

The Earth, home to millions of species . ?地球 数百万物种的家园
But what might live. . . beyond? ?但地球之外…生存着什么?
There are countless planets? throughout the universe. ?有无数行星遍布宇宙
countless:adj.无数的;数不尽的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
If life exists on only a fraction of them, then the universe must be. . . alive. ?即使一小部分行星上存在生命 ?那么宇宙一定充满生机
All living things have the same needs. ?所有生物都有同样的需求
To feed. . . ?进食…
reproduce . . . ?繁衍…
and evolve . ?和进化
By applying the laws of life on Earth to the rest of the universe. . . ?通过将地球生物的规律 ?应用到宇宙的其他地方
it's possible to imagine what could live. . . ?我们可以想象 ?外星世界
on alien worlds. ?会有什么生存
All life forms need a planet to live on. ?所有生命形式都需要生活在行星上
But how many planets? are there in the universe? ?但是宇宙中有多少行星呢?
Think about our star, the Sun, with Earth, Mars , Jupiter orbiting it. ?想想我们的恒星 ?太阳 ?地球、火星、木星绕其飞行
Mars:n.火星 Jupiter:n.[天]木星;朱庇特(罗马神话中的宙斯神); orbiting:v.[航][天]轨道运行;轨道运动;转圈(orbit的ing形式);
For centuries, people have asked themselves, "What about the other stars? ?数百年来 ?人们自问 “那么其他恒星呢?
Uh, do they have planets as well? " ?它们是否也有行星?”
And 24 years ago, ?24年前
I found one! ?我找到了一颗
Didier Queloz is a superstar astrophysicist . ?迪迪尔.奎洛兹 ?是位明星天体物理学家
Didier:n.酷狗大圣(电影名); astrophysicist:n.天体物理学家;
He has won the Nobel Prize ? for discovering the first planet beyond our solar system . ?他因为在我们太阳系外 ?找到第一颗行星 ?赢得诺贝尔奖
Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖; solar system:[天]太阳系;
I was 28 years old when I found the planet. ?我发现那颗行星的时候28岁
I was about to finish my PhD, and my PhD adviser gave me the key of the equipment. ?我即将拿到我的博士学位 ?我的博士导师把器材的钥匙给了我
was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; adviser:n.顾问;劝告者;指导教师(等于advisor);
And after observing a couple of times, the star 51 Peg , ?在观测了飞马座51几次后
observing:adj.观察的;注意的;观察力敏锐的;v.观察;遵守(observe的现在分词); Peg:n.楔子; v.用夹子夹住;
I realized that something was going on on that star. ? ?我意识到这颗恒星有情况
And frankly, I just panicked at that time. ?说实话 我那时候很慌张
I thought something was really wrong with my equipment. ?我以为设备一定出了问题
And the more I wanted to understand this, the less it made sense. ?我越想搞明白 越是想不通
Until the point I got convinced it must be a planet. ?最后我只能相信 ?一定有一颗行星存在
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
That's likely to be a planet over there. ?有可能那里有一颗行星
Could be Jupiter over there. ?也许会是一颗木星
It's pretty cool. ?很酷
Distant planets are invisible ? to telescopes because they don't emit any light. ?望远镜是看不到遥远的行星的 ?因为行星不发光
Distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; telescopes:n.望远镜; v.套叠; (telescope的第三人称单数) emit:v.发出,射出,散发(光、热、声音、气等);
But if a planet passes in front of a star, it casts a tiny shadow, and there's a minuscule dimming ? of the star's brightness . ?但一旦行星绕到恒星前面 ?它会留下细微的阴影 ?恒星的亮度会略微减弱
minuscule:n.小写字;草写小字;adj.极小的;用草写小字写的; dimming:n.调光;变暗;v.变暗(dim的现在分词); brightness:n.[光][天]亮度;聪明,活泼;鲜艳;愉快;
When astronomers detect this dip in light level, they have found a new planet. ?当天文学家侦测到亮度减弱 ?他们就找到了新的行星
astronomers:天文学家; detect:vt.察觉;发现;探测; dip:n.游一游; v.蘸;
Hello, guys. ?你们好
Uh. . . Oh, hey. Here is what the telescope is looking at. ?这里是望远镜观测的地方
This is a picture? of the telescope right now. ?这是望远镜现在看到的画面
Uh, in the middle, you have the. . . the target we're observing. ?中间是我们的观测目标
So, you analyze this whole field, you process the data, and, um, if you're lucky enough, you detect this. ?通过分析整个区域 处理数据 ?如果你够走运 你能侦测到这个
analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
There's a little bit of a decrease ? of the flux , and this tells me? that there is a planet orbiting that star. ?光通量有略微减少 ?通过这个我能知道 ?有一颗行星围绕着这颗恒星运转
a little bit of a:一点点了; decrease:v.降低;减少;缩小;减弱;n.减少;减小量;所减少的总量;减缩位置; flux:n.[流][机]流量;变迁;不稳定;流出;vt.使熔融;用焊剂处理;vi.熔化;流出;
We know there are a huge number? of planets in the universe. ?我们知道宇宙中有大量行星