

(Music) (音乐)
Amanda Palmer (singing): Ground Control to Major Tom, 阿曼达·帕尔默(唱歌):地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校,
Palmer:n.朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫); Ground Control:n.地面制导设备;
Ground Control to Major Tom, 地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校,
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on. 服下蛋白片,戴上你的安全帽。
protein:n.蛋白质; pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数)
Al Gore: Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six ... 艾尔·戈尔:10、9、8、7、6...
AP: Ground Control to Major Tom, 阿曼达:地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校,
AG: Five, Four, Three, Two, One ... AP: Commencing countdown , engines on. 艾尔·戈尔:5、4、3、2、1...阿曼达:开始倒数、引擎全开
Commencing:n.开始;初动;进入速率;起始速率;v.开始(commence的ing形式); countdown:n.倒数计秒;
Check ignition and may God's love be with you. 确认点火, 愿上帝与你同在。
AG: Liftoff . 艾尔·戈尔:发射升空。
AP: This is Ground Control to Major Tom, 阿曼达:地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校,
You've really made the grade 你完成了惊人之举
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear. 新闻媒体想知道 你穿哪一支球队的衣服。
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare. 如果你准备好, 就可以离开太空舱了。
'"This is Major Tom to Ground Control, “汤姆少校呼叫地面控制中心,
I'm stepping through the door 我要踏出舱门了,
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way 我现在漂浮的姿势很特别,
And the stars look very different today. 今晚的星空看起来是那么的不同!
For here am I floating round my tin can. 我正漂着,被我的锡罐子包围着。
Far above the world, 在我头上,那遥远的世界……
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do." 地球竟是如此湛蓝, 我感到自己的渺小。”
(Music) (音乐)
'"Though I'm past 100,000 miles, “虽然飞越了十万英里,
I'm feeling very still, and I think my spaceship knows which way to go. 我内心仍感到相当平静, 我想,太空船知道要带我去哪。
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows.&quoquot; 请转告我老婆,我很爱她 她知道的。”
Ground Control to Major Tom, your circuit's dead, there's something wrong. 地面控制中心呼叫汤姆少校, 你的线路断了, 好像出问题了。
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 听得见吗,汤姆少校?
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 听得见吗,汤姆少校?
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 听得见吗,汤姆少校?
Can you ... 你可以...
'"Here am I floating round my tin can, far above the Moon. “我正漂着,被锡罐子围绕着, 远在月球之上。
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do. 地球是如此的湛蓝, 我感到自己的渺小。
(Music) (音乐)
["I'm not a prophet or a stone-age man, just a mortal with the potential of a superman ... [“ 我不是预言家或是石器时代的人, 我只是一个内心有着超人潜力的凡人…… ]
prophet:n.先知;预言者;提倡者; mortal:adj.凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的;n.人类,凡人; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
... I'm living on." David Bowie , 1947-2016] [ 大卫·鲍伊, 1947-2016 ]