

Most of us think of motion as a very visual thing. 大部分人认为动作是明显可见的。
motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的;
If I walk across this stage or gesture with my hands while I speak, that motion is something that you can see. 比如我走过这个舞台,或者边做手势边说话, 这些动作都能被大家看到。
But there's a world of important motion that's too subtle for the human eye, and over the past few years, we've started to find that cameras can often see this motion even when humans can't. 但还有很多重要的动作肉眼很难察觉到, 在过去几年中, 我们致力于寻找某种摄像机 可以捕捉到人眼看不到的运动。
So let me show you what I mean. 请看大屏幕。
On the left here, you see video of a person's wrist , and on the right, you see video of a sleeping infant , but if I didn't tell you that these were videos, 左边是一个人的手腕, 右边是一个熟睡的婴儿, 但是如果我不告诉你们这是一段视频,
wrist:n.手腕;腕关节;v.用腕力移动[送出,抛掷等]; infant:n.婴儿;幼儿;未成年人;adj.婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的;未成年的;
you might assume that you were looking at two regular images , because in both cases, these videos appear to be almost completely still. 你们可能会认为这只是两张普通的图片, 因为乍一看, 这两段视频几乎是完全静止的。
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
But there's actually a lot of subtle motion going on here, and if you were to touch the wrist on the left, you would feel a pulse , and if you were to hold the infant on the right, you would feel the rise and fall of her chest as she took each breath. 但实际上,画面中有许多细微的运动变化, 如果你能碰到左边的那个手腕, 你会感受到脉搏的跳动, 如果你抱起右边的婴儿, 你能感受到她胸腔的起伏, 感受到她的每一次呼吸。
And these motions carry a lot of significance , but they're usually too subtle for us to see, so instead, we have to observe them through direct contact , through touch. 这些动作都很重要, 但由于过于细微,很难被我们察觉, 要想感受到这些动作的存在 只能通过直接接触。
significance:n.意义;重要性;意思; observe:v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系;
But a few years ago, my colleagues at MIT developed what they call a motion microscope , which is software that finds these subtle motions in video and amplifies them so that they become large enough for us to see. 然而几年前, 我在麻省理工学院的同事们开发出了一种被称为“动作显微镜”的软件, 能够发现视频中细微的运动, 并将其放大到肉眼可见的级别。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); microscope:n.显微镜; amplifies:vt.放大,扩大;增强;详述;vi.详述;
And so, if we use their software on the left video, it lets us see the pulse in this wrist, and if we were to count that pulse, we could even figure out this person's heart rate. 如果我们运用这一软件分析左边的视频, 我们就能看到手腕上的脉搏跳动, 通过计算脉搏数量, 就能得知这个人的心率。
And if we used the same software on the right video, it lets us see each breath that this infant takes, and we can use this as a contact-free way to monitor her breathing. 而用这一软件分析右边的视频, 我们就能看清婴儿的每一次呼吸, 不需要触碰就能监控她的呼吸。
And so this technology is really powerful because it takes these phenomena that we normally have to experience through touch and it lets us capture them visually and non-invasively . 这项技术非常强大,因为它能帮助我们看到 原本要靠触觉才能感受到的东西, 并且这一过程是可见和无创的。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 visually:adv.形象化地;外表上;看得见地; non-invasively:重复性,无创性;
So a couple years ago, I started working with the folks that created that software, and we decided to pursue a crazy idea. 因此在几年前,我开始与这个软件的编写者们一起工作, 我们产生了一个疯狂的想法。
We thought, it's cool that we can use software to visualize tiny motions like this, and you can almost think of it as a way to extend our sense of touch. 我们觉得,运用软件将细微的动作 可视化的这个点子非常酷, 你甚至可以把它当做拓展人类触觉感官的好方法。
visualize:vt.形象,形象化;想像,设想;vi.显现; extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸;
But what if we could do the same thing with our ability to hear? 那如果我们能用相同的方法来增强我们的听觉呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
What if we could use video to capture the vibrations of sound, which are just another kind of motion, and turn everything that we see into a microphone ? 如果我们能通过视频捕捉到声音的振动, 声音的振动实际上也是一种运动, 将“看到”的东西录入麦克风呢?
vibrations:n.[力]振动;共鸣;动摇(vibration的复数); microphone:n.麦克风;传声器;话筒;
Now, this is a bit of a strange idea, so let me try to put it in perspective for you. 也许听起来有点不太好理解, 我试着为大家解释一下。
Traditional microphones work by converting the motion of an internal diaphragm into an electrical signal, and that diaphragm is designed to move readily with sound so that its motion can be recorded and interpreted as audio . 传统麦克风的工作原理 是将其内部薄膜的振动转换成电信号, 这个薄膜极易随声音振动, 这个振动可以被记录下来并还原成声音。
Traditional:传统的,惯例的, microphones:n.[电子]麦克风(microphone的复数); converting:v.(使)转变,转换,转化;可转变为;归附;(convert的现在分词) internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; diaphragm:n.隔膜;快门,[摄]光圈;横隔膜;隔板; electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; readily:adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地; interpreted:v.诠释;说明;把…理解为;领会;口译;(interpret的过去式和过去分词) audio:adj.声音的;录音的;
But sound causes all objects to vibrate . 而声音事实上可以引起任何物体的振动。
Those vibrations are just usually too subtle and too fast for us to see. 只不过这种振动对我们而言通常很细微而且转瞬即逝。
So what if we record them with a high-speed camera and then use software to extract tiny motions from our high-speed video, and analyze those motions to figure out what sounds created them? 但如果我们用高速摄影机将这种振动录下来, 并通过软件从这些高速视频中 提取出这些细小的振动, 然后分析这些振动来弄清声音的来源,会怎么样呢?
extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse);
This would let us turn visible objects into visual microphones from a distance. 这样一来我们可以将远处的可见物体转化为可视化麦克风。
And so we tried this out, and here's one of our experiments, where we took this potted plant that you see on the right and we filmed it with a high-speed camera while a nearby loudspeaker played this sound. 我们进行了各种尝试, 以下是我们的试验之一, 右边是一株盆栽植物, 我们用高速摄影机拍下它, 同时旁边的音箱在播放这个声音。
nearby:adj.附近的,邻近的;adv.在附近;prep.在…附近; loudspeaker:n.喇叭,扬声器;扩音器;
(Music: "Mary Had a Little Lamb ") (音乐:玛丽有一只小羊羔)
And so here's the video that we recorded, and we recorded it at thousands of frames per second, but even if you look very closely, all you'll see are some leaves 这是我们录下的视频, 用的是每秒数千帧的速度, 但即使你凑得非常近, 也只能看到一些叶子
that are pretty much just sitting there doing nothing, because our sound only moved those leaves by about a micrometer . 静静地呆在那儿,一动不动, 因为刚才的音乐只能让叶子移动一微米,
That's one ten-thousandth of a centimeter, which spans somewhere between a hundredth and a thousandth of a pixel in this image. 也就是一厘米的万分之一, 只占这幅图像中一个像素的 百分之一到千分之一。
spans:n.[建]跨度;一段时间(span的复数);v.跨越;持续;贯穿(span的第三人称单数); pixel:n.象素;图像的基本单位;表示显示在萤幕上的一点;
So you can squint all you want, but motion that small is pretty much perceptually invisible . 你大可以眯着眼使劲儿看, 但如此细微的运动从感官上来说是不可见的。
squint:vi.眯眼看; vt.使斜眼; n.斜视; adj.斜视的; perceptually:感知; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
But it turns out that something can be perceptually invisible and still be numerically significant , because with the right algorithms, we can take this silent, seemingly still video and we can recover this sound. 但事实证明感官上不可见的东西 在数值上可能很惊人, 因为通过正确的算法, 我们就可以从这段无声的看似静止的视频中 还原出这段声音。
numerically:adv.数字上;用数字表示; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来;
(Music: "Mary Had a Little Lamb") (音乐:玛丽有一只小羊羔)
(Applause) (掌声)
So how is this possible? 这怎么可能呢?
How can we get so much information out of so little motion? 我们怎么能从如此细小的运动中得到如此丰富的信息?
Well, let's say that those leaves move by just a single micrometer, and let's say that that shifts our image by just a thousandth of a pixel. 我们必须承认这些叶子只移动了一微米, 只改变了图像中一个像素的千分之一。
shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数)
That may not seem like much, but a single frame of video may have hundreds of thousands of pixels in it, and so if we combine all of the tiny motions that we see from across that entire image, then suddenly a thousandth of a pixel can start to add up to something pretty significant. 看起来很微不足道, 但是视频中的每一帧 都包含数以万计的像素, 当我们将整幅画面中所有细微的运动 组合在一起来看的时候, 无数个千分之一像素聚在一起 就能组合出有十分意义的信息。
On a personal note, we were pretty psyched when we figured this out. 老实说,当我们想通这一点的时候真是乐疯了。
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; psyched:adj.兴奋;殷切期待;v.用精神分析治疗(psych的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
But even with the right algorithm, we were still missing a pretty important piece of the puzzle . 但是,即便运用正确的算法 我们还是会丢失掉很多重要的信息。
You see, there are a lot of factors that affect when and how well this technique will work. 这项技术能否成功 取决于很多因素。
factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商; technique:n.技巧,技术;手法;
There's the object and how far away it is; there's the camera and the lens that you use; how much light is shining on the object and how loud your sound is. 比如目标物体的距离; 摄影机和镜头的选用; 光线是否充足,声音是否够大等等。
And even with the right algorithm, we had to be very careful with our early experiments, because if we got any of these factors wrong, there was no way to tell what the problem was. 因此,即便我们的算法正确, 在早期试验中我们还是得万分谨慎, 因为一着不慎,满盘皆输, 得不到有用的信息,也查不出原因。
We would just get noise back. 还原出来的只有噪音。
And so a lot of our early experiments looked like this. 初期的试验场景是这样的。
And so here I am, and on the bottom left, you can kind of see our high-speed camera, which is pointed at a bag of chips , and the whole thing is lit by these bright lamps . 左边的是我, 左下角是我们的高速摄影机, 正对着一袋薯片, 薯片被一盏明亮的灯照着。
chips:炸土豆条(chip的复数) lamps:n.灯具(lamp的复数); v.看;
And like I said, we had to be very careful in these early experiments, so this is how it went down. 就像刚才我说的,在初期试验中我们需要十分小心, 得有多小心呢?请看。
(Video) Abe Davis: Three, two, one, go. (视频:三、二、一,开始)
Mary had a little lamb! Little lamb! Little lamb! (视频:玛丽有一只小羊羔!小羊羔!小羊羔!)
(Laughter) (笑声)
AD: So this experiment looks completely ridiculous . 这试验看起来真是弱爆了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I mean, I'm screaming at a bag of chips -- 我可是对着一袋薯片在咆哮——
(Laughter) -- and we're blasting it with so much light, we literally melted the first bag we tried this on. (Laughter) (笑声) 而且我们用的灯功率太大, 差点把第一袋薯片点着了。(笑声)
blasting:v.(用炸药)炸毁,把…炸成碎片;严厉批评;(blast的现在分词) literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: melted:v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)软化,变得温柔;(melt的过去分词和过去式)
But ridiculous as this experiment looks, it was actually really important, because we were able to recover this sound. 虽然看起来很不靠谱, 但结果还是不错的, 因为我们最终还原出了这段声音。
(Audio) Mary had a little lamb! Little lamb! Little lamb! (音频:玛丽有一只小羊羔!小羊羔!小羊羔!)
(Applause) (掌声)
AD: And this was really significant, because it was the first time we recovered intelligible human speech from silent video of an object. 这绝对是一个里程碑, 因为这是我们第一次从一段无声录像中 还原出具有意义的人声。
And so it gave us this point of reference , and gradually we could start to modify the experiment, using different objects or moving the object further away, using less light or quieter sounds. 因此我们以此为出发点 不断修正我们的试验, 更换试验对象,调整距离, 减小光线强度,降低声音等等。
point of reference:n.参照物;参考依据; gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; modify:vt.修改,修饰;更改;vi.修改;
And we analyzed all of these experiments until we really understood the limits of our technique, because once we understood those limits, we could figure out how to push them. 我们不断分析试验结果, 直到发现这一技术的局限性, 因为只有搞清楚局限在哪儿 我们才能不断取得突破。
And that led to experiments like this one, where again, I'm going to speak to a bag of chips, but this time we've moved our camera about 15 feet away, outside, behind a soundproof window, and the whole thing is lit by only natural sunlight . 于是,就有了下面这个试验, 这一次,我还是对着一袋薯片说话, 但将摄影机后退到了15英尺(4.572米)远的室外, 隔着一层隔音玻璃, 只借助自然光线。
soundproof:adj.隔音的;vt.使隔音;给装以隔音设备; sunlight:n.日光;
And so here's the video that we captured . 这是我们拍下的视频。
And this is what things sounded like from inside, next to the bag of chips. 这是在室内,在薯片旁说话的原声。
(Audio) Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go. (音频:玛丽有一只小羊羔,身上羊毛白又好, 无论玛丽走到哪,小羊都会跟着跑。)
AD: And here's what we were able to recover from our silent video captured outside behind that window. 这是通过我们从室外隔音玻璃后采集的无声影像 还原出来的声音。
(Audio) Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go. (音频:玛丽有一只小羊羔,身上羊毛白又好, 无论玛丽走到哪,小羊都会跟着跑。)
(Applause) (掌声)
AD: And there are other ways that we can push these limits as well. 我们还调整了其它参数。
So here's a quieter experiment where we filmed some earphones plugged into a laptop computer, and in this case, our goal was to recover the music that was playing on that laptop from just silent video of these two little plastic earphones, and we were able to do this so well that I could even Shazam our results. 比如说降低音量, 这有一副耳机,插在笔记本电脑上, 在这个实验中,我们想仅通过拍摄下这对塑料耳机的 无声视频来还原 笔记本里播放的音乐, 结果很理想, 我甚至能用Shazam来识别出这段音乐。
earphones:n.[电讯]耳机(earphone的复数); plugged:v.堵塞;封堵;补充;供给;推广;(plug的过去分词和过去式) laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Music: "Under Pressure" by Queen) (音乐:“皇后乐队”的《重压之下》)
(Applause) (掌声)
And we can also push things by changing the hardware that we use. 我们还尝试了更换试验设备来完善我们的成果。
Because the experiments I've shown you so far were done with a camera, a high-speed camera, that can record video about a 100 times faster than most cell phones, but we've also found a way to use this technique with more regular cameras, and we do that by taking advantage of what's called a rolling shutter . 因为前面我给大家展示的试验 都是通过高速摄影机完成的, 它的拍摄速度比大多数手机摄像头 快100倍, 但是我们也找到了用普通摄影机 来完成试验的方法, 我们利用了叫做“滚动快门”的技术。
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: shutter:n.快门;百叶窗;关闭物;遮板;vt.为…装百叶窗;以百叶窗遮闭;
You see, most cameras record images one row at a time, and so if an object moves during the recording of a single image, there's a slight time delay between each row, and this causes slight artifacts that get coded into each frame of a video. 大部分摄像头是逐行拍摄影像的, 因此如果在拍摄单张照片时物体发生了移动, 每一行影像间就会出现少许延迟, 这种延迟使得视频的每一帧 都会产生轻微的变形。
slight:adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的;纤细的;n.侮慢;冷落;轻视;v.侮慢;冷落;轻视; artifacts:n.史前古器物;人工产品; coded:adj.[计]编码的;电码的;译成电码的;v.译成密码(code的过去式和过去分词);
And so what we found is that by analyzing these artifacts, we can actually recover sound using a modified version of our algorithm. 通过分析这种变形, 运用调整过的算法我们还是可以还原声音。
analyzing:adj.分析的;v.分析(analyze的现在分词); modified:adj.改进的,修改的;改良的;v.修改;缓和;(modify的过去分词);
So here's an experiment we did where we filmed a bag of candy while a nearby loudspeaker played the same "Mary Had a Little Lamb" music from before, but this time, we used just a regular store-bought camera, 在接下来这个试验里, 我们拍摄的是一袋糖果, 旁边的喇叭里播放的 还是之前那首“玛丽有一只小羊羔”, 但这一次我们使用的是能在店里买到的普通摄影机,
and so in a second , I'll play for you the sound that we recovered, and it's going to sound distorted this time, but listen and see if you can still recognize the music. 下面请听我们还原出来的声音, 这次的声音有些失真, 但仔细听一下,看你能否分辨出来这段音乐。
in a second:立刻,很快; distorted:adj.歪曲的;受到曲解的;v.扭曲(distort的过去式和过去分词); recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
(Audio: "Mary Had a Little Lamb") (音频:玛丽有一只小羊羔)
And so, again, that sounds distorted, but what's really amazing here is that we were able to do this with something that you could literally run out and pick up at a Best Buy. 就是这样,听起来有点失真, 但别忘了我们这次用的是普通摄影机, 你随便到一家百思买这样的电器商店 就可以买到。
So at this point, a lot of people see this work, and they immediately think about surveillance . 那么目前为止, 相信许多人看到这儿 立刻想到了监听。
And to be fair, it's not hard to imagine how you might use this technology to spy on someone. 说实话, 用这个技术去监听还真不是什么难事。
But keep in mind that there's already a lot of very mature technology out there for surveillance. 但请大家注意,早就有很多成熟的技术 被用于监听了。
keep in mind:记住; mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的;
In fact, people have been using lasers to eavesdrop on objects from a distance for decades. 实际上,将激光投射在物体上 进行远距离监听的技术已经出现几十年了。
But what's really new here, what's really different, is that now we have a way to picture the vibrations of an object, which gives us a new lens through which to look at the world, and we can use that lens 但我们这项技术的创新之处, 与众不同之处 在于我们掌握了一种描绘物体振动的方法, 使我们能通过一种全新的镜头去看这个世界。 通过这个镜头,
to learn not just about forces like sound that cause an object to vibrate, but also about the object itself. 不仅能看清使物体产生振动的外力,比如声音, 还能了解物体本身的性质。
And so I want to take a step back and think about how that might change the ways that we use video, because we usually use video to look at things, and I've just shown you how we can use it to listen to things. 因此我想换个角度 思考这将如何改变我们使用视频的方式, 我们通常用视频来“看”东西, 而我刚刚给大家展示的是如何用视频 来“听”东西。
But there's another important way that we learn about the world: that's by interacting with it. 但是还有一种认识世界的重要方式, 就是与世界互动。
We push and pull and poke and prod things. 我们可以移动或触碰某个物体。
poke:v.刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡;n.戳;刺;袋子;懒汉; prod:v.戳;杵;捅;催促;鼓动;n.戳;督促;捅;催促;鼓动;
We shake things and see what happens. 或者摇晃它,看它会发生什么变化。
And that's something that video still won't let us do, at least not traditionally . 但这一变化(可能太过微小)视频没法捕捉, 至少用传统的方式实现不了。
So I want to show you some new work, and this is based on an idea I had just a few months ago, so this is actually the first time I've shown it to a public audience. 因此我想向大家展示一项新的成果, 这项成果基于我几个月前的一个想法, 今天其实是我第一次将它公之于众。
And the basic idea is that we're going to use the vibrations in a video to capture objects in a way that will let us interact with them and see how they react to us. 简而言之就是,我们会利用视频里的振动 来与物体进行互动, 然后看物体如何反应。
So here's an object, and in this case, it's a wire figure in the shape of a human, and we're going to film that object with just a regular camera. 这是我们的试验对象, 一个用铁丝做成的小人, 我们使用的是一台普通的摄影机。
So there's nothing special about this camera. 没有任何特别之处。
In fact, I've actually done this with my cell phone before. 实际上,我用手机也能做到。
But we do want to see the object vibrate, so to make that happen, we're just going to bang a little bit on the surface where it's resting while we record this video. 但如果我们想让这个小人振动, 要怎么做呢, 我们仅仅在放置小人的台子上敲了几下, 并把过程拍了下来。
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
So that's it: just five seconds of regular video, while we bang on this surface, and we're going to use the vibrations in that video to learn about the structural and material properties of our object, and we're going to use that information to create something new and interactive . 就这样,我们得到了一段五秒钟的普通视频, 敲了几下台子, 我们将利用视频里的振动 来研究这个小人的结构特征和材料特征, 并利用这些信息创造出一种新的具有互动性的东西。
structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备;
And so here's what we've created. 这就是我们的成果
And it looks like a regular image, but this isn't an image, and it's not a video, because now I can take my mouse and I can start interacting with the object. 看起来像一张普通的图片, 但这不是图片,也不是视频, 因为我可以移动鼠标 与这个小人进行互动。
And so what you see here is a simulation of how this object would respond to new forces that we've never seen before, and we created it from just five seconds of regular video. 现在大家看到的 是模拟小人在受到外力时 会如何反应,即使这种外力是初次施加的, 而这都来源于那短短五秒钟的普通视频。
simulation:n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
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And so this is a really powerful way to look at the world, because it lets us predict how objects will respond to new situations, and you could imagine, for instance , looking at an old bridge 这的确是一种审视世界的有效方法, 让我们可以预测物体在新的条件下 会作何反应, 想象一下,前面有一座很旧的桥,
predict:v.预报;预言;预告; instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例;
and wondering what would happen, how would that bridge hold up if I were to drive my car across it. 我们不知道它是否足够结实, 我们能不能把车开过去。
And that's a question that you probably want to answer before you start driving across that bridge. 而这种问题最好在你开车上桥之前 就搞清楚答案。
And of course, there are going to be limitations to this technique, just like there were with the visual microphone, but we found that it works in a lot of situations that you might not expect, especially if you give it longer videos. 当然,这项技术有它的局限, 就像之前的视觉麦克风试验一样, 但我们也发现它能在许多场景下发挥作用, 有时甚至出乎你的意料, 特别是当视频时间足够长的时候。
limitations:n.局限性;(限制)因素;边界(limitation的复数形式); especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
So for example, here's a video that I captured of a bush outside of my apartment, and I didn't do anything to this bush, but by capturing a minute-long video, a gentle breeze caused enough vibrations that we could learn enough about this bush to create this simulation. 举个例子,这段视频 拍的是我公寓外的灌木丛, 我没有动过它, 只是拍了一段1分钟长的视频, 微风不断吹动灌木, 让我能够收集到足够的信息来完成这段模拟。
bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的; capturing:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;(capture的现在分词) breeze:n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事;v.轻盈而自信地走;
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And so you could imagine giving this to a film director, and letting him control, say, the strength and direction of wind in a shot after it's been recorded. 想象一下,如果电影导演掌握了这项技术, 他就可以在后期制作时 随心所欲地控制风的大小和方向。
Or, in this case, we pointed our camera at a hanging curtain, and you can't even see any motion in this video, but by recording a two-minute-long video, natural air currents in this room 来看另一个例子,我们拍摄了一副挂起来的窗帘, 在这段视频里你甚至看不出来窗帘在动, 但是利用2分钟长的一段视频, 仅仅靠房间里的自然空气流动
created enough subtle, imperceptible motions and vibrations that we could learn enough to create this simulation. 引发的无法察觉的动作和振动, 就能使我们提取出足够多的信息来完成这段模拟。
And ironically , we're kind of used to having this kind of interactivity when it comes to virtual objects, when it comes to video games and 3D models, but to be able to capture this information from real objects in the real world using just simple, regular video, is something new that has a lot of potential . 神奇的是, 以往我们都是针对虚拟物体, 针对游戏和3D模型 来实现这种互动, 而这项技术仅仅是利用普通的视频 对现实世界中的真实物体进行采样, 它极富新意,具有广阔的应用前景。
ironically:adv.讽刺地;说反话地; interactivity:n.交互性;互动性; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
So here are the amazing people who worked with me on these projects. 这些是跟我共同研究这项技术的优秀的同事。
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And what I've shown you today is only the beginning. 今天向大家展示的只是一个技术雏形。
We've just started to scratch the surface of what you can do with this kind of imaging , because it gives us a new way to capture our surroundings with common, accessible technology. 关于如何使用这种新型图像, 我们才刚刚入门, 它为我们提供了一种 运用已有的普通技术来记录周围事物的新方法。
scratch the surface of:浅尝即止; imaging:n.[物]成像;造像;v.反映;想像;作…的像;象征;(image的现在分词形式) surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数) accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
And so looking to the future, it's going to be really exciting to explore what this can tell us about the world. 展望一下未来, 我们迫不及待地想要看到如何 利用这项技术去更好地了解世界。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
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