亚的电子平台上 虚拟运营他们的公司, 在欧盟法律条款允许的范围内, 使用和我差不多的电子身份证。 这一切都可在世界的任何角落完成。
establish:v.创立;设立;建立;确立;使立足;查实; virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上;
The Estonian system is location-independent and user-centric. 爱沙尼亚的系统是不受地域限制 并且以用户为中心的。
It prioritizes inclusiveness , openness and reliability. 它将包容性,开放性 和可靠性置于优先位置,
prioritizes:vt.把…区分优先次序;vi.把事情按优先顺序排好; inclusiveness:n.包容;包容性; openness:n.公开;宽阔;率真;
It puts security and transparency at its center. 将安全性和透明性置于核心位置,
And the data into the hands of the rightful owner, the person they refer to. 并且将数据交到 有正当权利的人, 它们的拥有者手中。
rightful:adj.合法的;正当的;公正的;正直的; refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅;
Don't take my word for it. 空口无凭,
Try it. 去试一试就知道了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)