

Allison Hunt: My three minutes hasn't started yet, has it? 我的三分钟还没开始吧?
Chris Anderson: No, you can't start the three minutes. 克里斯·安德森:没有。先别开始计时。
Reset the three minutes, that's just not fair. 重设时间,负责对她不公平
AH: Oh my God, it's harsh up here. 艾莉森·亨特:天啊!这演讲的规定也太严格了。
I mean I'm nervous enough as it is. 我是说,我已经够紧张的了
But I am not as nervous as I was five weeks ago. 不过我已经没有五周前那么紧张了
Five weeks ago I had total hip replacement surgery . 五周以前我做了全髋骨置换手术
hip:n.臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁;adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的; replacement:n.替换;更换;替代品;接替者; surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室;
Do you know that surgery? 你知道这个手术吗?
Electric saw, power drill, totally disgusting unless you're David Bolinsky, in which case it's all truth and beauty. 电锯,电钻,超可怕 除非你是大卫·柏林斯基,因为他认为手术只有真和美
Electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; disgusting:adj.令人不快的;令人厌恶的;v.使作呕;使厌恶;使反感;(disgust的现在分词)
Sure David, if it's not your hip, it's truth and beauty. 当然,大卫,只要不是你的髋骨,就会有真和美。
Anyway, I did have a really big epiphany around the situation, so Chris invited me to tell you about it. 总之,这件事给了我很大的启示 克里斯邀请我和大家分享一下
But first you need to know two things about me. 但首先我有两件事需要事先说明
Just two things. 就两件
I'm Canadian, and I'm the youngest of seven kids. 第一,我是加拿大人。第二,我是家中七个孩子里最小的。
Now, in Canada, we have that great healthcare system. 在加拿大,我们有很好的医保制度
That means we get our new hips for free. 那意味著置换髋骨是免费的
And being the youngest of seven, 而身为七个小孩中的老幺
I have never been at the front of the line for anything. OK? 任何事情都是最后一个轮到我
So my hip had been hurting me for years. 我的髋骨已经折磨了我好多年
I finally went to the doctor, which was free. 我终于去看了医生,那是免费的。
And she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon , also free. 她将我转诊给骨外科医生,那也是免费的。
referred:v.提到;引用;认为;指示;涉及;(refer的过去式和过去分词) orthopedic:adj.整形外科的(等于orthopaedic); surgeon:n.外科医生;
Finally got to see him after 10 months of waiting -- almost a year. 等了十个月,我终于见到了他 -- 将近一年啊。
That is what free gets you. 这就是免费的代价。
I met the surgeon, and he took some free X-rays, and I got a good look at them. And you know, even I could tell my hip was bad, and I actually work in marketing. 我见了外科医生,他给我拍了几张免费的 X 光片, 我很仔細地看了这些 X 光片,然后你知道的, 就连我这个外行也看得出髋骨有问题。 我是做市场分析的,是个完全的外行。
So he said, "Allison, we've got to get you on the table. 因此他说:“艾莉森,我们必须帮你安排手術”
I'm going to replace your hip -- it's about an 18-month wait." 我要给你换个髋骨 -- 大概要等18个月
18 more months. 还要再等18个月
I'd already waited 10 months, and I had to wait 18 more months. 我已经等了10个月了,现在还要再多等18个月
You know, it's such a long wait that I actually started to even think about it in terms of TEDs. 你知道的,这么漫长的等待让我不禁 开始使用TED演讲来计算等待的时间
I wouldn't have my new hip for this TED. 在这一次的TED,我不会有新的髋骨
I wouldn't have my new hip for TEDGlobal in Africa. 非洲的“全球TED”,我也不会有新髋骨
I would not have my new hip for TED2008. TED2008,我仍然不会有新髋骨
I would still be on my bad hip. That was so disappointing . 我的坏髋骨仍然会陪伴着我。太令人失望了。
So, I left his office and I was walking through the hospital, and that's when I had my epiphany. 所以,我离开了他的办公室,我在医院中走着, 就在这时,我领悟到,
This youngest of seven had to get herself to the front of the line. 七个孩子的老幺必须想办法挤到前面去
Oh yeah. 哦,对了!
Can I tell you how un-Canadian that is? 你知道这种想法有多不像加拿大人吗?
We do not think that way. 我们是不会这样思考的。
We don't talk about it. It's not even a consideration . 我们不会去谈论这件事--呃--这根本不在考虑范围之内
In fact, when we're traveling abroad , it's how we identify fellow Canadians. 事实上,当我们在国外旅行时,我们就是这样来辨别自己的同胞
abroad:adv.在国外;到海外;adj.往国外的;n.海外;异国; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现:
'"After you." "Oh, no, no. After you." “你先请” “不,不,你先来”
Hey, are you from Canada? "Oh, me too! Hi!" 嗨,你是加拿大人?“我也是,嗨”
'"Great! Excellent!" “太棒了,好极了”
So no, suddenly I wasn't averse to butting any geezer off the list. 所以,不,忽然间我不介意把名单中排在前面的老家伙挤到后面去。
averse:adj.反对的;不愿意的; butting:v.(人)用头顶撞;(动物)用头(或角)顶;(butt的现在分词) geezer:n.古怪的人;老头儿;
Some 70-year-old who wanted his new hip so he could be back golfing, or gardening. 一些需要更换髋骨的70岁的老人 如果他们的目的只是为了打高尔夫球或种种花草
No, no. Front of the line. 不,不。这次我要抢在前面
So by now I was walking the lobby , and of course, that hurt, because of my hip, and I kind of needed a sign. 现在我在医院的大厅走着,当然,很痛 因为我的髋骨。我需要一个指引。
And I saw a sign. 然后我真的得到了指引
In the window of the hospital's tiny gift shop there was a sign that said, " Volunteers Needed." Hmm. 医院的小礼品店窗上有个启事 写着“义工招募中”,恩~
gift shop:n.礼品店; Volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
Well, they signed me up immediately. 他们马上就雇佣了我
No reference checks. None of the usual background stuff , no. 没有按常规检查背景,不要推荐人
reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
They were desperate for volunteers because the average age of the volunteer at the hospital gift shop was 75. 他們亟需义工 因为医院礼品店里现有义工的平均年龄是75岁
Yeah. They needed some young blood . 是的。他们需要一些新鲜血液
young blood:(集合词)青年;
So, next thing you know, I had my bright blue volunteer vest , 所以很快我就穿上了鲜蓝色的义工背心
I had my photo ID, and I was fully trained by my 89-year-old boss. 有了工作证,89岁的老伴对我进行了全面的培训
I worked alone. 我能独当一面了。
Every Friday morning I was at the gift shop. 每星期五早上我都在礼品店工作。
While ringing in hospital staff's Tic Tacs, 每当医院员工们在一起剔牙闲聊时
I'd casually ask, "What do you do?" 我会顺口问问,“你是做什么的?”
Then I'd tell them, "Well, I'm getting my hip replaced -- in 18 months. 接着我会告诉他们,“18个月后我就能接受髋骨置换手术了。
It's gonna be so great when the pain stops. Ow!" 不用再受苦了,真是太好了!”
All the staff got to know the plucky , young volunteer. 全医院的员工都认识这位勇敢的年轻义工
My next surgeon's appointment was, coincidentally , right after a shift at the gift shop. 很巧的,我和外科医生的下个预约门诊日 正好是我从礼品店下班后
appointment:n.任命;约定;任命的职位; coincidentally:adv.巧合地;一致地; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换;
So, naturally , I had my vest and my identification . 因此,我理所当然地穿着背心和工作证去看医生
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; identification:n.鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明;
I draped them casually over the chair in the doctor's office. 我把它们随手搭在医生办公室的椅背上
And you know, when he walked in, 你可以想想,当医生走进来时
I could just tell that he saw them. 我可以知道他看到了它们。
Moments later, I had a surgery date just weeks away, and a big fat prescription for Percocet. 一阵子后,我的手术时间改在了几周后 并给我开了大量的止疼药
Now, word on the street was that it was actually my volunteering that got me to the front of the line. 现在市井的传言都说 我能提前动手术是因为我做了医院的义工
And, you know, I'm not even ashamed of that. 但你知道,我丝毫不对此感到羞愧
Two reasons. 因为两个原因
First of all , I am going to take such good care of this new hip. 首先,我会很好地对待我的新髋骨
First of all:adv.首先; I am going to:我将要做什么事情
But also I intend to stick with the volunteering, which actually leads me to the biggest epiphany of them all. 另外,我会继续当义工服务 我最大的启事其实是从这里得到的
Even when a Canadian cheats the system, they do it in a way that benefits society. 即使当加拿大人会在制度面前取巧 他们也是用之来造福社会的