

I am sorry I cannot show you my face, because if I do, the bad guys will come for me. 抱歉,我无法以真面目示人 因为如果这么做,坏人会找上我
My journey started 14 years ago. 这段旅程始于14年前
I was a young reporter. I had just come out of college. 当时我是个年轻记者,刚从大学毕业
Then I got a scoop . 然后我拿到一则独家新闻
The scoop was quite a very simple story. 那则独家新闻是十分简单的故事
Police officers were taking bribes from hawkers who were hawking on the streets. 警察向街头小贩收贿 警察向街头小贩收贿
bribes:n.贿赂;v.向(某人)行贿;贿赂(bribe的第三人称单数和复数) hawkers:n.叫卖小贩;饲鹰者; hawking:n.利用鹰行猎;v.袭击;翱翔;攫取(hawk的现在分词);
As a young reporter, I thought that I should do it in a different way, so that it has a maximum impact , since everybody knew that it was happening, and yet there was nothing that was keeping it out of the system. 身为一位年轻的记者,我认为必须 以不同方式报导,使这则新闻产生最大的影响力 因为每个人都知道这个情形 却无法杜绝这个陋习
maximum:n.最大限度;最大量;最高限度;adj.最高的;最多的;最大极限的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
So I decided to go there and act as a seller. 因此我决定走上街头 扮成一个小贩
As part of selling, I was able to document the hard core evidence . 卖东西之余,我也能搜集 核心证据
hard core:adj.中坚的;顽固不化的;赤裸裸描写性行为的;n.核心成员;铁杆分子; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
The impact was great. 效果十分显著
It was fantastic . 棒极了
This was what many call immersion journalism , or undercover journalism. 这就是人们所谓的浸入式报导 或卧底报导
immersion:n.沉浸;陷入;专心; journalism:n.新闻业,新闻工作;报章杂志; undercover:adj.秘密工作的;暗中做的;私下进行的;
I am an undercover journalist . 我是个卧底记者
My journalism is hinged on three basic principles : naming, shaming and jailing . 我的报导立足于三项基本原则: 揭露罪犯姓名、使其蒙羞、使其入狱
hinged:adj.有铰链的;铰链式的;v.给…装上绞链;依…而定(hinge的过去分词); principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) jailing:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;vt.监禁;下狱;
Journalism is about results. 新闻报导的重点在于结果
It's about affecting your community or your society in the most progressive way. 在于影响社区或社会 以最具成效的方式
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; progressive:adj.进步的;先进的;开明的;稳步的;n.进步人士;开明人士;改革派;
I have worked on this for over 14 years, and I can tell you, the results are very good. 我从事这项工作已超过14年 我可以告诉各位,效果非常棒
One story that comes to mind in my undercover pieces is "Spirit Child." 我想起其中一个故事 来自我的卧底报导 标题是〈灵子〉(Spirit Child)
It was about children who were born with deformities , and their parents felt that once they were born with those deformities , they were not good enough to live in the society, so they were given some concoction to take and as a result they died. 内容是关于先天畸形的孩童 他们的父母认为一旦孩子先天畸形 他们的父母认为一旦孩子先天畸形 就不适合生存于这个社会 因此他们被迫服用某种药汁 孩子因此丧命
deformities:n.畸形;缺损(deformity的复数形式); concoction:n.混合;调合;调合物; as a result:结果;
So I built a prosthetic baby, and I went into the village, pretended as though this baby had been born with a deformity , and here was the guys who do the killing. 因此我订制了一个假婴儿 前往那座村庄 假装这个婴儿 先天畸形,这就是那些杀婴凶手
prosthetic:adj.假体的;非朊基的; deformity:n.畸形;畸形的人或物;道德方面的缺陷;
They got themselves ready. 他们已准备就绪
In their bids to kill, I got the police on standby , and they came that fateful morning to come and kill the child. 当他们准备行动时,我请警察在一旁待命 他们在那个命运的早晨现身,准备杀婴 他们在那个命运的早晨现身,准备杀婴
standby:n.备用品;可信赖的人;adj.备用的;adv.备用地;待命地; fateful:adj.重大的;决定性的;宿命的;
I recall how they were seriously boiling the concoction. 我记得他们多么认真地烹煮药汁
They put it on fire. It was boiling hot, getting ready to give to the kids. 他们将药汁放在炉火上,药汁沸腾着 准备给孩子服用
Whilst this was going on, the police I had alerted , they were on standby, and just as the concoction was ready, and they were about to give it to the kids, 此时,我事先知会过的警察已在一旁待命 此时,我事先知会过的警察已在一旁待命 就在药汁完成 准备给孩子服用时
Whilst:conj.同时;时时,有时;当…的时候; alerted:v.向…报警;使戒备;使意识到;(alert的过去分词和过去式) were about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
I phoned the police, and fortunately they came and busted them. 我打电话给警察 所幸警察及时赶到,逮捕了他们
fortunately:adv.幸运地; busted:adj.被当场逮住;v.打破;突击搜查;(使)降级;(bust的过去分词和过去式)
As I speak now, they are before the courts. 我叙述这个故事的当下,他们正在出庭
Don't forget the key principles: naming, shaming and jailing. 别忘了其中的关键原则: 揭露罪犯姓名、使其蒙羞、使其入狱
The court process is taking place, and I'm very sure at the end of the day we will find them, and we will put them where they belong too. 法庭程序正在进行 我确信那天结束前 我们会找到他们,将他们送往 他们该去的地方
Another key story that comes to mind, which relates to this spirit child phenomenon , is "The Spell of the Albinos ." 我想到另一个重要的故事 和这个“灵子”现象有关 标题为〈白子诅咒〉(The Spell of the Albinos)
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); Albinos:白化病者;白化变种(albino的复数);
I'm sure most of you may have heard, in Tanzania, children who are born with albinism are sometimes considered as being unfit to live in society. 我相信在座大部分人听说过,在坦桑尼亚 罹患白化症的孩童 有时被认为不适合 生存于这个社会
albinism:n.白化病; unfit:adj.不适宜的;不合格的;不健康的;v.使不合格;使不相宜;使不胜任;
Their bodies are chopped up with machetes and are supposed to be used for some concoctions or some potions for people to get money -- or so many, many stories people would tell about it. 他们肢体遭弯刀截下 或许被用于制作药汁 或供人图利的药剂 或许多人们传言中的用途
chopped:v.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈;降低;取消;(chop的过去分词和过去式) machetes:n.弯刀;大砍刀;马谢特琴; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) concoctions:n.混合物,调合物,调配品;(concoction的复数) potions:n.药剂,药水;魔药(potion的复数形式);
It was time to go undercover again. 是再次卧底的时候了
So I went undercover as a man who was interested in this particular business, of course. 因此我展开卧底行动,扮成一位 对这门生意感兴趣的人,当然
Again, a prosthetic arm was built. 我再次订制了一条假手臂
For the first time, I filmed on hidden camera the guys who do this, and they were ready to buy the arm and they were ready to use it to prepare those potions for people. 那是第一次,我用隐藏式摄影机 拍下进行这项交易的人他们准备购买这条手臂 准备用它来调制药剂 准备用它来调制药剂
I am glad today the Tanzanian government has taken action, but the key issue is that the Tanzanian government could only take action because the evidence was available. 我很高兴目前坦桑尼亚政府已采取行动 但关键问题在于,坦桑尼亚政府 只能在证据确凿的情况下采取行动
My journalism is about hard core evidence. 我的报导正是关于核心证据
If I say you have stolen, I show you the evidence that you have stolen. 如果我指控你偷窃,我会展示你偷窃的证据 如果我指控你偷窃,我会展示你偷窃的证据
I show you how you stole it and when, or what you used what you had stolen to do. 我会揭露你偷窃的方法 偷窃的时间、工具和目的 偷窃的时间、工具和目的
What is the essence of journalism if it doesn't benefit society? 如果新闻报导对社会没有好处,有何存在的必要?
My kind of journalism is a product of my society. 我的报导源于我的社会 我的报导源于我的社会
I know that sometimes people have their own criticisms about undercover journalism. 我知道,有时 人们对卧底报导有所争议 人们对卧底报导有所争议
(Video) Official : He brought out some money from his pockets and put it on the table, so that we should not be afraid. (视频)官员:他从口袋里掏出一些钱 放在桌上 试图让我们放心
He wants to bring the cocoa and send it to Cote d'Ivoire. 他想将可可运往科特迪瓦
So with my hidden intention , I kept quiet. 因为我有其他打算,我保持沉默
I didn't utter a word. 我一语不发
But my colleagues didn't know. 但我的同事毫不知情
So after collecting the money, when he left, we were waiting for him to bring the goods. 因此收了钱 他离开之后,我们等他把货品带来
Immediately after he left, I told my colleagues that since I was the leader of the group, 他离开之后,我立刻告诉同事 因为我是这个团队的领导者
I told my colleagues that if they come, we will arrest them. 我告诉同事,如果他们前来 我们就将他们逮捕
Second official: I don't even know the place called [unclear]. 第二名官员:我甚至不知道那个叫〔不清楚〕的地方
I've never stepped there before. 我不曾去过那里
So I'm surprised. 因此我很讶异
You see a hand counting money just in front of me. 你看见有只手在我面前数钱
The next moment, you see the money in my hands, counting, whereas I have not come into contact with anybody. 下一秒,你看见钱在我手里数着 但我不曾与任何人接触
whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系;
I have not done any business with anybody. 我不曾与任何人进行交易
Reporter: When Metro News contacted investigative reporter 记者:当《都市日报》联系调查记者
Metro:地铁 contacted:v.联系,联络(如用电话或信件)(contact的过去分词和过去式) investigative:adj.研究的;调查的;好调查的;
Anas Aremeyaw Anas for his reaction , he just smiled and gave this video extract he did not use in the documentary recently shown onscreen . Anas Aremeyaw Anas,想知道他的反应时 他只是微笑着,提供这段 不曾出现在近期播出的纪录片中的视频
Anas:n.言论集(ana的复数形式);轶事(ana的复数形式);河鸭属; reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; recently:adv.最近;新近; onscreen:adj.银幕上的;adv.银幕上;
The officer who earlier denied involvement pecks a calculator to compute the amount of money they will charge on the cocoa to be smuggled . 之前否认涉案的官员 按着计算器计算他们打算对走私可可收取的贿款 按着计算器计算他们打算对走私可可收取的贿款
denied:v.否认;拒绝;否定;不承认;(deny的过去分词和过去式) involvement:n.牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难; pecks:vi.啄食; vt.啄食; n.许多; calculator:n.计算器; compute:vt.计算;估算;用计算机计算;vi.计算;估算;推断;n.计算;估计;推断; smuggled:v.走私;私运;偷运(smuggle的过去分词和过去式)
Anas Aremeyaw Anas: This was another story on anticorruption . Anas Aremeyaw Anas:这是另一个与反贪污有关的故事
And here was him, denying . 这是那名矢口否认的官员
But you see, when you have the hard core evidence, you are able to affect society. 但如各位所见,当你拥有核心证据时 就能影响社会
Sometimes these are some of the headlines that come. (Music) 有时报上会出现这样的头条(音乐)
[I will curse Anas to death] 〈我诅咒Anas不得好死〉
[Anas Lies] 〈Anas谎话连篇〉
[Alarm Blows Over Anas' News for Cash Video] 〈Anas用以图利的新闻视频引起轩然大波〉
[Agenda Against Top CEPS Officials Exposed] 〈对抗缉私局高层官员计划曝光〉
[Anas Operates with Invisible Powers?] 〈Anas拥有看不见的力量?〉
[Gov't Wobbles Over Anas Video] 〈Anas的视频令政府不安〉
[Hunting the Hunter] 〈猎捕猎人〉
[Anas 'Bribe' Men in Court] 〈Anas贿赂出庭者〉
[15 Heads Roll Over Anas Tape] 〈Anas的视频害死15人〉
[Finance Minister Backs Anas] 〈财政部长力挺Anas〉
[11 Given Queries Over Anas' Story] 〈对Anas报导的11个质疑〉
Queries:n.问题; v.[计]查询(query的第三人称单数形式);
[GJA Stands By Anas] 〈加纳记者联盟支持Anas〉
[Prez. Mills Storms Tema Harbour Over Anas Video] 〈Anas的视频使Mills总统于特马港大发雷霆〉
Mills:n.磨坊; v.碾碎,磨成粉(mill的第三人称单数和复数) Harbour:n.港口;港湾;(海)港;v.窝藏;怀有;包含;藏有;
["Late Prof . John Evans Atta Mills: Former president of Ghana"] 〈加纳前总统John Evans Atta Mills〉
Prof:n.教授(等于professor); Evans:n.埃文斯;(姓氏)埃文斯;伊文思;
John Evans Atta Mills: What Anas says is not something which is unknown to many of us, but please, those of you who are agents , and who are leading the customs officers into temptation , John Evans Atta Mills:很多人对Anas报导的事件 并非毫不知情 但听着,各位特工 还有使海关官员陷入诱惑的人
agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) temptation:n.诱惑;引诱;煽诱人的事物;
I'm telling you, Ghana is not going to say any good things to you about this. 我告诉你们,加纳不会对你们客气 我告诉你们,加纳不会对你们客气
AAA: That was my president. AAA:那是我国前总统
I thought that I couldn't come here without giving you something special. 我想,既然来到这里 我必须给你们一些特别的东西
I have a piece, and I'm excited that 我有个故事,很高兴
I'm sharing it for the first time with you here. 能在这里第一次分享
I have been undercover in the prisons. 我曾经在监狱卧底
I have been there for a long time. 我在那里待了很长一段时间
And I can tell you, what I saw is not nice. 我可以告诉各位,我目睹的情形糟透了
But again, I can only affect society and affect government if I bring out the hard core evidence. 但同样地,我无法影响社会 影响政府,除非我携出核心证据
bring out:出版,生产;使显示;说出;
Many times, the prison authorities have denied ever having issues of drug abuse , issues of sodomy , so many issues they would deny that it ever happens. 无数次地,狱方矢口否认 存在毒品滥用问题 存在鸡奸问题他们否认太多曾经发生过的事 存在鸡奸问题他们否认太多曾经发生过的事
authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; sodomy:n.鸡奸,兽奸;
How can you obtain the hard core evidence? 如何才能取得核心证据?
So I was in the prison. ["Nsawan Prison"] 因此我进了监狱 〈Nsawan监狱〉
Now, what you are seeing is a pile of dead bodies. 好,你们眼中所见的是一堆尸体
Now, I happen to have followed one of my inmates , one of my friends, from his sick bed till death, and I can tell you it was not a nice thing at all. 我碰巧目睹一位室友 一位狱友,从卧病在床到死亡的过程 我可以告诉各位,简直惨不忍睹
There were issues of bad food being served as I recall that some of the food I ate is just not good for a human being. 狱中的问题包括伙食极差 我记得有些食物 并不适合人类食用
Toilet facilities : very bad. 厕所设备:非常差
I mean, you had to queue to get proper toilets to attend -- and that's what I call proper, when four of us are on a manhole . 我指的是,你得排队才能用到象样的厕所 我所谓的象样是指 四人合用一个茅坑
queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待; manhole:n.人孔;检修孔;
It is something that if you narrate it to somebody, the person wouldn't believe it. 这是即使说给某个人听 那个人也不会相信的情况
The only way that you can let the person believe is when you show hard core evidence. 使那个人相信的唯一办法就是 让他目睹核心证据
Of course, drugs were abundant . 当然,毒品随处可见
It was easier to get cannabis , heroin and cocaine , faster even, in the prison than outside the prison. 在监狱里取得大麻、海洛因和古柯碱 甚至比外面更快、更容易
cannabis:n.印度大麻(等于hemp);大麻烟原料;大麻雌花顶部; heroin:n.[药][毒物]海洛因,吗啡; cocaine:n.[药]可卡因;
Evil in the society is an extreme disease . 社会中的邪恶是一种重病
Evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
If you have extreme diseases , you need to get extreme remedies . 如果罹患重病 就必须下重药
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; remedies:n.处理方法; v.改正; (remedy的第三人称单数和复数)
My kind of journalism might not fit in other continents or other countries, but I can tell you, it works in my part of the continent of Africa, because usually, when people talk about corruption, they ask, "Where is the evidence? 我的报导或许不适用于其他洲 或其他国家 但我可以告诉各位,它适用于我所在的 非洲地区,因为人们谈到贪污时通常会问,“证据在哪里?” 非洲地区,因为人们谈到贪污时通常会问,“证据在哪里?”
Show me the evidence." “我要看证据”
I say, "This is the evidence." 我说,“这就是证据”
And that has aided in me putting a lot of people behind bars . 它帮助我将许多人送进监狱
behind bars:坐牢;在狱中;在监狱服刑;铁窗之后;
You see, we on the continent are able to tell the story better because we face the conditions and we see the conditions. 你们知道,在我身处的非洲 揭露这些故事较具影响力,因为我们能面对局势 看清局势
That is why I was particularly excited when we launched our "Africa Investigates " series where we investigated a lot of African countries. 这就是为何我格外兴奋 当我们的《非洲调查》影集播出时 我们调查了许多非洲国家
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) Investigates:调查; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; investigated:v.侦查;调查;研究;(investigate的过去分词和过去式)
As a result of the success of the "Africa Investigates" series, we are moving on to World Investigates. 由于《非洲调查》影集的成功 我们打算着手进行《世界调查》
By the end of it, a lot more bad guys on our continent will be put behind bars. 调查结束时将有更多非洲坏人被送进监狱 调查结束时将有更多非洲坏人被送进监狱
This will not stop. 调查不会停止
I'm going to carry on with this kind of journalism, because I know that when evil men destroy, good men must build and bind . 我打算继续从事这类报导 因为我知道,欲打击坏人 好人必须携手合作
Thank you very much. 十分感谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: Thank you. Thank you. Chris Anderson:谢谢,谢谢
I have some questions for you. 我想请教一些问题
How did you end up in jail? This was just a few weeks ago, I believe, yeah? 你是怎么入狱的?这只是几星期前的事,对吗?
AAA: Sure. You know, undercover is all about setting the priorities right, so we got people to take me to court. AAA:是的,你知道,卧底的重点在于 安排好行动优先顺序因此我们找人把我送上法庭 安排好行动优先顺序因此我们找人把我送上法庭
So I went through the very legal process, because at the end of the day, the prison authorities want to check whether indeed you have been there or not, and that's how I got in there. 因此我经由完全合法的程序入狱 因为那天结束时狱方会确认你是否确实上过法庭 因为那天结束时狱方会确认你是否确实上过法庭 那就是我入狱的方法
CA: So someone sued you in court, and they took you there, and you were in remand custody for part of it, and you did that deliberately . CA:因此有人控告你 他们把你送上法庭,你因涉案遭到拘留 AAA:是的CA:你是故意这么做的?
sued:v.控告;提起诉讼;提出请求;(sue的过去分词和过去式) remand:n.送还,遣回;还押;vt.还押,还押候审;遣回; custody:n.保管;监护;拘留;抚养权; deliberately:adv.故意地;谨慎地;慎重地;
AAA: Yes, yes. AAA:是的,没错
CA: Talk to me just about fear and how you manage that, because you're regularly putting your life at risk. CA:我们谈谈关于恐惧的话题 你怎么处理这种感觉 因为你经常让自己身处险境
How do you do that? 你如何克服这一点?
AAA: You see, undercover is always a last resort . AAA:你知道,卧底一向是最后手段
Before we go undercover, we follow the rules. 进行卧底之前,我们一向照规矩行事
And I'm only comfortable and I'm purged of fear whenever I am sure that all the steps have been taken. I don't do it alone. I have a backup team who help ensure that the safety and all the systems are put in place, but you've got to take very intelligent decisions whenever they are happening. 只有在确认所有步骤都就绪之后我才会感到自在、无所畏惧 只有在确认所有步骤都就绪之后我才会感到自在、无所畏惧 我并非独立作业,我有一个后援团队 确保我的安全及整个系统 正确运作,但状况发生时 你必须做出非常明智的决定
purged:v.清除,清洗;净化;涤荡(污秽);(purge的过去分词和过去式) backup:n.后援;增援;(文件等的)备份;adj.后补的;支持性的;伴奏的; ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的
If you don't, you will end up losing your life. 如果做不到,就会送命
So yes, when the backup systems are put in place, 因此,当后援系统准备就绪
I'm okay, I go in. Risky, yes, but it's a hazard of a profession . 我就没问题我会勇往直前,危险当然存在 但这就是职业风险
hazard:n.危害;危险;v.试着提出;大胆猜测;冒…的风险;使处于危险中; profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行;
I mean, everybody has their hazard. 我是指,任何人都可能遭遇风险
And once you say that is yours, you've got to take it, as and when it comes. 一旦你知道自己面临什么风险 就必须承担风险来临时的后果
as and when:当;到时候;
CA: Well, you're an amazing human and you've done amazing work and you've taught us a story like no story I think any of us have heard before. CA:嗯,你是个了不起的人,从事了不起的工作 我想你告诉我们的是 所有听众都不曾耳闻的故事
And we're appreciative . We salute you. Thank you so much, Anas. 十分感谢,我们向你致敬,非常感谢,Anas
appreciative:adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的; salute:n.致敬,欢迎;敬礼;v.行礼致敬,欢迎;致意,打招呼;行礼;
AAA: Thank you. AAA:谢谢
CA: Thank you. Stay safe. (Applause) CA:谢谢,保重 (掌声)