

So I'd like you to come back with me just for a few minutes to a dark night in China, the night I met my husband. 首先,我想带大家一起 回到一个 在中国的夜晚 那个与我丈夫初遇的夜晚
It was a city so long ago that it was still called 那是挺久以前了, 北京还被称作
Peking . Peking (北京的英文旧称)
So I went to a party. 我当时参加一个聚会
I sat down next to a stout , middle-aged man with owl glasses and a bow tie , and he turned out to be a Fulbright scholar , there in China specifically to study 坐在一个戴着猫头鹰眼镜打着领结的 壮硕中年男人旁边 他原来是一名富布赖特学者 在中国从事
stout:adj.结实的;矮胖的;勇敢的;激烈的;n.矮胖子;烈性啤酒; middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; owl:n.猫头鹰;枭;惯于晚上活动的人; bow tie:n.蝶形领结; Fulbright:n.富布莱特奖学金;adj.富尔布赖特奖学金的; scholar:n.学者;奖学金获得者;聪颖勤奋的学生; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
Sino-Soviet relations. 对中苏关系的研究
What a gift it was to the eager, young foreign correspondent that I was then. 对我这个年轻而急切的外国记者来说 这真是一个美好的礼物
I'd pump him for information, 我从他这里获得了很多信息
I'm mentally scribbling notes for the stories I plan to write. 心里开始起草 我准备写的故事
mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上; scribbling:n.预梳,乱涂;v.乱涂,乱写(scribble的现在分词形式);
I talk to him for hours. 那天我跟他聊了几个小时
Only months later, 几个月之后
I discover who he really was. 我发现了他的真实身份
He was the China representative for the American Soybean Association . 他是美国大豆协会 驻中国代表
representative:n.代表; adj.典型的; Soybean:n.大豆;黄豆; Association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往;
'"I don't understand. Soybeans ? “我不理解,大豆?
You told me you were a Fulbright scholar." 你告诉我你是个富布赖特学者。”
'"Well, how long would you have talked to me if I told you we're in soybeans?" “可是,如果我告诉你我是大豆协会的 你会跟我聊多久呢?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
I said, "You jerk ." 我说“混蛋”
Only jerk wasn't the word I used. 不过我当时不是用的混蛋这个词
I said, "You could've gotten me fired." 我说,“你会让我被解雇的”
And he said, "Let's get married." 他说,“我们结婚吧”
(Laughter) (笑声)
'"Travel the world and have lots of kids." “带着很多孩子周游世界。”
So we did. 于是我们结婚了
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
And what an alive man Terence Bryan Foley turned out to be. 特伦斯是一个 非常有活力的人
He was a Chinese scholar who later, in his 60s, got a Ph.D. in Chinese history. 他是一个中文学者 在他60几岁的时候 还获得了中国历史的博士学位
He spoke six languages, he played 15 musical instruments , he was a licensed pilot, he had once been a San Francisco cable car operator , he was an expert in swine nutrition , dairy cattle, Dixieland jazz, film noir , and we did travel the country, and the world, and we did have a lot of kids. 他会六种语言 15种乐器 他有飞行员执照 他做过旧金山缆车的司机 他在猪营养学,奶牛, 南方爵士,黑色电影方面都是专家 我们也一起周游了世界 生了很多孩子
instruments:n.器械;仪器;器具;手段(instrument的复数) licensed:adj.得到许可的;获准拥有的;v.批准;许可(license的过去分词和过去式) cable car:n.索车;有轨缆车; operator:n.算子;接线员;操作人员;骗子; swine:n.猪;卑贱的人; nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品; dairy:n.奶制品; adj.乳品的; Dixieland:n.迪克西兰爵士乐(起源于美国南部);adj.迪克西兰爵士乐的; film noir:n.黑色电影(充满恐惧、邪恶色彩);黑色影片;
We followed my job, and it seemed like there was nothing that we couldn't do. 我们做了很多,似乎 没有什么是我们做不到的
So when we found the cancer , it doesn't seem strange to us at all that without saying a word to each other, we believed that, if we were smart enough and strong enough and brave enough, and we worked hard enough, we could keep him from dying ever. 当他被诊断出癌症 对我们来说 这感觉一点也不陌生 我们相信 如果我们够聪明 够坚强和勇敢 并且努力奋斗 那他一定可以永远活下去
And for years, it seemed like we were succeeding. 在好几年里,我们似乎获得了成功
The surgeon emerged from the surgery . 他接受过多次手术
surgeon:n.外科医生; emerged:v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;暴露;露出真相;显现;(emerge的过去分词和过去式) surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室;
What'd he say? He said what surgeons always say: "We got it all." 他怎么说?就如外科医生总说的那样 “全部干净了”
Then there was a setback when the pathologists looked at the kidney cancer closely. 然后当医生仔细地检查过他的肾癌后 却又充满挫败
setback:n.挫折;退步;逆流; pathologists:[病理]病理学家; kidney:n.[解剖]肾脏;腰子;个性;
It turned out to be a rare, exceedingly aggressive type, with a diagnosis that was almost universally fatal in several weeks at most. 他被发现得的是一种 罕见且激进的癌症 一般来说这样的患者 最多只能活几周
exceedingly:adv.非常;极其;极度地;极端; aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的; diagnosis:n.诊断; universally:adv.普遍地;人人;到处; fatal:adj.致命的;灾难性的;毁灭性的;导致失败的;
And yet, he did not die. 但是,他还没有死
Mysteriously , he lived on. 他神奇地活了下去
He coached Little League for our son. 他为儿子做棒球教练
Little League:n.少年棒球联盟;
He built a playhouse for our daughter. 为女儿建了玩耍的房子
And meanwhile , I'm burying myself in the Internet looking for specialists. 同时,我把自己埋在互联网里 寻找相关的专家
I'm looking for a cure. 寻找治疗方案
So a year goes by before the cancer, as cancers do, reappears , and with it comes another death sentence , this time nine months. 就这样时间又过了一年 癌症预料中地 又重新出现 随之而来的是又一份死亡判决 这次是九个月
cancers:n.癌; (Cancers是cancer的复数) reappears:vi.再出现; death sentence:n.死刑;
So we try another treatment , aggressive, nasty . 我们尝试了另外一种治疗方法,激进而讨厌
treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; nasty:adj.极差的:令人厌恶的:不友好的:n.令人不愉快的事物:
It makes him so sick, he has to quit it, yet still he lives on. 这让他非常难受,只好放弃 但是他还活着
Then another year goes by. 又过了一年
Two years go by. 两年
More specialists. 为了接受更多专家的治疗
We take the kids to Italy. 我们带着孩子去意大利
We take the kids to Australia. 去澳大利亚
And then more years pass, and the cancer begins to grow. 更多年过去了 癌细胞又开始生长
This time, there's new treatments on the horizon . 这次,又有新的治疗方法进入视线
treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数) horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
They're exotic . They're experimental . 诡异,而且还在试验中
exotic:adj.异国的;外来的;异国情调的; experimental:adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的;
They're going to attack the cancer in new ways. 这是一种新的消灭癌症的方法
So he enters a clinical trial, and it works. 他参与了这次临床试验,并且成功了
The cancer begins to shrink , and for the third time, we've dodged death. 癌细胞开始萎缩 第三次 我们躲过了死亡
shrink:v.收缩;减少;退缩;畏缩;n.精神病学家;心理学家; dodged:v.闪开;躲开;避开;逃避;(dodge的过去分词和过去式)
So now I ask you, how do I feel when the time finally comes and there's another dark night, sometime between midnight and 2 a.m.? 我现在问你 我当时是什么感受 当最后时刻来临的时候 在那个 深夜两点的黑夜里
This time it's on the intensive care ward when a twentysomething resident that I've never met before tells me that Terence is dying, perhaps tonight. 这次是在重症病房里 一个20多岁的 我从未见过的医生 告诉我特伦斯就要不行了 可能就在今晚
intensive care:n.(医院里的)特别护理病房;重症监护; ward:n.病房; v.防止; resident:adj.居住的;住院医师;定居的;n.居民;
So what do I say when he says, "What do you want me to do?" 当他问我,“我能为你做些什么?” 我说了什么?
There's another drug out there. 当时有一种新药
It's newer. It's more powerful. 更新,更强
He started it just two weeks ago. 他两周前开始服用
Perhaps there's still hope ahead. 可能还有希望
So what do I say? 我说了什么?
I say, "Keep him alive if you can." 我说,“让他活着,如果可以的话。”
And Terence died six days later. 特伦斯死于六天之后
So we fought, we struggled , we triumphed . 我们战斗过,挣扎过,也胜利过
struggled:v.奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;抗争;(struggle的过去式和过去分词) triumphed:v.打败;战胜;成功;(triumph的过去式和过去分词)
It was an exhilarating fight, and I'd repeat the fight today without a moment's hesitation . 这是一场令人振奋的战斗 我会毫不犹豫地 将战斗继续直至今天
exhilarating:adj.令人兴奋的; v.使高兴; (exhilarate的现在分词) hesitation:n.犹豫;
We fought together, we lived together. 我们一起战斗,一起生活
It turned what could have been seven of the grimmest years of our life into seven of the most glorious . 这原本是我们生命中 最严峻的七年,我们把它变成了 最辉煌的七年
grimmest:严酷的;阴冷的(grim的最高级); glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的;
It was also an expensive fight. 这是一场昂贵的战斗
It was the kind of fight and the kind of choices that everyone here agrees pump up the cost of end-of-life care, and of healthcare for all of us. 这是一种我们每个人 都会赞成的 大量增加晚年健康支出的 战斗和选择
And for me, for us, we pushed the fight right over the edge, and I never got the chance to say to him what I say to him now almost every day: "Hey, buddy , it was a hell of a ride." 对于我,对于我们 我们战斗到了最后一刻 我从来没有机会跟他说 这句我现在每天重复的话 “嘿,这真是刺激的过程。”
We never got the chance to say goodbye. 我们没有机会互相道别
We never thought it was the end. 我们没有想过那就是终结
We always had hope. 我们总是充满希望
So what do we make of all of this? 我们所做的这一切是为了什么?
Being a journalist , after Terence died, 作为一个记者,在特伦斯逝世后
I wrote a book, "The Cost Of Hope." 我写了一本书,“希望的代价”
I wrote it because I wanted to know why I did what I did, why he did what he did, why everyone around us did what they did. 我写这本书是因为我想知道 我为什么会这么做 他为什么会这么做 我们每一个人为什么会这么做
And what did I discover? 那么我发现了什么?
Well, one of the things I discovered is that experts think that one answer to what I did at the end was a piece of paper, the advance directive , to help families get past the seemingly irrational choices. 其中一个便是 医生认为能解答 我在最后做了的事是一张纸 “预先医疗指示” 以帮助家人做出这一看似不合理的选择
directive:n.指示;指令;adj.指导的;管理的; seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; irrational:adj.不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的;n.[数]无理数;
Yet I had that piece of paper. 我们得到了这张纸
We both did. 我们都有
And they were readily available. 它们很容易获得
I had them right at hand. 我正把它们拿在手中
Both of them said the same thing: 上面是同样一句话
Do nothing if there is no further hope. 如果没有希望,就不要再做什么了
I knew Terence's wishes as clearly and as surely as I knew my own. 我清楚地知道特伦斯的愿望 就如同我自己的一样
Yet we never got to no further hope. 我们从来没有完全失去希望
Even with that clear-cut paper in our hands, we just kept redefining hope. 哪怕拿着这张意思明确的纸片 我们一直重新定义希望
clear-cut:adj.清晰的;轮廓鲜明的; redefining:v.改变…的本质(或界限);重新定义;使重新考虑;(redefine的现在分词)
I believed I could keep him from dying, and I'd be embarrassed to say that if I hadn't seen so many people and have talked to so many people who have felt exactly the same way. 我相信我能阻止他的死亡 这么说我会不好意思,如果我 没有见过那么多,跟那么多有着相同情况的人 交谈过的话
Right up until days before his death, 直到他走的前一天
I felt strongly and powerfully , and, you might say, irrationally , that I could keep him from dying ever. 我仍然坚信 你可能觉得是不可理喻 但我坚信我能够阻止他的死亡
powerfully:adv.强大地;强烈地;非常; irrationally:adv.无理性地,不合理地;
Now, what do the experts call this? 现在,专家们怎么称呼这种心态?
They say it's denial . 他们说这叫拒绝现实
It's a strong word, isn't it? 一个很强烈的词,是不是?
Yet I will tell you that denial isn't even close to a strong enough word to describe what those of us facing the death of our loved ones go through. 我告诉你们 这个词远远不够强烈 完全不能描述我们这种 面对爱人死亡时的人的心情
And I hear the medical professionals say, "Well, we'd like to do such-and-such, but the family's in denial. 我听医生们会这么说, “我们想做什么什么, 但是被病人的家人拒绝。
The family won't listen to reason. 他们听不进任何理由,
They're in denial. 他们只会拒绝现实。
How can they insist on this treatment at the end? 他们怎么能到了最后还坚持这种治疗呢?
It's so clear, yet they're in denial." 很明显,他们拒绝接受现实。”
Now, I think this maybe isn't a very useful way of thinking. 我想这并不是 一个有效的思维方式
It's not just families either. 不仅仅是家人
The medical professionals too, you out there, you're in denial too. 你作为医生 也是在拒绝现实
You want to help. You want to fix. 你想帮助,你想治疗
You want to do. 你想做一些事情
You've succeeded in everything you've done, and having a patient die, well, that must feel like failure. 你取得过很多成功 但是现在你的病人要死了 一定感觉非常失败
I saw it firsthand . 我理解这种挫折
Just days before Terence died, his oncologist said, "Tell Terence that better days are just ahead." 就在特伦斯走的前几天 他的肿瘤医生说, “告诉特伦斯,过些天会好些的。”
Days before he died. 就在去世的前几天
Yet Ira Byock, the director of palliative medicine at Dartmouth said, "You know, the best doctor in the world has never succeeded in making anyone immortal ." 达特茅斯学院缓和医疗部的 主管伊拉·比约克 说过,“最优秀的医生 也无法使人长生不死。”
palliative:n.辩解;缓和剂;暂时姑息的手段;adj.缓和的;掩饰的;可斟酌的; Dartmouth:n.达特茅斯(英国港口); immortal:adj.不朽的;神仙的;长生的;n.神仙;不朽人物;
So what the experts call "denial," I call "hope," 医生们所说的“拒绝现实”,我说的“希望”
and I'd like to borrow a phrase from my friends in software design. 然后我想借用 一个做软件界的朋友的一句话
You just redefine denial and hope, and it becomes a feature of being human. 你重新定义拒绝现实和希望 这是作为人类的一个功能
It's not a bug . 而不是一个漏洞
It's a feature. 这是一个功能
(Laughter) (笑声)
So we need to think more constructively about this very common, very profound and very powerful human emotion . 所以我们需要更具建设性地 去思考这一常见,深远 有力的人类情绪
constructively:adv.建设性地; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
It's part of the human condition, and yet our system and our thinking isn't built to accommodate it. 这是一种人类状态 但是我们的系统和我们的思维 并没有去接受并包容它
So Terence told me a story on that long-ago night, and I believed it. 当特伦斯在那个遥远的夜晚给我说了一个故事 我相信了
Maybe I wanted to believe it. 也许我只是愿意去相信
And during Terence's illness, I, we, we wanted to believe the story of our fight together too. 在特伦斯生病期间 我们也同样愿意去相信 我们一起战斗的故事
Giving up the fight -- for that's how it felt, it felt like giving up -- meant giving up not only his life but also our story, our story of us as fighters, the story of us as invincible , and for the doctors, the story of themselves as healers . 放弃战斗,这种放弃的感觉 不止意味着 放弃他的生命 同样意味着 放弃我们一起战斗的故事 放弃我们不可战胜的故事 放弃医生作为拯救者的 故事
invincible:adj.无敌的;不能征服的; healers:n.医治者;治疗物(healer的复数);
So what do we need? 那我们需要的是什么?
Maybe we don't need a new piece of paper. 我们可能不需要一张新的纸片
Maybe we need a new story, not a story about giving up the fight or of hopelessness , but rather a story of victory and triumph, of a valiant battle and, eventually , a graceful retreat , a story that acknowledges 而是需要一个新的故事 不是一个因为没有希望 而放弃战斗的故事 而是一个关于胜利 关于勇敢战斗 和优雅撤退的故事 一个承认
hopelessness:n.绝望,无望;不抱希望; valiant:adj.英勇的,勇敢的;n.勇士;勇敢的人; eventually:adv.最后,终于; graceful:adj.优雅的;优美的; retreat:v.撤退;退却;后退;退缩;n.撤退;退却;退缩;退避;
that not even the greatest general defeats every foe , that no doctor has ever succeeded in making anyone immortal, and that no wife, no matter how hard she tried, has ever stopped even the bravest, wittiest and most maddeningly lovable husband from dying when it was his time to go. 最优秀的将军也不能战胜每个敌人 最优秀的医生 也不能使人长生不死 一个再努力的妻子 也不能阻止 最勇敢可爱的丈夫 死亡的故事
foe:n.敌人;反对者;危害物; wittiest:机智的;诙谐的(witty的最高级); maddeningly:adv.使人恼火地;令人发狂地; lovable:adj.可爱的,讨人喜欢的;
People did mention hospice , but I wouldn't listen. 有人跟我提过临终关怀 不过我没有听
Hospice was for people who were dying, and Terence wasn't dying. 临终关怀是给将死之人的 但特伦斯并没有将要去世
As a result , he spent just four days in hospice, which I'm sure, as you all know, is a pretty typical outcome , and we never said goodbye because we were unprepared for the end. 最后,他只经历了四天的临终关怀 我确信,就像你们所知道的的 这是一个典型的结果 我们从来没有说再见 因为我们从没有准备好面对结束
As a result:结果; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果; unprepared:adj.无准备的;即席的;尚未准备好的;
We have a noble path to curing the disease , patients and doctors alike, but there doesn't seem to be a noble path to dying. 我们有高贵的治疗方式 病人和医生都有 但是我们并没有 高贵的死亡方式
noble:adj.高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的;n.贵族; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
Dying is seen as failing, and we had a heroic narrative for fighting together, but we didn't have a heroic narrative for letting go. 死亡被认为是失败 我们有一个共同战斗的 英雄故事 却没有一个放手面对死亡的英雄故事
heroic:adj.英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的;n.史诗;英勇行为; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
So maybe we need a narrative for acknowledging the end, and for saying goodbye, and maybe our new story will be about a hero's fight, and a hero's goodbye. 我们也许需要一个 承认结束,说再见的故事 也许我们新的故事 是关于一个英雄的战斗和离世
Terence loved poetry , and the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy is one of my favorite poets. 特伦斯喜爱诗作, 而希腊诗人康斯坦丁诺斯·卡瓦菲斯 则是我的最爱的诗人之一。
So I'll give you a couple lines from him. 这里我会引述他的几句诗
This is a poem about Mark Antony. 这首诗是关于马克·安东尼的。
You know Mark Antony, the conquering hero, 马克·安东尼是个无坚不摧的英雄
Cleopatra's guy? 她是埃及女王的男人
Actually, one of Cleopatra's guys. 埃及女王的男人之一
And he's been a pretty good general. 他是个不错的将军
He's won all the fights, he's eluded all the people that are out to get him, and yet this time, finally, he's come to the city of Alexandria and realized he's lost. 他赢了所有的战斗 他躲开了所有人的追捕 这一次,他最终 来到了亚历山大城 发现自己迷失了
eluded:vt.逃避,躲避; Alexandria:n.亚历山大港(位于埃及);亚历山大大帝;亚历山大市(美国弗吉尼亚一城市);
The people are leaving. They're playing instruments. 人们正在离开
They're singing. 边奏乐,边唱歌
And suddenly he knows he's been defeated. 边奏乐,边唱歌
And he suddenly knows he's been deserted by the gods, and it's time to let go. 他瞬间知道 自己被上帝抛弃 是时候选择离开了
And the poet tells him what to do. 这首诗告诉他如何去做
He tells him how to say a noble goodbye, a goodbye that's fit for a hero. 告诉他如何说一声高贵的再见 一个符合英雄身份的再见
'"As if long-prepared, as if courageous , as it becomes you who were worthy of such a city, approach the window with a firm step, and with emotion, but not with the entreaties or the complaints of a coward , as a last enjoyment , listen to the sounds, the exquisite instruments of the musical troops, and bid her farewell , the Alexandria you are losing." “如同长期准备着, 仿佛勇敢面对着, 它成为你 值得战斗的城市, 迈着坚实的步伐与情感, 靠近窗口, 而不是一个懦夫的诉求 或抱怨, 作为最后的享受, 听着那声音, 那精湛的演奏组成的乐队, 与她告别, 你正在迷失的亚历山大。“
courageous:adj.有胆量的,勇敢的; worthy:adj.值得的; n.杰出人物; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; entreaties:n.恳求;乞求; complaints:n.不满;抱怨;投诉;控告;(complaint的复数) coward:n.懦夫,懦弱的人;adj.胆小的,懦怯的; enjoyment:n.享受;乐趣;享有; exquisite:adj.精致的;细腻的;优美的,高雅的;异常的;剧烈的;n.服饰过于讲究的男子; farewell:n.告别;辞行;v.为…举行送别仪式(或宴会);
That's a goodbye for a man who was larger than life , a goodbye for a man for whom anything, well, almost anything, was possible, a goodbye for a man who kept hope alive. 这是一个比生命更伟大男人的道别 对于一个 所有事 几乎所有事都能做的 男人的道别 一个保留了希望的男人的道别
larger than life:adj.(谚语)杰出的;
And isn't that what we're missing? 这正不是我们所缺失的吗?
How can we learn that people's decisions about their loved ones are often based strongly, powerfully, many times irrationally, on the slimmest of hopes? 我们如何才能理解 人们面对爱人做出的决定 不正是往往来自于强烈的,有力的 很多时候并不理智的 微薄的希望吗?
The overwhelming presence of hope isn't denial. 紧紧抱住一点点希望 不是拒绝现实
overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词) presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态;
It's part of our DNA as humans, and maybe it's time our healthcare system -- doctors, patients, insurance companies, us, started accounting for the power of that hope. 而是人类基因的一部分 也许我们的医疗系统 医生,病人,保险公司以及我们 是时候开始计算希望的力量了
Hope isn't a bug. 希望不是一个漏洞
It's a feature. 而是是一个功能
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)