

I am a reformed marketer , and I now work in international development. 我是一个营销改革家 我现在致力于国际拓展
reformed:adj.改革过的;新教的;v.改革(reform的过去分词和过去式); marketer:n.[贸易]市场商人;市场营销人员;
In October, I spent some time in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is the [second] largest country in Africa. 今年10月份,我在刚果民主共和国待了一段时间 它是非洲第二大的国家
In fact, it's as large as Western Europe, but it only has 300 miles of paved roads. 国土面积和西欧差不多 却只有300英里(约480公里)柏油路
The DRC is a dangerous place. 那是个危险的地方
In the past 10 years, five million people have died due to a war in the east. 近十年里,东部地区有500万人 死于战争
But war isn't the only reason that life is difficult in the DRC. 但是战争不是当地人 生活艰难的唯一原因
There are many health issues as well. 还有许多健康原因
In fact, the HIV prevalence rate is 1.3 percent among adults. 事实上,艾滋病在成人中的 患病率为1.3%
HIV:n.艾滋病病毒; prevalence:n.流行;普遍;广泛;
This might not sound like a large number, but in a country with 76 million people, it means there are 930,000 that are infected . 这听起来不是一个很大的比率 但在一个仅有7600万人的国家 就意味着93万人被感染
infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
And due to the poor infrastructure , only 25 percent of those are receiving the life-saving drugs that they need. 加之基础设施又非常落后 因此只有25%的患者 可以获得所需的药物
infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; life-saving:n.救生;adj.救生的;
Which is why, in part, donor agencies provide condoms at low or no cost. 这也是为什么 部分捐赠机构提供免费或低价的 避孕套
donor:n.捐赠者;供者;赠送人;adj.捐献的;经人工授精出生的; agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数); condoms:n.避孕套,安全套;(condom的复数)
And so while I was in the DRC, 因此我在那里的时候
I spent a lot of time talking to people about condoms, including Damien . 花了大量时间和人们讨论避孕套的话题 包括和达米安
Damien runs a hotel outside of Kinshasa. 达米安在金沙萨外经营着一家酒店
It's a hotel that's only open until midnight, so it's not a place that you stay. 它只营业到午夜 因此它不是一个过夜的地方
But it is a place where sex workers and their clients come. 但却是性工作者和其客户光顾的地方
Now Damien knows all about condoms, but he doesn't sell them. 达米安很了解避孕套 却不销售
He said there's just not in demand. 他说因为没什么需求
It's not surprising, because only three percent of people in the DRC use condoms. 这并不奇怪 因为只有3%的当地人使用 避孕套
Joseph and Christine, who run a pharmacy where they sell a number of these condoms, said despite the fact that donor agencies provide them at low or no cost, 约瑟夫和克莉丝汀 经营着一家药房并且销售避孕套 他们说尽管捐赠机构提供免费或者价低价的避孕套
Joseph:n.连帽大氅; pharmacy:n.药房;配药学,药剂学;制药业;一批备用药品; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱;
and they have marketing campaigns that go along with them, their customers don't buy the branded versions. 同时还进行宣传活动 但是他们的客户却不买有商标的
go along with:赞同;陪…一起去; branded:adj.名牌商标的; v.铭刻; (brand的过去式和过去分词);
They like the generics . 他们喜欢没有品牌的
And as a marketer, I found that curious . 作为一名营销人员我对此很好奇
And so I started to look at what the marketing looked like. 因此我开始对营销进行观察
And it turns out that there are three main messages used by the donor agencies for these condoms: fear, financing and fidelity . 捐助机构在宣传他们的避孕套的时候 遵循三条主旨思想 恐惧,经济,忠诚
They name the condoms things like Vive , "to live" 他们给避孕套起类似有活力的之类的名字
or Trust. 或信任
They package it with the red ribbon that reminds us of HIV, put it in boxes that remind you who paid for them, show pictures of your wife or husband and tell you to protect them or to act prudently . 他们用红丝带包装 警示我们艾滋病毒 把它放入这样的盒子中提醒你这是谁捐赠的 配有妻子或者丈夫的照片 告诉你要保护他们 或保持谨慎
ribbon:n.丝带; v.用丝带装饰; reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) prudently:adv.谨慎地;慎重地;
Now these are not the kinds of things that someone is thinking about just before they go get a condom. 这些事情可不是一个人去买避孕套之前 所想的事情
(Laughter) (笑声)
What is it that you think about just before you get a condom? 那你们在得到避孕套前 都在想什么呢?
Sex! 性!
And the private companies that sell condoms in these places, they understand this. 在这些地区销售避孕套的私营公司 他们深知这一点
Their marketing is slightly different. 他们的营销策略稍有不同
The name might not be much different, but the imagery sure is. 名称也许没有太多不同 但是图标却不同
Some brands are aspirational , and certainly the packaging is incredibly provocative . 有些牌子目标远大 同时包装设计极富煽动性
brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数); aspirational:adj.有雄心壮志的;(生活形态等)梦寐以求的;n.成功指南;处世自助手册; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; provocative:adj.刺激的,挑拨的;气人的;n.刺激物,挑拨物;兴奋剂;
And this made me think that perhaps the donor agencies had just missed out on a key aspect of marketing: understanding who's the audience. 这就启发我思考 也许捐助机构恰恰没抓住 营销学上的一个要点: 了解谁是你的客户
And for donor agencies, unfortunately , the audience tends to be people that aren't even in the country they're working [in]. 遗憾的是,对于捐助机构来说 他们的客户 不是他们现在工作所在国的这些人
It's people back home, people that support their work, people like these. 是在后方的人 是赞助他们的人 是这些人们
But if what we're really trying to do is stop the spread of HIV, we need to think about the customer, the people whose behavior needs to change -- the couples, the young women, the young men -- whose lives depend on it. 但是如果我们真正要做的 是阻止艾滋病的传播 那么我们就要考虑到客户 考虑到那些需要改变其行为的人-- 夫妻 年轻妇女,青年男子-- 考虑到那些以此为生的人
And so the lesson is this: it doesn't really matter what you're selling; you just have to think about who is your customer, and what are the messages that are going to get them to change their behavior. 因此关键在于: 你卖的是什么东西并不重要 你要考虑的是谁是你的客户群 以及让他们做出改变 的原因是什么
It might just save their lives. 也许这样就能挽救他们的生命了。
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)