

So my grandfather told me when I was a little girl, "If you say a word often enough, it becomes you." 小时候,祖父曾经告诉我说, “要是你经常说某个字,那个字就是你的写照。”
And having grown up in a segregated city, Baltimore , Maryland , 我长在马里兰州的巴尔迪摩,一个偏僻的城市,
segregated:adj.被隔离的;v.隔离(segregate的过去式);分离; Baltimore:n.巴尔的摩(美国一座港市); Maryland:n.马里兰(美国州名);
I sort of use that idea to go around America with a tape recorder -- thank God for technology -- to interview people, thinking that if I walked in their words -- 带着祖父告诉我的这个信念和一个录音机,我周游美洲 我要感谢科技 采访各式各样的人,想象如果我能走进他们的故事中--
tape recorder:n.录音机; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈;
which is also why I don't wear shoes when I perform -- if I walked in their words, that I could sort of absorb America. 这也是我在表演的时候不穿鞋的原因-- 如果我能走进他们的故事,我多少能够领悟这个国家(美国)。
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); absorb:v.吸收;使并入;吞并;同化;理解;吸收;耗费;承受;
I was also inspired by Walt Whitman, who wanted to absorb America and have it absorb him. Walt Whitman 也曾给我以启示, 他也曾经想要领悟美国,并向这个国家奉献他自己的知识与智慧。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) Walt:adj.空心的;
So these four characters are going to be from that work that I've been doing for many years now, and well over -- I don't know, a couple of thousand people 因此,我要表演的四个角色是来源于我的工作 是我从事多年的工作 并且在--我想,我采访过的数千人中
I've interviewed . 最有代表意义的。
interviewed:v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈); (媒体)采访(interview的过去分词和过去式)
Anybody out here old enough to know Studs Terkel, that old radio man? 现场有谁年龄稍大些,听说过那个老无线电工,Studs Terlek?
So I thought he would be the perfect person to go to to ask about a defining moment in American history. 那好,我认为他可能是 能回答关于美国历史上一个决定性的时刻的最佳人选。
You know, he was "born in 1912, the year the Titanic sank, greatest ship every built. Hits the tip of an iceberg , and bam, it went down. It went down and I came up. Wow, some century." 要知道,Stud Terkel“生于1912,泰坦尼克号沉没的那一年, 史上最伟大的船。却撞上了冰川一角。 紧接着,砰!它沉没海底,就这样沉没了,然后我出生了。瞧瞧,这个世纪多了不起。”
Titanic:adj.巨大的;强大的;极端重要的;四价钛的; the tip of an iceberg:冰山一角;
(Laughter) (笑)
So this is his answer about a defining moment in American history. 这是Stud 对于美国历史上一个决定性时刻的回答。
Defining moment in American history, I don't think there's one; you can't say Hiroshima, that's a big one -- 美国历史上的决定性时刻,我认为没有; 你不能说就是广岛,那是个大事件--
I can't think of any one moment I would say is a defining moment. 我觉得我无法想出哪一个时刻为决定性时刻。
The gradual slippage -- slippage is the word used by the people in Watergate , moral slippage -- it's a gradual kind of thing, combination of things. 那种逐渐的沦丧--沦丧是人们 用在水门事件上的词,道德沦丧-- 是一种逐渐改变的东西,是多种事物结合的产物。
gradual:adj.逐渐的;平缓的;n.弥撒升阶圣歌集; slippage:n.滑移;滑动;下降; Watergate:n.水门,水闸;水门事件; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合;
You see, we also have the technology. 你看,我们还拥有科技。
I say, less and less the human touch. (可是)越来越少的人际交往。
Oh, let me kind of tell you a funny little play bit. 哦,我来说一个好玩的事。
The Atlanta airport is a modern airport, and they should leave the gate there. 亚特兰大机场是个现代化机场, 他们应该把那扇门留在那。
Atlanta:n.亚特兰大(美国城市); airport:n.机场;航空港;
These trains that take you out to a concourse and on to a destination. 这些能够带你来往于各个转运站与目的地之间的火车。
And these trains are smooth, and they're quiet and they're efficient . 它们行车平稳。 它们安静且高效。
And there's a voice on the train, you know the voice was a human voice. 并且,火车上你可以听到声音,你知道那是人的声音。
You see in the old days we had robots, robots imitated humans. 过去我们有机器人,机器人模仿人类。
Now we have humans imitating robots. 而现在是人类模仿机器人。
So we got this voice on this train: Concourse One: Omaha , Lincoln. 因此,在这列火车上我们听到这个声音:第一站:奥马哈,林肯。
Concourse Two: Dallas , Fort Worth. Same voice. 第二站:达拉斯,沃斯堡市。还是同样的声音。
Dallas:n.达拉斯(美国城市); Fort:n.堡垒;要塞;(美)边界贸易站;v.设要塞保卫;构筑要塞;
Just as a train is about to go, a young couple rush in and they're just about to close the pneumatic doors. 就在火车要开的时候,一对年轻恋人冲了进来 这时候气动门马上就要关闭了。
is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; pneumatic:adj.气动的;充气的;有气胎的;n.气胎;
And that voice, without losing a beat, says, "Because of late entry, we're delayed 30 seconds." 这时,那个声音,节奏不改,继续说道, “由于有乘客晚上车,本列车延迟30秒。”
Just then, everybody's looking at this couple with hateful eyes and the couple's going like this, you know, shrinking . 正在那时,每人都带着不满瞪着这对年轻人 这对年轻人就像这样,蜷缩在一起。
hateful:adj.可憎的;可恨的;可恶的; shrinking:v.(使)缩水,收缩,缩小,退缩;(shrink的现在分词)
Well, I'd happened to have had a couple of drinks before boarding -- 而我呢,恰好在上车前喝了几杯--
I do that to steel my nerves -- and so 以镇定我的神经--然后
I imitate a train call, holding my hand on my -- "George Orwell, your time has come," you see. 我模仿火车广播,把手放在这儿-- Geroge Orwell,你的死期到啦,你瞧。
Well, some of you are laughing. Everybody laughs when I say that, but not on this train. Silence. 看,台下的有些人笑了。听到我这么说 每个人都会笑。但是在那列火车上是一片沉默,没有人笑。
And so suddenly they're looking at me. 突然之间,所有人看着我。
So here I am with the couple, the three of us shrinking at the foot of Calvary about to be up, you know. 于是,我和那对恋人一起,我们三个 我们三个缩成一团,仿佛于骷髅地脚下,准备受罚。
at the foot of:在…(山)脚下;在…的下部; Calvary:n.骷髅地(耶稣被钉上十字架的地方);基督于十字架上之受难像;
Just then I see a baby, a little baby in the lap of a mother. 就在这个时候我看到一个婴儿,小小的婴儿,躺在妈妈腿上。
I know it's Hispanic because she's speaking Spanish to her companion . 我知道这是一个西班牙裔的母亲,因为她跟同伴讲着西班牙语。
Hispanic:adj.西班牙的; companion:n.同伴;伴侣;陪伴;手册;v.(与…)同行;(跟…)搭伴儿去;
So I'm going to talk to the baby. So I say to the baby, holding my hand over my mouth because my breath must be 100 proof , 我打算跟这个孩子说话。于是我对这个孩子说, 手盖住我的嘴,因为我的呼吸带着太强的酒味了,
I say to the baby, "Sir or Madam, what is your considered opinion of the human species ?" 我说,“尊敬的先生或是女士, 您对人类的真知灼见又是什么呢?”
And the baby looks, you know, the way babies look at you clearly, starts laughing, starts busting out with this crazy little laugh. 婴儿看着我,就是那种婴儿清澈无瑕地注视的方式, 笑了起来, 开始大声地稚嫩地笑起来。
I say, "Thank God for a human reaction , we haven't lost yet." 我说,“谢天谢地,总算有人类的反应了,我们还没丢掉它。”
But you see, the human touch, you see, it's disappearing . 但是你看,人情味,你看,它正在消失殆尽。
You know, you see, you've got to question the official truth. 你瞧,我们必须质疑这个真理。
You know the thing that was so great about Mark Twain -- you know we honor Mark Twain, but we don't read him. 你知道,马克吐温的伟大之处在于-- 我们尊崇马克吐温,但我们不读他的作品。
We read Huck Finn , of course, we read Huck Finn of course. 我们读《哈克·费恩历险记》,当然了,我们肯定会去读。
Huck:n.一种粗麻布; Finn:n.芬兰人;爱尔兰巨人;
I mean, Huck, of course, was tremendous . 我的意思是,哈克,他当然很了不起。
Remember that great scene on the raft , remember what Huck did? 你还记得在筏子上见识的那美丽景色吗,还记得哈克都做了什么吗?
You see, here's Huck, he's an illiterate kid, he's had no schooling, but there's something in him. 你看,这就是哈克,他是个聪明的孩子,(尽管)没上过学, 但他拥有一些特别的东西。
And the official truth, the truth was, the law was, that a black man was a property, was a thing, you see. 而且事实的真相,真理就是, 一个黑人被视作财富,他被当回事,你瞧。
And Huck gets on the raft with a property named Jim, a slave, see. 哈克上了筏子的同时也带了一样资产,这个叫Jim的奴隶。
And he hears that Jim is going to go and take his wife and kids and steal them from the woman who owns them, and Huck says, "Ooh, oh my God, ooh, ooh -- that woman, that woman never did anybody any harm. 他听到Jim要离开去救他的老婆和孩子 要从他们原来的女主人那里他们偷回来, 然后哈克说,“哦,哦我的天哪,哦,哦-- 那个女人,那个女人从来没伤害过任何人。
Ooh, he's going to steal, he's going to steal, he's going to do a terrible thing." 哦,他要去偷,他要去偷啊, 他要去做一件大坏事。”
Just then, two slavers caught up, guys chasing slaves, looking for Jim. 就在那时,两个奴隶赶了上来,他们在正找人,找Jim。
slavers:n.口水; vi.淌口水; vt.淌口水弄湿;
'"Anybody up on that raft with you?" Huck says, "Yeah." “那个筏子上还有别人吗?”哈克说,“有。”
'"Is he black or white?" "White." And they go off. “黑人还是白人?”“白人。”然后他们就离开了。
And Huck said, "Oh my God, oh my God, I lied, I lied, ooh, 然后哈克说,“哦天哪,哦天哪,我撒谎了,我撒谎了,哦,
I did a terrible thing, did a terrible thing -- why do I feel so good?" 我做了件大坏事,一件大坏事--但是为什么我感到很舒坦呢?”
But it's the goodness of Huck, that stuff that Huck's been made of, you see, all been buried, it's all been buried. 但是这个哈克的善良,这是哈克的本质, 你瞧,全都被淹没了,全被淹没了。
So the human touch, you see, it's disappearing. 所以人情味,你瞧,正在消失。
So you ask about a defining moment. 所以你要问决定性时刻。
Ain't no defining moment in American history for me. 对我来说,在美国的历史上没有决定性时刻。
It's an accretion of moments that add up to where we are now, where trivia becomes news. 是各种时刻不断累加,构成了现在我们所处的时代, 琐事都变成了新闻。
accretion:n.添加;增加物;连生;冲积层; trivia:n.琐事;
And more and more, less and less awareness of the pain or the other. 越来越多的,越来越少的痛苦,或是其他。
Huh. You know, I don't know if you could use this or not, but I was quoting Wright Morris, a writer from Nebraska , who says, we're more and more into communications and less and less into communication. 哼,你知道,我不知道你会不会这样说, 但是我要引用一个内布拉斯加的作家的话,叫Wright Morris,他说, 我们沟通的花样越来越多 但是真正的沟通却越来越少了
quoting:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;(quote的现在分词) Wright:n.制作者;工人; Nebraska:n.内布拉斯加州;
Okay, kids, I got to scram , got to go see my cardiologist . 好了,孩子们,我得走了,要去看我的心脏医师了。
scram:v.迅速溜走;滚开;急停,紧急刹车;n.紧急刹车; cardiologist:n.心脏病学家;心脏病科医师;
And that's Studs Terkel. 这就是Studs Terkel。
(Applause) (掌声)
So, talk about risk taking. I'm going to do somebody that nobody likes. 那么,谈到勇于冒险。我要提到一个大家都不喜欢的人。
You know most actors want to do characters that are likeable -- well, not always, but the notion , especially at a conference like this, 大多数演员都希望扮演讨人喜欢的角色-- 也不总是,但是这种观念(是有的),尤其是像TED大会这样的场面,
likeable:adj.令人喜爱的,可爱的(等于likable); notion:n.观念;信念;理解; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
I like to inspire people. 我喜欢激励人。
But since this was called risk taking, 不过既然说到勇于冒险,
I'm doing somebody who I never do, because she's so unlikeable that one person actually came backstage and told me to take her out of the show she was in. 我要模仿一个我从来没模仿过的人,因为她是如此讨人厌恶 那个人实际上在后台 叫我把关于她的戏份去掉。
unlikeable:adj.不讨喜的; backstage:adv.在后台;向后台;
And I'm doing her because I think we think of risk, at a conference like this, as a good thing. 那么我之所以模仿她是因为我认为冒险, 在这样的会议里,是一件好事。
But there are certain other connotations to the word risk, and the same thing about the word nature. What is nature? 不过“冒险”这个词还蕴有其他含义, “天性”这个词也是一样。什么是“天性”?
Maxine Greene, who's a wonderful philosopher who's as old as Studs, and was the head of a philosophy -- great, big philosophy kind of an organization , Maxine Greene,是一个伟大的哲学家 和Studs的岁数差不多,而且他是一个-- 很大的哲学组织的领导,
philosopher:n.哲学家;深思的人;善于思考的人; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
I went to her and asked her what are the two things that she doesn't know, that she still wants to know. 我向她问道有哪两个事情 是她不知道却依然想要弄清楚的。
And she said, "Well, personally , I still feel like I have to curtsey when I see the president of my university. 他说,“就我个人看来,我总是觉得在见到我的大学校长时 我还要卑躬屈膝。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; curtsey:n.女人行的鞠躬礼;屈膝礼;vi.行屈膝礼;
And I still feel as though I've got to get coffee for my male colleagues , even though I've outlived most of them." 而且我仍旧感觉要为男同事端咖啡 尽管我比他们活的都长。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); outlived:v.比…活得长;(在…结束或消失后)继续存在;(outlive的过去分词和过去式)
And she said, "And then intellectually , 然后她说,“突然间理性告诉我,
I don't know enough about the negative imagination . 我对于负面幻想理解的不够。
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
And September 11th certainly taught us that that's a whole area we don't investigate ." 9.11事件显然告诉我们 有一整片领域我们是没有研究的。”
So this piece is about a negative imagination. 因此这一段是关于负面幻想的。
It raises questions about what nature is, what Mother Nature is, and about what a risk can be. 它引发了思考如什么是天性,什么是大自然, 以及什么是冒险。
Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界;
And I got this in the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women. 来自于马里兰女性教养所。
Correctional:adj.矫正的;修正的; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院;
Everything I do is word for word off of a tape. 我做的事情就是一字不漏的录下来。
word for word:adj.逐字的;逐字翻译的;
And I title things because I think people speak in organic poems, and this is called "A Mirror to Her Mouth." 我之所以加以标题是因为我认为人们以组织化的方式讲话, 它叫做“她嘴边的镜子。”
And this is an inmate named Paulette Jenkins . 主人公是一个叫做Paulette Jenkins的囚犯。
inmate:n.(尤指)同院病人;同狱犯人;同被(收容所)收容者; Jenkins:n.(姓氏)詹金斯;詹金(斯);
'"I began to learn how to cover it up, because I didn't want nobody to know that this was happening in my home. “我开始学着掩盖事实, 因为我不想让任何人知道这件事发生在我家里。
I want everybody to think we were a normal family. 我想让所有人都知道我们是一个正常的家庭。
I mean we had all the materialistic things, but that didn't make my children pain any less; that didn't make their fears subside . 我们有正常家庭所拥有的一切表象, 但这并未让我的孩子们的痛楚减轻分毫; 这并未让他们的恐惧平息。
materialistic:adj.唯物主义的;唯物论的; subside:vi.平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下;
I ran out of excuses about how we got black eyes and busted lips and bruises . I didn't had no more excuses. 关于眼睛如何被打黑 破裂的嘴唇和淤青,这些我都词穷了。我已没有更多借口了。
busted:adj.被当场逮住;v.打破;突击搜查;(使)降级;(bust的过去分词和过去式) bruises:v.(使)出现伤痕; n.碰伤; (bruise的第三人称单数和复数)
And he beat me too. But that didn't change the fact that it was a nightmare for my family, it was a nightmare. 而且他也打了我。但这并不改变他是 这个家庭的一个噩梦这个事实,一场噩梦。
And I failed them dramatically , because I allowed it to go on and on and on. 我让他们大失所望, 因为我对事情的发展无动于衷。
dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; on and on:继续不停地;
But the night that Myesha got killed -- and the intensity just grew and grew and grew, until one night we came home from getting drugs, and he got angry with Myesha, and he started beating her, and he put her in a bathtub . Oh, he would use a belt . 不过Myesha被杀的那晚-- 事情发展的越来越严重, 直到有一天我们拿完毒品回到家中, 他对Myesha大发雷霆,开始痛打她, 他把她塞进浴缸。哦,他用皮带。
intensity:n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张; bathtub:n.浴缸; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰;
He had a belt because he had this warped perverted thing that Myesha was having sex with her little brother and they was fondling each other -- that would be his reason. 他用皮带这种扭曲变态的东西是因为 Myesha当时正在和她自己的弟弟做爱 然后他们还互相爱抚--这就是原因。
warped:adj.弯曲的;反常的;v.弄歪(warp的过去式和过去分词); perverted:adj.反常的;变态的:v.败坏;误导;误用(pervert的过去式和过去分词) fondling:n.爱抚; v.(尤指示爱或两性间)爱抚,抚摸; (fondle的现在分词)
I'm just talking about the particular night that she died. 我现在讲的就是她死的那个晚上。
And so he put her in the bathtub, and I was in the bedroom with the baby. 于是他把她放进了浴缸, 我当时和孩子在卧室里。
And four months before this happened, four months before Myesha died, 而且在事情发生的四个月前,Myesha死前的四个月,
I thought I could really fix this man. So I had a baby by him -- insane -- 我以为我可以治好这个男人。于是我给他生了一个孩子--太疯狂了--
Thinking that if I gave him his own kid, he would leave mine alone. 想着如果把他的亲生孩子交给他,他就会放我的孩子一马。
And it didn't work, didn't work. 但是都是徒劳,徒劳。
And I ended up with three children, Houston , Myesha and Dominic, who was four months old when I came to jail . 于是我和三个孩子,Houston,Myesha和Dominic, 我进监狱的时候他只有四岁。
Houston:n.休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市); jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
And I was in the bedroom. Like I said, he had her in the bathroom and he -- he -- every time he hit her, she would fall. 我在卧室里,就像刚才说的,他把她拖到浴室 然后他--他--每次他动粗,她都会倒下。
And she would hit her head on the tub. It happened continuously , repeatedly . 然后他把她的头砸向浴缸。不停的,一次又一次。
continuously:adv.连续不断地; repeatedly:adv.反复地;再三地;屡次地;
I could hear it, but I dared not to move. I didn't move. 我能听见,但是我却一动都不敢动。我没有动。
I didn't even go and see what was happening. 我甚至没有去看看到底发生了什么。
I just sat there and listened. 我只是坐在那里,然后听着。
And then he put her in the hallway. 然后他把她拖到了走廊。
He told her, just set there. And so she set there for about four or five hours. 他说,坐在那。于是她就在那里坐了大概四到五个小时。
And then he told her, get up. 然后他说,起来。
And when she got up, she says she couldn't see. 于是她起来,然后她说,我看不见了。
Her face was bruised . She had a black eye . 她的脸淤青。眼睛黑黑的。
bruised:v.(使)出现伤痕;撞伤;擦伤;打击;挫伤(bruise的过去分词和过去式) black eye:n.(被打成的)青肿眼眶;
All around her head was just swollen; her head was about two sizes of its own size. 头已经肿的不行; 像原来的两个脑袋那么大。
I told him, let her go to sleep. He let her go to sleep. 我跟他说,让她去睡吧。他放她去睡了。
The next morning she was dead. 第二天早上她死了。
He went in to check on her for school, and he got very excited. 他去叫她起床上学,然后他惊慌万分。
He says, she won't breathe. 他说,她没有呼吸了。
I knew immediately that she was dead. 我马上就意识到她已经死了。
I didn't even want to accept the fact that she was dead, so I went in and I put a mirror to her mouth -- there was no thing, nothing, coming out of her mouth. 我甚至不愿去接受她已经死了的事实,于是我进去 我拿着镜子放在她觜前-- 什么现象都没有,她嘴里没有呼出任何东西。
He said, he said, he said, we can't, we can't let nobody find out about this. 他说道,他说,说, 我们不能让任何人发现这个事情。
He say, you've got to help me. I agree. I agree. 他说,你得帮帮我。我同意,同意。
I mean, I've been keeping a secret for years and years and years, so it just seemed like second hand to me, just to keep on keeping it a secret. 我的意思是,我这么多年来不停的保守秘密, 这对我来说已经不是什么新鲜的要求了,只要继续保密就行。
second hand:adj.旧的,二手的;adv.间接地,第二手地;
So we went to the mall and we told a police that we had, like, lost her, that she was missing. 于是我们走到大道告诉警察,她失踪了, 她失踪了。
We told a security guard that she was missing; though she wasn't missing. 我们告诉警卫说,她失踪了; 尽管她根本没有失踪。
security guard:保安人员;
And we told the security guard what we had put on her and we went home and we dressed her in exactly the same thing that we had told the security guard that we had put on her. 我们告诉了警卫她的衣着样式 我们回家以后就把她打扮的 和对警卫描述中的样子一模一样。
And then we got the baby and my other child, and we drove out to, like, I-95. 然后我们接走了婴儿和我的另一个孩子 然后我们就开车,大概去 I-95 (纽泽西州)
I was so petrified and so numb, all I could look was in the rear-view mirror . 我是如此的僵硬和麻木了, 然后我再后视镜中看。
petrified:adj.非常害怕; v.使吓呆; (petrify的过去分词和过去式) rear-view mirror:n.后视镜;
And he just laid her right on the shoulder of the highway. 发现他把她正好摆在路肩(紧急停车道)那里。
My own child, I let that happen to. 我的孩子啊,我竟然让这种事情发生在她身上。
So that's an investigation of the negative imagination. 那么这就是关于负面幻想的一个调查。
(Applause) (掌声)
When I started this project called On the Road: A Search For an American Character with my tape recorder, I thought that I was going to go around America 当我开始这项计划时 叫做“在路上:寻找美国符号” 以我的录音机为工具,我以为我要走遍整个美国
and find it in all its aspects -- bull riders , cowboys, pig farmers, drum majorettes -- but I sort of got tripped on race relations , because my first big show was a show about a race riot . 探索形形色色的人物--骑牛者、牛仔、养猪农, 乐队领队--不过在种族关系上我遇到了点麻烦, 因为我的首次演出是关于种族暴乱的。
aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); bull:n.废话;公牛;彪形大汉;v.大量买进以期抬高价格;吓唬; riders:骑手;附文;扶手(rider的复数); drum:n.鼓; v.打鼓; majorettes:n.鼓手队长;军乐队队长或指挥; tripped:v.绊;绊倒;将…绊倒;使跌倒;脚步轻快地走;(trip的过去分词和过去式) race relations:n.种族关系; race riot:n.种族骚乱;种族暴乱;
And so I went to both -- two race riots , one of which was the Los Angeles riot. And this next piece is from that. 因此两次种族暴动我都亲历, 其中一次是在洛杉矶。那么下一个片段就来源于此。
Because this is what I would say 因为这个我想
I've learned the most about race relations, from this piece. 使我有对种族关系有了最透彻的了解,在这个片段。
It's a kind of an aria , I would say, and in many tapes that I have. 就仿佛是咏叹调,我认为,在我有过的许多录影中。
Everybody knows that the Los Angeles riots happened because four cops beat up a black man named Rodney King. 大家都知道洛杉矶暴动的情况 因为4个警察暴打了一个叫Rodney King的黑人。
It was captured on video tape -- technology -- and it was played all over the world. 录像机拍摄下了这个画面--(这就是)科技-- 然后在全世界广为传播。
Everybody thought the four cops would go to jail. 所有人都认为4个警察肯定会进监狱。
They did not, so there were riots. 但是他们没有,于是就引发了暴乱。
And what a lot of people forget, is there was a second trial, ordered by George Bush , Sr. 而且许多人忽略的是,那时候还有1个二审, 被George Bush, Sr授权。
Bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的;
And that trial came back with two cops going to jail and two cops declared innocent . I was at that trial. 然后审判的结果是两个警察进了监狱 另两个警察被宣无罪。我当时在场。
And I mean, the people just danced in the streets because they were afraid there was going to be another riot. 我的意思是,人们在街上欢呼雀跃 因为他们担心会有另一场暴乱。
Explosion of joy that this verdict had come back this way. 而结果的改判使积压的喜悦爆发出来。
Explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; verdict:n.结论;裁定;
So there was a community that didn't -- the Korean-Americans, whose stores had been burned to the ground. (但是)有一个群体却不这样认为--韩裔美国人, 他们的商店在暴乱中被夷为平地。
And so this woman, Mrs. Young-Soon Han, 因此这个女性,Young-Soon Han女士,
I suppose will have taught me the most that I have learned about race. 我认为她极大的加深了我对种族的认识。
And she asks also a question that Studs talks about: this notion of the official truth, to question the official truth. 她也问到了Studs曾经谈到的问题: 官方真相的概念,质疑什么是官方真相。
So what she's questioning here, she's taking a chance and questioning what justice is in society. 因此她正在质疑,她尝试着冒险 质疑在这个社会中什么是正义。
And this is called, " Swallowing the Bitterness ." 这个(片段)叫做,“吞食苦果。”
Swallowing:v.吞下;咽下;做吞咽动作;吞没;侵吞;(swallow的现在分词) Bitterness:n.苦味;苦难;怨恨;
I used to believe America was the best. 我曾经相信美国是最好的。
I watched in Korea many luxurious Hollywood lifestyle movie. 我在韩国看过许多描述好莱坞奢华生活方式的电影。
I never saw any poor man, any black. 我从没看到过穷人,黑人。
Until 1992, I used to believe America was the best -- I still do, 直到1992年,我还相信美国是最好的--我始终相信,
I don't deny that because I am a victim . 我并不否认这点因为我是一个受害者。
deny:v.否定,否认;拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者;
But at the end of '92, when we were in such turmoil , and having all the financial problems, and all the mental problems, 不过在92年末,如此的暴乱时期, 所有的财政问题接踵而至,以及精神层面的问题,
turmoil:n.混乱,骚动; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者;
I began to really realize that Koreans are completely left out of this society and we are nothing. 我开始意识到韩国人 完完全全的被这个社会抛弃,我们什么都不是。
Why? Why do we have to be left out? 为什么?为什么我们被抛弃?
We didn't qualify for medical treatment , no food stamp , no GR, no welfare , anything. Many African-Americans who never work got minimum amount of money to survive. 我们没有接受医疗的资格,没有救济粮票,没有GR, 没有福利,什么都没有,许多从不工作的非裔美国人 可以得到维系生存的那一丁点补贴。
qualify for:合格;有…的资格; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; food stamp:n.(政府发给贫民的)食物券; welfare:n.福祉;(政府给予的)福利; minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的;
We didn't get any because we have a car and a house. 我们什么都没有因为我们有车,有房。
And we are high taxpayer . Where do I find justice? 我们要支付高额的税金。我去哪找公平呢?
OK. OK. OK. OK. 好。好。好。好。
Many African-Americans probably think that they won by the trial. 也许很多非裔美国人会认为他们在这场审判中胜利了。
I was sitting here watching them the morning after the verdict, and all the day they were having a party, they celebrated, all of South Central, all the churches. And they say, well, finally justice has been done in this society. 在审判结束的那个早上,我坐在这里看着他们, 一整天他们都在狂欢,庆祝, 整个南部中心区,所有的教堂。他们说, 哦,终于这个社会实现了正义。
Well, what about victims' rights? 那么,受害人的权利呢?
They got their rights by destroying innocent Korean merchants . 他们通过糟蹋无辜的韩国商人而获取自身的权利。
Korean:n.朝鲜族;韩国人;朝鲜话;adj.朝鲜的;朝鲜族的;朝鲜话的; merchants:n.[贸易]商人(merchant的复数);
They have a lot of respect, as I do, for Dr. Martin King. 他们对于Martin King博士,非常尊敬,就像我一样。
He is the only model for black community; I don't care Jesse Jackson. 他是黑人社会的唯一楷模;我才不管什么Jesse Jackson呢。
He is the model of non-violence , non-violence -- and they would all like to be in his spirit. 他倡导的是非暴力,非暴力-- 而且他们似乎都同意这种精神。
But what about 1992? They destroyed innocent people. 那么1992年呢?他们迫害无辜的人。
And I wonder if that is really justice for them, to get their rights in that way. 我怀疑这是否是真正的正义 对他们而言,用这样的方式争取权利。
I wonder if:我不知道是否…?;
I was swallowing the bitterness, sitting here alone and watching them. 我吞食着苦果,孤独一人坐在那里看着他们。
They became so hilarious , but I was happy for them. 他们喜洋洋的,不过我为他们高兴。
I was glad for them. At least they got something back, OK. 我为他们欣喜。至少他们赢得了一些东西。
Let's just forget about Korean victims and other victims who were destroyed by them. 就让我们先忘掉受害的韩国人和其他受害人吧 被他们迫害的这些人。
They fought for their rights for over two centuries, and maybe because they sacrifice other minorities , 他们为了自己的权利奋斗了两个多世纪, 而且也许是因为牺牲了少数,
sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献 minorities:n.少数(minority的复数形式);少数民族;少数族裔;
Hispanic, Asian, we would suffer more in the mainstream . 西班牙人,亚洲人,在主流社会中我们承受了更多痛苦。
That's why I understand, that's why I have a mixed feeling about the verdict. 因此我明白了, 因此我对于判决的结果如此百感交集。
But I wish that, I wish that, I wish that 但是我希望,我希望,我希望
I could be part of the enjoyment . 我可以成为欢乐人群中的一份子。
I wish that I could live together with black people. 我希望我可以和黑人们生活在一起。
But after the riot, it's too much difference. 但是暴乱之后,一切都大不一样了。
The fire is still there. How do you say it? [Unclear]. 大火还在那里。你怎么看?
Igniting , igniting, igniting fire. Igniting fire. 点燃,点燃,点起火,点起火来。
It's still there; it can burst out any time. 它还未熄灭;它任何时候都可能燃起。
Mrs. Young-Soon Han. (这就是)Young-Soon Han女士。
(Applause) (掌声)
The other reason that I don't wear shoes is just in case I really feel like I have to cuddle up and get into the feet of somebody, walking really in somebody else's shoes. 我之所以不穿鞋的另一个原因 就是万一我感到蜷缩成一团睡 把脚深入其他人的鞋中, 实实在在的穿着别人的鞋行走。
just in case:以防万一;作为准备; cuddle:v.拥抱;偎依;舒服地贴著身睡;n.搂抱,拥抱;
And I told you that in -- you know, I didn't give you the year, but in '79 I thought that I was going to go around and find bull riders and pig farmers and people like that, and I got sidetracked on race relations. 我告诉过大家在--你知道,我并没有给出年份, 不过在79年,我想我应该去四处探访 寻找骑牛人和猪农民,或者这种类型的人, 我在种族关系这个话题上花费了很多心思。
Finally, I did find a bull rider, two years ago. 最终,我找到了一个骑牛人,两年前。
And I've been going to the rodeos with him, and we've bonded. 我一直去看他的竞技表演,于是我们亲密起来。
And he's the lead in an op-ed I did about the Republican Convention . 而且他是我的一个关于共和党大会的专栏的主角。
op-ed:n.评论版; Republican:adj.共和国的;共和政体的;共和主义的;拥护共和政体的;n.共和主义者; Convention:n.习俗;惯例;协定;常规;
He's a Republican -- I won't say anything about my party affiliation , but anyway -- so this is my dear, dear Brent Williams, and this is on toughness , in case anybody needs to know about being tough for the work that you do. I think there's a real lesson in this. 他是共和党人--我不会讲出我的政治倾向的,不过无论如何-- 所以这就是我亲爱的,亲爱的Brent Williams, 这是关于强悍, 以防有人需要知道关于强悍的东西 (因为)你做的工作。我认为这其中确实有值得学习的地方,
affiliation:n.友好关系;加入;联盟;从属关系; Brent:n.黑雁;布伦特(英国英格兰东南部城市); toughness:n.[力]韧性;强健;有粘性;
And this is called "Toughness." 这叫做“强悍。”
Well, I'm an optimist . I mean basically I'm an optimist . 噢,我是个乐天派。我的意思是我基本上是一个乐天派。
optimist:n.乐观主义者;乐天派; basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
I mean, you know, I mean, it's like my wife, Jolene, her family's always saying, you know, you ever think he's just a born loser, it seems like he has so much bad luck, you know. 我是说,你知道,我的意思是,我的妻子,Jolene, 她的家人总是说, 你总会认为他是一个天生的输家, 似乎他遭遇了如此多的不幸,你知道。
But then when that bull stepped on my kidney , you know, 但是那头牛踩在了我的肾脏上面,你知道,
I didn't lose my kidney -- I could have lost my kidney, 我的肾脏还在--我本有可能失掉它,
I kept my kidney, so I don't think I'm a born loser. (不过)我逃过一劫,所以我不认为自己是个天生的输家。
I think that's good luck. 我认为这是好运气。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And, I mean, funny things like this happen. 而且,我是说,这种有趣的事情时常发生。
I was in a doctor's office last CAT scan , and there was a Reader's Digest , October 2002. 我在医生的办公室进行CAT扫描, 看到一本读者文摘,2002年10月刊。
CAT scan:n.计算机层析成像扫描; Digest:n.摘要;文摘;概要;汇编;v.消化;领会;领悟;理解;
It was like, seven ways to get lucky. And it says if you want to get lucky, you know, you've got to be around positive people. 好像讲到,其中赢得运气的方法。上面说到 如果你想要走运, 那么你必须要生活在积极的人中间。
I mean, like even when I told my wife that you want to come out here and talk to me, she's like, she's just talking, she's just being nice to you. She's not going to do that. 我的意思是,即使当我老婆告诉我你想要来这里 和我谈话,她的样子是,一直说个不停, 她只是在你面前装好人。她不是这样的人。
And then you called me up and you said you wanted to come out here and interview me and she went and looked you up on the Internet. 然后你叫我来然后说你想要来这里 采访我,然后她去网上搜索了你的信息。
She said, look who she is. 她说,瞧瞧她的来头。
You're not even going to be able to answer her questions. 你甚至都回答不了她的问题。
(Laughter) (笑)
And she was saying you're going to make me look like an idiot because I've never been to college, and I wouldn't be talking professional or anything. 于是她说到你会使我看起来像白痴一样 因为我从没上过大学, 我也不会讲太专业的什么东西。
idiot:n.笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员;
I said, well look, the woman talked to me for four hours. 我说,你看,这个女人和我谈了4个小时。
You know, if I wasn't talking -- you know, like, you know, she wanted me to talk, 你知道,如果我没有一直在说--你知道, 好像,恩,她想要我张口,
I don't think she would even come out here. 那么我不认为她会费劲跑来这里。
Confidence ? Well, I think I ride more out of determination than confidence. 自信?噢,我认为骑牛 需要更多的决心而不是自信。
Confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; determination:n.测定;确定;决心;计算;
I mean, confidence is like, you know, you've been on that bull before you know you can ride him. 我是说,自信就好比,你知道, 在你知道你能骑那头牛之前你就已经骑过它了。
I mean, confidence is kind of like being cocky , but in a good way. 我是说,自信就好比变的骄傲自大,不过是好的方面。
But determination, you know, it's like just, you know, "Fuck the form, get the horn ." 但是决心,你知道,就好比,你知道,“忘掉该死的规矩, 制服那头牛就行了。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's Tuff Hedeman, in the movie 8 Seconds. 这是Tuff Hedeman,在电影“8秒钟”的话。
I mean, like, Pat O'Mealey always said when I was a boy, he say, you know, you got more try than any kid I ever seen. 我的意思你,就像Pat O‘Mealey在我小的时候经常说, 他说,你知道,你比其他孩子更有天赋。
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍;
And try and determination is the same thing. 尝试和决心是一回事。
Determination is like, you're going to hang on that bull, even if you're riding upside down . 决心就好像,你要一直坚持骑在牛上面, 即使你颠簸摇晃。
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的;
Determination's like, you're going to ride till your head hits the back of the dirt . 决心就好像,你一直骑下去 直到你头发沾上了脏泥。
Freedom? It would have to be the rodeo. 自由?那肯定是竞技了。
Beauty? I don't think I know what beauty is. 美丽?我想我还不知道那是什么东西。
Well, you know, I guess that'd have to be the rodeo too. 噢,你知道,我想应该还是竞技吧。
I mean, look how we are, the roughy family, palling around and shaking hands and wrestling around me. 我是说,你看我们,强悍的一家人, 互相结交朋友,互相握手,围着我格斗。
palling:v.成为朋友,共度时光; v.失去魅力,使人厌倦; (pall的现在分词) wrestling:n.摔跤运动;v.摔跤;奋力对付;全力解决;(wrestle的现在分词)
It's like, you know, racking up our credit cards on entry fees and gas. 就好像,你知道,把钱花在入场费和加油钱上面。
racking:n.推压动作; adj.拷问的; v.折磨;
We ride together, we, you know, we, we eat together and we sleep together. 我们一起骑,我们,你知道,我们,我们一起吃 一起睡。
I mean, I can't even imagine what it's going to be like the last day I rodeo. I mean, I'll be all right. 我的意思是,我甚至都不能想象那会是什么样 在我竞技的最后那天。我是说,我会没事的。
I mean, I have my ranch and everything, but I actually don't even want to think the day that comes. 我是说,我有自己的农场和一切, 但是实际上我甚至不愿去设想那天会到来。
I mean, I guess it will just be like -- 我的意思是,我想就应该会是--
I guess it will be like the day my brother died. 就好像我哥哥死的那天的样子吧。
Toughness? Well, we was in West Jordan, Utah , and this bull shoved my face right through the metal shoots in a -- you know, busted my face all up and had to go to the hospital. 强悍?噢,我们在犹他州的西约旦,这头公牛 直接用金属一下子给我的脸重重一击-- 你知道,把我的脸打的乱七八糟于是我不得不去医院。
Utah:n.美国犹他州; shoved:v.猛推;乱挤;推撞;乱放;(shove的过去分词和过去式)
And they had to sew me up and straighten my nose out. 而且他们不能不把我缝起来,弄直我的鼻子。
sew:v.缝;缝制;缝补;做针线活; straighten:v.整顿;使…改正;好转;
And I had to go and ride in the rodeo that night, so I didn't want them to put me under anesthesia , or whatever you call it. And so they sewed my face up. 而且我那晚上还要去竞技场再去骑牛, 所以我不想让他们给我用麻醉药, 或者其他的这种东西。于是他们把我的脸缝好。
anesthesia:n.麻醉;麻木(等于anaesthesia); sewed:v.缝;做针线活;缝制;缝补(sew的过去分词和过去式)
And then they had to straighten out my nose, and they took these rods and shoved them up my nose and went up through my brains and felt like it was coming out the top of my head, and everybody said that it should have killed me, but it didn't, because I guess I have a high tolerance for pain. 然后把鼻子拉出来弄直, 他们取出里面的小东西然后推平我的鼻子 向上穿过我的脑袋 就好像从我的脑袋尖上冒出来一样, 所有人都说这能让我完蛋的, 但我没有,我想可能是我对痛苦有比较好的承受力吧。
straighten out:清理;使成直线;澄清;改正; rods:n.鱼竿(rod的复数);棒条体;v.装避雷针;用杆捅清(rod的单三形式); tolerance:n.公差;耐量;宽容;容忍;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But the good thing was, once they shoved those rods up there and straightened my nose out, I could breathe, and I hadn't been able to breathe since I broke my nose in the high school rodeo. 不过好的消息是,一旦他们把我的鼻骨扶直 弄平我的鼻子,我可以呼吸了, 我自从高中竞技的时候把鼻子弄断 就再也没能用它呼吸过。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)