

Hey, look! over there! 快看那
Their ship is so big. 他们的船可真大啊
Wish ours was that fancy . 我们的船要是也这么漂亮就好了
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
I'd be so happy if ours was that fancy. 如果那样的话 我做梦也会笑醒
'cause then... - why is that? 因为 - 为什么呢
Because it looks better? 就因为它看上去更好看吗
This boat has seen us through many a storm. 这条小船已经陪伴我们度过了许多风风雨雨
It may not look like much, 也许它看上去不怎么样
But it has something theirs never will. 但它有别的船永远不会有的东西
What? wood rot and rats? 是什么呢 烂木头和老鼠
Are the children learning something, dear? 孩子们有什么收获吗 亲爱的
It is unclear . 这可说不好
All right, 好吧
Sit, children. 你们俩过来坐好
I think it's time that I told you the story... 是时候告诉你们这个故事了
Of Aladdin, the princess , and the lamp . 一个关于Aladdin 公主和神灯的故事
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; lamp:n.灯;台灯;(理疗用的)发热灯;
What's so special about a lamp? 一盏灯有什么稀奇的呀
Oh, this is a magic lamp. 噢 那可是一盏神灯
Maybe if you sing. 也许你应该唱给我们听
It's better when you sing. 我更喜欢你唱歌
No, no. no singing. it's been a long day. 不不不 不唱 今天太累了
Hey! psh! 一边去
Only one may enter here. 只有一人可进入此地
One whose worth lies far within. 一个心地善良之人
The diamond in the rough . 如未经打磨的钻石
diamond in the rough:未经雕琢的璞玉;
Seek thee out the diamond in the rough. 寻得此人 那未经打磨的钻石
Seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; thee:pron.(第二人称单数的宾格)你;
What's your monkey's name? 你的猴子叫什么
He's a lovely monkey. 真可爱
Hmm. that's a lovely necklace . 您的项链也很漂亮
So, where does Abu come from? Abu是从哪里来呢
I think this belongs to me. 这应该是我的东西吧
Good day, ladies. 日安 女士们
Okay. 好吧
How'd we do, Abu? 怎么样 Abu
Good monkey. 好孩子
Stop right there, Aladdin. 省省吧 Aladdin
Whatever it is you stole today, I don't want it. 不管你今天偷来什么 我一概不收
Whoa, whoa. I didn't steal anything. 胡说 我可没偷
It's a family heirloom that's worth a lot. 这可是我家价值连城的传家宝
I'll give you a bag of dates for it, nothing more. 就值一袋枣子 不能再多了
Zulla, we both know it's worth at least three bags. Zulla 你我都知道这至少值三袋枣子
Take the bag of dates and get out! 拿着枣子滚出去
Please. 求你了
Move it, you street rat. 滚开 你这只过街老鼠
Here you go, Abu. 给你 Abu
Come here! 快来买啊
Fresh fish! we catch them, you buy them! 新鲜的鱼 现捞现卖
Try this, please. please. 来尝尝吧
Sugar dates and pistachios ! 糖和开心果
Hello. 你们好呀
Are you hungry? Here, take some bread. 你们是不是很饿 吃些面包吧
Hey! hey! 喂 喂
You steal from my brother. 你偷我哥哥的面包
Stealing? no, I... - you pay, or I take bracelet . 偷 我没有 - 那你付钱 不然把镯子给我
Sir, I don't have any money. Let go of me! 先生 我没带钱 放开我