

Twenty-five years ago, scientists at CERN created the World Wide Web . 25年前,欧洲核能研究所的科学家们创造了万维网。
World Wide Web:n.万维网;
Since then, the Internet has transformed the way we communicate, the way we do business, and even the way we live. 从那时起,互联网改变了我们的沟通方式、 贸易方式、甚至生活方式。
In many ways, the ideas that gave birth to Google , Facebook, Twitter, and so many others, have now really transformed our lives, and this has brought us many real benefits such as a more connected society. 很大意义上, 这些想法催生了谷歌、脸书、推特和其他许多公司, 也真正改变了我们的生活。 这为我们带来了许多实在的好处,比如社会更加连结。
However, there are also some downsides to this. 但是,这同时也带来一些不利之处。
Today, the average person has an astounding amount of personal information online, and we add to this online information every single time we post on Facebook, each time we search on Google, and each time we send an email. 如今,一个普通人可以在互联网上 浏览到惊人的海量信息, 我们每次在Facebook上发帖时就创造了更多网上的信息, 也包括每次用谷歌搜索, 还有每次发送电邮。
astounding:adj.令人震惊的;使大吃一惊的;v.使震惊;使大惊;(astound的现在分词) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
Now, many of us probably think, well, one email, there's nothing in there, right? 很多人也许会想: 一封电邮也没什么吧?
But if you consider a year's worth of emails, or maybe even a lifetime of email, collectively , this tells a lot. 但是如果你考虑一年量的电邮, 甚至一生的电邮, 大量邮件能提供给很多信息:
It tells where we have been, who we have met, and in many ways, even what we're thinking about. 我们去过哪里,见过谁, 甚至很大意义上,我们在想什么。
And the more scary part about this is our data now lasts forever, so your data can and will outlive you. 更可怕的是,我们的信息能被永久留存, 你的信息能够而且将要比你活得长。
What has happened is that we've largely lost control over our data and also our privacy . 现在的情况是我们已经无法控制自己的信息, 和我们的隐私。
largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处;
So this year, as the web turns 25, it's very important for us to take a moment and think about the implications of this. 今年,互联网创建25周年, 我们必须停下来 考虑这其中隐藏的含义。
We have to really think. 我们必须认真考虑。
We've lost privacy, yes, but actually what we've also lost is the idea of privacy itself. 是的,我们失去了隐私, 但其实我们也失去了隐私这个概念。
If you think about it, most of us here today probably remember what life was like before the Internet, but today, there's a new generation that is being taught from a very young age to share everything online, and this is a generation that is not going to remember when data was private. 如果你仔细想想, 今天在座各位也许记得没有互联网的生活是怎样的。 但是,如今,新一代年轻人, 从小被教育在网上分享一切, 这一代人不会记得信息私隐的时代。
So we keep going down this road, 20 years from now, the word 'privacy' is going to have a completely different meaning from what it means to you and I. 如果我们一直这样下去,20年以后, “隐私”的含义将会变得完全不同 完全不同于今日我们的理解。
So, it's time for us to take a moment and think, is there anything we can do about this? 所以,现在我们需要认真考虑, 我们能对此做些什么吗?
And I believe there is. 我相信能。
Let's take a look at one of the most widely used forms of communication in the world today: email. 让我们来看看如今世界上 最广泛使用的通讯方式:电子邮件。
take a look at:看一看;检查;
Before the invention of email, we largely communicated using letters, and the process was quite simple. 电邮发明之前,我们主要靠写信来通讯。 写信的过程很简单。
You would first start by writing your message on a piece of paper, then you would place it into a sealed envelope , and from there, you would go ahead and send it after you put a stamp and address on it. 你首先将信息写在一张纸上, 然后把纸放入信封,封上信封, 写上地址,贴上邮票, 然后把这封信寄出去。
Unfortunately , today, when we actually send an email, we're not sending a letter. 不幸的是,如今, 我们发送的电邮并不是一封信件,
What you are sending, in many ways, is actually a postcard , and it's a postcard in the sense that everybody that sees it from the time it leaves your computer to when it gets to the recipient can actually read the entire contents. 某种意义上,更像是寄明信片, 因为从电邮离开你电脑的那一刻, 到收件人收到电邮的那一刻,这其中能看到这封邮件的人, 能够浏览邮件的所有内容。
postcard:n.明信片; recipient:n.容器,接受者;容纳者;adj.容易接受的,感受性强的;
So, the solution to this has been known for some time, and there's many attempts to do it. 解决这个问题的方法早已存在, 而且很多人都尝试过。
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式);
The most basic solution is to use encryption , and the idea is quite simple. 最基本的解决方法是使用加密, 方法很简单。
First, you encrypt the connection between your computer and the email server. 首先,电脑终端与服务器之间的连接会被加密, 首先,电脑终端与服务器之间的连接会被加密,
Then, you also encrypt the data as it sits on the server itself. 然后,服务器上的信息也会被加密。
But there's a problem with this, and that is, the email servers also hold the encryption keys, so now you have a really big lock with a key placed right next to it. 但是,这个方法有一个问题: 加密钥匙也在邮件服务器中。 这就像一把大锁,但钥匙就放在旁边。
But not only that , any government could lawfully ask for and get the key to your data, and this is all without you being aware of it. 不仅如此,任何政府都能够合法要求 得到你的加密钥匙, 而你对此却完全不知情。
only that:只是;要不是; lawfully:adv.合法地;守法地;
So the way we fix this problem is actually relatively easy, in principle : 问题的解决方法非常简单,大体上:
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; in principle:大体上,原则上;
You give everybody their own keys, and then you make sure the server doesn't actually have the keys. 给所有人一把钥匙, 并确保服务器上没有钥匙。
This seems like common sense , right? 这个方法好像很简单。
common sense:adj.常识的;有生活经验得来的;
So the question that comes up is, why hasn't this been done yet? 所以问题是:为什么没有人这么做?
Well, if we really think about it, we see that the business model of the Internet today really isn't compatible with privacy. 如果我们仔细想想, 今天互联网的商业模式 其实与隐私不相容。
Just take a look at some of the biggest names on the web, and you see that advertising plays a huge role. 在一些大型网络公司, 广告占有很重要的地位。
In fact, this year alone, advertising is 137 billion dollars, and to optimize the ads that are shown to us, companies have to know everything about us. 实际上,仅今年内,广告收入就有1370亿美元, 而为了优化广告效果, 公司必须了解用户的一切。
They need to know where we live, how old we are, what we like, what we don't like, and anything else they can get their hands on. 他们需要知道我们住在哪里, 年龄、喜欢和不喜欢什么, 还有他们能获得的所有信息。
And if you think about it, the best way to get this information is really just to invade our privacy. 仔细想想, 最有效的途径便是入侵我们的隐私。
So these companies aren't going to give us our privacy. 所以这些公司并不允许我们保留隐私。
If we want to have privacy online, what we have to do is we've got to go out and get it ourselves. 如果我们想要在网络上保留隐私, 我们就必须自己去争取。
For many years, when it came to email, the only solution was something known as PGP, which was quite complicated and only accessible to the tech-savvy. 这么多年来,对电邮来说, 唯一的方法就是PGP(良好隐私密码法) 但这个方法非常复杂,只有精通技术的人才懂得如何使用。
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
Here's a diagram that basically shows the process for encrypting and decrypting messages. 这个图解表示了 加密和解密信息的过程。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; encrypting:v.加密(encrypt的ing形式); decrypting:解密;
So needless to say , this is not a solution for everybody, and this actually is part of the problem, because if you think about communication, by definition , it involves having someone to communicate with. 不用说,这并不是适合大众的解决方法。 而这也是问题之一, 因为通讯的定义 涉及交流对象。
So needless to say:所以不用说; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数)
So while PGP does a great job of what it's designed to do, for the people out there who can't understand how to use it, the option to communicate privately simply does not exist. 因此尽管PGP非常有效, 但对于不会使用的人来说, 通讯隐私方法其实不存在。
option:n.选择;可选择的东西; privately:adv.私下地;秘密地;
And this is a problem that we need to solve. 这是我们需要解决的问题。
So if we want to have privacy online, the only way we can succeed is if we get the whole world on board, and this is only possible if we bring down the barrier to entry. 如果我们想要有网上隐私, 唯一的方法就是向所有人提供隐私, 我们必须把门槛降低。
bring down:降低;打倒,打死;击落; barrier:n.屏障;障碍;障碍物;关口;v.用栅围住;
I think this is actually the key challenge that lies in the tech community . 我认为这是科技圈内的关键挑战。
What we really have to do is work and make privacy more accessible. 我们真正要做的就是将保护隐私变得更容易。
So last summer, when the Edward Snowden story came out, several colleagues and I decided to see if we could make this happen. 去年夏天,当斯诺登的事件登出时, 我和一些同事决定试试看我们是否能够达成这个目标。
Snowden:n.斯诺登(姓氏); colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数);
At that time, we were working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research at the world's largest particle collider , which collides protons , by the way . 当时我们在欧洲核能研究所工作, 那里有世界上最大型的粒子对撞器。
Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; Nuclear:adj.原子能的;[细胞]细胞核的;中心的;原子核的; particle:n.颗粒;[物]质点;极小量;小品词; collider:n.对撞机;碰撞机; collides:vi.碰撞;抵触,冲突;vt.使碰撞;使相撞; protons:n.[物]质子;氢核(proton的复数); by the way:顺便说一下;
We were all scientists, so we used our scientific creativity and came up with a very creative name for our project: 我们都是科学家,所以我们运用了科学的创意 为项目想出了一个新颖的名字:
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; creative:adj.创造性的;
ProtonMail. (Laughter) 质子邮箱 (ProtonMail)。(笑声)
Many startups these days actually begin in people's garages or people's basements. 现在的很多创业公司都是从车库、地下室里开始的。
startups:n.创业(startup的复数);开办; garages:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;vt.把…送入车库;
We were a bit different. 我们不太一样。
We started out at the CERN cafeteria, which actually is great, because look, you have all the food and water you could ever want. 我们是从欧洲核能研究所的食堂开始, 这其实很不错,因为 你可以有食物和水。
But even better than this is that every day between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., free of charge, the CERN cafeteria comes with several thousand scientists and engineers, and these guys basically know the answers to everything. 但是更棒的是 每天中午12点到2点, 你都能免费见到几千个科学家和工程师, 他们基本上无所不知,
So it was in this environment that we began working. 这就是我们一开始的工作环境。
What we actually want to do is we want to take your email and turn it into something that looks more like this, but more importantly, we want to do it in a way that you can't even tell that it's happened. 我们实际要做的就是, 将你的邮件变成这样子, 更重要的是,我们希望你无需操作 就达成这个效果。
So to do this, we actually need a combination of technology and also design. 所以我们需要技术与设计的结合。 所以我们需要技术与设计的结合。
combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
So how do we go about doing something like this? 那我们要如何做到?
Well, it's probably a good idea not to put the keys on the server. 不把钥匙放在服务器上也许是个好想法,
So what we do is we generate encryption keys on your computer, and we don't generate a single key, but actually a pair of keys, so there's an RSA private key and an RSA public key, and these keys are mathematically connected. 我们要在你的电脑中生成钥匙, 而且不只是一把钥匙,而是一对钥匙, RSA私钥与公钥各有一把。 这两个钥匙在算术上是关联的。
generate:v.产生;引起; mathematically:adv.算术地,数学上地;
So let's have a look and see how this works when multiple people communicate. 让我们来看看多人通信的时候 这个方法如何作用。
So here we have Bob and Alice, who want to communicate privately. Bob和Alice想要私下通信。
So the key challenge is to take Bob's message and to get it to Alice in such a way that the server cannot read that message. 关键因素是把Bob的信息 传送给Alice,并且让服务器无法阅读此信息。
So what we have to do is we have to encrypt it before it even leaves Bob's computer, and one of the tricks is, we encrypt it using the public key from Alice. 在Bob的讯息离开电脑前 我们就将它加密, 窍门之一就是我们使用Alice电脑上的公钥来加密。
Now this encrypted data is sent through the server to Alice, and because the message was encrypted using Alice's public key, the only key that can now decrypt it is a private key that belongs to Alice, and it turns out Alice is the only person that actually has this key. 现在加密的讯息通过服务器传送给Alice, 因为信息经Alice的公钥加密, 只有Alice的私钥才能解开它。 而这把私钥只有Alice拥有。
So we've now accomplished the objective , which is to get the message from Bob to Alice without the server being able to read what's going on. 至此我们做到了 将Bob的信息传送给Alice, 又不让服务器解密此信息。
accomplished:adj.完成的;有技巧的;有学问的;v.完成;(accomplish的过去分词和过去式) objective:n.目标; adj.客观的; get the message:领会,明白;
Actually, what I've shown here is a highly simplified picture. 实际上,我刚才演示的只是一个精简过程。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; simplified:v.简化; (simplify的过去式)
The reality is much more complex and it requires a lot of software that looks a bit like this. 实际上要复杂得多, 而且需要许多像这样的软件程序。
And that's actually the key design challenge: 这就是设计上的关键:
How do we take all this complexity , all this software, and implement it in a way that the user cannot see it. 如何把这么复杂的程序, 在用户毫不察觉下执行工作?
complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势 implement:v.实施;执行;贯彻;使生效;n.工具;
I think with ProtonMail, we have gotten pretty close to doing this. 我认为ProtonMail已经很接近了。
So let's see how it works in practice . 让我们来看看实际操作。
in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上;
Here, we've got Bob and Alice again, who also want to communicate securely . 还是Bob和Alice, 他们想安全地进行通信。
They simply create accounts on ProtonMail, which is quite simple and takes a few moments, and all the key encryption and generation is happening automatically in the background as Bob is creating his account. 首先在ProtonMail上注册账号, 非常简单快捷, Bob创建账号时, 所有的加密和密钥的生成 都自动在后台发生。
Once his account is created, he just clicks " compose ," 创建好账号后,点击“写新邮件”,
and now he can write his email like he does today. Bob就能够如常撰写邮件。
So he fills in his information, and then after that, all he has to do is click "send," 他输入邮件信息, 然后点击“发送”,
and just like that, without understanding cryptography , and without doing anything different from how he writes email today, 就像这样,无需任何密码学知识, 就跟平时写电邮一样,
Bob has just sent an encrypted message. Bob发送了一封加密的电邮。
What we have here is really just the first step, but it shows that with improving technology, privacy doesn't have to be difficult, it doesn't have to be disruptive . 我们现在有的只是第一步, 但这说明,随着科技的进步, 保护隐私可以很简单。
improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词) disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的;
If we change the goal from maximizing ad revenue to protecting data, we can actually make it accessible. 如果我们将目标从广告收入最大化转移到保护数据上, 我们就能普及这个方法。
maximizing:n.最大化;达到极大值;v.使…最大化;取…最大值(maximize的ing形式); revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署;
Now, I know a question on everybody's minds is, okay, protecting privacy, this is a great goal, but can you actually do this without the tons of money that advertisements give you? 现在大家可能在想: 好吧,保护隐私这个目标听起来不错, 但如果没有广告带来的巨额收入 你能完成这个目标吗?
And I think the answer is actually yes, because today, we've reached a point where people around the world really understand how important privacy is, and when you have that, anything is possible. 我认为这是可能的。 因为如今, 全世界的人已经了解到隐私的重要性, 于是一切皆有可能。
Earlier this year, 今年年初时,
ProtonMail actually had so many users that we ran out of resources , and when this happened, our community of users got together and donated half a million dollars. ProtonMail的用户已经多到我们无法提供资源的地步, 这之后,用户自发募捐了 50万美元。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式)
So this is just an example of what can happen when you bring the community together towards a common goal. 这只是一个当大家团结时 共同达到目标的例子。
We can also leverage the world. 我们可以影响整个世界。
Right now, we have a quarter of a million people that have signed up for ProtonMail, and these people come from everywhere, and this really shows that privacy is not just an American or a European issue , it's a global issue that impacts all of us. 现在, 我们有大约25万人注册了ProtonMail, 这些人来自世界各地, 这表明了隐私问题 不仅仅是美国或欧洲的问题, 这是一个影响所有人的全球问题。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用;
It's something that we really have to pay attention to going forward. 我们如果想要进步,就必须要认识这个问题。
pay attention to:注意
So what do we have to do to solve this problem? 那么,我们需要如何解决呢?
Well, first of all , we need to support a different business model for the Internet, one that does not rely entirely on advertisements for revenue and for growth. 第一, 我们需要给互联网一个全新的商业模式, 一个不需要完全依靠广告收入的发展模式。 一个不需要完全依靠广告收入的发展模式。
first of all:adv.首先;
We actually need to build a new Internet where our privacy and our ability to control our data is first and foremost . 我们需要建立一个新的互联网, 让保护隐私和控制数据成为首要任务。
first and foremost:首先;首要的是;
But even more importantly, we have to build an Internet where privacy is no longer just an option but is also the default . 但更加重要的是, 我们需要构建一个保护隐私不仅是一个选择, 而是默认的网络世界。
We have done the first step with ProtonMail, but this is really just the first step in a very, very long journey . 通过ProtonMail,我们完成了第一步。 但这只是漫长旅程中的第一步。
The good news I can share with you guys today, the exciting news, is that we're not traveling alone. 今天我能与在座各位分享的好消息是, 我们在这个旅程上并不孤独。
The movement to protect people's privacy and freedom online is really gaining momentum , and today, there are dozens of projects from all around the world who are working together to improve our privacy. 保护网上隐私和自由的运动 已经慢慢开始产生势头。 今天,全世界有许多的项目 在努力保护我们的隐私。
momentum:n.势头;[物]动量;动力;冲力; improve:v.改进;改善;
These projects protect things from our chat to voice communications, also our file storage, our online search, our online browsing , and many other things. 这些项目保护着我们的聊天和通话记录, 以及文件存储、网上搜索、 浏览记录和许多其他记录。
And these projects are not backed by billions of dollars in advertising, but they've found support really from the people, from private individuals like you and I from all over the world. 这些项目都没有广告收入, 但他们已经得到
This really matters, because ultimately , privacy depends on each and every one of us, and we have to protect it now because our online data is more than just a collection of ones and zeros. 这很重要,因为最终, 保护隐私依靠我们每一个人, 我们现在必须保护隐私,因为我们的网络数据 不仅仅是1和0的集合。
It's actually a lot more than that. 远比那丰富得多。
It's our lives, our personal stories, our friends, our families, and in many ways, also our hopes and our aspirations . 这还是我们的生活、个人经历、 我们的朋友、家庭, 以及某种意义上,也是我们的愿景。
We need to spend time now to really protect our right to share this only with people that we want to share this with, because without this, we simply can't have a free society. 我们现在需要花时间保护自己的权利, 让我们只分享给我们愿意分享的人, 否则我们就无法拥有一个自由的社会。
So now's the time for us to collectively stand up and say, yes, we do want to live in a world with online privacy, and yes, we can work together to turn this vision into a reality. 现在是时候让我们一起站起来说: 我们想要生活在有网络隐私的世界, 而且我们能一起努力让这个愿景成为事实。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)