

In February 2013, my wife and I moved to Singapore. 2013 年 2 月, 我和妻子搬去了新加坡。
Exactly at the same time , 与此同时,
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Uber has announced it started operations in the country. Uber(优步)宣布 在新加坡开始运营。
Now, my wife and I agree on a lot of things, but using Uber was definitely not one of them. 我和我妻子在很多事情上 都保持一致的态度, 但使用 Uber 绝不是其中之一。
While I was excited about the technology and how maybe we don't need to own cars anymore, she felt that every Uber car is here to steal jobs from taxi drivers. 我对这项科技感到兴奋不已, 认为它可能意味着 我们以后再也不用养私家车了, 她却认为每一辆在这儿的 Uber 都在从当地出租车司机手里抢工作。
And Sarah was not the only one. 莎拉(我妻子) 并不是唯一 一个这么想的人。
As the Ubers, Airbnbs and Amazons of the world -- what we call "online marketplaces " -- as they started expanding their presence , we have heard, all of us, countless policymakers worried about how to deal with these new risks of job destruction , lower wages and tax leakage . 当全世界的“在线市场” —— Uber (优步),Airbnb (爱彼迎), Amazon (亚马逊) 等 开始拓展业务时, 我们所有人也能听到 无数的政策制定者 都在担忧如何应对 它们带来的新风险: 对就业市场的打击, 工资缩水,和税收下降。
Amazons:n.亚马逊人;奴役现象;亚马逊鹦鹉;亚马逊女战士(Amazon的复数); marketplaces:n.市场;集贸市场(marketplace的复数); expanding:v.扩大,增加,增强细谈;详述;(expand的现在分词) presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态; countless:adj.无数的;数不尽的; policymakers:n.决策人;(policymaker的复数) destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁; wages:n.[劳经]工资; v.开展(运动等)(wage的第三人称单数形式); leakage:n.泄漏;渗漏物;漏出量;
We've also heard company leaders worried about aggressive competition from global platforms eating up their local businesses. 我们也听说过公司领导人 担心这些环球平台带来的激烈竞争 会蚕食他们的当地企业。
aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
And on the rational level, of course I understand. 从理性的角度讲,我当然能理解,
After all, this is basic supply and demand economics. 毕竟,这是经济学基本的 供需关系模型。
supply and demand:n.供求关系;
If, in any market, you dramatically increase supply, you should expect prices, profitability and growth to go down for existing players. 如果你在任何一个市场 大幅增加供给量, 那么市场价格、收益率 和经济增长对于现有参与者来说 就会相应下降。
dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; profitability:n.赢利能力;收益性;利益率;
But in my personal experience, 但以我个人的经验来看,
I've also seen the other side of the story. 我也见过与之截然相反的情况。
Where online marketplaces, like Gojek in Indonesia or Jumia in Africa, have helped their business ecosystems and the communities around them. 像印度尼西亚的 Gojek, 非洲的 Jumia 等在线市场, 实际上反而能帮助当地的 商业生态系统和周围的社区。
Indonesia:n.印尼,印度尼西亚(东南亚岛国); ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数); communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
The positive side I have seen demonstrated itself in a woman, a taxi driver in Egypt, that now had the opportunity to work without the harassment she faced in the taxi business. 我所见到的积极一面 在一位女士身上体现了出来。 她是埃及的一位出租车司机。 她现在可以有机会 在一个不会受到出租车行业 那样骚扰的环境下工作。
positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式) harassment:n.骚扰;烦恼;
It demonstrated itself through a village in Kenya that got an economic boost , because the nearby beautiful but completely unknown lake is now becoming a national ecotourism spot. 这种好的方面同时也在肯尼亚 一个取得经济增长的村庄中 得以体现, 因为当地附近的一个美丽 而又完全与世隔绝的湖泊 现在已经成为了一个 国家级生态旅游景点。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; boost:n.提高;增长;帮助;激励;v.使增长;使兴旺;偷窃; nearby:adj.附近的,邻近的;adv.在附近;prep.在…附近; ecotourism:n.生态旅游,生态旅行(前往生态资源未被破坏的地方旅行);
Online marketplaces will continue to grow. 在线市场未来还会持续发展。
And they will transform the way we shop, the way we travel and the way we transact with each other. 并且它们将会变革我们购物、 旅行 和与他人交往的模式。
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; transact:v.做交易;(与人或组织)做业务
So we really need to understand where is the truth between those two stories. 所以我们现在需要弄清楚, 这两种故事,到底谁是真相。
Should we expect more of the bright side or more of the dark and worrying side? 我们应该期待好的一面会发生, 还是觉得不好的、 引人忧虑的一面会发生?
And is there a way to get the first without getting the second? 有没有可能只有好的一面会发生?
I believe there is. 我相信这种可能是存在的。
As a strategy consultant , I study businesses for a living. 作为一名战略顾问, 我以研究商业模式谋生。
strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略; consultant:n.顾问;高级顾问医师;会诊医师;
And as a mathematician at heart, 并且作为一名数学爱好者,
I couldn't live with something and its opposite being equally true. 我无法忍受两个完全相反的事物 被认定为同样正确。
So, I went back to fundamentals , and I asked the question: 所以,我问了一个比较基本的问题:
What do online marketplaces really do? 在线市场究竟在做什么?
What do they do? 它们在做什么?
Well, at their core , they're doing something very simple. 它们的核心原理 其实非常简单,
They match sellers and buyers . 就是将卖家与买家进行配对。
That's it. 就这么简单。
For drivers and passengers, you get Uber, Grab in Southeast Asia or DiDi in China. 对于配对司机和乘客, 我们有 Uber、东南亚的 Grab, 还有中国的滴滴。
Grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; Southeast:adj.东南的;来自东南的;n.东南;东南地区;adv.来自东南; DiDi:n.迪迪(足球运动员名);
For matching merchants and consumers , you get Amazon, Alibaba or Jumia in Africa. 对于配对商家和消费者, 我们有Amazon (亚马逊), 阿里巴巴,和非洲的 Jumia。
merchants:n.[贸易]商人(merchant的复数); consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数)
And for housing, you get Airbnb; for fundraising , you get Kickstarter -- the list goes on. 对于租房,我们有 Airbnb (爱彼迎); 对于筹款,我们有 Kickstarter—— 诸如此类。
What all these examples have in common is that they transition this basic functionality of matching sellers and buyers from the physical world to the digital world. 而这些例子的共同点就是 他们将配对买卖双方 的基本功能 从实体世界转移到了电子世界。
transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; functionality:n.功能;[数]泛函性,函数性; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键;
And by doing so, they can find better matches, do it faster and ultimately , unlock more value for everyone. 通过这种方式, 他们能更好、更快地 配对买卖双方, 并且最终能让每个人 都得到更多价值。
In fact, online marketplaces' core benefit is that they get us more from the same amount of effort. 事实上,在线市场的核心价值 就在于我们付出同等努力, 能从中获得更多回报。
For example, if you're a taxi driver in San Francisco and you decide to work 10 hours per day, then you're actually having a paying passenger in your car for four hours out of the 10. 比方说, 如果你是旧金山的一名出租车司机, 你打算每天工作十个小时, 那么你每天十个小时里 将有四个小时 在服务顾客。
If you take the same car and put it on a platform like Uber, you can have paying passengers for an additional one and a half hours. 但如果你把同样的这辆车放到 像 Uber 这样的平台上, 那么你每天就可以有 额外一个半小时在服务顾客。
This is the same car becoming 40 percent more productive . 同样一辆车就 比以前多了 40% 的收益。
And the same has been proven true for other online marketplaces. 同样的道理在 其他在线市场也适用。
By design, they create more value for the economy . 它们的设计就决定了 能为经济发展创造更多价值。
Now, we need to figure out who gets this additional value. 我们现在需要弄清楚, 究竟是谁得到了这些额外的价值。
You can give it to the drivers -- more passengers, more income. 你可以把这些多余的利润给司机, 更多的乘客意味着更多的收入。
You can give it to consumers, if you reduce prices. 你也可以通过降低乘车价格, 把这些利润分给乘客。
Or you can decide that the platform gets to keep all of it. 或者你也可以决定 由平台保留全部利润。
What usually happens is that all three of them would somehow split it. 通常的情况是这三方 都会分得利润的一部分。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的;
But what about the rest of us? 但这对于其他人意味着什么?
We can also be impacted without being on either sides of this business. 尽管并不处于 这种商业模式的任何一侧, 我们也可能受到影响。
If my neighbor decides to rent his apartment on Airbnb , and we have more people coming in and out of the building, more noise than usual, then I'm getting an unpleasant side effect of this productivity magic. 如果我的邻居决定 在 Airbnb上出租他的公寓, 我们居住的这栋楼 就会有更多人员出入, 带来比以往更多的噪音, 那么这种提高效率的商业魔法 就会带来令我不快的副作用。
Airbnb:寻找奇居;爱本卜(一个网站); unpleasant:adj.令人不快的;不舒服的;不客气的 side effect:n.副作用;附带后果; productivity:n.生产力;生产率;生产能力;
This is what economists would call a " negative externality ." 经济学家通常将其称为 “负面的外部效应”。
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; externality:n.外在性;外形;外部事物;
The negative externality of Uber cars becoming more productive is taxi drivers seeing the value of their licenses drop by as much as 30 percent in New York, for example. 以纽约为例,Uber 车 变得更有效率 所带来的“负面的外部效应” 是让出租车司机的牌照 贬值高达百分之三十。
This is the dark side. 这就是其黑暗的一面。
And this is what sparks street demonstrations and sometimes, sometimes, even violence . 而这也是引起街头示威的导火索, 有时甚至会导致暴力冲突。
sparks:n.(船或飞机上的)无线电通信师; demonstrations:n.示范,展示(demonstration复数); violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
I profoundly believe this is avoidable . 我深切地认为这是可避免的。
profoundly:adv.深刻地;深深地;极度地; avoidable:adj.可避免的;可作为无效的;可回避的;
And it became clearer to me the more I have spent time in emerging markets. 我在新兴市场待的时间越长, 就越觉得如此。
In fact, during my time in Singapore, 事实上,在新加坡的那段时间里,
I spent half of any given week traveling in the region , between Malaysia, Thailand , Indonesia, and I became a user -- actually, more of a fan -- of online marketplaces that were not that well-known back then. 我每周都会花一半的时间 在马来西亚、泰国、 印度尼西亚之间往返, 于是我成为了一名 使用当时还不太普及 的在线市场的用户—— 更确切地说,是一名粉丝。
region:n.地区;范围;部位; Thailand:n.泰国(东南亚国家名); well-known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的;
But some of them made interesting strategic trade-offs that dramatically reduced their side effects, their externalities . 其中一些在线市场 做出了有趣的策略性取舍, 从而大幅减轻了它们的副作用, 也就是那些“外部影响”。
strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的; trade-offs:n.权衡(trade-off的复数);交易;物物交换; externalities:n.外部性;外部效应;
Take Gojek, for example. 以 Gojek 为例,
They're basically Uber for motor bikes. 他们本质上是摩托车界的 Uber,
They are one of the most liked online marketplaces in Indonesia, and this has a lot to do with the role they chose to play. 也是印度尼西亚 最受欢迎的在线市场之一, 而其中很大一部分原因 在于他们选择扮演的角色。
Instead of picking a fight with every other transportation option out there, they choose to gradually integrate them within their own platform, so that without leaving the Gojek app, you can check the public transportation schedule and choose to take a bus for a long distance. 他们选择 将其他交通方式逐渐整合到 自己的平台中,而不是与其进行竞争。 所以用户不需要切换出 Gojek 的应用, 就能查看公共交通时间表, 选择公交车作为长途出行的工具,
transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; option:n.选择;可选择的东西; gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; integrate:v.成为一体;(使)加入;adj.完全的; schedule:工作计划,日程安排
Then, maybe, a motorbike or a traditional taxi that you can order and pay for from within the same app. 或选择摩托车,传统的出租车, 这些预约和付款都可以 在同一个应用中进行操作。
If you look at Gojek today, nine out of 10 previous motor taxi drivers believe their quality of life has improved after joining the platform. 根据 Gojek 现在的数据, 十个前摩的司机中就有九个 认为在加入这个平台之后 生活质量得到了改善。
previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式)
And nine out of 10 consumers -- nine out of 10 -- believe that Gojek has a positive impact on society in general . 十个用户中有九个, 90% 的用户—— 认为,总体而言,Gojek 对社会产生了积极的影响。
in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
Now, this level of trust is what allowed Gojek to grow into what is today a super online marketplace for everything from food to grocery even massages and laundry pickups . 正是这种程度的信任 使得 Gojek 成长为 现在这样一个从食品杂货, 甚至是按摩,洗衣店衣物提取等服务 都涵盖到的一个超级在线市场。
grocery:n.食品杂货店;食品杂货; massages:n.按摩; v.按摩; (massage的第三人称单数和复数) laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服; pickups:n.拾音器;补拍镜头(pickup的复数);
It all came from a deliberate trade-off to be an orchestrator of a bigger ecosystem where others also have their role to play, instead of a single winner, a hero, that takes for himself what would, at the end, be a smaller pie. 而这一切都源于一个 经过深思熟虑的取舍决定: 成为更大的生态系统中的协调者, 让其他人也能参与进来, 而不是成为单一的赢家,“英雄”, 到最后只能分到一个 更小的“蛋糕”(利润)。
deliberate:v.深思熟虑;仔细考虑;反复思考;adj.故意的;蓄意的;存心的;不慌不忙的; orchestrator:n.管弦乐演奏家;管弦乐编曲家;
Another interesting example is Jumia. 另一个有趣的例子是 Jumia,
Jumia is the equivalent of Amazon in Africa. Jumia 相当于非洲的亚马逊。
But they don't generate the same level of fear in the small-business community . 但他们不会让小企业圈 产生对 Amazon 那种程度的担忧。
generate:v.产生;引起; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And one of the reasons for that is because they have decided to actively invest in African entrepreneurs , to grow them into the digital age. 其中的一个原因是 它们决定积极投资 非洲的创业者, 帮助他们成长, 以融入到数字时代中。
invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数)
Now keep in mind , 请大家考虑到一点,
keep in mind:记住;
Jumia is operating in countries with some of the lowest digital literacy and digital connectivity scores in the world. Jumia 是在世界上数字素养 (运用电脑及网络资源的能力) 和数字连接得分最低的 几个国家进行经营。
literacy:n.读写能力;精通文学; connectivity:n.[数]连通性;
Now they could have dealt with that the usual way, through lobbying for reforms -- and they probably do that -- but they have also built Jumia University, an e-learning platform where merchants can come and learn basic digital and business skills. 他们可以通过使用传统方法—— 为普及计算机进行游说, 他们可能也正在这么做, 但同时,他们还建造了 Jumia 大学, 一个在线学习平台, 通过它,商家能学到 基本的电子和商业知识。
lobbying:v.游说(从政者或政府);(lobby的现在分词) reforms:n.改革(reform的复数);v.改革(reform的单数第三人称); e-learning:n.电子学习;在线学习;
We have studied online marketplaces in Africa last year. 去年,我们研究了 非洲的在线市场。
And during that study, we have met one of Jumia's merchants. 在研究过程中,我们认识了 一名使用 Jumia 的商户。
His name is Jomo. 他叫 Jomo。
He was fired from his job in 2014, and at that time, he decided he wanted to become his own boss. 他在 2014 年被解雇, 在那时,他决定要当自己的老板。
He wanted to be independent . 他想变得独立,
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
He also wanted to never be fired again. 再也不想被解雇了。
So at that time, 但在那时,
Jomo had no clue what a business is. Jomo 对做生意一窍不通。
So he needed to go through a series of trainings to learn how to select products, how to price them and how to promote them online. 他需要接受一系列培训, 来学习该如何选择商品, 如何为它们定价, 以及如何在网上推销这些产品。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; trainings:n.培训(training的复数); promote:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升;
Today, Jomo has a 10-employee online business. 现在,Jomo 的在线生意 已经拥有了十名员工。
And as of a few months ago, he just opened his very first brick-and-mortar shop in the suburbs of Nairobi. 就在几个月之前, 他刚在内罗毕 (肯尼亚首都) 郊区 开了自己的第一家实体店。
brick-and-mortar:adj.(有)实体的;砖瓦加水泥(常用来比喻传统企业); suburbs:n.郊外(suburb的复数);
Now, through its university, 通过这所大学,
Jumia has the potential of helping a huge number of Jomos. Jumia 将有潜力帮助到 更多像 Jomo 一样的人。
And we have estimated that together with other online marketplaces on the continent , they can generate three million additional jobs by 2025. 根据我们的估计,到 2025 年, Jumia 和其他在非洲 的在线市场 将能创造约三百万个 额外的工作岗位。
estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的; continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
And they would do that either directly , or through their impact on the wider community. 他们可以直接提供工作, 或通过对更广大社区 的影响,帮助就业。
And sometimes, taking that wider impact into consideration or forgetting about it can make or break a platform. 有时, 是否有考虑到对更广大群体 造成的影响 将决定一个平台的成败。
To illustrate that, let's go back to Singapore. 为了说明这一点, 让我们回到新加坡。
So, when we decided with my wife to leave the country last year, 去年,我和妻子决定离开新加坡,
Uber decided to do the same. 与此同时, Uber 也做出了同样的决定。
At the same time, again, we started to see that pattern, but maybe it's a coincidence . 在那时, 我们又开始看到那个规律。 但也许那只是一个巧合。
In reality, Uber lost the ride-hailing battle to a Malaysian-born start-up called Grab. 事实上,Uber 在 即时用车领域输给了 始创于马来西亚 的初创公司 Grab。
Now, interestingly , my wife didn't have the same level of concerns with Grab, because when Grab started, it had a different name. 有趣的是, 我妻子对 Grab 并没有 和对 Uber 同样程度的担忧。 因为 Grab 最开始有另一个名字,
interestingly:adv.有趣地; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
It was called MyTeksi, and as the name suggests, it started as a platform for taxis. MyTeksi(“我的出租车”), 顾名思义,它刚开始 是一个针对出租车的平台。
So when Grab started expanding the driver pool beyond taxis, it was seen as gradual and reasonable . 所以当 Grab 后来开始 把业务拓展到其他出行工具时, 大众都将其视为一个 渐进而合理的过程。
They were also very careful while doing so. 他们在拓展业务的时候 也非常小心谨慎。
They thought of what kind of social safety net they should bring to all drivers. 他们考虑到了该带给所有司机 什么样的社会安全网络。
safety net:n.安全保障;为防止人摔落而设置的安全网;
So they put in place special insurance packages and even financial education programs. 他们为司机落实了 特殊的保险计划, 甚至还有理财教育的项目。
insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的;
Now, compare that with what happened in London, in New York, in Paris, where taxi drivers didn't feel that the platforms understood they had to pay 200,000 euros for their license -- and mostly in loans. 与之相比,伦敦、纽约、巴黎 的出租车司机们 觉得那些平台并没有认识到 他们还要为自己的牌照 付二十万欧元, 而且通常是以贷款的方式。
compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; euros:n.欧元;欧洛斯风;带雨东南暴风(euro复数);
When you don't take that kind of social environmental information into account, you get strong reactions . 当你不考虑到这些 社会环境信息时, 你就会得到一些激烈的反应。
I'm not trying to argue that the trade-offs by either Grab or Jumia or Gojek are risk-free . 我并不是说 Grab, Jumia,Gojek 所采取的取舍就是无风险的。
Did they slow down growth at some point, temporarily ? 他们在某段时间 有暂时减缓发展的步伐吗?
Maybe. 也许有。
But look at them today. 但看看现在。
Gojek is worth 10 billion dollars. Gojek 现在价值一百亿美元。
Jumia is one of only three unicorns in the whole of Africa. Jumia 是整个非洲仅有的 三家独角兽公司之一。
And Grab, well, they pushed out Uber out of the whole region of Southeast Asia. Grab 将 Uber 挤出了 整个东南亚地区。
And I also think these trade-offs have nothing specific to emerging markets. 我也认为这些取舍 并不只适用于新兴市场。
Amazon or Uber or others can learn from them and adapt them to their own realities. 亚马逊,优步等大企业 也可以从中学习, 并运用到自己的实际情况中。
In the long run , this doesn't need to be a zero-sum game . 从长远的角度看, 这不需要是一场零和博弈 (一方得益一方受损的局面)。
In the long run:长远;终究; zero-sum game:零和博奕;
In the long run -- and this is maybe the Asian side of me speaking -- it pays to be patient . 从长远的角度看—— 这个观点可能是 我的亚洲思维使然—— 耐心点是有好处的。
It pays to reconsider your goal and your priorities in the light of a much bigger equation that includes you and your users, of course, but also it includes regulators , policymakers, your communities. 根据一个更大的等式来重新考虑 你的目标和优先级是值得的, 这个等式包括你和你的用户, 当然也包括监管者、 政策制定者和社会共同体。
priorities:n.优先事项;优先权;重点;(priority的复数) in the light of:根据,按照;当作; equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式; regulators:n.调整者;调节阀(regulator的复数形式);
And I would argue, above all, it includes the very businesses you are meant to disrupt . 而且我认为,这个等式 首先应包括那些会被你 (的平台)颠覆的企业。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)