

Al Gore: Hello everyone, I'm Al Gore, founder and chairman of the Climate Reality Project. 艾:大家好, 我是艾伯特 · 戈尔(Al Gore), 气候现实项目 (Climate Reality Project)的
This extraordinary moment of great challenge and great loss is obviously also a moment of great awakening and a great opportunity. 在这非凡的时刻, 我们面临着巨大的挑战与失去, 同时,也迎来了巨大的觉醒与机遇。
The global pandemic , structural and institutional racism , with its horrific violence , the worsening impacts of the climate crisis -- all of these have accelerated the emergence of a new and widespread collective understanding of our connection to the natural world, the consequences of ignoring science and our sacred obligation to build a just society for all. 全球疫情大流行, 结构性和体制性的种族主义 及其可怕的暴力行为, 日益严峻的气候危机带来的影响, 所有的这些都加速了 我们对人类与自然界的联系、 无视科学的后果, 以及我们为所有人建立 一个公正社会的神圣义务, 有了新的、更广泛的集体认识。
founder:vi.失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛;vt.破坏;使摔倒;垮掉;n.创始人;建立者;翻沙工; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; awakening:n.醒悟; v.(使)醒来; adj.唤醒的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; pandemic:adj.(疾病等)全国流行的;普遍的;n.流行性疾病; structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; institutional:adj.制度的; racism:n.种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见; horrific:adj.可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; worsening:n.恶化;变坏;adj.日益恶化的;v.恶化(worsen的ing形式);使变得更坏; impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; accelerated:v.(使)加速;加速;加快(accelerate的过去分词和过去式) emergence:n.出现,浮现;发生;露头; widespread:adj.普遍的,广泛的;分布广的; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); ignoring:v.忽略,忽视;(ignore的现在分词); obligation:n.义务;责任;职责;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务;
The Climate Reality Project trains thousands of climate leaders around the world, in all 195 nations, to advocate for a future humanity deserves . 气候现实计划培训了 195 个国家地区的数千名气候领导者 倡导人类应得的未来。
You're about to hear from four very different people who've gone through this week-long training and hear how they've been inspired to act. 你将听到来自四个截然不同的人, 他们经历过这为期一周的培训, 来听听他们是 如何受到启发而行动起来的。
I want to let them speak for themselves, beginning with Ximena Loría. 我想让他们自己来分享。
advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; deserves:v.值得;应得;应受;(deserve的第三人称单数) inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
Ximena is working in Central America to influence public policy and develop young leaders. 西曼娜在中美洲开展工作, 致力于影响公共政策和培养青年领袖;
She has given presentations on climate to thousands of people and has now created her own NGO. 她向成千上万人介绍了气候现实项目, 而今创建了她自己的非政府组织。
I'm from Costa Rica, and I attended the 2016 training in Houston , Texas. 我来自哥斯达黎加, 在 2016 年参加了 在德克萨斯州休斯敦的培训。
Central America:n.中美洲(包括危地马拉、伯利兹、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加以及巴拿马); influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; presentations:n.展示;自我介绍;业务陈述(presentation的复数形式); Costa:n.[解剖]肋骨;叶脉;[昆]前缘脉; Houston:n.休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市);
After the training, my life changed completely. 培训后,我的生活彻底改变了。
I founded an NGO called Misión 2 Grados. 我成立了一个名为 Misión dos Grados 的非政府组织。
My job has been focused on four main important topics: people's sensitization on climate change, supporting the B Corp movement, incidence in public policy and development of young leaders in environmental matters. 我的工作关注于四个重要话题上: 人们对气候变化的认识, 对 B Corp 运动的支持, 公共政策事件,以及培养年轻的 环境领导者。
I'm proud of having more than 150 presentations on the climate crisis and solutions, reaching personally more than 7,500 people. 进行了超过 150 多场 有关气候危机和解决方案的演讲, 触及到了超过 7500 名观众。
And I am also proud of being part of the Costa Rica delegation to COP25 in Spain last December. 我也为去年 12 月能够代表哥斯达黎加去西班牙参加 COP25 会议而感到自豪。
sensitization:n.敏化作用;促进感受性;感光度之增强; incidence:n.发生率;影响;[光]入射;影响范围; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; delegation:n.代表团;授权;委托;
AG: Nana Firman, born in Indonesia , is a climate advocate extraordinaire and calls herself a daughter of the rain forest. 艾:娜娜·菲尔曼(Nana Firman) 是一位来自印度尼西亚的 非凡气候倡导者, 自称是热带雨林的女儿。
Nana is the Muslim Coordinator for GreenFaith and cofounder of the Global Muslim Climate Network. 娜娜是绿色信仰的穆斯林协调员, 也是全球穆斯林气候网络的联合创始人。
Nana Firman: My name is Nana Firman, and I am a Climate Reality Leader. 我叫娜娜 · 菲尔曼,
Indonesia:n.印尼,印度尼西亚(东南亚岛国); extraordinaire:adj.(法语)特别的;非凡的;异常的; Coordinator:n.协调者;[自]协调器;同等的人或物; cofounder:n.共同创办人;
In my life journey , [ 2009 年开始担任气候领袖 ]
I realized that our behavior and consumption habits have contributed in environmental degradation and have resulted in global warming . 在我的人生旅程中,我意识到我们的行为 和消费习惯促使了环境恶化, 从而导致了全球变暖。
However, I believe that people grow spiritually through a strong relationship with the earth. 但我相信人们的精神成长 是通过与地球的紧密关系来实现的。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词) degradation:n.退化;降格,降级;堕落; global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖; spiritually:adv.在精神上地;
Being born in the rain forest region of Sumatra , 我生于苏门答腊的热带雨林地区,
I believe in the power of our forests as the natural solution to our climate crisis by giving indigenous peoples and traditional communities more rights to protect and manage the forests where they live. 所以,我相信我们森林的力量是 应对气候危机的自然解决方案, 通过赋予土着人民和传统社区 比以往任何时候都更多的权利
region:n.地区;范围;部位; Sumatra:n.[气象]苏门答腊岛(印尼西部的大岛); solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; indigenous:adj.本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的; traditional:传统的,惯例的, communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
Now, more than ever, it is time for us to put climate justice at the forefront and center of our struggles. 去保护和管理他们所生活的森林。 现在是时候让我们把气候正义 放到斗争的前沿和中心。
AG: In the Kaduna region of Northern Nigeria, they call Gloria Kasang Bulus the queen of the climate crisis. 艾:在尼日利亚北部的卡杜纳地区。 他们称格洛丽亚·卡桑·布鲁斯 (Gloria Kasang Bulus)
Gloria has also founded a Kaduna-based NGO that is focused on education, empowerment and climate. 格洛里亚还成立了一个 基于卡杜纳的非政府组织, 致力于教育、赋权和气候。
justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; forefront:n.最前线,最前部;活动的中心; Kaduna:n.卡杜纳(尼日利亚城市); empowerment:n.许可,授权;
Gloria Kasang Bulus: My name is Gloria Kasang Bulus. 我叫格洛丽亚·卡桑·布鲁斯。
I came across the Climate Reality training and I applied for it in 2017, and that helped me to be able to build my capacity afterwards. 我接受了气候现实项目的培训, 这对我之后的能力培养
And then it [sprung] up my passion in climate action. 同时,激发了我对气候行动的热情。
I'm really very proud of some of my achievements. 我为自己的成就感到非常自豪。
And one of my achievements is reaching out to children. 我的成就之一 就是向孩子们伸出援手。
applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
Another achievement I'm proud of is bringing the media together to talk about climate change, to have quarterly discussions of climate change. 另一个我引以为傲的成果是 与媒体合作谈论气候变化, 每季度讨论一次气候变化问题。
Some works that I have done around climate change, they really, really make me proud of being a Climate Reality Leader and a climate activist . 我围绕气候变化所做的一些工作, 让我成为了气候现实领袖 与气候活动家,这让我很自豪。
AG: Tim Guinee is a firefighter in New York and is also the chairperson of the Climate Reality Project's 艾:蒂姆·吉恩(Tim Guinee) 是纽约的一名消防员, 还是气候现实项目
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; quarterly:adj.季度的,按季度的; v.按季度,[农]一季一次地; n.季刊; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子; firefighter:n.消防队员; chairperson:n.主席;议长;
Hudson Valley, Catskills chapter. 哈德森山谷分会的主席。
He and his chapter have secured commitments from over 100 businesses, schools and cities to adopt 100 percent renewable energy. 他和他的分会已得到 100 多家企业, 学校和城市的承诺, 承诺采用 100% 可再生能源。
Tim Guinee: My name's Tim Guinee. 我叫蒂姆·吉恩。
Hudson:n.哈得孙河; commitments:n.承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身;(commitment的复数) adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; renewable:adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源;
I'm a proud member of the Climate Reality Project. 我很荣幸成为气候现实项目的成员。
On September 10, 2001, that night I went on a ride-along with my friend Captain Paddy Brown, who was the most decorated firefighter in the history of New York City firefighting , and the incredible crew of Truck 3. [ 2017 年开始担任气候领袖 ] 2001 年 9 月 10 日那天晚上,我和朋友帕蒂·布朗上尉一起骑车, 帕蒂·布朗是纽约市消防史上 功勋卓着的消防员, 也是第三梯队了不起的成员。
And around 6:30, 7 in the morning, I went home, and a little while later, they got the call and responded to the World Trade Center. 那天,大约早上 6:37,我回家了, 不久后,他们接到了电话, 并紧急赶往世界贸易中心。
And they went up the stairs, and none of them ever came back. 他们上了云梯,却没有一个人回来。
Paddy:n.稻田(复数paddies);爱尔兰人;Patrick(男子名)和Patricia(女子名)的昵称; decorated:v.装饰;装潢;粉刷;点缀;装点;(decorate的过去分词和过去式) firefighting:n.消防;防火,打火; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词)
Now, I don't know if they had known what was going to happen whether they would have done it or not. 现在,我不知道他们 是否知道会发生什么,
That's all speculative . 这些都是猜测。
But what I do know is they stepped forward into their destiny . 但是我所知道的是,他们已向着自己的命运前进。
I think the climate crisis has some things in common with that moment. 我认为气候危机 与那一刻有一些共同点。
None of us would have asked for the climate crisis to have been put on our doorstep , but it is; it's here. 我们谁也不会要求将气候危机 摆在我们的家门口,
speculative:adj.投机的;推测的;思索性的; destiny:n.命运,定数,天命; in common with:与…一样; doorstep:n.门阶;
This is our historical reality. 这是我们的历史现实,
And we have a choice to make. 我们可以选择。
Our destiny is to decide whether we're going to respond to the climate crisis or whether we're going to pretend that it's not happening, deny it. 我们的命运是决定 我们是否要应对气候危机, 还是要假装它没有发生、 否认它。
historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的; deny:v.否定,否认;拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求;
I think this is our moment of destiny, and I hope you'll decide to take part, to fight against the climate crisis, because we need you. 我认为这是我们命运的时刻, 希望您能决定参加 为了抗击气候危机, 因为我们需要您。
AG: Four people, four stories of success and change. 艾:四个人,成功与变革的四个故事,
Immediately after this Countdown event, "24 Hours of Reality" will begin around the world at 4pm Eastern Standard Time in the US, featuring thousands of presentations from climate leaders just like the ones you've just seen. Countdown 倒计时活动结束后, “24 Hours of Reality” 将于美国东部时间 下午 4 点在全球拉开序幕, 分享数千场气候领袖们的演讲。 就像你刚刚看到的一样。
Use your voice, find your power, find your passion. 用你的声音, 找到你的力量, 找到你的激情。
Don't let this extraordinary moment pass. 不要让这个非凡的时刻流逝。
Together, we can ensure that this will mark the beginning of a healthy, just and sustainable future for all. 我们将共同努力, 健康、公正和可持续未来的开始。
Countdown:n.倒数计秒; Eastern Standard Time:n.东部标准时间; ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;