

(Banjo plays) (班卓琴演奏)
(Banjo and guitar play) (班卓琴和吉他演奏)
(Sings) Is this what it's like to be alive? (唱歌)难道这就是 活着的感觉吗?
I reached the point of no return and I don't know if I've been burned from the burned bridges in my life, thinkin' you were wrong and I was right. 我身后已没有退路, 我在这摇摇欲坠的爱情之桥上, 已然被烧得遍体鳞伤, 想着你是错的, 而我是对的。
Maybe I messed up , either way it's too late for us. 也许是我搞砸了吧, 或一切为时已晚。
I messed up:我搞砸了;
'Cause baby I'm old with regret, wishin' I could hold you and just forget. 因为,宝贝,我头发 花白却满腔悔恨, 多希望我可以就这么抱着你, 然后忘记一切。
Since I can't I'll just be home but homesick , wishin' you were mine and I didn't hurt you like I did. 办不到,我只好呆在我们 曾经的家,想着有你在的家, 我多么希望我们还在一起, 而我也从没伤害过你。
Can't go back to when we had a chance, wishin' I could have a shot at real romance . 再也回不去我们还有机会 在一起的时候, 多么希望我可以再有一次 真正与你共度浪漫的机会。
Now I realize all the things I could have had were in your cold hands. 现在我意识到,一切我本能拥有的, 都曾在你冰冷的手上。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
Gone, gone, gone. 都过去了,过去了,过去了。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
Gone, gone, gone. 都过去了,过去了,过去了。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
Is this what it's like to fantasize about a love that never was alive outside my mind or distance? 难道这就是一场幻想, 一场我只存在于 我脑海中的幻想吗?
With time I clearly lost my sight, thinkin' I was wrong to ever leave your side. 岁月模糊了我的双眼, 我仍在懊悔我离开了你。
But time's the harshest judge, makes us think we were in love. 但时间是最残酷的审判, 让我们以为我们曾经相爱。
And now 而现在,
I'm old with regret, wishin' I could hold you and just forget. 我头发花白却满腔悔恨, 多希望我可以就这么抱着你, 然后忘记一切。
Since I can't I'll just be home but homesick, wishin' you were mine and I didn't hurt you like I did. 办不到,我只好呆在我们 曾经的家,想着有你在的家, 我多么希望我们还在一起, 而我也从没伤害过你。
Can't go back to when we had a chance, wishin' I could have a shot at real romance. 再也回不去我们还有机会 在一起的时候, 多么希望我可以再有一次 真正与你共度浪漫的机会。
Now I realize all the things I could have had were in your cold hands. 现在我意识到,一切我本能拥有的, 都曾在你冰冷的手上。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着我们死去的爱情。
Gone, gone, gone. 都过去了,过去了,过去了。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
(Banjo and guitar play) (班卓琴和吉他演奏)
And baby I'm old with regret, wishin' I could hold you and just forget. 我已头发花白却满腔悔恨, 多希望我可以就这么抱着你, 然后忘记一切。
Since I can't I'll just be home but homesick, wishin' you were mine and I didn't hurt you like I did. 办不到,我只好呆在我们 曾经的家,想着有你在的家, 我多么希望我们还在一起, 而我也从没伤害过你。
Can't go back to when we had a chance, wishin' I could have a shot at real romance. 再也回不去我们还有机会 在一起的时候, 多么希望我可以再有一次 真正与你共度浪漫的机会。
Now I realize all the things I could have had were in your cold hands. 现在我意识到,一切我本能拥有的, 都曾在你冰冷的手上。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
Gone, gone, gone. 都过去了,过去了,过去了。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着 我们死去的爱情。
Gone, gone, gone. 都过去了,过去了,过去了。
I'm a fool for a dead romance. 我还愚蠢的念着我们死去的爱情。
Is this what it's like? 难道这就是爱情?