

When people think about cities, they tend to think of certain things. 与公共空间做斗争。 他们倾向于想一些具体的东西。
They think of buildings and streets and skyscrapers , noisy cabs. 他们会想到楼房与街道, 摩天大厦和吵闹的计程车。
But when I think about cities, 但当我想到城市的时候,
I think about people. 我会想到人。
Cities are fundamentally about people, and where people go and where people meet are at the core of what makes a city work. 城市本质上是关于人, 关于人们去向何处, 和人们在何处相遇, 这些才是让一个城市成为一个城市的核心。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
So even more important than buildings in a city are the public spaces in between them. 所以在城市中比楼房更重要的是 它们之间的公共空间。
And today, some of the most transformative changes in cities are happening in these public spaces. 今天,一些城市中 最具变革性的改变 正发生在这些公共空间中。
So I believe that lively, enjoyable public spaces are the key to planning a great city. 所以我相信,生动并使人愉快的公共空间 是城市规划的关键。
They are what makes it come alive. 它们让城市充满生气。
But what makes a public space work? 但是什么让公共空间正常运作呢?
What attracts people to successful public spaces, and what is it about unsuccessful places that keeps people away? 是什么吸引人们到成功的公共空间? 又是什么原因导致那些不成功的公共空间 无人问津呢?
I thought, if I could answer those questions, 我想,如果我可以回答那些问题,
I could make a huge contribution to my city. 我就可以为我的城市做出巨大的贡献。
But one of the more wonky things about me is that I am an animal behaviorist , and I use those skills not to study animal behavior but to study how people in cities use city public spaces. 但是我有一个问题, 我是一位动物行为主义者, 但是我不用那些知识研究动物的行为, 而是去研究城市中的人们 如何使用公共空间。
wonky:adj.靠不住的;摇晃的,动摇的; behaviorist:n.行为主义者;
One of the first spaces that I studied was this little vest pocket park called Paley Park in midtown Manhattan. 我的第一个研究对象 是这个位于曼哈顿市中心 叫做佩利的小公园。
vest:n.背心,汗衫;v.赋与; midtown:n.市中心区;商业区和住宅区的中间地区;adj.市中心区的;位于市中心区的;
This little space became a small phenomenon , and because it had such a profound impact on New Yorkers, it made an enormous impression on me. 这小小的空间成为了一个小现象, 它对纽约市民 有着深刻的影响, 我因此对它有了很深的印象。
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; impression:n.印象;影响;效果;感想;
I studied this park very early on in my career because it happened to have been built by my stepfather , so I knew that places like Paley Park didn't happen by accident. 在职业生涯早期,我研究这个公园 因为它正好是我 继父所建造的, 所以我知道像佩利公园这样的地方 不是凭空发生的意外。
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; stepfather:n.继父;
I saw firsthand that they required incredible dedication and enormous attention to detail. 我最直观地看到,像佩利公园这样的地方 需要设计者不可思议的努力, 和对细节的极大关注。
firsthand:adj.直接的;直接采购的;直接得来的;adv.直接地; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; dedication:n.奉献;献身;(建筑物等的)落成典礼;(书、音乐或演出前部的)献词;
But what was it about this space that made it special and drew people to it? 但是,是什么 让这个地方这么特别,并吸引人们前往?
Well, I would sit in the park and watch very carefully, and first among other things were the comfortable, movable chairs. 我会坐在公园里仔细地观察, 最先进入眼帘的是 那些舒适的移动座椅。
People would come in, find their own seat, move it a bit, actually, and then stay a while, and then interestingly , people themselves attracted other people, and ironically , I felt more peaceful if there were other people around. 人们愿意来这里,找到他们自己的座位, 稍微调节位置,之后呆上一会, 更有趣的是, 人们自身会吸引更多的人, 矛盾的是,如果周围有别的人 我反而会感到更加安宁。
interestingly:adv.有趣地; ironically:adv.讽刺地;说反话地;
And it was green. 其次是因为绿色。
This little park provided what New Yorkers crave : comfort and greenery . 这个小小的公园提供纽约市民所向往的: 舒适与绿化。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) crave:v.渴望;恳求; greenery:n.绿色植物;温室;
But my question was, why weren't there more places with greenery and places to sit in the middle of the city where you didn't feel alone, or like a trespasser ? 但我的问题是, 为什么没有更多的 有绿化、有座位、位于市中心的地方, 不会让你感到孤独, 不感到自己像个闯入者呢?
Unfortunately , that's not how cities were being designed. 不幸的是,那不是从前 设计城市的方式。
So here you see a familiar sight. 这里你看到了熟悉的一幕。
This is how plazas have been designed for generations. 这是广场一贯的设计风格。
They have that stylish , Spartan look that we often associate with modern architecture , but it's not surprising that people avoid spaces like this. 它们有着优雅简朴的外观, 我们通常将其和现代建筑联系到一起, 人们会避免这样的地方, 但这也并不为奇。
stylish:adj.时髦的;现代风格的;潇洒的; Spartan:adj.斯巴达的;斯巴达式的;(生活方式)简朴的,清苦的。;n.斯巴达人;勇士; associate with:v.联合;与…联系在一起;和…来往; architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构;
They not only look desolate , they feel downright dangerous. 因为它们不仅看上去荒凉, 而且让人感到危险。
desolate:adj.荒凉的;无人烟的;vt.使荒凉;使孤寂; downright:adj.明白的;直率的;显明的;adv.完全,彻底;全然;
I mean, where would you sit here? 我是说,你们能坐在哪儿呢?
What would you do here? 你们能在这里做什么呢?
But architects love them. 但是建筑师们都热爱这种设计风格。
They are plinths for their creations . 这是建筑师创作的基础。
They might tolerate a sculpture or two, but that's about it. 他们也许会勉强放一两座雕塑, 但也不会更多了。
tolerate:v.容忍;忍受;容许;包容; sculpture:n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻;
And for developers , they are ideal. 对于开发者,它们是理想的。
There's nothing to water, nothing to maintain , and no undesirable people to worry about. 没有需要浇水的植被,没有什么需要打理的, 也没有需要担心的游手好闲的人。
maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见); undesirable:adj.不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要的;n.不良分子;不受欢迎的人;
But don't you think this is a waste? 但你不认为这是一个浪费么?
For me, becoming a city planner meant being able to truly change the city that I lived in and loved. 对我来说,成为一个城市规划师, 意味着能够真正改变 我所生活在并爱着的城市。
I wanted to be able to create places that would give you the feeling that you got in Paley Park, and not allow developers to build bleak plazas like this. 我想要能够创造一些地方, 那里能带给你在佩利公园 一样的感觉, 而不是让设计师者去建造这样荒凉的广场。
But over the many years, 但是这些年来,
I have learned how hard it is to create successful, meaningful , enjoyable public spaces. 我了解到,要想创造一些成功的、 有意义的、并且令人愉快的空间, 是多么的困难。
As I learned from my stepfather, they certainly do not happen by accident, especially in a city like New York, where public space has to be fought for to begin with, and then for them to be successful, somebody has to think very hard about every detail. 我从我的继父那了解到, 产生那样的空间不是巧合, 特别是在纽约市, 首先,公共空间需要通过斗争得到, 其次,如果想让那些空间获得成功, 人们需要努力地思考 每一处细节。
Now, open spaces in cities are opportunities. 现在,城市中的空地就是机遇。
Yes, they are opportunities for commercial investment , but they are also opportunities for the common good of the city, and those two goals are often not aligned with one another, and therein lies the conflict . 是的,它们是商业投资的机会, 但它们也是城市中 建设公众利益的机会, 通常这两个目标相互矛盾, 且有冲突。
commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告; investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; aligned:adj.对齐的;均衡的;v.结盟(align的过去式);使成一直线; therein:adv.在其中;在那里; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触;
The first opportunity I had to fight for a great public open space was in the early 1980s, when I was leading a team of planners at a gigantic landfill called Battery Park City in lower Manhattan on the Hudson River. 我为公共空间做斗争的第一个机会 发生在 20 世纪 80 年代早期, 那时我领导着一队的规划师们, 在一个曼哈顿下城哈德逊河的 一个巨大的、叫做巴特里公园城的垃圾填埋场。
planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员; gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; landfill:n.垃圾填埋地;垃圾堆; Battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; Hudson:n.哈得孙河;
And this sandy wasteland had lain barren for 10 years, and we were told, unless we found a developer in six months, it would go bankrupt . 这块荒地已经在那里闲置 有十年了, 并且我们被告知,如果我们不能在六个月内找到开发者, 这里就要破产了。
wasteland:n.荒地,不毛之地;未开垦地,荒漠;(精神或文化上的)贫乏; barren:n.不毛之地;adj.贫瘠的;不毛的;不结果实的;不育的; bankrupt:adj.破产;倒闭;完全缺乏(有价值的东西);n.(经法院判决的)破产者;v.使破产;
So we came up with a radical , almost insane idea. 我们因此想出了一个激进的、 近乎疯狂的主意。
radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; insane:adj.疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的;
Instead of building a park as a complement to future development, why don't we reverse that equation and build a small but very high-quality public open space first, and see if that made a difference. 相比建造一个 辅助未来开发的公园, 为什么我们不能采取相反的方式, 先建造一个小巧的、 但是高质量的公共空间, 并看看其效果呢?
complement:n.补语;余角;补足物;vt.补足,补助; reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式; high-quality:adj.高质量的;
So we only could afford to build a two-block section of what would become a mile-long esplanade , so whatever we built had to be perfect. 我们只能支付起两个街区的建设, 将其变为一个一英里长的游憩场, 所以我们必须做到完美。
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; two-block:[美国海军]将旗(或三角旗)升到船桅顶,把肩章调至制服中央; esplanade:n.游憩场,散步路;平坦空地;
So just to make sure, I insisted that we build a mock-up in wood, at scale , of the railing and the sea wall. 保险起见,我坚持 我们按比例去建造一个 木制的栏杆和海墙的实体模型。
mock-up:n.伪装工事;实物模型; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
And when I sat down on that test bench with sand still swirling all around me, the railing hit exactly at eye level , blocking my view and ruining my experience at the water's edge. 当我坐在测试长椅上时, 沙子包围着我, 栏杆刚好和视线平齐, 挡住了我对着水边的视线, 而且毁了我的体验。
swirling:v.(使)打旋,旋动,起旋涡;(swirl的现在分词) eye level:n.视线高度,齐眼高度; ruining:v.毁坏;破坏;毁灭;(ruin的现在分词)
So you see, details really do make a difference . 所以你看,细节真的会有所作为。
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
But design is not just how something looks, it's how your body feels on that seat in that space, and I believe that successful design always depends on that very individual experience. 但是设计不单单在于外观, 而是你坐那椅子上,身处于那个环境中的感受, 我相信成功的设计总是取决于 个人的经历。
In this photo, everything looks very finished, but that granite edge, those lights, the back on that bench, the trees in planting, and the many different kinds of places to sit were all little battles that turned this project into a place that people wanted to be. 在这张照片中,一切都是那么精致优美, 但是那大理石边缘,那些灯, 长椅的靠背, 种植的树木, 和许多不同的可以坐下的地方, 这一个个微小的努力,让这个项目 变成了一个吸引人的地方。
Now, this proved very valuable 20 years later when Michael Bloomberg asked me to be his planning commissioner and put me in charge of shaping the entire city of New York. 二十年后,这项工作的价值显示了出来: 迈克尔·布隆伯格请我 当他的总规划师, 并让我管理 全纽约市的城市规划。
valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; commissioner:n.理事;委员;行政长官;总裁; in charge of:负责;主管;
And he said to me on that very day, he said that New York was projected to grow from eight to nine million people. 在那一天他对我说, 纽约的人口 有望从八百万增长到九百万。
And he asked me, "So where are you going to put one million additional New Yorkers?" 他问我: “你打算把额外的一百万纽约市民 安置在哪里呢?”
Well, I didn't have any idea. 那时我束手无策。
Now, you know that New York does place a high value on attracting immigrants , so we were excited about the prospect of growth, but honestly, where were we going to grow in a city that was already built out to its edges and surrounded by water? 大家知道,纽约市对于移民者 确实有很大的吸引力, 因此我们对于预期的增长感到不安, 但是坦白说,对于这样一个 楼房已经林立于城市边缘,并且被水包围的城市, 我们该将它向何处发展呢?
immigrants:n.移民(immigrant的复数); prospect:n.展望;前景;希望;前途;v.勘探;探矿;
How were we going to find housing for that many new New Yorkers? 我们怎样才能为那么多的纽约新市民 找到住所呢?
And if we couldn't spread out , which was probably a good thing, where could new housing go? 如果我们不能向外扩张, 这可能是一件好事情, 那我们该在哪里建造新房子呢?
spread out:冒火;喷火;
And what about cars? 汽车又能在哪里停靠呢?
Our city couldn't possibly handle any more cars. 我们的城市已经不能有更多的车了。
So what were we going to do? 我们该怎么办呢?
If we couldn't spread out, we had to go up. 如果我们不能横向发展,
And if we had to go up, we had to go up in places where you wouldn't need to own a car. 我们就得纵向发展, 如果我们必须纵向发展, 人们最好能不用买车。
So that meant using one of our greatest assets : our transit system. 那就意味着利用我们最伟大的资产之一: 我们的地铁系统。
assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) transit:n.运输;经过;v.运送;经过;
But we had never before thought of how we could make the most of it. 但是过去我们从未想过 如何才能最大化地利用它。
make the most of:尽量利用;十分重视;
So here was the answer to our puzzle . 所以这就是这个迷题的答案。
If we were to channel and redirect all new development around transit, we could actually handle that population increase, we thought. 如果我们把所有的开发 重新引向地铁系统周围, 我们其实可以应付 人口的增长。
And so here was the plan, what we really needed to do: 这就是我们的计划, 而我们真正要做的是:
We needed to redo our zoning -- and zoning is the city planner's regulatory tool -- and basically reshape the entire city, targeting where new development could go and prohibiting any development at all in our car-oriented, suburban-style neighborhoods. 重新规划分区-- 地区分化是城市规划师的调节工具 -- 并可以从基本上改造整个城市, 定位新的发展坐标, 以及禁止发展一切 涉及汽车的、 郊区风格的社区。
redo:vt.重做;重新装饰; regulatory:adj.管理的;控制的;调整的; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; reshape:vt.改造;再成形; prohibiting:v.禁止(prohibit的ing形式);
Well, this was an unbelievably ambitious idea, ambitious because communities had to approve those plans. 这是一个难以置信的、雄心勃勃的主意, 说它有野心,是因为社区 必须得批准那些计划。
unbelievably:adv.难以置信地;不可信地; ambitious:adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) approve:v.批准;赞成;同意;核准;
So how was I going to get this done? 那我该怎样完成这件事呢?
By listening. So I began listening, in fact, thousands of hours of listening just to establish trust. 通过倾听。所以我开始倾听。 事实上,数千小时的倾听 就是为了建立信任。
You know, communities can tell whether or not you understand their neighborhoods. 如你所知,社区可以辨别 你是否理解他们的社区。
whether or not:是否…;
It's not something you can just fake . 你没办法作假。
And so I began walking. 之后,我开始散步。
I can't tell you how many blocks I walked, in sweltering summers, in freezing winters, year after year , just so I could get to understand the DNA of each neighborhood and know what each street felt like. 年复一年, 我都说不出在酷暑,在寒冬 我走过了多少个街区。 我这样做是为了 了解每一个社区的历史, 感受每一条街道的感觉。
sweltering:adj.闷热的;炎热的;酷热的;v.热得难受;(swelter的现在分词) year after year:年复一年地;每年; neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
I became an incredibly geeky zoning expert, finding ways that zoning could address communities' concerns . 我成为了一个疯狂的分区规划专家, 一直在寻找最符合人们心意 的分区方法。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; geeky:adj.(俚)令人讨厌的; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
So little by little , neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block, we began to set height limits so that all new development would be predictable and near transit. 一点一点,一个小区又一个小区, 一个街区又另一个街区, 我们开始设置高度限制, 这样一来,所有新的开发项目 就能被预测到,并且临近交通系统。
little by little:渐渐;逐渐地; predictable:adj.可预言的;
Over the course of 12 years, we were able to rezone 124 neighborhoods, 40 percent of the city, 12,500 blocks, so that now, 90 percent of all new development of New York is within a 10-minute walk of a subway. 在这 12 年里, 我们重新规划了 124 个地区, 占城市面积的 40%, 共 12,500 个街区,现在, 纽约市 90% 的新开发地区 离地铁站的步行距离都在十分钟内。
In other words, nobody in those new buildings needs to own a car. 换而言之,在那些新房子里的人 不需要有车。
Well, those rezonings were exhausting and enervating and important, but rezoning was never my mission. 那样重新规划令人精疲力尽, 而且使人憔悴又十分重要, 但重新规划从来不是我的任务。
exhausting:adj.使人精疲力竭的;v.耗尽;使筋疲力尽;(exhaust的现在分词) enervating:adj.<正式>使人衰弱的;令人萎靡的; rezoning:v.再分区规划;重新区划(rezone的ing形式);
You can't see zoning and you can't feel zoning. 你看不见分区,也感觉不到分区。
My mission was always to create great public spaces. 我的任务一直都是去创造 美好的公共空间。
So in the areas where we zoned for significant development, 因此,在那些我们为了进行重点开发而规划出来的地区,
I was determined to create places that would make a difference in people's lives. 我决定去创造 可以改变人们生活的空间。
Here you see what was two miles of abandoned , degraded waterfront in the neighborhoods of Greenpoint and Williamsburg in Brooklyn, impossible to get to and impossible to use. 你所看到的是 长达两公里的、被遗弃和剥蚀的海滨, 它位于布鲁克林的绿点地区 和威廉姆斯伯格辖区里, 那里几乎无药可救。
abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) degraded:adj.退化的; v.分解; (degrade的过去分词和过去式) waterfront:n.滩,海滨;水边;adj.滨水区的;
Now the zoning here was massive , so I felt an obligation to create magnificent parks on these waterfronts , and I spent an incredible amount of time on every square inch of these plans. 在那里所需的规划是庞大的, 我感到有责任在这些海滨 创建美丽的公园, 在这个计划的每一个细节上, 我都花了很多的时间。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; obligation:n.义务;责任;职责;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务; magnificent:adj.高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的; waterfronts:水边;装在火炉前部的热水缸(waterfront的复数)
I wanted to make sure that there were tree-lined paths from the upland to the water, that there were trees and plantings everywhere, and, of course, lots and lots of places to sit. 我想要确保那里 有绿树成荫的小道,从高地绵延水边, 到处都有植被, 当然还有很多很多供人们坐下休息的地方。
tree-lined:adj.每边都有树的; upland:n.山地,高地;adj.山地的,高地的; plantings:n.栽培,种植;花圃;v.播种;移植(plant的ing形式);安置;
Honestly, I had no idea how it would turn out. 坦白说,我本来根本不知道怎么实现这个计划。
I had to have faith . 我必须要有信念。
But I put everything that I had studied and learned into those plans. 我将我所学过的所有东西 都注入这个计划中。
And then it opened, and I have to tell you, it was incredible. 之后公园对外开放了, 我必须告诉你,结果难以置信。
People came from all over the city to be in these parks. 来自全市的人们 前往这些公园。
I know they changed the lives of the people who live there, but they also changed New Yorkers' whole image of their city. 我知道那些公园改变了当地居民的生活, 但同样的,它们也改变了纽约市民 对纽约市的整体印象。
I often come down and watch people get on this little ferry that now runs between the boroughs , and I can't tell you why, but I'm completely moved by the fact that people are using it as if it had always been there. 我经常来这里观察人们 登上这小小的渡船, 来往于城区之间, 不知道为什么, 我完全被人们正在使用它 这个事实而感动, 好像从以前就是那样。
And here is a new park in lower Manhattan. 这是在曼哈顿下城的一个新的公园。
Now, the water's edge in lower Manhattan was a complete mess before 9/11. 湖畔一带在 911 事件发生之前 完全是一团糟。
Wall Street was essentially landlocked because you couldn't get anywhere near this edge. 华尔街实际上是被陆地包围的, 因为你在水边不能到达任何地方。
Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地); essentially:adv.本质上;本来; landlocked:adj.为陆地所包围的;
And after 9/11, the city had very little control. 在 911 之后,市里秩序混乱。
But I thought if we went to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation and got money to reclaim this two miles of degraded waterfront that it would have an enormous effect on the rebuilding of lower Manhattan. 但是我想,如果我们前往 曼哈顿下城开发总公司, 并得到投资去开发这两英里(约3.2km) 退化的海滨, 那将会对曼哈顿下城的重建 产生巨大的影响。
Corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; reclaim:v.开拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改;n.改造,感化;再生胶;
And it did. 我们做到了。
Lower Manhattan finally has a public waterfront on all three sides. 曼哈顿下城终于在三侧 都有了公众海滨。
I really love this park. 我真的非常喜爱这个公园。
You know, railings have to be higher now, so we put bar seating at the edge, and you can get so close to the water you're practically on it. 如你所知,现在栏杆必须要高一些, 所以我们在边沿建起了吧台, 以便于你可以非常临近水面, 你几乎就在水上面。
railings:n.[建]栏杆(railing的复数);栅栏;围栏; practically:adv.实际地;几乎;事实上;
And see how the railing widens and flattens out so you can lay down your lunch or your laptop . 看看这栏杆是怎么 变宽、变平,可以让人们 放下午餐或笔记本电脑。
widens:vt.放宽;vi.变宽; flattens:vt.击败,摧毁;使…平坦;vi.变平;变单调; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
And I love when people come there and look up and they say, "Wow, there's Brooklyn, and it's so close." 我喜欢当人们来到这里 参观并说: “哇,那是布鲁克林,离我们好近啊。”
So what's the trick? 这其中的窍门是什么呢?
How do you turn a park into a place that people want to be? 怎样才能让一个公园变成 一个人人向往的地方呢?
Well, it's up to you, not as a city planner but as a human being. 这取决于你, 不是用一个城市规划师的眼光,而是用人类的感觉。
You don't tap into your design expertise . 你不是去利用你的设计专长,
You tap into your humanity . 而是运用你的人性。
I mean, would you want to go there? 你是否想去那里?
Would you want to stay there? 你是否想呆在那里?
Can you see into it and out of it? 你能否看到它的本质?
Are there other people there? 有没有别人在这里?
Does it seem green and friendly? 公园看起来是否环保和友好?
Can you find your very own seat? 你能否找到你自己休憩的地方?
Well now, all over New York City, there are places where you can find your very own seat. 现在,在整个纽约市, 你都可以拥有属于你的 憩脚的地方。
Where there used to be parking spaces, there are now pop-up cafes . 那里以前是停车的地方, 现在是快捷咖啡馆。
Where Broadway traffic used to run, there are now tables and chairs. 过去百老汇的交通要道, 现在是桌子和椅子。
Where 12 years ago, sidewalk cafes were not allowed, they are now everywhere. 12 年前,人行道和咖啡厅被禁止, 现在它们到处都是。
But claiming these spaces for public use was not simple, and it's even harder to keep them that way. 但是将这些空间为公共使用 并不是那么简单, 要将它们保持下去甚至更难。
So now I'm going to tell you a story about a very unusual park called the High Line. 我现在要讲一个故事, 是关于一个非常不寻常的公园,叫做高铁公园。
The High Line was an elevated railway . 高铁公园以前是高铁。
elevated railway:高架轻轨;
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The High Line was an elevated railway that ran through three neighborhoods on Manhattan's West Side, and when the train stopped running, it became a self-seeded landscape , a kind of a garden in the sky. 高铁公园曾是一条高铁, 它贯穿了曼哈顿西侧 的三个街区, 火车停运后, 它便成为了一个自我播种的景观, 一个空中花园。
And when I saw it the first time, honestly, when I went up on that old viaduct , 当我第一次看到它时, 坦白说,当我走上老旧的高架桥时,
I fell in love the way you fall in love with a person, honestly. 我像坠入爱河一样 爱上了这里。
fall in love with:爱上......;与......相爱;
And when I was appointed , saving the first two sections of the High Line from demolition became my first priority and my most important project. 当我被委任参与此项目 拯救高铁的前两个部分, 保护它们不被拆除 是我的头等任务和最重要的工作。
appointed:adj.(时间)指定的,约定的; v.任命; (appoint的过去分词和过去式) demolition:n.拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏; priority:n.优先;优先权;[数]优先次序;优先考虑的事;
I knew if there was a day that I didn't worry about the High Line, it would come down. 我知道,如果有一天我不必 再担心高铁,它就会被拆除。
And the High Line, even though it is widely known now and phenomenally popular, it is the most contested public space in the city. 即使现在高铁 非常著名, 而且广受欢迎, 它仍是城市中最有争议的公共空间。
You might see a beautiful park, but not everyone does. 在你眼里那可能是个美丽的公园, 但不是所有人都这样想。
You know, it's true, commercial interests will always battle against public space. 大家都知道,商业利益总是 与公共空间做斗争。
You might say, "How wonderful it is that more than four million people come from all over the world to visit the High Line." 你可能会说, “有四百多万 来自世界各地的人到这里参观, 是多么令人惊叹的事情啊。“
Well, a developer sees just one thing: customers. 一个开发者只看一个东西:客户。
Hey, why not take out those plantings and have shops all along the High Line? 嘿,为什么不将植被移除, 将商店安置在高铁上呢?
Wouldn't that be terrific and won't it mean a lot more money for the city? 那难道不是非常好么? 难道不意味着给城市带来更多金钱利益么?
Well no, it would not be terrific. 不,那不会令人满意。
It would be a mall, and not a park. 那将会是一个购物中心,而不是一个公园。
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And you know what, it might mean more money for the city, but a city has to take the long view, the view for the common good. 你知道,这可能对城市 意味着更好的经济效益, 但必须以长远的眼光看待城市发展,
Most recently , the last section of the High Line, the third section of the High Line, the final section of the High Line, has been pitted against development interests, where some of the city's leading developers are building more than 17 million square feet at the Hudson Yards. 就在最近,高铁的最后一个部分, 高铁的第三个部分, 也是最后一个部分, 在与开发商的利益互相抗衡, 一些城市的领头开发者 正在哈德逊广场开发 超过一千七百万平方英尺的土地。
recently:adv.最近;新近; pitted:adj.表面有小点(或小洞)的; v.使…表面有斑点; (pit的过去分词和过去式)
And they came to me and proposed that they " temporarily disassemble " 他们找到我,跟我建议: 他们 “暂时拆解“ 了
proposed:adj.建议的;推荐的;v.提议;建议;计划;求婚;(propose的过去分词和过去式) temporarily:adv.临时地,临时; disassemble:vt.拆开,解开;反汇编;
that third and final section. 那第三个和最后一个部分。
Perhaps the High Line didn't fit in with their image of a gleaming city of skyscrapers on a hill. 也许,高铁并不符合 他们想象中摩天大楼闪烁在山头 的城市形象。
fit in with:vt.适应;符合;与...一致; gleaming:adj.闪耀的;明亮的;v.发微光;隐约闪光;闪烁;(gleam的现在分词)
Perhaps it was just in their way. 也许高铁只是阻碍了他们的开发路线。
But in any case , it took nine months of nonstop daily negotiation to finally get the signed agreement to prohibit its demolition, and that was only two years ago. 但是不管怎样,经过九个月 每天不间断的协商, 终于在禁止拆除高线第三部分上 达成了一致, 这件事就发生在两年前。
in any case:无论如何; nonstop:adj.直达的;不休息的;不着陆的;n.直达车;adv.不休息地; negotiation:n.谈判;转让;顺利的通过;
So you see, no matter how popular and successful a public space may be, it can never be taken for granted . 所以你们可以看到,不管公共空间 有多受人欢迎和成功, 它还是不能被绝对地保护。
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式)
Public spaces always -- this is it saved -- public spaces always need vigilant champions, not only to claim them at the outset for public use, but to design them for the people that use them, then to maintain them to ensure that they are for everyone, that they are not violated , invaded , abandoned or ignored . (标语:这里是保护区!)公共空间总是 需要细心的支持, 不仅仅是一开始争取让他们为公众所使用, 而且还要为使用者进行设计, 然后去维护它们, 确保它们服务于每个人, 废弃或忽视。
vigilant:adj.警惕的;警醒的;注意的;警戒的; outset:n.开始;开端; ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; violated:v.违反,违背(法律、协议等); (violate的过去分词和过去式) invaded:v.入侵;拥入;遍布(invade的过去分词);adj.被侵入的; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式)
If there is any one lesson that I have learned in my life as a city planner, it is that public spaces have power. 如果说,作为一个城市规划师 我从自己的生活中学到了什么教训, 那就是公共空间拥有力量。
It's not just the number of people using them, it's the even greater number of people who feel better about their city just knowing that they are there. 这种力量不仅在于使用它们的人数, 而是会有更多的人, 只是知道公共空间的存在, 就会对他们的城市感觉更好。
Public space can change how you live in a city, how you feel about a city, whether you choose one city over another, and public space is one of the most important reasons why you stay in a city. 公共空间可以改变你在城市中的生活, 改变你对城市的感受, 影响你在城市之间的权衡选择, 公共空间的存在,是你选择居住的城市时 重要的衡量标准之一。
I believe that a successful city is like a fabulous party. 我相信,一个成功的城市 就像一场美妙的聚会。
People stay because they are having a great time. 人们留下来是因为他们享受着欢乐时光。
Thank you. 谢谢。
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Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)