

You may want to take a closer look. 你可能想要离近点儿看它。
There's more to this painting than meets the eye. 除了表面上你所看到油画 它隐含了更多内容
And yes, it's an acrylic painting of a man, but I didn't paint it on canvas . 是的,它是一个人的丙烯油画 但我并没把它漆在画布上。
acrylic:adj.丙烯酸的; canvas:n.帆布;(帆布)画布;油画;vt.用帆布覆盖;
I painted it directly on top of the man. 我直接在这个人的身体上作画。
What I do in my art is I skip the canvas altogether, and if I want to paint your portrait , 我所做的艺术是略过画布本身, 如果我想要给你画张肖像,
I'm painting it on you, physically on you. 我会把它画在你身上, 你的身体之上。
That also means you're probably going to end up with an earful of paint, because I need to paint your ear on your ear. 这也就意味着你可能最后 耳朵里全都是颜料, 因为我要在你的耳朵上画一只耳朵。
Everything in this scene, the person, the clothes, chairs, wall, gets covered in a mask of paint that mimics what's directly below it, and in this way, I'm able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting. 这个场景里的一切,人、衣服、 椅子、 墙壁、 都被一层画遮盖着 这层画模仿画下的物体, 以这种方式,我就能够创造一个三维的场景 并使它看起来像一幅二维的画。
mimics:v.模仿; n.会模仿的人(或动物); (mimic的第三人称单数和复数) three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; two-dimensional:adj.二维的;缺乏深度的;
I can photograph it from any angle, and it will still look 2D. 我可以从任何角度拍摄, 而它仍然看起来像是一幅二维图画。
There's no Photoshop here. 我并没有使用图像处理软件。
This is just a photo of one of my three-dimensional paintings. 这只是 我的三维油画的一张照片而已。
You might be wondering how I came up with this idea of turning people into paintings. 你可能想知道我是如何产生这个想法去 把人变成绘画。
But originally , this had nothing to do with either people or paint. 最初,这与人或颜料 都无关。
originally:adv.原来;起初; had nothing to do with:与…无关;
It was about shadows. 而有关于阴影。
I was fascinated with the absence of light, and I wanted to find a way that I could give it materiality and pin it down before it changed. 我着迷于阴影, 我想要找到一种可以给予它物质性地存在并 在它改变之前把它固定下来。
absence:n.没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意; materiality:n.物质性,重要性;物质; pin:n.大头针;饰针;旗杆;胸针;v.别上;使不能动弹;按住;钳住;
I came up with the idea of painting shadows. 于是我想出了画阴影的想法。
I loved that I could hide within this shadow my own painted version, and it would be almost invisible until the light changed, and all of a sudden my shadow would be brought to the light. 我对可以将我所画的阴影 隐藏在真实的阴影中 乐此不疲, 而且它几乎是隐形的 直到光改变了, 突然之间,我的阴影就被现形在日光之下。
invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
I wanted to think about what else I could put shadows on, and I thought of my friend Bernie. 我在想还有别的什么是我可以将阴影画上去的, 于是我想到了我的朋友伯尼。
But I didn't just want to paint the shadows. 但我不仅仅只是想画上去一些阴影。
I also wanted to paint the highlights and create a mapping on his body in greyscale . 我还想要画上一些亮色 于是在他的身体上创造出一个灰度的绘画。
highlights:n.拔萃,集锦; v.使突出(highlight的三单形式); greyscale:adj.灰度的;灰色调的;
I had a very specific vision of what this would look like, and as I was painting him, 对于它具体会变成什么样, 我有一个非常细致的构想, 当我开始画他的时候,
specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
I made sure to follow that very closely. 我仔细地遵循着我的构想。
But something kept on flickering before my eyes. 但有个东西一直在我的眼前闪烁。
flickering:adj.扑动的; v.闪现; (flicker的现在分词)
I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at. 我不确定我在看什么。
And then when I took that moment to take a step back, magic. 于是我往后退一步看它, 奇迹出现了。
I had turned my friend into a painting. 我把我的朋友变成了一幅画。
I couldn't have foreseen that when I wanted to paint a shadow, 我并不能预料到这件事的发生, 我并不能预料到这件事的发生,
I would pull out this whole other dimension, that I would collapse it, that I would take a painting and make it my friend and then bring him back to a painting. 我会把其他的维度也一并带出来, 并将它瓦解, 我会画一下画再画一下我的朋友 然后将他带回到画中。
I was a little conflicted though, because I was so excited about what I'd found, but I was just about to graduate from college with a degree in political science , and I'd always had this dream of going to Washington, D.C., and sitting at a desk and working in government. 不过,我又有点矛盾, 因为我对于我所发现的东西太过于兴奋, 但我就要从大学毕业 并且获得政治科学学位, 而且我一直有一个梦想是 去华盛顿, 在办公室里 为政府工作。
conflicted:adj.因心理冲突而不知所措的;v.冲突,抵触;(conflict的过去分词和过去式) political science:n.政治学;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Why did this have to get in the way of all that? 为什么这个要在其中挡路?
get in the way:妨碍;挡道;挡住去路;阻碍;
I made the tough decision of going home after graduation and not going up to Capitol Hill , but going down to my parents' basement and making it my job to learn how to paint. 我做出了一个艰难的决定 那就是在毕业之后回家 不是去国会山, 而是去我父母家的地下室 使学习如何作画变成我的工作。
Capitol Hill:美国国会;美国国会山;
I had no idea where to begin. 我真不知道应该从哪里开始。
The last time I'd painted, 我最后一次画画,
I was 16 years old at summer camp , and I didn't want to teach myself how to paint by copying the old masters or stretching a canvas and practicing over and over again on that surface, because that's not what this project was about for me. 是我十六岁的时候在夏利营里, 我并不想要通过复制那些画家 或者在一块画布上 反复的练习 来教自己如何画画, 因为这并不是我想要的。
summer camp:n.夏令营; stretching:v.拉长;撑大;有弹性;拉紧;拉直;(stretch的现在分词) over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
It was about space and light. 而是关于光和空间。
My early canvases ended up being things that you wouldn't expect to be used as canvas, like fried food. 我早期的画布是 一些你不会想到能用作画布的东西, 比如说油炸食品。
It's nearly impossible to get paint to stick to the grease in an egg. 要让颜料固定在蛋的油脂上面 几乎是不可能。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Even harder was getting paint to stick to the acid in a grapefruit . 要使颜料固定在 西柚中的酸更是不可能。
It just would erase my brush strokes like invisible ink. 它会像隐形墨水一样 把颜料从我的画笔上擦去。
erase:vt.抹去;擦除;vi.被擦去,被抹掉; strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
I'd put something down, and instantly it would be gone. 我一把什么东西画下去,它就会立即消失。
And if I wanted to paint on people, well, I was a little bit embarrassed to bring people down into my studio and show them that I spent my days in a basement putting paint on toast . 如果我想要在人的身体上画画, 好吧,我是有点尴尬 把人带到我的工作室里面 并且让他们看我成天在地下室里面 在土司上面画画。
embarrassed:adj.尴尬的;窘迫的;v.使...局促不安;(embarrass的过去分词和过去式) studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
It just seemed like it made more sense to practice by painting on myself. 在我自己身上练习作画 更容易被实施。
One of my favorite models actually ended up being a retired old man who not only didn't mind sitting still and getting the paint in his ears, but he also didn't really have much embarrassment about being taken out into very public places for exhibition, like the Metro . 我最喜欢的模特之一是 一个退休的老男人 他不仅仅只是不在意坐在那里不动 把他的耳朵里面涂满丙烯, 并且他对于把他带到一些公共的场合 进行展览这件事 也并不感到尴尬, 比如到地铁上去。
embarrassment:n.窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物;拮据; Metro:地铁
I was having so much fun with this process . 在这一过程中,我收获了许多的快乐。
I was teaching myself how to paint in all these different styles, and I wanted to see what else I could do with it. 我教自己如何用不同的风格绘画, 并且想看看我还能够做些什么。
I came together with a collaborator , Sheila Vand, and we had the idea of creating paintings in a more unusual surface, and that was milk. 我与 Sheila Vand 合作 我们有的绘画创作想法是 在一个更不寻常的表面上作画: 牛奶。
collaborator:n.[劳经]合作者;勾结者;通敌者; Sheila:n.小妞;少女;年轻女子;
We got a pool. We filled it with milk. 我们有一个游泳池。我们把它装满了牛奶。
We filled it with Sheila. And I began painting. 我们把Sheila也放在牛奶里面。 并且开始作画。
And the images were always completely unexpected in the end, because I could have a very specific image about how it would turn out, 最后创作出来的图像 总是完全出乎意料, 因为如果只是画画的话, 我对于最后所出来的效果 都有一个非常具象的想象,
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的;
I could paint it to match that, but the moment that Sheila laid back into the milk, everything would change. 我可以用画去配合我的想象, 但当Sheila在牛奶中躺下的时候, 一切都会改变。
laid back:adj.懒散的;悠闲的;闲散的;
It was in constant flux , and we had to, rather than fight it, embrace it, see where the milk would take us and compensate to make it even better. 它是在不断变化, 与其去与之斗争,我们不如去拥抱它, 看牛奶会把我们带向什么样的方向 甚至是使初始想法变得更好。
flux:n.[流][机]流量;变迁;不稳定;流出;vt.使熔融;用焊剂处理;vi.熔化;流出; embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; compensate:v.补偿,赔偿;抵消;
Sometimes, when Sheila would lay down in the milk, it would wash all the paint off of her arms, and it might seem a little bit clumsy , but our solution would be, okay, hide your arms. 有时,当Shila在牛奶里躺下的时候, 牛奶会将她胳膊上所有的颜料的洗干, 我们的解决方法可能有些笨拙, 那就是把你的胳膊藏起来。
clumsy:adj.笨拙的;笨拙地;不得当的;不得当地; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
And one time, she got so much milk in her hair that it just smeared all the paint off of her face. 有一次,她的头发沾染了太多牛奶 并且牛奶把她脸上的画都抹干了。
smeared:adj.脏兮兮的; v.胡乱涂抹; (smear的过去分词和过去式)
All right, well, hide your face. 那么,好吧,把你的脸藏起来吧。
And we ended up with something far more elegant than we could have imagined, even though this is essentially the same solution that a frustrated kid uses when he can't draw hands, just hiding them in the pockets. 而最后我们得到的作品却是 比我们的想象中更高雅的作品, 即使这跟一个沮丧的孩子不会画手的时候 就把手画在口袋里藏起来所用的策略 是一样的。
elegant:adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词)
When we started out on the milk project, and when I started out, 当我们开始这个牛奶项目的时候, 当我开始的时候,
I couldn't have foreseen that I would go from pursuing my dream in politics and working at a desk to tripping over a shadow and then turning people into paintings and painting on people in a pool of milk. 我不能预见到我将去向何方 从追求我的政治理想 在办公室工作 到被阴影所迷的神魂颠倒 然后把人变成油画 和在一池牛奶中的人身上绘画。
pursuing:v.追求;致力于;贯彻;跟踪;追赶;(pursue的现在分词) politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
But then again, I guess it's also not unforeseeable that you can find the strange in the familiar , as long as you're willing to look beyond what's already been brought to light, that you can see what's below the surface, hiding in the shadows, and recognize that there can be more there than meets the eye. 但话又说回来,我猜也不是不能预见 你总可以在熟悉的事物中找到新奇的, 只要你愿意抛下你的现状 看得更远些, 那么你就可以知道隐藏在表面之下, 躲在暗处的事物, 并认识到有更多不仅仅 在表面上的东西。
unforeseeable:adj.不可预见的;无法预料的; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) 谢谢。