

Africa. 非洲
The world's greatest wilderness . 世上最大的原野
The only place on earth to see the full majesty of nature. 只有这里可见证大自然的无穷威力
There's so much more here than we ever imagined. 奇妙之处,远远超出我们的想像
I'm standing where the equator cuts right across the middle of the continent . 我正站在 横穿非洲大陆中部的赤道线上
To the north of me, there's an immense desert, the size of the United States of America . 我的北面,有个大如整个美国的沙漠
immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的; United States of America:un.美利坚合众国;
To the West, a vast rainforest the size of India. 西方的雨林大如印度
And behind me, for thousands of miles, the most fertile savannahs in the world. 而我身后连绵数千英里土地 是称冠世界的肥沃大草原
fertile:adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的; savannahs:n.大草原,热带草原(等于savanna);
From the roof of Africa... 从非洲的屋脊...
to the deepest jungle ,.. 到最深处的丛林...
Rarely seen places, and untold stories. 尽是罕见的风景、未知的奥秘
Rarely:adv.很少地;难得;罕有地; untold:adj.数不清的;未说过的;未透露的;无限的;
There is nowhere on earth where wildlife puts on a greater show. 别处无法找到的伟大生物奇观
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
This is the last place on earth where you can come eye to eye with the greatest animals that walk our planet. 全世界只剩下这个地方 可以见到地球上最强大的动物
This is Africa! 这里是非洲!
Our journey starts in the far South-West, in the oldest and strangest corner of the continent 我们的旅程从西南端开始 这是非洲最古老、最奇异的角落
Here, the thirsty land is covered with thousands upon thousands of circles. 缺水的土地布满千千万万个圆圈
We still don't know their origins . 我们仍未弄清楚它们的起源
origins:n.起源; (origin的复数)
Poisonous plants, foraging insects and even magnetism have all been suggested, but each ruled out. 有毒植物、觅食昆虫、甚至磁力 都曾提出来研究,但已一一否定
Poisonous:adj.有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的; foraging:n.觅食(forage的ing形式);觅食力; magnetism:n.磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力;
The circles don't move and their shape never varies , they're unchanging , much like this part of Africa itself. 圆圈不移动,形状一成不变 就像非洲这个角落.恒久不变
varies:n.多重复合;v.使不同;改变;违背(vary的三单形式); unchanging:adj.不变的;
Ancient and arid , it almost never rains on this land, yet there is water here, hidden away. 古老、干旱、难得下雨的一片土地 其实暗藏水源
To survive here, life must use every trick in the book! 为了保命,生物要各显神通
Winter. 冬天
Dawn temperatures can fall well below freezing. 清晨气温可降至零度以下
And that's a problem for this drongo , it's too cold for his normal prey , flying insects. 这只卷尾便有麻烦 天气太冷,它猎食的飞虫都不现身
drongo:n.燕卷尾; prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon);
But he has a plan. 但山人自有妙计
The drongo is the Kalahari's greatest trickster . 卷尾是喀拉哈里沙漠最大的骗子
And these are his victims. 这些是它的目标
A family of meerkats , desert specialists. 这群笔尾獴是沙漠专家
After warming up in the morning sun, the Meerkats begin their search for breakfast. 在晒过早晨日光浴热身后 它们便出动找早餐
The drongo can now begin his tricks. 于是卷尾开始使诈
But he must first win the confidence of his victims. 但它首先要赢取目标的信任
He spots an eagle on the hunt and sounds a warning. 它见到有鹰觅食,于是发出警告
One that sends the meerkats grateful scurrying to safety. 笔尾獴满怀感激地躲起来
Danger over... 危机过去了...
and now he has their trust. 现在它赢取了它们的信任
He sounds another warning. 它再发出一次警告
But this time it's a false alarm . 但今次却是虚报军情
false alarm:假警报;虚警;
Thank you very much. 老实不客气了
The meerkats fell for it. 笔尾獴上了大当
This all seems too easy. He tries the same trick again. 既然轻易得手! 它又重施故技
But the meerkats aren't stupid, they'll only fall for it once. 但笔尾獴也不笨,上当一次便学乖
The juicy scorpion won't be for him. 它休想享用这肥美多计的蠍子
Then suddenly, the sound of a sentry 's warning. 然后,突然哨兵发出警报
No meerkat can ignore that. Sentries never lie. 笔尾獴不可以不理,哨兵不会骗人
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; Sentries:n.哨兵(sentry的复数);v.放哨(sentry的三单形式);
But the sentry sees no danger. 但哨兵其实没见到危机
Guess who! 猜猜是谁做的好事