

Stephanie Busari: President Ameenah, thank you for joining us. 史帝芬妮布莎莉(以下简称「史」) :雅米娜总统,谢谢你加入我们。
Even as TED speakers go, you're something of an overachiever . 就算以 TED 的讲者来说, 你也算是个高成就者。
Ameenah Gurib-Fakim: (Laughs) 雅米娜古瑞柏法金 (以下简称「雅」):(笑声)
SB: You have a PhD in organic chemistry , you were vice chancellor of the University of Mauritius, a successful entrepreneur , you've won numerous awards for your work in science and you're the first Muslim female head of state in Africa. 史:你拥有有机化学的博士学位, 你是模里西斯大学的副校长, 一名成功的企業家, 你的科学研究得过多个奖项, 且你是非洲国家中 第一位女性穆斯林领袖。
organic chemistry:n.有机化学; vice chancellor:n.大学副校长;副大法官; entrepreneur:n.企业家;承包人;主办者; numerous:adj.许多的,很多的; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; head of state:n.国家元首;
(Applause) (掌声)
And of course, you're no stranger to the TEDGlobal stage; you gave a talk in 2014. 当然你对 TEDGlobal 舞台并不陌生; 2014 年你来演讲过。
Did you have any political ambitions at that time? 那时你有任何政治野心吗?
How did you go from academic to president? 你是怎么从学者变成总统的?
AGF: OK, thanks, Stephanie. 雅:好,谢谢,史帝芬妮。
First of all , I'd like to thank TED for having given me the opportunity to be here today. 首先,我要谢谢 TED, 给我机会让我今天能在这里。
First of all:adv.首先;
And I would also like to thank the government of Tanzania and the president for the welcome. 我也想谢谢坦尚尼亚的政府 以及总统给我的欢迎。
And also, I'd like to thank the contribution of our consul , 我也要谢谢我们的领事 雷兹维先生的贡献,
contribution:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;稿件; consul:n.领事;(古罗马的)两执政官之一;
Mr. Rizvi, who's here, has been very supportive for all our stay here. 他也在现场, 他很支持我们在此停留。
Now, to answer your question, did I have any ambitions in politics ? 对于你刚才的问题, 我之前有任何对政治的野心吗?
The straight answer is no. 直接的答案是,没有。
straight answer:直接的回答;
I did not choose the world of politics; the world of politics chose me. 我并没有选择政治世界; 政治世界选择了我。
So here I am. 所以,我就在这里了。
(Applause) (掌声)
SB: So, was there ever anything in your journey that ever made you think that one day you would become president of your country? 史:那么,在你的旅程中, 有没有什么会让你想到 有一天你会成为你国家的总统?
Did you ever imagine that? 你可曾想像过?
AGF: Absolutely not . 雅:完全没有。
Absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
I think the journey started immediately after TED, actually. 我想,这段旅程其实是在 TED 之后就立即开始了。
When I went back, this journalist called me and said, "You know, your name has been cited for the president of the republic," 我回去之后,有个记者 打电话给我,并说: 「你知道吗,在谈到共和国总统时, 你的名字被提及了。」
journalist:n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者; cited:v.提及(原因);举出(示例);列举;引用;传讯;(cite的过去分词和过去式)
I said, "Ma'am, you must be mistaken , because I have no ambition whatsoever ." 我说:「女士,你一定搞错了, 因为我一点野心也没有。」
mistaken:adj.错误;不正确;被误解的;v.弄错;误解;误会;(mistake的过去分词) whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
She said, "No, it's serious. 她说:「不,我是认真的。
Can you come and tell me this in the form of a declaration ? 你能不能来一趟, 并用声明的方式告诉我此事?
So, OK, you'll come?" 所以,好,你会来吧?」
So, of course, as good journalists go, the next day I see my TED picture and, with my name, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, "For president?" 所以,当然,就好记者而言, 隔天,我看到我的 TED 照片, 加上我的名字,雅米娜古瑞柏法金, 「竞选总统?」
A very small interrogation mark -- and people don't see the interrogation mark, they just see my name and they see my picture. 那个问号非常小, 而人们没有看到那个问号, 他们只看到我的名字、我的照片。
And that was a sounding board . 以及这是一个宣传招数。
sounding board:n.决策咨询人(或班子);
And again, as you have just said, it was a very interesting scenario because it was a scenario where they wanted to have somebody who was credible , had this political neutrality and at the same time , was for a minority because Islam is a minority religion in Mauritius, because in Mauritius, we stratify people's origins by virtue of their religious belief. 同样的,如你刚说的, 那是个非常有趣的局面, 因为在这个局面中,他们想要有个 可信的人, 有政治中立性, 同时,又是为了弱势, 因为伊斯兰在模里西斯是弱势宗教, 因为在模里西斯, 我们是用人们的宗教信仰 来将他们的出身做分层。
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; credible:adj.可靠的,可信的; neutrality:n.中立;中性;中立立场; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; minority:n.少数民族;少数派;未成年;adj.少数的;属于少数派的; stratify:vt.分层;成层;使形成阶层;vi.分层;成层;阶层化; origins:n.起源; (origin的复数) by virtue of:由于,凭借; religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑;
And -- I was a woman. 而且我是女性。
So this made it all very interesting. 所以,这让局面非常有趣。
So there we go, and this whole campaign started, and then people said, "Why not?" 所以,就这样, 整个竞选活动就开始了, 人们说:「为什么不?」
Now, this is very important to note, Stephanie, because normally , the president is elected after the election. 史帝芬妮,这点是很重要的, 因为,一般来说, 总统是在选举之后才选出。
And here we had a scenario where the name of the president was flagged before the election process , during the campaign. 而这里,我们的局面是, 在选举过程之前,在竞选 活动中,就有总统的名字 被摇旗吶喊。
So when people voted, they knew that at some point, they would have this Muslim woman president. 所以当人民在投票时,他们知道, 在某个时点,他们会 有个穆斯林女总统。
SB: Does it feel significant to you as a woman to be the first female president of your country? 史:身为女性,你觉得成为 你的国家的第一位 女总统是很重要的吗?
AGF: It's important for many reasons. 雅:很重要,理由有好几个。
I think, obviously, you just mentioned the terrible statistics of two female presidents in the whole of Africa. 很明显,你刚刚提到 很糟糕的统计数字, 整个非洲只有两位女性总统。
But more importantly, 但,更重要的,
I think it's important also coming from the background I come from -- by background I mean not ethnic , but more academic and entrepreneurial -- to be there, 我认为来自什么背景也很重要。 我说的背景并不是指种族背景, 而是指学术和企業背景。 在那里,
ethnic:adj.种族的;人种的; entrepreneurial:adj.企业家的,创业者的;中间商的;
to be that role model for that little girl growing in my village to say, "Yes, it's possible." 做为我村落里成长中女孩的典范, 说:「是,是有可能的。」
role model:n.榜样;崇拜对象;
It's possible. 是有可能的。
(Applause) (掌声)
It's also important, Stephanie, while I talk about diversity -- diversity in the widest sense of the word. 史帝芬妮,我谈到的 多样性也很重要。 用这个字最广义的定义。
We've seen that whenever there was diversity, whenever there was openness , whenever there was dialogue, this was the time when societies have been most productive . 我们看到,有多样性存在的时候, 有开放性存在的时候, 有对话存在的时候, 就是社会最有生产力的时候。
openness:n.公开;宽阔;率真; productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的;
When we talk about the Arab Golden Age , we cannot not think of Ibn Sina, al-Haytham, 当我们谈到伊斯兰黄金时代, 我们不能不想到伊本西那、 海什木、
Golden Age:n.鼎盛时期;
Averroes, 伊本鲁世德、
Maimonides. 迈蒙尼德。
This was a time when cultures, religions -- they were talking to each other. 在这个时代,文化、区域 在彼此交谈,
They were at peace with each other. 和平共存。
And this was a time when they were highly productive. 在这个时代,它们的生产力非常高。
So I would say: bring down these walls. 所以我会说:推倒这些墙。
bring down:降低;打倒,打死;击落;
SB: Absolutely, absolutely. 史:绝对是,绝对是。
(Applause) (掌声)
AGF: Virtual or otherwise. 雅:不论实质或虚拟的墙。
SB: Let's also talk about another conflict area which you straddle quite interestingly . 史:咱们也来谈谈另一个冲突领域, 你也以很有意思的方式跨立的领域。
conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; straddle:v.跨坐;两腿叉开坐;跨立于;跨越;n.跨坐; interestingly:adv.有趣地;
As a woman of faith and also a scientist, you know, faith and science seem to be at loggerheads . 身为有信仰的女人以及科学家, 你知道的,信仰和科学 似乎是在相争的。
faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰; at loggerheads:对立,冲突;
It wasn't always so, but I'm interested to get your thoughts on how you reconcile both and how they coexist for you personally . 不见得总是如此, 但我想了解你的想法, 你如何调解两者、 对你个人而言两者如何共存?
reconcile:v.使和谐一致;调和;使配合;使和解;妥协; coexist:vi.共存;和平共处; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言;
AGF: They're not mutually exclusive . 雅:它们并非相斥的。
mutually:adv.互相地;互助; exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者;
I mean, if you're a scientist, you tend to really look at the perfection of the human body, the way it functions. 我的意思是,如果你是科学家, 你倾向会去看人类身体的完美, 看它怎么运作。
If you look at nature as a whole . 如果你去看整个大自然。
as a whole:总的来说;
I'm still amazed at the perfection with which the entire ecosystem functions together. 我还是会对那完美感到惊讶, 整个生态系统一起运作的那种完美。
However, to the purists , to those who are of faith, they will tell you, "Yes, there has been evolution ." 然而,对纯粹主义者, 对那些有信仰的人而言, 他们会告诉你: 「是的,有发生过演化。」
purists:n.纯化论者(purist的复数); evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进;
Even the Pope has agreed that evolution exists. 即使教皇也同意演化是存在的。
But there's always the question: What came first? 但总是会有这个问题:什么先发生?
What came before this? 在这之前是什么?
When we talk about all the various strata of evolution, we'll always be asking the question, there must be something before. 当我们谈到演化的所有各层时, 总会问这个问题, 之前一定还有什么。
So I'm of the opinion that yes, there is this great spiritual force which is guiding the process, and things like this don't happen by chance . 我的意见是,是的, 的确有伟大的灵性力量 在引导整个过程, 像这样的事物不会偶然发生。
spiritual:n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的);adj.精神的,心灵的; by chance:偶然;意外地;
Now, whether you call it religiosity , whether you call this great spirit by any name -- 不论你是否称之为笃信宗教, 不论你用任何名称 来称呼这个伟大的灵性──
Brahma , Allah , the Holy Trinity -- you name it -- but I still think that these two are not mutually exclusive. 梵天、阿拉、三位一体, 任何你想得到的── 我仍然认为,这两者是不相斥的。
Brahma:n.梵天(印度教主神之一); Allah:n.真主;阿拉; Trinity:n.三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍;
They can still coexist with each other. 它们仍然能彼此共存。
SB: So let's move to one of your passions -- science. 史:咱们接着来谈你热衷的「科学」。
You've made no secret of that. 你完全不保密,
And you've always been passionate about science. 你一直都对科学很有热忱。
I read that when you were a very young girl, you went to a career guidance counselor and told them you wanted to become a chemist, and they said, "No, it's for boys. 我读到,当你还是个小女孩时, 你去找一个职涯指导顾问, 告诉他们你想要当化学家, 他们说:「不行,那是男生做的。
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; counselor:n.顾问;法律顾问;参事(等于counsellor);
Boys do science." 男生才做科学。」
Did that make you even more determined to study science and to succeed in that field? 那是否让你更坚决要研读科学, 并在那个领域中成功?
How did you respond to that? 你对那件事的反应是什么?
AGF: Well, to begin with, 雅:嗯,首先,
I must say, before I came to that career guidance officer, 我必须说,我去找 那位职涯指导员之前,
I had great teachers who motivated . 我有过很棒的老师, 他们一直激励着我。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
And this is something I would like to draw attention to again, to our education system. 我想要把注意力再次拉到这里, 我们的教育体制。
draw attention to:吸引对;吸引注意力;指出;对;
We have to do away with this rote learning. 我们得要停止死记硬背的学习。
do away with:v.废除,去掉;弄死; rote:n.死记硬背;生搬硬套;
We have to ensure that we drive this curiosity in the child, and they need to be curious . 我们得要确保我们能 驱动孩童的好奇心, 他们必须要有好奇心。
ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
And if we want to move along the line for them to become great scientists, they need to become more and more curious in everything they do. 如果我们想要在这个过程中 让他们能变成伟大的科学家, 他们必须要对他们 所做的一切都更好奇。
So every time -- exactly -- I went to see the careers guidance, he looked at me and said, "What do you want to do?" 所以每一次我去找职涯指导员时, 他会看着我然后说: 「你想要做什么?」
I said, "I want to study chemistry." 我说:「我想读化学。」
'"Well, you shouldn't study chemistry because this is for boys. 「嗯,你不该读化学, 因为那是男生读的。
And the next thing, when you come back, there'll be no job for you." 接下来,当你回来时, 就没有给你做的工作了。」
So I went back home, and I had a great cheerleader at home who happens to be my father. 所以我返回家, 我家里有个很棒的 支持者,就是我老爸。
He said, "What do you want to do?" and asked, "What did he say?" 他对我说:「你想要做什么?」 并问:「他说什么?」
I said, "This is what he said ..." He said, "What are you going to do?" 我说:「这就是他说的…」 他说:「你打算怎么做?」
I said, "I'm going to do chemistry." 我说:「我要做化学。」
So there I was. 所以我就去了。
And one thing I will say: one must always follow your heart. 我要说一件事: 你必须要跟着你的心走。
And my heart was always in chemistry. 我的心一直在化学。
I did what I was passionate about, and I thought at some point that I had developed this thinking that if you're passionate about what you do, you will not have to work a single day in your life, until I realized it was Confucius who said that. 我做了我热爱的事, 在某个时点,我发展出了这个想法: 如果你热爱你所做的事, 你人生当中的每一天都不需要工作, 后来我才知道这是孔子说的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
SB: So do you feel a responsibility, as someone in your position, to encourage young girls, especially on this continent , to study STEM subjects? 史:坐在这个职位上, 你是否感到有责任 要去鼓励年轻女孩, 特别是在这块大陆上, 鼓励她们研读科学、技术、 工程、数学这类的科目?
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
Is that something that you actively work -- 你是否会主动去努力做像这样的事?
AGF: You know, over the past two days, Stephanie, we've been hearing a lot of conversation about the sustainable development goals. 雅:在过去两天,史帝芬妮, 我们听到了很多关于 永续发展目标的谈话。
sustainable development:可持续发展;
We've seen that, for example, 比如,我们了解到
Africa must be food secure, 非洲需要有粮食保障。
Africa must be energy secure, 非洲需要有能源保障。
Africa must be water secure. 非洲需要有水保障。
If we want to get to that level of development -- 如果我们想要达到那种程度的发展,
Agenda 2030 is not very far away -- if you want to have success, we need to have an educated youth in Africa. 2030 议程并不是那么遥远, 如果你想要成功, 在非洲我们必须有受教育的年轻人。
And again, to be very cliché: you cannot achieve, you cannot win a football match, if you're going to leave 52 percent of the team outside. 同样的,这是老调了: 你无法达到成功,你无法赢一场足球赛, 如果你打算把 52% 的队员留在场外
It's not possible. 是不可能赢的。
(Applause) (掌声)
SB: Yes. 史:是的。
AGF: So we need highly educated, we need female intuition , and we need to get them there. 雅:所以我们需要高度受教育的, 我们需要女性直觉, 我们需要做到这些。
And this is where a great deal of effort has to be done to actually motivate them from a very young age, to tell that girl that she can do anything. 在这里需要花很多的功夫, 才能在孩童很小的时候 便去激励他们, 告诉那个女孩,她可以做到任何事。
a great deal of:大量;
And if the message comes from her father, if the message comes from her brother, it's even much more powerful. 如果这个讯息是来自她的父亲, 如果这个讯息是来自她的哥哥, 它会更强大更有力。
We need to tell her that anything is possible and she can do it. 我们需要告诉她,什么都有可能, 且她办得到。
We need to build her self-confidence from a very early age, but more importantly, we also need to actually look at the books, because there are too many stereotypes . 我们需要在她很小的时候 就建立她的自信, 更重要的是 我们也要仔细观察书本里的东西, 因为书中存在太多刻板的成见。
self-confidence:n.自信; stereotypes:n.模式化观念(或形象); v.对…形成模式化(或类型化)的看法; (stereotype的第三人称单数和复数)
Last year, I was very shocked when I went to a debate on Women's Day. 去年,我去一场关于妇女节 的辩论时感到十分震惊。
They had a survey , and they were asking these girls how many women inventors we have, how many women scientists do we have. 他们有项调查, 他们去询问女孩,我们 有多少女性发明家、 有多少女性科学家。
And you'd be shocked that hardly anyone knew that Ada Lovelace was there behind computer science , that Marie Curie still remains iconic with two Nobel prizes. 你会觉得很震惊,几乎没有人知道 爱达·勒芙蕾丝 是电脑科学领域的先驱, 居礼夫人是赢得 两项诺贝尔奖的指标人物。
computer science:n.计算机科学; Curie:n.[核]居里(姓氏); iconic:adj.图标的,形象的;
So there's a lot of homework to do to actually make -- to remove all these gender biases at a very young age; instill that confidence in that girl; to tell her that she can do as well if not better than her brother. 还有很多功课要做,才能真的让── 才能在非常小的年纪 就将这些性别偏见除去; 让那个小女孩能够有信心; 告诉她,她可以做得 和她哥哥一样好,甚至更好。
gender:n.性别; biases:n.偏差,偏见(bias的复数形式);v.偏见(bias的三单形式); instill:vt.徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输;
SB: Yes. 史:是的。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
So, let's move on to an area that I know you've been very active in, which is the issue of biodiversity . 咱们再接着谈下一个领域, 我知道你在这个领域一直很活跃, 也就是关于生物多样性的议题。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; biodiversity:n.生物多样性;
You've been quite clear that this is an area that Africa must embrace . 你非常清楚知道, 非洲必须要拥抱这个领域。
We have an abundance of rich herbal traditions and plants that could be developed into a big pharmaceutical industry. 我们有很丰富的草药传统和植物, 可以发展成很大的药品業。
abundance:n.丰度;丰富;大量;富足; herbal:adj.草药的;草本的;n.植物志;草本书; pharmaceutical:adj.制药(学)的;n.药物;
Can you tell us a little bit of how you've been using your expertise to harness growth in this area? 你能否和我们谈谈, 你过去如何在这个领域中 使用你的专长来幫助成长?
expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见; harness:vt.治理; n.马具;
AGF: Thank you. 雅:谢谢。
Yesterday, I was listening to one of the talks; it was the talk about the need for Africa to turn into a knowledge economy . 昨天,我在听其中一场演说; 那场演说是关于非洲需要 转变成为一个知识经济体。
knowledge economy:知识经济;
Africa has got very rich traditions. 非洲有非常丰富的传统。
Sub-Saharan Africa, southern Africa, has got over 5,000 medicinal plant species , not harnessed . 撒哈拉以南非洲,非洲南部, 有超过五千种的医疗用植物品种 都还没被利用。
Sub-Saharan:撒哈拉以南地区; medicinal:adj.药的;药用的;治疗的(等于medicinable);有益的; species:n.[生物]物种;种类; harnessed:v.给(马等)上挽具;控制,利用(以产生能量等);(harness的过去式和过去分词)
And, in fact, at the TED talk I gave in 2014, 事实上,在 2014 年 我来 TED 做的演说中,
I came out with one sentence: "Biodiversity underpins life on earth." 我说出了一句话: 「生物多样性加强了 地球上之生命的基础。」
And if we don't look after this biodiversity, if we don't protect it, if we don't actually harness it in the right way, we are threatening our own livelihoods on this planet. 如果我们不好好照顾这生物多样性, 如果我们不保护它, 如果我们不用正确的方式来利用它, 我们就会威胁到我们 自己在地球上的生计。
When we talk about the contribution from countries of the north to the Green Fund for the protection of our planet, it is not charity . 我们谈到北方国家对于绿色气候基金 做出贡献,来保护我们的星球, 那并不是慈善事業,
Fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助; charity:n.慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物;
It is to ensure our own collective livelihoods on this planet. 那是要保障我们自己 在地球上的集体生计。
So this is something that must be addressed . 所以这是必须要处理的事情。
addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式)
Now, again, when you talk about getting this biodiversity of Africa working for us, you'd be shocked to know that out of the 1,100 blockbuster drugs that we have on the market , only 83 come from African plants. 同样的,当谈到要让 非洲的生物多样性对我们有用处, 你会很震惊,因为 我们在市场上有 1,100 种畅销药物, 当中只有 83 种是来自非洲植物。
blockbuster:n.轰动;巨型炸弹;一鸣惊人者; on the market:上市;出售的;
Why is this so? 为什么会这样?
Because we are responsible; us Africans. 因为我们要负责, 我们非洲人
We don't value our own traditional knowledge. 不珍视自己的传统知识,
We don't give it the same status as allopathic medicine. 我们没把它和现代医学平等地看待。
status:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身份; allopathic:adj.对症疗法的;n.对抗治疗药;
Look at what China has done. 看看中国所做的,
China has given the same status for traditional Chinese medicine as allopathic medicine, as of 2016. 中国给予传统中药和现代医学的药物 同等的地位, 始于 2016 年。
traditional Chinese medicine:中药;
Our governments, our people, have not documented, have not taken this knowledge seriously. 我们的政府、我们的人民 一直没有做记录, 没有认真看待这项知识。
If you want to get serious about Africa becoming a knowledge continent, this is something that we need to address very seriously, we need to start documenting, we need to start codifying this knowledge, and unfortunately , we are racing against time because tradition in Africa is that the transmission has always been oral . 如果是认真地想要让 非洲变成是知识大陆, 这就是我们得要严肃处理的议题, 我们要开始做记录, 我们要开始把这项知识编成法典, 不幸的是,我们在和时间赛跑, 因为在非洲,传统上的传播方式 一直都是用口头的。
codifying:vt.编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典; unfortunately:adv.不幸地; transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置; oral:adj.口头的; n.(尤指外语考试中的)口试; (大学里的)口试;
So we need to get our act together and make it happen. 所以我们得要开始行动,让它实现。
SB: So there's really a sense of urgency around this. 史:这方面真的是有种紧急感。
AGF: Yes. 雅:是的。
(Applause) (掌声)
SB: And have you done anything yourself in respect to documenting -- 史:关于记录这方面, 你自己有做什么吗?
AGF: Yes, I definitely did. 雅:有,绝对有。
When I started my career in academia , one of the first things I did was I documented precisely these plants. 当我开始在学术界的职涯, 我最早做的其中一件事 就是精确记录这些植物。
And I'll tell you one thing -- it was not perceived to be very serious, because here I was, in synthetic organic chemistry, going out there, talking to these grandmothers, documenting their recipes . 我可以告诉你,一直以来 「纪录」这件事没被认真看待。 因为我做合成有机化学, 去外面和老太太们对谈, 记录她们的处方。
perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词) synthetic:adj.综合的;合成的,人造的;n.合成物; recipes:n.烹饪法;食谱;方法;秘诀;诀窍;(recipe的复数)
I mean, you can't be serious -- bringing weeds in the lab, and say, "We're going to be working on these." 我的意思是,你可不能当真 只把这些野草带进实验室, 说:「我们要来研究这些。」
weeds:n.野草(weed的复数形式); v.清除(weed的第三人称单数形式);
Are we going to get results? 我们会得到结果吗?
So it was really a race against prejudice to try to take people's -- bring them to the table and say, "Look, this is very important." 所以这是在和偏见赛跑, 试着把人们的── 请人们坐下来,对他们说: 「听着,这很重要。」
But I'm glad I did, because by that time, you start developing a crocodile skin, especially when you're a woman in the lab doing different things. 但我很高兴我做了, 因为那时,你开始开发鳄鱼皮肤, 特别是当你是实验室中 的女性,在做不同的事。
You know -- you become suspect . 你知道-你会带着很多疑问。
So I documented it; I'm very happy I did. 所以我记录了它;我很高兴我做了。
And now, almost 20 years since the documentation , it now constitutes prior art, and is now very well-documented at WIPO, and it is now the information which, subsequently , my company actually started working on as well. 现在,离记录那时已经快二十年了, 它现在成了先前技术, 现在在世界智慧财产权组织 做了很好的记录, 它也是后来我的公司 真的开始研究的资讯。
documentation:n.文件,证明文件,史实,文件编制; constitutes:v.被算作;组成;构成;(合法或正式地)成立,设立;(constitute的第三人称单数) prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先; well-documented:adj.证据充分的; subsequently:adv.随后,其后;后来;
SB: So, I watched you in the makeup room taking selfies with the makeup artist , and just being generally very accessible . 史:我看到你在化妆室时, 和化妆师拍自拍照, 就是非常平易近人。
makeup artist:化妆师; generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
And it strikes me that you're not the kind of typical , big-man, African leader. 我有点吃惊, 因为你不是那种典型的 大男人非洲领导人。
You seem very -- 你似乎非常──
AGF: You just demoted me. You called me a man. 雅:你刚刚把我降级了,称我为男人。
(Laughter) (笑声)
SB: I mean your style -- 史:我是指你的风格──
(Applause) (掌声)
Your style seems to be very accessible and quite unassuming . 你的风格似乎非常友善 且很不爱出风头。
So is this -- 所以这是──
I mean, people tend to ask women leaders if their gender has a bearing on the way they rule, or the way they lead. 我的意思是,人们 倾向会问女性领导人 她们的性别是否会和 她们治国的方式有关联, 或和她们领导的方式有关。
Does that apply to you? 这适用在你身上吗?
AGF: You know, I've never taken myself seriously. 雅:你知道,我从来 不会严肃看待我自己。
SB: OK. That's good. 史:好,那很好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
AGF: I still don't. 雅:现在也一样。
And I don't think you should take yourself seriously. 我不认为你应该要严肃地看待你自己。
You need to have trust in what you can do, have confidence in yourself and give yourself a set of goals and just work towards them. 你需要相信自己能做事, 对你自己有信心, 给你自己一组目标, 只管朝目标前进。
So the goal I've given myself is, OK, I'm leading my third life -- because I've been an academic, I've been an entrepreneur, now I'm here. 所以我给自己的目标是, 好,我在过我第三个人生── 因为我曾有学术人生, 我有企業家人生,现在我在这里。
I'm hoping to have a fourth life. 我希望会有第四个人生。
So put these to work for the continent. 所以,要让这些能在非洲大陆实现。
And this is why I have chosen to give my voice to so many initiatives that would help the youth of Africa become tech-savvy, become science-savvy, because as I said earlier on, up until they get to grips with science, 这就是为什么我选择 要为这么多计画发声, 这些计画能协助 非洲的年轻人知晓科技、 知晓科学, 因为我先前说过, 除非他们能够掌握科学,
initiatives:n.积极性;主动权(initiative的复数);创始; as I said:正如我所说的 grips:vbl.抓爪;
with whatever is around -- media , technology , you name it, all calls for a good grounding in science, technology and innovation . 不论用身边的什么东西, 媒体、技术、你想得到的都可以, 都需要在科学、技术、 创新上有很好的基础。
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
I think we'll be here, 10 years, 20 years down the line, having the same conversation. 我想再十年或二十年, 我们将会在这里, 做同样的对谈。
SB: Let's talk quickly about the challenges of leadership and governance . 史:咱们再快速谈一下关于 领导和治理的挑战。
It's hard to ignore that there's corruption on this continent with some of our leaders. 这块大陆上,我们的一些 领导人有贪腐的行为, 这点很难忽略。
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落;
How have you confronted that in your role, and what experiences can you share with us around this issue? 以你的角色,你要如何面对? 关于这个议题,你有什么 经验可以和我们分享?
AGF: We've had corruption -- corruption doesn't exist only in Africa. 雅:我们一直有贪腐, 贪腐不是非洲才有。
Where there is a corruptee, there is a corrupter . 有受贿者的地方就会有行贿者。
Right? It's always a two-way process. 对吗?它一直都是双向的过程。
We have focused in my country, we are working very hard towards doing something about corruption, but, you know, they also have great people in Africa. 在我的国家,我们有在注意这事, 我们非常努力要来处理贪腐, 但,你知道,在非洲也有很好的人。
Why do we always focus on the negative ? Why don't we talk about ... 为什么我们都把焦点放在负面? 我们为什么不谈谈──
I want to bring on board, for example, the great quotes of Nelson Mandela. 比如,我想引用 纳尔逊曼德拉很棒的引述。
His legacy is still very much alive. 他的遗产仍然活着。
We have people in -- even in Tanzania, we've had Julius Nyerere, he have Nkrumah, we have Kenyatta, we have all these people who have been champions of Africa. 我们有些人在──甚至在坦尚尼亚, 我们有朱利叶斯尼雷尔、 我们有恩克鲁玛、 我们有甘耶达、 我们有所有这些 出类拔萃的非洲人。
I think we need to take pages of their book and see. 我想我们得要去效法他们。
In fact, Julius Nyerere himself had been a great advocate for science when he said that "science will make deserts bloom ." 事实上,朱利叶斯尼雷尔 自己就很拥护科学, 他说:「科学会让沙漠也能开花。」
advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春;
So these are some of the founding fathers of this continent; we need to take pages from them and move ahead. 他们都是这块大陆的一些开国元勛; 我们需要向他们学习, 并向前走。
(Applause) (掌声)
SB: Thank you very much, President Fakim. 史:非常谢谢你,法金总统。
AGF: Thank you. 雅:谢谢你。
(Applause) (掌声)