

Adam Ockelford: I promise there won't be too much of me talking, and a lot of Derek playing, but I thought it would just be nice to recap on how Derek got to where he is today. 亚当奥克福德:我保证我不会说的太多 而是让德里克多一些表演 但我想带大家简要回顾一下 德里克是如何取得现在的成绩
It's amazing now, because he's so much bigger than me, but when Derek was born, he could have fitted on the palm of your hand. 这真的很神奇,因为他现在比我高大很多 但当德里克出生时 他几乎只有你的手掌这么大
He was born three and a half months premature , and really it was a fantastic fight for him to survive. 他早产了三个半月 经过了顽强的挣扎才得以生存下来
premature:adj.早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的;n.早产儿;过早发生的事物; fantastic:奇异的,空想的
He had to have a lot of oxygen, and that affected your eyes, Derek, and also the way you understand language and the way you understand the world. 他需要大量的氧气 他需要大量的氧气 也影响了你对语言 和对世界的认知能力
But that was the end of the bad news, because when Derek came home from the hospital, his family decided to employ the redoubtable nanny who was going to look after you, Derek, really for the rest of your childhood . 但厄运也到此为止了 因为当德里克出院回家后 他的家人雇了一名厉害的保姆 她负责照顾你,德里克 度过了整个童年
employ:vt.使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于;n.使用;雇用; redoubtable:adj.可怕的;令人敬畏的; nanny:n.保姆;母山羊; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期
And Nanny's great insight , really, was to think, here's a child who can't see. 而这个保姆有着很深的远见 她想这个孩子眼睛看不见
Music must be the thing for Derek. 音乐应该是最适合德里克的
And sure enough, she sang, or as Derek called it, warbled , to him for his first few years of life. 因而,在德里克的童年,保姆唱歌給他听, 德里克称之为颤音唱法
And I think it was that excitement with hearing her voice hour after hour every day that made him think maybe, you know, in his brain something was stirring , some sort of musical gift. 我想正是保姆的声音 每天持续地刺激着德里克 激发了他脑子内的 某种音乐天赋
excitement:n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物; stirring:adj.激动人心的; n.开始,出现,酝酿; v.搅动; (stir的现在分词)
Here's a little picture of Derek going up now, when you were with your nanny. 这是德里克小时候的照片 和保姆一起照的
Now Nanny's great other insight was to think, perhaps we should get Derek something to play, and sure enough, she dragged this little keyboard out of the loft , never thinking really that anything much would come of it. 保姆的另一项远见 是建议德里克练习乐器 然后,她就把阁楼里的迷你钢琴 翻了出来,未曾想到 这会发展出什么成果
But Derek, your tiny hand must have gone out to that thing and actually bashed it, bashed it so hard they thought it was going to break. 但德里克,你的小手碰到了那台琴 实际上是重重地敲了一通 以至于大家以为琴要坏了
But out of all the bashing , after a few months, emerged the most fantastic music, and I think there was just a miracle moment, really, Derek, when you realized that all the sounds you hear in the world out there is something that you can copy on the keyboard. 但几个月后 重击变成了美妙的音乐 而我认为那是神奇的一刻,德里克 当你意识到所有世界上的声音 你都能通过键盘复制出来
bashing:n.严厉批评;殴打;v.猛击;猛撞;严厉批评;(bash的现在分词) emerged:v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;暴露;露出真相;显现;(emerge的过去分词和过去式) miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例;
That was the great eureka moment. 那是一次伟大的发现
Now, not being able to see meant, of course, that you taught yourself. 而眼睛看不见 意味着你必须自学
Derek Paravicini: I taught myself to play. 德里克巴拉维契尼:我是自学弹奏的
AO: You did teach yourself to play, and as a consequence , playing the piano for you, Derek, was a lot of knuckles and karate chops , and even a bit of nose going on in there. 德里克巴拉维契尼:我是自学弹奏的 而结果是 对你来说,德里克,弹琴 对你来说,德里克,弹琴 甚至时而会用鼻子弹奏
consequence:n.结果;重要性;推论; knuckles:n.指节; v.用指关节打(压,碰,擦); (knuckle的第三人称单数和复数) karate:n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术); chops:n.排骨;摆簧夹;削球(chop的复数);vt.砍(chop的第三人称单数形式);
And now, here's what Nanny did also do was to press the record button on one of those little early tape recorders that they had, and this is a wonderful tape, now, of Derek playing when you were four years old. 而保姆还做了另一件事: 她打开了老式的录音机 录下了德里克的演奏 这是一盘美妙的录音带 记录了四岁的德里克弹奏的音乐
DP: "Molly Malone (Cockles and Mussels)." 德里克巴拉维契尼:茉莉马龙(牡蛎和贻贝 )
AO: It wasn't actually " Cockles and Mussels ." 亚当奥克福德:其实不是茉莉马龙(牡蛎和贻贝 )
Cockles:n.波纹,起皱;鸟蛤; Mussels:n.[无脊椎]贻贝(mussel的复数);[水产]淡菜;双壳类;
This one is "English Country Garden." 这一首是:英伦乡村花园
DP: "English Country Garden." 德里克巴拉维契尼:英伦乡村花园
(Music: "English Country Garden") (音乐:英伦乡村花园)
AO: There you are. 亚当奥克福德:大家都听到了吧
(Applause) (掌声)
I think that's just fantastic. 真是美妙的表演
You know, there's this little child who can't see, can't really understand much about the world, has no one in the family who plays an instrument , and yet he taught himself to play that. 这样一个孩子眼睛看不见 不明白周遭的世界 没有家人会玩乐器 却自学成才学会了弹奏钢琴
And as you can see from the picture, there was quite a lot of body action going on while you were playing, Derek. 正如照片所示 当德里克弹奏的时候 有很多的身体动作
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
Now, along -- Derek and I met when he was four and a half years old, and at first, Derek, I thought you were mad, to be honest, because when you played the piano, 我和德里克是在他四岁半的时候相识 起初,老实说,德里克我以为你疯了 因为当你弹钢琴的时候
you seemed to want to play every single note on the keyboard, and also you had this little habit of hitting me out of the way. 你好像试图弹奏键盘上的每一个音符 你还有这样一个小习惯 习惯打我把我赶走
So as soon as I tried to get near the piano, 每当我想要接近钢琴
as soon as:一…就;
I was firmly shoved off. 就会被顽强地推开
And having said to your dad, Nick, that I would try to teach you, I was then slightly confused as to how I might go about that if I wasn't allowed near the piano. 你还对父亲尼克说 我想要教你弹琴,把我给弄糊涂了 那我该怎么教你呢 如果我不能接近钢琴的话
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式)
But after a while, I thought, well, the only way is to just pick you up, shove Derek over to the other side of the room, and in the 10 seconds that I got before Derek came back, 不多久,我想到,唯一的方法就是 把你抱起来,放到房间的另外一边 在德里克走回来的十秒内
I could just play something very quickly for him to learn. 我能很快地弹奏一段 供他学习
And in the end, Derek, I think you agreed that we could actually have some fun playing the piano together. 最后,德里克,我想你也同意 其实我们可以一起弹得很开心
As you can see, there's me in my early, pre-marriage days with a brown beard, and little Derek concentrating there. 你看,这是我年轻时 单身、长着茂密棕色胡子的照片 小德里克在照片里全神贯注
I just realized this is going to be recorded, isn't it? Right. Okay. 我刚意识到这段话会录像的对吗?好吧
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now then, by the age of 10, Derek really had taken the world by storm. 然后,到了十岁,德里克 真正地震惊了世界
This is a photo of you, Derek, playing at the Barbican with the Royal Philharmonic Pops. 这是你,德里克,在巴比肯艺术中心 和英国皇家爱乐乐团的合作表演
Royal:adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;n.王室成员; Philharmonic:n.交响乐团;音乐爱好者;爱乐团体;adj.交响乐团的;爱好音乐的;
Basically it was just an exciting journey , really. 那是一场鼓舞人心的旅程
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;
And in those days, Derek, you didn't speak very much, and so there was always a moment of tension as to whether you'd actually understood what it was we were going to play 那段日子里,德里克,你话不多 所以总会有紧张的时候 因为不知道你是否真的明白我们要表演什么
and whether you'd play the right piece in the right key, and all that kind of thing. 或者你是否会用正确的音调弹奏正确的曲目 所有类似种种担心
But the orchestra were wowed as well, and the press of the world were fascinated by your ability to play these fantastic pieces. 但乐队成员也对你大为赞赏 世界媒体也被你的能力所折服 在听了你所弹奏的那些美妙的曲目后
Now the question is, how do you do it, Derek? 现在问题是,你是怎么做到的,德里克?
And hopefully we can show the audience now how it is you do what you do. 希望我们能够向观众们展示 你是如何做到这些的
I think that one of the first things that happened when you were very little, Derek, was that by the time you were two, your musical ear had already outstripped that of most adults. 我想首先一点 当你小的时候,德里克 当你小的时候,德里克 你对音乐的认知已经超越了大多数的成人
And so whenever you heard any note at all -- if I just play a random note -- 所以每当你听到音符 如果我随机地弹奏一个音符
(Piano notes) -- you knew instantly what it was, and you'd got the ability as well to find that note on the piano. (钢琴音符) 你马上就知道那是哪个音, 并且能够马上在钢琴上找到那个音
Now that's called perfect pitch , and some people have perfect pitch for a few white notes in the middle of the piano. 那就是所谓的完美乐感 一些人对钢琴中段的白键音 有完美乐感
perfect pitch:n.绝对音高;
(Piano notes) (钢琴音符)
You can see how -- you get a sense of playing with Derek. 你可以理解和德里克弹琴的感觉
(Applause) (掌声)
But Derek, your ear is so much more than that. 但德里克,你耳朵的能力不止这些
If I just put the microphone down for a bit, 请让我把麦克风放下一会儿
I'm going to play a cluster of notes. 我将要弹奏一串音符
Those of you who can see will know how many notes, but Derek, of course, can't. 看得见的人会知道有多少音符 但德里克当然不行
Not only can you say how many notes, it's being able to play them all at the same time . Here we are. 但德里克当然不行 还要能够同时弹奏他们,请听
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
(Chords) (和弦演奏)
Well, forget the terminology , Derek. Fantastic. 别管那些术语了,德里克,你棒极了
And it's that ability, that ability to hear simultaneous sounds, not only just single sounds, but when a whole orchestra is playing, 而这种能够识别各种同步声音的能力 不仅是一种声音,而是整个乐队表演时的声音
Derek, you can hear every note, and instantly, through all those hours and hours of practice, reproduce those on the keyboard, that makes you, I think, is the basis of all your ability. 德里克,你每个音都能听得清清楚楚 通过持续不断的练习, 你能够立刻在键盘上重现那些音符 我想那是你能力的基础
Now then. 但你瞧
It's no use having that kind of raw ability without the technique , and luckily, Derek, you decided that, once we did start learning, you'd let me help you learn all the scale fingerings. 光有那样的天赋 而没有技能也是没用的 幸运的是,德里克,你决定了 一旦我们开始练琴,你会让我教你 学所有的音阶指法
technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
So for example using your thumb under with C major. 比如用大拇指弹奏C大调
(Piano notes) (钢琴音符)
Etc. 诸如此类
And in the end, you got so quick, that things like "Flight of the Bumblebee " 到后来,你学的很快 以至于像《大黄蜂的飞行》这样的曲目
were no problem, were they? 对你而言完全没有问题,对吗?
DP: No. 德里克巴拉维契尼:没有问题
AO: Right. So here, by the age of 11, 德里克巴拉维契尼:没有问题
Derek was playing things like this. 德里克就能弹奏这些曲目了
DP: This. 德里克巴拉维契尼:这些曲目
(Music: "Flight of the Bumblebee") (音乐:《大黄蜂的飞行》)
(Applause) (掌声)
AO: Derek, let's have a bow. 亚当奥克福德:德里克,让我们鞠个躬
Well done . 弹得太好了
Well done:好样的,干得好;
Now the truly amazing thing was, with all those scales , Derek, you could not only play "Flight of the Bumblebee" 真正神奇的地方在于,德里克 你不仅可以用常用的音调来弹大黄蜂
scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数)
in the usual key, but any note I play, 我随机地挑选一个音调
Derek can play it on. 德里克都能用它来弹奏
So if I just choose a note at random, like that one. 让我来随机选一个音符,比如这个
(Piano notes) (钢琴音符)
Can you play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on that note? 你能用这个音来弹《大黄蜂的飞行》
DP: "Flight of the Bumblebee" on that note. 德里克巴拉维契尼:用这个音来弹《大黄蜂的飞行》
(Music: "Flight of the Bumblebee") (音乐:《大黄蜂的飞行》)
AO: Or another one? How about in G minor ? 亚当奥克福德:再换一个?G小调怎么样?
minor:adj.未成年的; n.未成年人; vi.副修;
DP: G minor. 德里克巴拉维契尼:用G小调
(Music: "Flight of the Bumblebee") (音乐:《大黄蜂的飞行》)
AO: Fantastic. Well done, Derek. 亚当奥克福德:漂亮,弹得好,德里克
So you see, in your brain, Derek, is this amazing musical computer that can instantly recalibrate , recalculate , all the pieces in the world that are out there. 你看德里克,你的脑子里有一台神奇的音乐电脑 能够重新校准、计算 世界上的所有曲目
recalibrate:vt.重新校准,再校准;重校准; recalculate:vt.重新计算;重新估计;
Most pianists would have a heart attack if you said, "Sorry, do you mind playing 'Flight of the Bumblee' in B minor instead of A minor?" as we went on. 大多数的钢琴家大概要吓坏了,如果你说 “不好意思,你能用B小调而不是A小调 来弹奏《大黄蜂的飞行》吗?”
have a heart:v.发慈悲; do you mind:你介意吗?;
In fact, the first time, Derek, you played that with an orchestra, you'd learned the version that you'd learned, and then the orchestra, in fact, did have a different version, so while we were waiting in the two hours before the rehearsal and the concert, 实际上,德里克,你第一次和乐队一起表演的时候 你学了一个版本 而乐队实际上演奏的是另一个版本 因而我们两小时候场 在音乐会和排练之前
Derek listened to the different version and learned it quickly and then was able to play it with the orchestra. 德里克听了不同的版本并很快地学会了 然后和乐队一起演奏
Fantastic chap . 了不起的小伙子
The other wonderful thing about you is memory. 你的另一项神奇之处在于记忆力
DP: Memory. AO: Your memory is truly amazing, and every concert we do, we ask the audience to participate , of course, by suggesting a piece Derek might like to play. 德里克巴拉维契尼:记忆力 亚当奥克福德:你的记忆力惊人,每场音乐会 我们都会邀请观众参与 选一首曲子让德里克弹奏
And people say, "Well, that's terribly brave because what happens if Derek doesn't know it?" 人们会说:“那真是非常大胆 如果德里克不会弹怎么办呢?”
And I say, "No, it's not brave at all, because if you ask for something that Derek doesn't know, you're invited to come and sing it first, and then he'll pick it up." (Laughter) 我会说:“那一点也不大胆, 因为如果你选了德里克不知道的曲子, 你可以先上台来唱 然后他就会弹了。”(笑声)
So just be thoughtful before you suggest something too outlandish . 所以在选太偏的曲子前可要三思
thoughtful:adj.深思的;体贴的;关切的; outlandish:adj.古怪的;奇异的;异国风格的;偏僻的;
But seriously, would anyone like to choose a piece? 但言归正传,有人想选一首曲子吗?
DP: Choose a piece. Choose, choose, would you like to choose? AO: Because it's quite dark. You'll just have to shout out. 德里克巴拉维契尼:选一首吧,你想选吗? 亚当奥克福德:因为会场很暗,你得大声喊出来
Would you like to hear me play? 你想听我演奏吗?
(Audience: "Theme of Paganini.") (观众:帕格尼尼主题狂想曲)
AO: Paganini. DP: "The Theme of Paganini." 德里克巴拉维契尼:帕格尼尼 亚当奥克福德:帕格尼尼主题狂想曲
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Music: "Theme of Paganini") (音乐:帕格尼尼主题狂想曲)
(Applause) (掌声)
AO: Well done. 亚当奥克福德:弹得好
Derek's going to L.A. soon, and it's a milestone , because it means that Derek and I will have spent over 100 hours on long-haul flights together, which is quite interesting, isn't it Derek? 德里克马上要去洛杉矶了 那是一座里程碑,因为那意味着德里克和我 将一同度过超过一百小时的长途飞行了 这很有趣,对吗德里克?
milestone:n.里程碑,划时代的事件; long-haul:adj.长途的;长运距的;长时间的;
DP: Very interesting, Adam, yes. Long-haul flights. Yes. 德里克巴拉维契尼: 非常有趣,亚当,对,长途飞行,对
AO: You may think 13 hours is a long time to keep talking, but Derek does it effortlessly . Now then. 亚当奥克福德:你也许认为十三个小时的飞行 要一直说话不容易 但德里克轻易地就做到了
(Laughter) (笑声)
But in America, they've coined this term, "the human iPod" for Derek, which I think is just missing the point, really, because Derek, you're so much more than an iPod. 但在美国,他们发明了一个新词 来形容德里克“人形iPod” 我认为这实际上并不正确 因为德里克,你远远超越了iPod的范畴
You're a fantastic, creative musician, and I think that was nowhere clearer to see, really, than when we went to Slovenia, and someone -- in a longer concert we tend to get people joining in, and this person, very, very nervously came onto the stage. 你是一个出色的、有创意的音乐家 而最能证实这一点的是 我们去斯洛文尼亚的那一次 在较长的音乐会上我们常会邀请观众加入 有一个观众,很紧张地来到台上
creative:adj.创造性的; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; nervously:adv.神经质地;焦急地;提心吊胆地;
DP: He played "Chopsticks." AO: And played "Chopsticks." 德里克巴拉维契尼:他弹了《筷子》 亚当奥克福德:没错他弹了《筷子》
DP: "Chopsticks." 德里克巴拉维契尼:《筷子》
AO: A bit like this. DP: Like this. Yes. 亚当奥克福德:像这样 德里克巴拉维契尼:对,像这样
(Piano notes) (钢琴音符)
AO: I should really get Derek's manager to come and play it. (钢琴音符)
He's sitting there. 他就坐在那儿
DP: Somebody played "Chopsticks" like this. AO: Just teasing , right? Here we go. 德里克巴拉维契尼:有人这样弹《筷子》 亚当奥克福德:刚开玩笑呢?现在开始
(Music: "Chopsticks") (音乐:《筷子》)
DP: Let Derek play it. 德里克巴拉维契尼:让德里克弹
AO: What did you do with it, Derek? 亚当奥克福德:你怎么弹的,德里克?
DP: I got to improvise with it, Adam. 德里克巴拉维契尼:我即兴发挥了一下,亚当
AO: This is Derek the musician. 亚当奥克福德:这就是音乐家德里克
(Music: "Chopsticks" improvisation) (音乐:《筷子》即兴发挥版)
(Applause) (掌声)
(Music) (Clapping) (音乐)(鼓掌)
Keep up with Derek. 请跟上德里克的节奏
Keep up with:赶得上;和…保持联系;
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
The TED people will kill me, but perhaps there's time for one encore . TED的工作人员会要我命了 不过也许还够时间再来一段
DP: For one encore. AO: One encore, yes. 德里克巴拉维契尼:再来一段 亚当奥克福德:再来一段,好的
So this is one of Derek's heroes. 这是德里克崇拜的对象之一
It's the great Art Tatum -- DP: Art Tatum. 伟大的阿特·塔图姆 德里克巴拉维契尼:阿特·塔图姆
AO: -- who also was a pianist who couldn't see, and also, I think, like Derek, thought that all the world was a piano, so whenever Art Tatum plays something, it sounds like there's three pianos in the room. 亚当奥克福德:同样是以为盲人钢琴家 和德里克一样 和德里克一样 每当阿特·塔图姆弹奏时 就好像房间里有三架钢琴
And here is Derek's take on Art Tatum's take on "Tiger Rag ." 德里克将演奏阿特·塔图姆版本的《老虎拉格泰姆》
DP: "Tiger Rag." 德里克巴拉维契尼:《老虎拉格泰姆》
(Music: "Tiger Rag") (音乐:《老虎拉格泰姆》)
(Applause) (掌声)