

My name is Amit. 我叫阿密特
And 18 months ago, I had another job at Google , and I pitched this idea of doing something with museums and art to my boss who's actually here, and she allowed me to do it. 18月以前,我在谷歌有另外一个工作 我跟我的老板提出了这个点子 想要在艺术和博物馆方面做些事情 我老板今天也在这里 她同意了
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; pitched:adj.倾斜的;v.用力扔;投;抛;投球;当投手;触地;(pitch的过去分词和过去式)
And it took 18 months. 历经18个月
A lot of fun, negotiations and stories, I can tell you, with 17 very interesting museums from nine countries. 经历了很多有趣的谈判和故事,我可以跟你们聊 走了9个国家,接触了17个非常有意思的博物馆
But I'm going to focus on the demo . 但是我先要集中介绍这个演示
There are a lot of stories about why we did this. 我可以讲很多故事来解释我们为什么要做这件事
I think my personal story is explained very simply on the slide, and it's access. 我个人的故事很简单地在幻灯片上写明着 就是如何进入(参观这些艺术品)
And I grew up in India. 我在印度长大
I had a great education -- I'm not complaining -- but I didn't have access to a lot of these museums and these artworks . 我得到了很好的教育,我不想抱怨什么 但是我没有很多参观这些博物馆和艺术品的机会
complaining:adj.抱怨的;v.抱怨;控诉;(complain的现在分词) artworks:艺术品(artwork的名词复数);
And so when I started traveling and going to these museums, 所以当我有机会旅游很参观这些博物馆时
I started learning a lot. 我开始学到了很多东西
And while working at Google, 当我在谷歌工作后
I tried to put this desire to make it more accessible with technology together. 我萌发了 融入技术使其更容易为大家进入参观的想法
accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
So we formed a team, a great team of people, and we started doing this. 所以我们建立了一个团队,一个很棒的小组 我们开始从事这个工作
I'm going to probably get into the demo and then tell you a couple of the interesting things we've had since launch . 我先进入演示 然后给你们讲几个这个项目启动后 几个有趣的故事
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
So, simple: you come to GoogleArtProject.com. 所以, 很简单, 你到GoogleArtProject.com
You look around at all these museums here. 你看到所有这些博物馆
You've got the Uffizi, you've got the MoMA, the Hermitage , the Rijks, the Van Gogh. 你看到乌菲兹博物馆,你看见纽约现代艺术博物馆 艾尔米塔什博物馆, 荷兰国立博物馆,凡高博物馆
Hermitage:n.隐士生活;隐士住处; Van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运;
I'm going to actually get to one of my favorites, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. 现在让我到其中我最喜欢的一个 纽约大都会艺术博物馆
Two ways of going in -- very simple. 有两种进入的方法, 非常简单
Click and, bang , you're in this museum. 点击,砰,你进了博物馆,
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
It doesn't matter where you are -- 无论你在哪里
Bombay, Mexico, it doesn't really matter. 孟买,墨西哥, 都无所谓
You move around , you have fun. 你到处转转,你尽情享受
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
You want to navigate around the museum? 你想要在博物馆中按平面图走一圈
Open the plan up, and, in one click, jump. 你把平面图打开 点击一下,跳入
You're in there, you want to go to the end of the corridor . 你就进去了,你想要走到走廊尽头
Keep going. Have fun. 继续走,玩得开心
Explore . 探索一番
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks. I haven't come to the best part. 谢谢。 我还没讲到最好的部分呢
(Laughter) (笑声)
So now I'm in front of one of my favorite paintings, "The Harvesters " by Pieter Bruegel at the Met. 现在我面对着我最喜欢的一幅画 彼得·勃鲁盖尔的收割者
I see this plus sign. 我看见这个+号
If the museum has given us the image, you click on it. 如果博物馆给我们图象,你点击它
Now this is one of the images . 这是其中的一幅图象
So this is all of the meta-data information. 这里是所有的元数据信息
For those of you who are truly interested in art, you can click this -- but I'm going to click this off right now. 如果你真的对这个艺术品有兴趣 你可以点击这里, 但是现在我先把它给关了
And this is one of these images that we captured in what we call gigapixel technology. 这是我们拍的一个图象 这是我们所谓的千兆象素技术
So this image, for example, has close to, I think, around 10 billion pixels . 比如,这个图象, 接近100亿个像素
And I get a lot of people asking me: "What do you get for 10 billion pixels?" 很多人都问我 “你从100亿个像素中得到什么呢?”
So I'm going to try and show you what you really get for 10 billion pixels. 我现在就给你们看100亿个像素给你们提供了什么
You can zoom around very simply. 你可以简便地收缩
You see some fun stuff happening here. 你看见一些有趣的事物
I love this guy; his expression is priceless . 我热爱这个家伙,他的表情是无价的
expression:n.表现,表示,表达; priceless:adj.无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的;n.非卖品;
But then you really want to go deep. 但是你真的想要进一步深入其中
And so I started playing around, and I found something going on over here. 所以我就到处看看 我看到这里有情况
And I was like, "Hold on. That sounds interesting." 我说:“等一下, 这挺有趣。“
Went in, and I started noticing that these kids were actually beating something. 靠近,我开始注意到 这些孩子正在投掷什么东西
I did a little research, spoke to a couple of my contacts at the Met, and actually found out that this is a game called squall , which involves beating a goose with a stick on Shrove Tuesday . 我研究了一下,跟博物馆的几个人联系人聊了一下 发现原来这是个游戏 叫[不明], 用棍子打鹅 在礼拜二的忏悔日
contacts:v.联系,联络;(contact的第三人称单数) squall:vi.嚎啕;尖叫;n.暴风;麻烦;高声哭喊;尖叫;vt.尖声叫着;大声哭喊;起风暴; involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) Shrove Tuesday:n.[宗]忏悔日;美式英语为MardiGras;
And apparently it was quite popular. 竟然还很流行
I don't know why they did it, but I learned something about it. 我不知道为什么他们这么做 但是我学到点新东西
Now just to get really deep in, you can really get to the cracks . 现在再进入得更深,你就可以看见裂痕了
cracks:n.裂纹; v.破裂; (crack的第三人称单数和复数)
Now just to give you some perspective , 现在让我你们看一下远景
I'm going to zoom out so you really see what you get. 我来缩小画面,你可以真的看到全部
Here is where we were, and this is the painting. 这是我们的所在地 这是那幅画
(Applause) (掌声)
The best is yet to come -- so in a second . 最好的还没讲到呢, 等一下
The best is yet to come:最好的尚未来临;最好的都还没来;最好的还在后头; in a second:立刻,很快;
So now let's just quickly jump into the MoMA, again in New York. 现在让我们立刻 进入纽约现代艺术博物馆
So another one of my favorites, "The Starry Night." 我的另一个最爱:“星夜”
Now the example I showed you was all about finding details. 我刚才给你们讲的例子全是关于细节
But what if you want to see brush strokes ? 那如果你想看笔法呢?
what if:如果…怎么办? strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
And what if you want to see how Van Gogh actually created this masterpiece ? 如果你想看 凡高到底是怎样创造了这幅杰作
You zoom in. You really go in. 你放大, 真的放大
I'm going to go to one of my favorite parts in this painting, and I'm really going to get to the cracks. 我推近到我最喜欢的部分 我真的可以看到裂痕
This is "The Starry Night," 这是“星夜”
I think, never seen like this before. 我想,我从来没有这样看过它
I'm going to show you my other favorite feature. 我要给你们介绍另外一个我喜欢的功能
There's a lot of other stuff here, but I don't have time. 这儿有很多东西,我没时间一一介绍
This is the real cool part. It's called Collections. 这是特别酷的一个部分,叫收藏
Any one of you, anybody -- doesn't matter if you're rich, if you're poor, if you have a fancy house -- doesn't matter. 你们任何人, 任何人 不管你是富有还是贫穷 无论你是否有一个华丽的房子,无所谓
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
You can go and create your own museum online -- create your own collection across all these images. 你可以进入,建立你自己的网络博物馆 在这些作品中建立自己的收藏
Very simply, you go in -- and I've created this, called The Power of Zoom -- you can just zoom around. 很简单, 你进入 我创建了这个叫做变焦的力量 你可以不断变焦到处看看
This is "The Ambassadors ," based in the National Gallery . 这是国家艺术馆的“使者们”
Ambassadors:n.大使(ambassador的复数形式); Gallery:n.画廊;走廊;旁听席;地道;v.在…修建走廊;挖地道;
You can annotate the stuff, send it to your friends and really get a conversation going about what you're feeling when you go through these masterpieces . 你可以写注解,然后发给朋友 真的展开讨论 探讨你的欣赏这些 杰作的感想
annotate:v.给…作注解(或评注); masterpieces:n.杰作;绝无仅有的人;
So I think, in conclusion , for me, the main thing is that all the amazing stuff here does not really come from Google. 所以我想, 概括一下 对我来说,最主要的是 这些精湛的艺术品不是来自谷歌
in conclusion:总之;最后;
It doesn't, in my opinion , even come from the museums. 我个人甚至认为它也不是来自博物馆
in my opinion:在我看来;我认为;
I probably shouldn't say that. 我可能不应该这么说
It really comes from these artists. 它真的来自这些艺术家
And that's been my humbling experience in this. 这就是我在这个过程中的谦诚的感受
I mean, I hope in this digital medium that we do justice to their artwork and represent it properly online. 我是说我希望这个数字媒体 能够为他们的艺术作品赢得公证 正确地展示他们的作品
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; do justice to:公平对待;使…的价值充分发挥;适当处理; represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送;
And the biggest question I get asked nowadays is, "Did you do this to replicate the experience of going to a museum?" 而如今我得到的最大的问题是: “你这样做 是想复制去博物馆的经验吗?”
replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品;
And the answer is no. 我的回答是不
It's to supplement the experience. 这是一种补充的体验
And that's it. Thank you. 我就说这些, 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)