

There are 39 million people in the world who are blind. 全世界有390万 失明的人
Eighty percent of them are living in low-income countries such as Kenya, and the absolute majority do not need to be blind. 他们中的80% 生活在低收入国家,例如肯尼亚, 他们中的绝大多数 本不该被失明困扰。
absolute majority:n.绝对多数(指超过半数的选票或竞选席位);
They are blind from diseases that are either completely curable or preventable . 他们因疾病导致失明 而这些疾病是完全可以治愈的或者是可以提前预防的。
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; curable:adj.可治愈的;可医治的;可矫正的; preventable:adj.可预防的;可阻止的;可防止的;
Knowing this, with my young family, we moved to Kenya. 了解到这样的状况,我和我年轻的家庭, 搬到肯尼亚。
We secured equipment, funds , vehicles , we trained a team, we set up a hundred clinics throughout the Great Rift Valley to try and understand a single question: why are people going blind, and what can we do? 我们配置了仪器, 资金,车辆,我们训练了一个团队。 我们建立了一百余家诊所, 遍布整个东非大裂谷, 试图去理解一个问题: 是什么导致人们失明, 要怎样化解这样的困境?
funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) clinics:n.诊所(clinic的复数形式); throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; Rift Valley:n.地堑;裂谷;
The challenges were great. 这无疑是个巨大的挑战。
When we got to where we were going, we set up our high-tech equipment. 当我们设定好要前往的地区时, 我们搭建好高科技的仪器,
Power was rarely available. 很难找到电源。
We'd have to run our equipment from petrol power generators . 需要使用 汽油发电机供电。
petrol:n.(英)汽油; generators:n.[电]发电机;[计]生成器(generator的复数);
And then something occurred to me: 于是我想到:
There has to be an easier way, because it's the patients who are the most in need of access to eye care who are the least likely to get it. 应该会有更加简便的方式, 因为那些最急迫需要 接受眼科检查的患者 也正是最难以获取诊疗的人。
More people in Kenya, and in sub-Saharan Africa, have access to a mobile phone than they do clean running water. 越来越多生活在肯尼亚 和撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区的人们 使用手机的人数 甚至多于能够接收到清洁水源的。
sub-Saharan:撒哈拉以南地区; mobile phone:移动电话
So we said, could we harness the power of mobile technology to deliver eye care in a new way? 我想,我们能不能套用 移动通信技术的力量 用一种新方法来进行眼科检查?
harness:vt.治理; n.马具; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
And so we developed Peek , a smartphone [system] that enables community healthcare workers and empowers them to deliver eye care everywhere. 因此我们开发了一个应用“Peek” 一个智慧型手机[系统] 能够搭建医务工作者社群 让他们能够在任何地方为人们提供眼科检查服务。
Peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼; smartphone:n.智能手机; enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健; empowers:授权;使能够(empower的第三人称单数);
We set about replacing traditional hospital equipment, which is bulky , expensive and fragile , with smartphone apps and hardware that make it possible to test anyone in any language and of any age. 我们用智慧型手机应用程序和硬件 来代替那些笨重,昂贵又不易维护的 传统医院的仪器设备。 这使得工作人员能够跨越语言,年纪的障碍 为任何人提供眼科检查。
traditional:传统的,惯例的, bulky:adj.体积大的;庞大的;笨重的; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具;
Here we have a demonstration of a three-month-old having their vision accurately tested using an app and an eye tracker . 这段影片展示了 一个三个月大的婴儿通过应用程序和眼动仪 接受精准的视力检测。
demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; accurately:adv.精确地,准确地; tracker:n.拉纤者,纤夫;追踪系统,[自]跟踪装置;追踪者;
We've got many trials going on in the community and in schools, and through the lessons that we've learned in the field, we've realized it's extremely important to share the data in non-medical jargon so that people understand what we're examining and what that means to them. 很多实验都在进行着 在社区,在学校, 从实地考察中得到的经验教训, 让我们意识到, 用非医学专用术语分享诊疗数据是极其重要的, 因为这样人们就能了解到 我们在检查些什么,这和他们有什么关系。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; non-medical:un.非药性的;无需住院天数; jargon:n.行话,术语;黄锆石;
So here, for example, we use our sight sim application , once your vision has been measured , to show carers and teachers what the visual world is like for that person, so they can empathize with them and help them. 因此,举例来说, 使用我们的“视力身份识别”程序, 在检测到你的视力之后, 我们展示给照护者和老师 那个人眼中的世界是怎样的, 这样他们就能告诉他们并帮助他们。
application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) carers:n.护理老人者;照护者(carer的复数形式); visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; empathize:vt.移情;神会;
Once we've discovered somebody has low vision, the next big challenge is to work out why, and to be able to do that, we need to have access to the inside of the eye. 当我们发现某人有低视力的问题, 下一个大的挑战就是找出病因, 为了能找到病因点, 我们需要检查眼睛内部。
Traditionally , this requires expensive equipment to examine an area called the retina . 传统上,这需要昂贵的设备 来检查视网膜。
Traditionally:adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上; retina:n.[解剖]视网膜;
The retina is the single part of the eye that has huge amounts of information about the body and its health. 视网膜是眼内一个单独的区域 包含巨大数量的身体信息 和眼睛的健康状况。
We've developed 3D-printed, low-cost hardware that comes in at less than five dollars to produce, which can then be clipped onto a smartphone and makes it possible to get views of the back of the eye of a very high quality. 我们开发了通过3D打印制作的 低成本的硬件, 制作所需的费用少于5美元, 这个硬件能够直接连接到智慧型手机, 使得手机拥有能够看到 眼睛内部的仪器 画面质量很高。
low-cost:adj.廉价的;价格便宜的; clipped:adj.省略一部分的;发音清楚的;v.剪除(clip的过去分词);
And the beauty is, anybody can do it. 最棒的部分在于,任何人都能轻松操作它。
In our trials on over two and half thousand people, the smartphone with the add-on clip is comparable to a camera that is hugely more expensive and hugely more difficult to transport . 我们的实验覆盖了超过2500人, 连接了这个硬件的手机 和比它昂贵数倍, 并且难以运输的检测机 质量相近。
add-on:n.一种硬件设备(用于加在计算机上以扩展其功能);追加; comparable to:可比较的,比得上的; transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放;
When we first moved to Kenya, we went with 150,000 dollars of equipment, a team of 15 people, and that was what was needed to deliver health care . 当我们刚搬到肯尼亚的时候, 我们带着价值15万美元的设备, 15人组成的团队, 来为这里的居民提供卫生保健。
health care:n.卫生保健;
Now, all that's needed is a single person on a bike with a smartphone. 现在,我们只需要 一个人 一辆自行车和一个智慧型手机。
And it costs just 500 dollars. 这一切仅需500美元。
The issue of power supply is overcome by harnessing the power of solar. 供电的问题也得到了解决 利用太阳能充电
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; harnessing:v.给(马等)装上挽具(harness的现在分词);治理,利用;
Our healthcare workers travel with a solar-powered rucksack which keeps the phone charged and backed up. 我们的医务工作者携带 具有吸收太阳能功能的帆布背包, 这个包能够为手机充电,提供备用电源。
solar-powered:adj.太阳能的; rucksack:n.帆布背包;
Now we go to the patient rather than waiting for the patient never to come. 这使得我们能够走近病人为他们提供治疗, 而不是坐在那里等待着那些可能永远也不会来寻求治疗的病人。
We go to them in their homes and we give them the most comprehensive , high-tech, accurate examination, which can be delivered by anyone with minimal training. 我们走进他们的家庭 我们为他们提供全面的, 高科技的精确检查, 提供这项服务的工作人员仅需短期少量训练即可。
comprehensive:adj.综合的;广泛的;有理解力的;n.综合学校;专业综合测验; minimal:adj.最低的;最小限度的;
We can link global experts with people in the most rural , difficult-to-reach places that are beyond the end of the road, effectively putting those experts in their homes, allowing us to make diagnoses and make plans for treatment . 我们可以连线全球各地的专家, 为居住在乡村, 交通不便 甚至公路都不可到达的地区, 将专家送到他们家里, 让医生们能够做出诊断 并提供治疗计划。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; diagnoses:n.诊断;调查分析;评价(diagnosis的复数形式); treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;
Project managers, hospital directors, are able to search on our interface by any parameter they may be interested in. 项目经理,医院主管, 可以通过搜索我们的界面, 根据不同参数样本选择感兴趣的病例。
interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接; parameter:n.参数;系数;参量;
Here in Nakuru, where I've been living, we can search for people by whatever condition. 在我居住的那库鲁, 我们可以搜索到 不同状况的病患。
Here are people who are blind from a curable condition cataract . 这些病患 是因可治愈的白内障失明。
Each red pin depicts somebody who is blind from a disease that is curable and treatable , and they're locatable. 每个红色的大头针 表示某个失明的患者, 他们的失明是可治愈的,他们的位置也很清楚地显示在这里。
pin:n.大头针;饰针;旗杆;胸针;v.别上;使不能动弹;按住;钳住; depicts:vt.描述;描画; treatable:adj.能治疗的;好对付的;能处理的;
We can use bulk text messaging services to explain that we're coming to arrange a treatment. 我们可以通过文字信息系统 来告知我们即将前往并安排治疗。
What's more, we've learned that this is something that we haven't built just for the community but with the community. 此外,我们发现 并非由我们为这个社群搭建 而是跟社群共同搭建的东西。
Those blue pins that drop represent elders, or local leaders, that are connected to those people who can ensure that we can find them and arrange treatment. 那些蓝色大头针所指的位置 标志着社群中的长者,或者是当地领袖 那些能够联系到附近居民的人, 这些长者确保我们能够找到病患 安排治疗。
pins:n.插脚,针;精确的综合导航系统; represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全;
So for patients like Mama Wangari, who have been blind for over 10 years and never seen her grandchildren, for less than 40 dollars, we can restore her eyesight . 像旺加里女士, 失明10年了, 她没看到过她的孙子们, 花费不超过40美元,我们恢复了她的实力。
restore:v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原; eyesight:n.视力;目力;
This is something that has to happen. 这是必须做到的。
It's only in statistics that people go blind by the millions. 即使统计数据显示 百万分之一的人才会失明,
The reality is everyone goes blind on their own. 但对于每个人来说,失明就是失明了。
But now, they might just be a text message away from help. 但现在,他们与得到诊治之间 只有一个短信的距离。
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
(Applause) (掌声)
And now because live demos are always a bad idea, we're going to try a live demo. 即便现场演示总是效果不佳, 我们还是要现场展示给大家。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So here we have the Peek Vision app. 我们正在使用“Peek Vision”应用程序。
Okay, and what we're looking at here, this is Sam's optic nerve , which is a direct extension of her brain, so I'm actually looking at her brain as we look there. 好了,我们现在看到的是, 这是萨曼的视神经, 这是她大脑内部的直接延伸, 事实上正在看她的大脑内部。
optic:adj.光学的;视觉的;眼睛的;n.眼睛;镜片; nerve:n.神经;勇气;神经质;神经紧张;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神; extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机;
We can see all parts of the retina. 我们可以看到整个视网膜。
It makes it possible to pick up diseases of the eye and of the body that would not be possible without access to the eye, and that clip-on device can be manufactured for just a few dollars, and people can be cured of blindness, and I think it says a lot about us as a human race if we've developed cures and we don't deliver them. 这使得检测眼部疾病,以及身体疾病 成为可能 不通过检查眼睛是无法做到的, 这个嵌入式的硬件 制作成本仅为几美元, 人们能够治愈失明, 这对于人类来说是很重要的。 我们研究出了治疗方法却无法将治疗提供给患者。
clip-on:adj.用夹子夹上去的;n.别针;别带子的装饰品; device:n.装置;策略;图案; manufactured:adj.制造的,已制成的;v.制造,加工(manufacture的过去式); human race:n.人类;
But now we can. 但现在,我们做到了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)