

It's 1878. 1878 年,
Sir Francis Galton gives a remarkable talk. 法兰西斯高尔顿爵士 做了一场非凡的演说。
He's speaking to the anthropologic institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 演说的对象是英国 与爱尔兰的人类学机构。
institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; Great Britain:n.大不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士);
Known for his pioneering work in human intelligence , 高尔顿以他在人类 智慧领域的先驱工作闻名,
Galton is a brilliant polymath . 他是个博学的人。
He's an explorer , an anthropologist , a sociologist , a psychologist and a statistician . 他是个探险家、 是个人类学家、 是个社会学家、 是个心理学家、 也是个统计学家。
explorer:n.探险者;勘探者;考察者; anthropologist:n.人类学家;人类学者; sociologist:n.社会学家; psychologist:n.心理学家,心理学者; statistician:n.统计学家,统计员;
He's also a eugenist. 他还是个优生学家。
In this talk, he presents a new technique by which he can combine photographs and produce composite portraits . 在那场演说中, 他展示了一项新技术, 他可以把照片结合 产生出复合的肖像。
technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; composite:n.复合材料;合成物;菊科;adj.复合的;合成的;菊科的;vt.使合成;使混合; portraits:n.肖像;半身照;详细的描述;描绘;(portrait的复数)
This technique could be used to characterize different types of people. 这项技术可以用来 描绘不同类型人的特色。
Galton thinks that if he combines photographs of violent criminals, he will discover the face of criminality . 高尔顿认为,如果他可以把 暴力罪犯的照片结合起来, 他也许就能够发现罪犯的面貌。
violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; criminality:n.有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为;
But to his surprise, the composite portrait that he produces is beautiful. 但,出乎他意料, 他制作出的复合肖像竟然 很美。
Galton's surprising finding raises deep questions: 高尔顿的意外发现, 带出了更深的问题:
What is beauty? 美,到底是什么?
Why do certain configurations of line and color and form excite us so? 为什么将线条、颜色、形式 做某些配置之后就能感动我们?
For most of human history, these questions have been approached using logic and speculation . 在大部份的人类史上, 人们都用逻辑和推测 来处理这些问题。
approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式) logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的; speculation:n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖;
But in the last few decades, scientists have addressed the question of beauty using ideas from evolutionary psychology and tools of neuroscience . 但在最近几十年, 科学家在处理关于美的问题时, 用的是来自演化心理学的想法 以及神经科学的工具。
addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式) evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; psychology:n.心理学;心理状态; neuroscience:n.神经系统科学(指神经病学,神经化学等);
We're beginning to glimpse the why and the how of beauty, at least in terms of what it means for the human face and form. 我们开始研究美的定义与成因, 至少对脸部及外型 已经开始有了审美的概念。
And in the process , we're stumbling upon some surprises. 在过程中, 我们偶然发现了一些惊喜。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; stumbling:v.绊脚;蹒跚而行;(不顺畅地)说,读,演奏(stumble的现在分词)
When it comes to seeing beauty in each other, while this decision is certainly subjective for the individual , it's sculpted by factors that contribute to the survival of the group. 谈到互看顺眼时, 对个人而言,其审美标准 绝对是主观的, 原因是因为这样对 团体的生存有所贡献。
subjective:adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; sculpted:v.雕刻(sculpt的过去式); factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商; contribute to:有助于;捐献; survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物;
Many experiments have shown that a few basic parameters contribute to what makes a face attractive . 许多实验都显示, 有几个基本参数 与脸孔的吸引力有关。
parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数) attractive:adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的;
These include averaging, symmetry and the effects of hormones . 这些参数包括大众脸、 对称性、以及荷尔蒙的影响。
symmetry:n.对称(性);整齐,匀称; hormones:n.[生理]激素;荷尔蒙;性激素;荷尔蒙制剂(hormone的复数);
Let's take each one of these in turn. 我们一项一项来讨论。
Galton's finding that composite or average faces are typically more attractive than each individual face that contributes to the average has been replicated many times. 高尔顿发现, 混血儿或有大众脸的人 通常比一般单一血种的后代 更具吸引力。
typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; contributes:[图情]投稿;[经]捐助;[经]捐献(contribute的第三人称单数); replicated:重复的;
This laboratory finding fits with many people's intuitions . 这个实验室的发现, 与许多人的直觉不谋而合。
laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; intuitions:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识;
Average faces represent the central tendencies of a group. 一般人的面孔代表了 一个团体的主要倾向。
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; tendencies:趋势;
People with mixed features represent different populations, and presumably harbor greater genetic diversity and adaptability to the environment. 有混血特征的人, 代表着不同的族群, 也被认定有着更高的 基因多样性、 以及对环境的适应力。
presumably:adv.大概;推测起来;可假定; harbor:n.港口;港湾;(比喻)避难所;[军]坦克掩蔽场;v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意); genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化: adaptability:n.适应性;可变性;适合性;
Many people find mixed-race individuals attractive and inbred families less so. 许多人觉得混血儿的脸孔 是较有吸引力的, 而近亲交配的家庭 就比较没吸引力。
mixed-race:混血,混血儿; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); inbred:adj.天生的;近亲交配的;v.同系交配(inbreed的过去式及过去分词);
The second factor that contributes to beauty is symmetry. 与美有关的第二个因子是对称性。
People generally find symmetric faces more attractive than asymmetric ones. 一般来说,人们觉得对称的面孔 比不对称的更有吸引力。
generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; asymmetric:adj.不对称的;非对称的;
Developmental abnormalities are often associated with asymmetries . 不正常的成长通常都与不对称有关。
Developmental:adj.发展的;启发的; abnormalities:n.畸形;异常情况(abnormality的复数形式); associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) asymmetries:[数]不对称(asymmetry的复数);
And in plants, animals and humans, asymmetries often arise from parasitic infections . 植物、动物、及人类, 造成不对称的原因 通常是受到寄生虫的感染。
arise:v.出现;发生;产生;起身; parasitic:adj.寄生的(等于parasitical); infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式);
Symmetry, it turns out, is also an indicator of health. 因此,对称性 也是健康的指标。
In the 1930s, a man named Maksymilian Faktorowicz recognized the importance of symmetry for beauty when he designed the beauty micrometer . 在 1930 年代, 有个叫蜜斯米兰佛陀维兹的人, 当时他在设计美容校准仪时, 体认到对称性对于美的重要性,
recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式) micrometer:n.千分尺,测微计;
With this device , he could measure minor asymmetric flaws which he could then make up for with products he sold from his company, named brilliantly after himself, Max Factor, 有了这个仪器, 他可以测量出微小的对称瑕疵, 接着他就可以用他公司 所贩售的产品来补救, 并很聪明地把他的名字取其谐音 作为公司的名称,蜜丝佛陀,
device:n.装置;策略;图案; minor:adj.未成年的; n.未成年人; vi.副修; flaws:n.[材]缺陷;[力]裂缝(flaw的复数);v.有裂纹;使有裂缝(flaw的单三形式); make up for:补偿,弥补; brilliantly:adv.灿烂地;辉煌地;光亮地;
which, as you know, is one of the world's most famous brands for "make up." 各位应该知道,它是世界知名的 化妆品公司之一。
The third factor that contributes to facial attractiveness is the effect of hormones. 与脸部吸引力有关的第三个因子是 荷尔蒙的影响力。
facial:adj.面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的;n.美容,美颜;脸部按摩; attractiveness:n.吸引力;迷惑力;
And here, I need to apologize for confining my comments to heterosexual norms . 在此我得道个歉,因为我的意见 仅限于异性恋的标准上。
confining:adj.受限的,限制的;狭窄的,偏狭的;拘束的; heterosexual:adj.异性的;异性恋的;n.异性恋的人; norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式);
But estrogen and testosterone play important roles in shaping features that we find attractive. 但在形成被我们认为 有吸引力的那些特征上, 雌激素和睪丸素 扮演了重要的角色。
estrogen:n.雌性激素; testosterone:n.[生化]睾酮,睾丸素(男性荷尔蒙的一种);
Estrogen produces features that signal fertility . 雌激素产生的特征 会传达出生育力。
Men typically find women attractive who have elements of both youth and maturity . 男人通常会觉得,同时俱有 年轻和成熟元素的女人 很有吸引力。
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) maturity:n.成熟;到期;完备;
A face that's too baby-like might mean that the girl is not yet fertile , so men find women attractive who have large eyes, full lips and narrow chins as indicators of youth, and high cheekbones as an indicator of maturity. 太幼齿的面孔可能代表着 这个女孩还没有生育能力, 所以能吸引男人的女人 通常有大眼睛、丰唇、窄下巴, 这些都是年轻的指标; 而高颧骨则是成熟的指标。
fertile:adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的; narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分; chins:n.下巴(chin的复数);v.把…放在颏下;做引体向上动作(chin的第三人称单数); indicators:n.指示信号;标志;指针;方向灯;(indicator的复数) cheekbones:n.颧骨(cheekbone的复数);
Testosterone produces features that we regard as typically masculine . 睪丸素产生的特征,通常会被我们 认定为很有男子气概。
These include heavier brows , thinner cheeks and bigger, squared-off jaws. 这些特征包括浓眉、 瘦脸颊、 较大且方形的下頜。
But here's a fascinating irony . 但这里有个很迷人的讽刺。
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) irony:n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的;
In many species , if anything, testosterone suppresses the immune system . 在许多物种中, 睪丸素的增加 反而会抑制免疫系统。
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; suppresses:抑制;封锁;压制; immune system:n.免疫系统;
So the idea that testosterone-infused features are a fitness indicator doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. 所以认为睪丸素 所赋予的特征是强健的指标, 其实不是很有道理。
Here, the logic is turned on its head. 在这里,逻辑被顛覆了。
Instead of a fitness indicator, scientists invoke a handicap principle . 科学家提出了一条 生理缺陷原则, 指出睪丸素并非强健的指标。
invoke:vt.调用;祈求;引起;恳求; handicap:n.障碍;不利条件,不利的因素;vt.妨碍,阻碍;使不利; principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉;
The most commonly cited example of a handicap is the peacock 's tail. 最常被引用的生理缺陷例子, 就是孔雀的尾巴。
cited:v.提及(原因);举出(示例);列举;引用;传讯;(cite的过去分词和过去式) peacock:n.孔雀;雄孔雀;爱虚荣的人;vi.炫耀;神气活现地走;
This beautiful but cumbersome tail doesn't exactly help the peacock avoid predators and approach peahens. 这美丽但累赘的尾巴 并不能幫助雄孔雀 避开猎食者, 也不方便接近雌孔雀。
cumbersome:adj.笨重的;累赘的;难处理的; predators:n.捕食性动物;实行弱肉强食的人(或机构);掠夺者;(predator的复数)
Why should such an extravagant appendage evolve ? 为什么这种奢华的 附属品会被演化出来?
extravagant:adj.奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的; appendage:n.附加物;下属;[动][解剖]附器(如植物的枝叶和动物的腿尾); evolve:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;
Even Charles Darwin, in an 1860 letter to Asa Gray wrote that the sight of the peacock's tail made him physically ill. 即使达尔文, 在 1860 年写给 阿萨格雷的信上也提到, 看见孔雀尾巴会让他 感到身理上的不舒服。
He couldn't explain it with his theory of natural selection , and out of this frustration , he developed the theory of sexual selection. 他无法用他的天择说 来解释原因, 出于这挫折, 他发展出了性择说。
natural selection:n.自然选择;物竞天择; frustration:n.挫折;
On this account, the display of the peacock's tail is about sexual enticement , and this enticement means it's more likely the peacock will mate and have offspring. 由于这个原因, 孔雀展示尾巴的目的是性诱惑, 这种诱惑意味着这孔雀 很可能想交配、 想生育后代。
display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; enticement:n.诱惑;怂恿;引诱物;吸引力;
Now, the modern twist on this display argument is that the peacock is also advertising its health to the peahen . 换个现代的角度想, 雄孔雀是在向雌孔雀展现牠的健康。
twist:v.捻;扭转;曲折;扭动;n.捻;拧;扭动;搓; advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词) peahen:n.雌孔雀;
Only especially fit organisms can afford to divert resources to maintaining such an extravagant appendage. 只有特别强健的有机体 才有资格传宗接代, 并保有这奢华的附属物。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体; afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; divert:v.使转向;使绕道;转移;使分心;娱乐; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词)
Only especially fit men can afford the price that testosterone levies on their immune system. 只有特别健康的人, 才承担得起睪丸素 抑制免疫系统的风险。
And by analogy , think of the fact that only very rich men can afford to pay more than $10,000 for a watch as a display of their financial fitness. 举个类似的现实例子, 只有超级富翁才有能力买支 超过一万美金的手表, 来彰显他们的经济实力。
analogy:n.类比;类推;类似; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的;
Now, many people hear these kinds of evolutionary claims and think they mean that we somehow are unconsciously seeking mates who are healthy. 许多人听到这类的演化主张, 就会想,是不是这个原因, 我们人类会下意识地 去寻找健康的配偶。
claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数) somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; unconsciously:adv.不知不觉;无意识地; seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词) mates:n.朋友; v.交配;
And I think this idea is probably not right. 我认为这个想法可能不太对。
Teenagers and young adults are not exactly known for making decisions that are predicated on health concerns . 青少年和年轻人容易被看上的原因, 并不完全是他们健康条件上的优势。
predicated:adj.断言的,断定的;v.断言;断定(predicate的过去式); concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
But they don't have to be, and let me explain why. 他们也不想这样, 让我来解释原因。
Imagine a population in which people have three different kinds of preferences : for green, for orange and for red. 想像有一个族群, 族群中的人有三种偏好: 有人偏好绿色、有人偏好橘色、 有人偏好红色。
From their point of view , these preferences have nothing to do with health; they just like what they like. 从他们的观点, 这些偏好与健康无关; 他们就是喜欢这颜色。
point of view:观点;见地;立场; have nothing to do with:与…无关;
But if it were also the case that these preferences are associated with the different likelihood of producing offspring -- let's say in a ratio of 3:2:1 -- then in the first generation , there would be 3 greens to 2 oranges to 1 red, and in each subsequent generation, the proportion of greens increase, so that in 10 generations, 98 percent of this population has a green preference. 但如果我们人类对这些 颜色偏好的比率 也刚好与产生后代的有关…... 假设原来的比率是 3:2:1…... 那么,在第一代中, 会有三个绿色、 两个橘色、一个红色。 在后续的每个世代中, 喜欢绿色的比例会增加, 在十代之后, 这个族群中就有 98% 的人都偏好绿色。
likelihood:n.可能性,可能; first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代; subsequent:adj.后来的,随后的; proportion:n.比例;部分;份额;均衡;v.摊派;使相称;
Now, a scientist coming in and sampling this population discovers that green preferences are universal . 现在来了一个科学家, 对这个族群进行抽样, 发现对绿色的偏好是很普遍的。
So the point about this little abstract example is that while preferences for specific physical features can be arbitrary for the individual, if those features are heritable 这个小小的纯理论例子的重点是, 虽然对于特定身体特征的偏好 可能是因人而异的, 但如果那些特征是有遗传性的,
abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; arbitrary:adj.[数]任意的;武断的;专制的; heritable:adj.可继承的;可传让的;
and they are associated with a reproductive advantage , over time, they become universal for the group. 而且与繁殖优势有关联的话, 随时间过去, 这些特征就会变成团体的普遍现象。
reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点:
So what happens in the brain when we see beautiful people? 所以,当我们看见美丽的人时, 头脑中会发生什么变化?
Attractive faces activate parts of our visual cortex in the back of the brain, an area called the fusiform gyrus , that is especially tuned to processing faces, 有吸引力的脸孔会触发 我们的部份视觉皮层, 它位在大脑的后方, 这个区域叫做梭状回, 专门用来处理脸孔资讯,
activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮; fusiform:adj.梭形的;纺锭状的;两端渐细的; gyrus:n.[解剖]脑回(形成大脑半球的组织);回转; tuned:v.(为乐器)调音,校音;调整,调节(发动机);调频道(tune的过去分词和过去式) processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词)
and an adjacent area called the lateral occipital complex , that is especially attuned to processing objects. 还有一个相邻的区域, 叫侧枕叶复合体, 它是特别用来处理物件资讯的。
adjacent:adj.邻近的,毗连的; lateral:adj.侧面的,横向的;n.侧部;[语]边音;vt.横向传球; occipital:adj.枕骨的,枕部的;n.枕骨; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; attuned:adj.熟悉; v.使协调; (attune的过去分词和过去式)
In addition , attractive faces activate parts of our reward and pleasure centers in the front and deep in the brain, and these include areas that have complicated names, like the ventral striatum , the orbitofrontal cortex and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. 此外, 具吸引力的脸孔会触发 位在我们大脑前方深处的 奖赏与快感中枢, 包括一些名称复杂的区域, 比如腹侧纹状体、 眼眶额叶皮质、 及腹内侧额叶。
addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) ventral:adj.腹侧的;[解剖]腹部的;n.腹鳍; striatum:纹状体;纹体; prefrontal:adj.[解剖]前额的;额叶前部的;n.[解剖]额前骨;
Our visual brain that is tuned to processing faces interacts with our pleasure centers to underpin the experience of beauty. 我们用来处理脸孔的视觉大脑 会和我们的快感中枢互动, 强化对美感的体验。
interacts:vi.互动;相互作用(interact的三单形式);交互; underpin:vt.巩固;支持;从下面支撑;加强…的基础;
Amazingly, while we all engage with beauty, without our knowledge, beauty also engages us. 但惊人的是, 当我们「遇见」美丽时, 却不知道, 美丽同时也「遇见」了我们。
Our brains respond to attractive faces even when we're not thinking about beauty. 即使我们没有想着美, 我们的大脑却会对 有吸引力的脸孔做出反应。
We conducted an experiment in which people saw a series of faces, and in one condition, they had to decide if a pair of faces were the same or a different person. 我们做了一个实验, 让人们看一系列的脸孔, 在一个条件下, 他们得要判定一对脸孔 是否属于同一个人。
conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书;
Even in this condition, attractive faces drove neural activity robustly in their visual cortex, despite the fact that they were thinking about a person's identity and not their beauty. 即使在这个情况中, 有吸引力的脸孔会明显地驱动 受测者视觉皮层的神经活动, 尽管当时他们在想的是人的身份, 而不是他们美不美。
neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; robustly:adv.要用体力地;粗鲁地;坚定地; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
Another group similarly found automatic responses to beauty within our pleasure centers. 另一群人也有类似发现, 在我们的快感中枢里, 我们对美会有自动的反应。
similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; automatic:adj.自动的;无意识的;必然的;n.自动步枪;自动换挡汽车; responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数)
Taken together, these studies suggest that our brain automatically responds to beauty by linking vision and pleasure. 整体来看,这些研究指出, 我们的大脑会藉由视觉和快感的连结 对美会自动的反应,
automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; responds:v.(口头或书面)回答,回应;作出反应;响应;(respond的第三人称单数) vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
These beauty detectors , it seems, ping every time we see beauty, regardless of whatever else we might be thinking. 似乎,每回当我们看到美时, 这些对美有反应的侦测器就会响起, 不论我们当时在想什么其它的事。
detectors:n.探测器;侦测设备(detector的复数); ping:发出撞击声 regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地;
We also have a "beauty is good" stereotype embedded in the brain. 我们脑中也内建了一个 「美等于好」的刻板印象。
stereotype:vt.使用铅版;套用老套,使一成不变;n.陈腔滥调,老套;铅版; embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式);
Within the orbitofrontal cortex, there's overlapping neural activity in response to beauty and to goodness, and this happens even when people aren't explicitly thinking about beauty or goodness. 在眼眶额叶皮质中, 对于「美」及「好」 所造成的神经活动反应 是有重迭性的, 即使人们没有特别去想着美或好, 也会发生。
overlapping:v.(物体)部分重叠,交叠;使部分重叠;(overlap的现在分词) in response to:响应;回答;对…有反应; explicitly:adv.明确地;明白地;
Our brains seem to reflexively associate beauty and good. 我们的大脑似乎会反射性地 把美与好连结在一起。
And this reflexive association may be the biologic trigger for the many social effects of beauty. 社会上因「美」而产生的回馈, 其背后的关联性可能就是 这些生物触发器在驱动。
association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往; biologic:adj.生物的;生物学的; trigger:n.触发器; v.触发;
Attractive people receive all kinds of advantages in life. 有吸引力的人, 在人生中有各种优势。
advantages:n.有利条件; v.有利于;
They're regarded as more intelligent , more trustworthy , they're given higher pay and lesser punishments, even when such judgments are not warranted . 他们会被视为比较聪明, 比较值得信赖, 他们会比较高薪、比较少受惩罚, 即使这类的判断是没根据的。
intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 trustworthy:adj.可靠的;可信赖的; lesser:adj.较少的;次要的;更小的;adv.较少地;更小地;不及; judgments:判断; warranted:v.使有必要;使正当;使恰当;(warrant的过去分词和过去式)
These kinds of observations reveal beauty's ugly side. 观察到这种现象 也揭露出美的丑陋面。
observations:n.观察,观察值;观察结果;(observation的复数形式); reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧; ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的;
In my lab, we recently found that people with minor facial anomalies and disfigurements are regarded as less good, less kind, less intelligent, less competent and less hardworking. 在我的实验室中,我们最近发现 有轻微面部异常及缺损的人, 会被认为比较不好、比较不仁慈、 比较不聪明、比较没能力、 且比较不努力。
recently:adv.最近;新近; anomalies:n.异常现象,反常现象(anomaly复数形式); disfigurements:n.缺陷;毁容;外形的损毁; competent:adj.胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的;
Unfortunately , we also have a " disfigured is bad" stereotype. 不幸的是,我们也有 「缺损等于不好」的刻板印象。
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; disfigured:v.损毁…的外形;使变丑;毁容(disfigure的过去分词和过去式)
This stereotype is probably exploited and magnified by images in popular media , in which facial disfigurement is often used as a shorthand to depict someone of villainous character. 大众媒体的影像可能会利用和放大 这种刻板印象, 他们常用「面部缺损」 这种简单的描绘方式 来形容反派人物。
exploited:v.剥削;压榨;运用;利用;发挥(exploit的过去分词和过去式) magnified:v.放大;扩大;增强;夸大;夸张;(magnify的过去分词和过去式) images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; shorthand:n.速记;速记法;adj.速记法的; depict:vt.描述;描画; villainous:adj.罪恶的;恶棍的;恶毒的;坏透的;
We need to understand these kinds of implicit biases if we are to overcome them and aim for a society in which we treat people fairly , based on their behavior and not on the happenstance of their looks. 我们需要了解这类的暗示性偏见, 才有可能克服它们, 并朝向一个能平等待人的社会迈进, 不要只是看一个人的外表 就断定人的好坏。
implicit:adj.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的; biases:n.偏差,偏见(bias的复数形式);v.偏见(bias的三单形式); overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; happenstance:n.意外事件,偶然事件;
Let me leave you with one final thought. 让我留给各位一个最后的思考。
Beauty is a work in progress. 美的定义还在改变。
The so-called universal attributes of beauty were selected for during the almost two million years of the Pleistocene . 所谓放诸四海皆准的美的特征 是从几乎两百万年的 「更新世」所挑选出来的。
so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数) Pleistocene:n.[地]更新世(的);
Life was nasty , brutish and a very long time ago. 那时生命很糟糕、很粗野、很古早。
nasty:adj.极差的:令人厌恶的:不友好的:n.令人不愉快的事物: brutish:adj.粗野的;残忍的;野兽般的;
The selection criteria for reproductive success from that time doesn't really apply today. 当时能繁衍成功的选择标准 在现今并不适用。
criteria:n.标准,条件(criterion的复数); apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
For example, death by parasite is not one of the top ways that people die, at least not in the technologically developed world. 比如, 因寄生虫而造成死亡 并不是人类前几名的死因, 至少在技术发达的世界中不是。
parasite:n.寄生虫;食客; technologically:adv.科技地;技术上地;
From antibiotics to surgery , birth control to in vitro fertilization , the filters for reproductive success are being relaxed . 从抗生素到手术, 从生育控制到试管授精, 繁殖成功的过滤器已经被放宽了。
antibiotics:n.抗菌素;抗生素(如青霉素);(antibiotic的复数) surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; birth control:adj.节育的;避孕的; vitro:n.在试管内; fertilization:n.[农]施肥;[胚]受精;肥沃; filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数) relaxed:adj.轻松的;冷静的;v.放松;休息;宽慰;(relax的过去分词和过去式)
And under these relaxed conditions, preference and trait combinations are free to drift and become more variable . 在这些放宽的条件下, 偏好与特性的组合可以自由搭配, 也变得更多样性。
combinations:n.[数]组合;制品(combination的复数);合谱; drift:v.漂移;漂流;飘;缓缓移动;n.趋势;大意;要点;流动; variable:n.变量;可变因素;可变情况;adj.多变的;易变的;变化无常的;可更改的;
Even as we are profoundly affecting our environment, modern medicine and technological innovation is profoundly affecting the very essence of what it means to look beautiful. 即使我们会深深影响我们的环境, 现代医学及技术创新 会深深影响着 我们对美的定义。
profoundly:adv.深刻地;深深地;极度地; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精;
The universal nature of beauty is changing even as we're changing the universe. 即使我们正在改变全世界, 普世价值对美的定义也在改变。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)