

So I think data can actually make us more human. 我认为数据可以让我们更人性化。
We're collecting and creating all kinds of data about how we're living our lives, and it's enabling us to tell some amazing stories. 我们搜集和创造着各种关于我们如何生活的数据 这使得我们能够讲述一些精彩的故事。
Recently , a wise media theorist Tweeted , "The 19th century culture was defined by the novel , the 20th century culture was defined by the cinema, and the culture of the 21st century will be defined by the interface ." 最近,一位聪明的媒体学家在微博上说, “19世纪是小说定义了文化, 20世纪是电影定义了文化 而21世纪的文化 将由界面来决定。”
Recently:adv.最近;新近; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; theorist:n.理论家; Tweeted:v.(小鸟)吱吱地叫;啾鸣;(tweet的过去分词和过去式) defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接;
And I believe this is going to prove true. 我相信这将成真。
Our lives are being driven by data, and the presentation of that data is an opportunity for us to make some amazing interfaces that tell great stories. 我们的生活正被数据驱动着, 所以数据的演示是一个机会 让我们可以制作令人惊喜的界面来生动地讲述故事。
presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; interfaces:n.分界面; v.把界面缝合; (interface的复数)
So I'm going to show you a few of the projects that I've been working on over the last couple years that reflect on our lives and our systems. 现在我将向你演示几个方案 这些都是我过去几年里所做的 反映我们的生活和我们的系统。
reflect on:仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑;
This is a project called Flight Patterns. 这个方案叫做 “飞行模式”。
What you're looking at is airplane traffic over North America for a 24-hour period. 你现在看到的是24小时内 飞越北美的空中交通。
airplane:n.飞机; North America:n.北美洲;
As you see, everything starts to fade to black, and you see people going to sleep. 正如你所看到的,一切都开始变黑, 人们开始入睡。
fade:v.褪色; adj.平淡的; n.[电影][电视]淡出;
Followed by that, you see on the West coast planes moving across, the red-eye flights to the East coast. 接着,你看西海岸 有飞机飞过,红眼航班向东海岸飞行。
West coast:n.美国西海岸(尤指加利福尼亚州); red-eye:adj.夜行班次的(美国工商人士自西岸赴东岸公干,多乘夜班飞机; n.长途夜航航班;
And you'll see everybody waking up on the East coast, followed by European flights coming in the upper right-hand corner. 然后是东海岸的人们开始醒来, 紧接着是欧洲的航班从右上角飞进来。
upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; right-hand:adj.得力的;右手的,用右手的;
Everybody's moving from the East coast to the West coast. 大家正从东海岸飞往西海岸。
You see San Francisco and Los Angeles start to make their journeys down to Hawaii in the lower left-hand corner. 看旧金山和洛杉矶 开始飞到左下角的夏威夷。
I think it's one thing to say there's 140,000 planes being monitored by the federal government at any one time, and it's another thing to see that system as it ebbs and flows. 我想大约有14万架飞机 随时被联邦政府监控, 但如果去观察这个系统的起伏,又是另外一回事。
federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地; ebbs:n.衰落; v.退落; (ebb的第三人称单数)
This is a time-lapse image of that exact same data, but I've color-coded it by type, so you can see the diversity of aircraft that are in the skies above us. 这是同一组数据被延时观察, 而且我还用颜色把它们区分开, 因此你可以看到我们上空的飞机们是各有不同的。
time-lapse:adj.延时的;定时的; color-coded:颜色编码; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化: aircraft:n.飞机,航空器;
And I started making these, and I put them into Google Maps and allow you to zoom in and see individual airports and the patterns that are occurring there. 我在制作的时候,把它们放到了谷歌地图上 这能使你放大并查看每架飞机 和这里所进行的模式。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; airports:n.[航]机场;[航]航空港(airport的复数形式); occurring:n.事件;事故;事变;
So here we can see the white represents low altitudes , and the blue are higher altitudes. 这里我们看到的白色代表低海拔, 蓝色代表更高一点的海拔。
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) altitudes:n.高地;高度;[数]顶垂线;(等级和地位等的)高级;
And you can zoom in. This is taking a look at Atlanta . 你可以将镜头推进。看一下亚特兰大。
You can see this is a major shipping airport, and there's all kinds of activity there. 你可以看到这是一个主要的运输航空港, 有各种各样的活动。
You can also toggle between altitude for model and manufacturer . 你也可以切换海拔高度 查看型号和生产商。
toggle:vt.拴牢,系紧;n.开关,触发器;拴扣;[船]套索钉; manufacturer:n.生产商;生产者;制造者;
See again, the diversity. 看,又是多样性。
And you can scroll around and see some of the different airports and the different patterns that they have. 你可以用滚动条上下查看 一些不同的机场和它们不同的模式。
This is scrolling up the East coast. 滚动条上拉是东海岸。
You can see some of the chaos that's happening in New York with the air traffic controllers having to deal with all those major airports next to each other. 你可以看到纽约这里有一些混乱 空中交通管制人员 必须与那些相邻的航空港来协调。
chaos:n.混沌,混乱; controllers:n.[自]控制器(controller的复数形式);管理者;控制部件;
So zooming back out real quick, we see, again, the U.S. -- you get Florida down in the right-hand corner. 我们现在很快地把镜头缩放回来, 再来看一下在右下角的美国-佛罗里达州。
Moving across to the West coast, you see San Francisco and Los Angeles -- big low-traffic zones across Nevada and Arizona . 飞越到西海岸, 你看旧金山和洛杉矶- 巨大的大流量区域 在内华达州和亚利桑那州之间穿梭往来。
And that's us down there in L.A. and Long Beach on the bottom. 这是我们所处的洛杉矶,和下方的长滩。
I started taking a look as well at different perimeters , because you can choose what you want to pull out from the data. 开始看一下周边, 因为你能选择你想调出来的数据资料。
This is looking at ascending versus descending flights. 这是对比起飞和降落的航班。
ascending:adj.上升的;v.上升;获得(ascend的ing形式);追溯; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; descending:adj.下降的,递减的;v.下来;下去;下降;降临;来临(descend的现在分词)
And you can see, over time, the ways the airports change. 正如你所看到,随着时间推移,机场的变化。
You see the holding patterns that start to develop in the bottom of the screen. 你看在屏幕下方, 控制模式在变化。
And you can see, eventually the airport actually flips directions. 你可以看到,最终机场的方向翻转。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; flips:n.菲力普类(酒的一种);vt.掷;弹;轻击(flip的第三人称单数);
So this is another project that I worked on with the Sensible Cities Lab at MIT. 这是我接过的另一个项目,是与麻省理工的感应城市实验室(Seanseable City Lab)合作.
Sensible:adj.明智的; n.可感觉到的东西;
This is visualizing international communications. 这是可视化国际通讯。
So it's how New York communicates with other international cities. 这是纽约同其他国际城市 的通讯数据。
And we set this up as a live globe in the Museum of Modern Art in New York for the Design the Elastic Mind exhibition. 我们在纽约的现代艺术博物馆里把这个架设成一个活球体 为了展览弹性思维的设计。
And it had a live feed with a 24-hour offset , so you could see the changing relationship and some demographic info coming through AT&T's data and revealing itself. 它即时接收新数据,有24小时时差的偏移, 所以你可以看到这些关系变化 和一些来源于AT&T数据的 人口统计信息。
offset:vt.抵消;弥补;补偿;adj.胶印的;n.开端;出发;平版印刷;抵消;补偿 demographic:adj.人口统计学的;人口学的; revealing:adj.暴露的;发人深省的;v.揭示;露出;显示;展示;(reveal的现在分词)
This is another project I worked on with Sensible Cities Lab and CurrentCity.org. 这是另外一个和感应城市实验室合作的案子 CurrentCity.org。
And it's visualizing SMS messages being sent in the city of Amsterdam . 它可视化在阿姆斯特丹发出的所有手机短信。
So you're seeing the daily ebb and flow of people sending SMS messages from different parts of the city, until we approach New Year's Eve, where everybody says, "Happy New Year!" 你看到的是每天人们从不同城市发送手机短信 频繁度的上下变化, 直到接近元旦,大家都在说,“新年快乐!”
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this is an interactive tool that you can move around and see different parts of the city. 这是一个互动的工具 你可以四处移动去看城市的不同区域。
interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备; move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
This is looking at another event. This is called Queen's Day. 这是统计另外一个节日。所谓的“女王日”。
So again, you get this daily ebb and flow of people sending SMS messages from different parts of the city. 再一次的,你可以看到每天人们从城市不同角落 发送手机短信的变化
And then you're going to see people start to gather in the center of the city to celebrate the night before, which happens right here. 然后你可以看到人们开始聚集在城市中心 在前一天晚上,一起庆祝女王日, 就在这里。
And then you can see people celebrating the next day. 然后你可以看到人们第二天也在庆祝。
And you can pause it and step back and forth and see different phases . 你可以在任何地方暂停,或者倒退,或者快进,可以查看不同阶段。
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; phases:n.阶段,时期(phase的复数形式);v.逐步实行(phase的三单形式);
So now on to something completely different. 现在来看看一个完全不同的东西。
Some of you may recognize this. 有的人也许认识这个。
This is Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen's mechanical chess playing machine. 这是沃尔夫冈·冯·肯佩伦发明的土耳其行棋傀儡。
Baron:n.男爵;大亨;巨头; mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
And it's this amazing robot that plays chess extremely well, except for one thing : it's not a robot at all. 正是这个惊人的机器人下棋下得非常好, 除了:它根本不是一个机器人。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; for one thing:首先;一则;
There's actually a legless man that sits in that box and controls this chess player. 实际上是一个没有双腿的人坐在柜子里面 操纵这个下棋傀儡。
This was the inspiration for a web service by Amazon called the Mechanical Turk -- named after this guy. 这给亚马逊网站的一种网络服务提供了灵感 为纪念那个傀儡,这种网络服务被称为“土耳其机器人”。
And it's based on the premise that there are certain things that are easy for people, but really difficult for computers. 原理是基于有一些事情 对于人们来讲很简单,但对于电脑来说就很困难。
So they made this web service and said, "Any programmer can write a piece of software and tap into the minds of thousands of people." 所以他们创立了这个网络服务,为了, “任何编程人员都可以编写软件 并且可以利用成百上千的智力资源。”
The nerdy side of me thought, "Wow, this is amazing. 我古怪的一方面认为,“哇,太神奇了。
I can tap into thousands of people's minds." 我可以利用成百上千的智力资源。”
And the other nerdy side of me thought, "This is horrible . This is completely bizarre . 但我古怪的另一方面会认为, “太糟糕了。这完全是疯狂。
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, bizarre:adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等);
What does this mean for the future of mankind , where we're all plugged into this borg?" 这对未来的人类会有怎样的影响, 我们都将被模式化?”
mankind:n.人类;男性; plugged:v.堵塞;封堵;补充;供给;推广;(plug的过去分词和过去式)
I was probably being a little extreme. 我可能有点太极端。
But what does this mean when we have no context for what it is that we're working on, and we're just doing these little labors ? 但是当我们对于所做的工作,前因后果及其背景不了解的时候, 我们只是做着份内的这点苦工,这又意味着什么?
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; labors:n.劳动;工作;劳工;分娩;vi.劳动;努力;苦干;vt.详细分析;使厌烦;
So I created this drawing tool. 所以我设计了这个制图工具。
I asked people to draw a sheep facing to the left. 我请人们画一只面向左边的羊。
And I said, "I'll pay you two cents for your contribution ." 我说,“为此我支付你2美分。”
And I started collecting sheep. 然后我开始收集羊。
And I collected a lot, a lot of different sheep. 我收集了很多不同的羊。
Lots of sheep. 很多很多。
I took the first 10,000 sheep that I collected, and I put them on a website called TheSheepMarket.com where you can actually buy collections of 20 sheep. 我把我收集的一万只羊, 放到一个叫做TheSheepMarket.com(羊市场)的网页上 在这里你实际上可以购买20只羊的画图。
You can't pick individual sheep, but you can buy a single plate block of stamps as a commodity . 你不可以逐一挑选, 但是作为商品,你可以买一版贴纸(有20只羊)。
And juxtaposed against this grid , you see actually, by rolling over each individual one, the humanity behind this hugely mechanical process . 移动鼠标, 你可以看到每只羊的放大效果和绘图过程, 这个巨大的机械过程背后的人性化。
juxtaposed:v.并列(juxtapose的过去式); grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
I think there's something really interesting to watching people as they go through this creative toil -- something we can all relate to, this creative process of trying to come up with something from nothing. 我觉得有意思的是 观看在这背后人们的创作过程- 或多或少都有点同感, 这个创造的过程,是从无到有。
creative:adj.创造性的; toil:n.辛苦;苦工;网;圈套;v.辛苦工作;艰难地行进; come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
I think it was really interesting to juxtapose this humanity versus this massive distributed grid. 比起大量的工业化生产 手工制造要有意思得多。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式)
Kind of amazing what some people did. 我惊叹于人们的贡献。
So here's a few statistics from the project. 从这个项目中有几组数据。
Approximate collection rate of 11 sheep per hour, which would make a working wage of 69 cents per hour. 大概每小时收集11只羊, 也就是每小时的工资是69美分。
Approximate:v.近似;使…接近;粗略估计;接近于;adj.[数]近似的;大概的; wage:v.发动;n.(通常指按周领的)工资;
There were 662 rejected sheep that didn't meet "sheep-like" criteria and were thrown out of the flock . 有662只羊被拒 因为它们没有达到羊的标准,所以被剔除了。
rejected:adj.被拒的;不合格的;v.拒绝,驳回;(reject的过去式和过去分词) criteria:n.标准,条件(criterion的复数); flock:v.聚集;群集;蜂拥;n.(羊或鸟)群;(尤指同类人的)一大群;
(Laughter) (笑声)
The amount of time spent drawing ranged from four seconds to 46 minutes. 绘画所用的时间从4秒到46分钟不等。
That gives you an idea of the different types of motivations and dedication . 也就是说,人们有不同的动机和投入。
motivations:n.动机(motivation的复数);表明动机; dedication:n.奉献;献身;(建筑物等的)落成典礼;(书、音乐或演出前部的)献词;
And there were 7,599 people that contributed to the project, or were unique IP addresses -- so about how many people contributed. 7599个人参与了这个项目, 或者说7599个独立IP地址- 参与的人数大概就是这个。
contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词) unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物;
But only one of them out of the 7,599 said this. 7599人中只有一个这样问了。 (为什么,为什么你在做这个?)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Which I was pretty surprised by. 对此,我非常讶异。
I expected people to be wondering, "Why did I draw a sheep?" 我期待人们会问,“为什么我画羊?”
And I think it's a pretty valid question. 我认为这是一个很合理的问题。
And there's a lot of reasons why I chose sheep. 我选择羊的原因有很多。
Sheep were the first animal to be raised from mechanically processed byproducts , the first to be selectively bred for production traits , the first animal to be cloned . 羊是第一个 用机械加工出的副产品饲养出来的动物, 第一个为了生产性质而被选择性繁殖的, 第一个被克隆的动物。
mechanically:adv.机械地;呆板地;物理上地; processed:v.加工,处理;审核;列队行进;(process的过去式和过去分词) byproducts:n.副产品; selectively:adv.有选择地; bred:v.交配繁殖;培育(动植物);孕育;导致;(breed的过去分词和过去式) traits:n.特性,特质,性格(trait的复数); cloned:v.以无性繁殖技术复制;克隆;非法复制;(clone的过去分词和过去式)
Obviously, we think of sheep as followers. 显然,我们认为羊是追随者。
And there's this reference to "Le Petit Prince" 《小王子》里提到
reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用; Petit:adj.细小的;次要的;没价值的;
where the narrator asks the prince to draw a sheep. 小王子要求飞行员画一只羊。
He draws sheep after sheep. 他画了一只又一只羊。
The narrator's only appeased when he draws a box. 小王子只有在飞行员画了一个盒子后才感到满足。
And he says, "It's not about a scientific rendering of a sheep. 他还说,“这不是让你科学地定义一只羊。
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; rendering:n.演奏;扮演;表演;翻译作品;v.使成为;给予;提供;回报;(render的现在分词)
It's about your own interpretation and doing something different." 而是关于你对羊的认识,与众不同的看法。”
And I like that. 我喜欢这观点。
So this is a clip from Charlie Chaplin 's "Modern Times." 这是一段短片,节选自查理·卓别林的“摩登时代”。
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; Chaplin:n.卓别林(喜剧演员);
It's showing Charlie Chaplin dealing with some of the major changes during the Industrial Revolution . 它展示了查理·卓别林在工业革命期间 怎么处理一些重大的变化。
Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
So there were no longer shoe makers, but now there are people slapping soles on people's shoes. 皮鞋制作者这一行当已经不存在了, 但却需要人制作放置鞋子里的鞋垫。
slapping:v.(用手掌)打,拍,掴;随意扔放;(slap的现在分词) soles:n.[服装]鞋底,脚底; v.给(鞋等)上底(sole的三单形式);
And the whole idea of one's relationship to their work changed a lot. 人们与工作之间的关系改变了很多。
So I thought this was an interesting clip to divide into 16 pieces and feed into the Mechanical Turk with a drawing tool. 我觉得这个短片很有趣 于是就想把它分隔成16份 与一些绘画制作工具一起上传到“土耳其机器人”。
divide into:把…分成;
This basically allowed -- what you see on the left side is the original frame , and on the right side you see that frame as interpreted by 16 people who have no idea what it is they're doing. 这可以让你同时对比-左边是原画 右边你看到的 是被这16个人诠释的画 他们都不知道他们在制作什么。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; interpreted:v.诠释;说明;把…理解为;领会;口译;(interpret的过去式和过去分词)
And this was the inspiration for a project that I worked on with my friend Takashi Kawashima. 这正是整个项目的创意 我和朋友Takashi Kawashima一起合作。
We decided to use the Mechanical Turk for exactly what it was meant for, which is making money. 我们打算利用“土耳其机器人”(网络服务) 来赚钱。
So we took a hundred dollar bill and divided it into 10,000 teeny pieces, and we fed those into the Mechanical Turk. 我们把一张100美元的纸币,等分成1万份, 上传到“土耳其机器人”。
We asked people to draw what it was that they saw. 我们征集人来画出他们所看到的画面。
But here there was no sheep-like criteria. 没有固定标准。
People, if they drew a stick figure or a smiley face, it actually made it into the bill. 人们可以画笑脸或者简笔人物画, 然后再把所有人的作品集合起来组成一张新的100美元纸币。
stick figure:n.人物线条画;简笔人物画; smiley:n.微笑符(等于smily);adj.微笑的;引起微笑的;
So what you see is actually a representation of how well people did what it was they were asked to do. 你看到的是大家的作品 他们是按照要求做的。
So we took these hundred dollar bills, and we put them on a website called TenThousandsCents.com, where you can browse through and see all the individual contributions . 我们把这些百元钞票 放到了TenThousandsCents.com的网页上, 你可以浏览和细看每个人的创作。
browse:v.浏览;吃草;n.浏览;吃草; contributions:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;(contribution的复数)
And you can also trade real hundred-dollar bills for fake hundred-dollar bills and make a donation to the Hundred Dollar Laptop Project, which is now known as One Laptop Per Child. 你也可以花一百美元的真钞来购买这张“假钞” 所得款项将会被捐给“百元电脑计划” 也叫做“每童一机”计划。
fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; donation:n.捐赠;捐赠物;赠送; Laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
This is again showing all the different contributions. 这是一个展示多样化的作品。
You see some people did beautiful stipple renderings , like this one on top -- spent a long time making realistic versions. 你看,有人制作了非常漂亮的点画效果图, 比如说上面这个- 花了很长时间来画写真版。
stipple:v.点画;点彩画出; renderings:n.演奏;扮演;表演;翻译作品;(rendering的复数) realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的;
And other people would draw stick figures or smiley faces. 其他人画简笔人物画或者笑脸。
Here on the right-hand side in the middle you see this one guy writing, "$0.01!!! Really?" 中间右手边 你看这人写到,“一美分!!!真的?”
That's all I'm getting paid for this? 就为这个赚一美分?
(Laughter) (笑声)
So the last Mechanical Turk project I'm going to talk to you about is called Bicycle Built for 2000. 我最后要讲的土耳其机器人项目 叫做“2000人的自行车”。
This is a collaboration with my friend Daniel Massey. 我和朋友丹尼尔·马赛合作。
You may recognize these two guys. 你可能认识这两个人。
This is Max Mathews and John Kelly from Bell Labs in the '60s, where they created the song "Daisy Bell," 这是60年代贝尔实验室的麦克斯·马休斯和约翰·凯利 他们共同创作了这首歌“黛西·贝尔(雏菊)”
which was the world's first singing computer. 世界上第一首电脑合成语音录制的歌曲。
You may recognize it from "2001: A Space Odyssey ." 你也许是从电影《2001:太空漫游》里面认识这首歌的。
When HAL's dying at the end of the film he starts singing this song, as a reference to when computers became human. 当智能机器人HAL将死时,他唱的就是这首“黛西·贝尔” 让人联想到电脑变成人的时刻。
So we resynthesized this song. 于是我们人工合成了这首歌。
This is what that sounded like. 这是那首歌。
We broke down all the individual notes in the singing as well as the phonemes in the singing. 我们分解了这首歌里的 每个音符以及每个音素,把它们独立出来。
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
Daisy Bell: ? Daisy, Daisy ... ? 黛西·贝尔:?雏菊,雏菊???
Aaron Koblin: And we took all of those individual pieces, and we fed them into another Turk request. 考博林:我们把所有的独立出来的音符和音素, 上传到“土耳其机器人”。
This is what it would look like if you went to the site . 你打开网页后看到的就是这样。
You type in your code, but you first test your mic. 输入你的号码 先测试下你的话筒。
You'd be fed a simple audio clip. 你会收到一份简单的视频短片。
(Honk) (某一音素)
And then you'd do your best to recreate that with your own voice. 然后你用你的嗓音去尽量创作。
After previewing it and confirming it's what you submitted , you could submit it into the Mechanical Turk with no other context. 在你预览、确认你的作品后, 即使不知道整个策划,你依然可以直接发送给“土耳其机器人”
previewing:n.[计]预视;预观察;v.预习(preview的ing形式);预展; submitted:v.提交;顺从;投降;表示;认为;建议;(submit的过去分词和过去式)
And this is what we first got back from the very first set of submissions . 这是我们收集到的第一批成品。
Recording: ? Daisy, Daisy ? 音乐:?雏菊,雏菊?
? give me your answer do ? ?给我你肯定的回答?
? I'm half crazy ? ?我处于半疯狂中?
? all for the love of you ? ?全因为对你的爱?
? It can't be a stylish marriage ? ?没有时髦的婚礼?
? I can't afford a carriage ? ?我给不起四轮马车?
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; carriage:n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢;
? But you'll look sweet upon the seat ? ?但是在双人自行车后座上?
? of a bicycle built for two ? ?你看上去会很甜蜜?
AK: So James Surowieki has this idea of the wisdom of crowds, that says that a whole bunch of people are smarter than any individual. 考博林:于是詹姆士·苏洛维耶基有了这个集合众人智慧的想法, 所谓的三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮。
We wanted to see how this applies to collaborative , distributed music making, where nobody has any idea what it is they're working on. 我们想试试看这个应用到分布式合作的音乐制作上, 当人们不知道他们在为什么工作时
applies:v.适用;申请;运用;专心;(apply的第三人称单数) collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的;
So if you go to the BicycleBuiltforTwoThousand.com you can actually hear what all this sounds like together. 如果你访问网站BicycleBuiltforTwoThousand.com 你可以听到所有声音合在一起的效果。
I'm sorry for this. 对这音效,我很抱歉。
(Noise) (噪音)
Chorus : ? Daisy, Daisy ? 合唱:?雏菊,雏菊?
? Give me your answer do ? ?给我你肯定的回答?
? I'm half crazy ? ?我处于半疯狂中?
? all for the love of you ? ?全是因为你的爱?
? It can't be a stylish marriage ? ?不需要新潮的婚礼?
? I can't afford a carriage ? ?我承担不了运费?
? But you'd look sweet upon the seat ? ?但是在双人自行车后座上?
? of a bicycle built for two ? ?你应该看上去很甜蜜?
AK: So stepping back for a quick second, when I was at UCLA going to grad school, 考博林:先回神一会儿, 我在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校念研究生的时候,
I was also working at a place called the Center for Embedded Network Sensing. 我同时在嵌入式网络传感中心工作。
And I was writing software to visualize laser scanners . 那是我在编写可视激光扫描仪。
visualize:vt.形象,形象化;想像,设想;vi.显现; scanners:n.[电子]扫描器(scanner的复数);
So basically motion through 3D space. 所以基本上是探测三维空间里的运动。
And this was seen by a director in L.A. named James Frost who said, "Wait a minute. 洛杉矶的詹姆斯·弗罗斯特导演看到后 说,“等一下。
You mean we can shoot a music video without actually using any video?" 你的意思是我们可以不用任何影片视频来拍一支音乐录影带?”
So we did exactly that. 我们照做了。
We made a music video for one of my favorite bands , Radiohead . 我们制作了我最喜爱的乐队-电台司令 的一首音乐录影带。
bands:n.乐队;法官; Radiohead:n.电台司令;收音机头(乐队组合名);
And I think one of my favorite parts of this project was not just shooting a video with lasers, but we also open sourced it, and we made it released as a Google Code project, 我最喜欢的部分 不仅是用激光来拍影片, 而且是公开征集, 我们在谷歌代码上发布了这个项目,
sourced:adj.有来源的; v.发起; released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式)
where people could download a bunch of the data and some source code to build their own versions of it. 在那里人们可以下载一堆数据和源代码 用以制作他们心目中的版本。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; source code:n.源(代)码;
And people were making some amazing things. 人们确实制作了一些令人称奇的东西。
This is actually two of my favorites: the pin-board Thom Yorke and a LEGO Thom Yorke. 这是我最喜欢的其中两个: 针版的汤姆·约克和乐高积木版的汤姆·约克。
A whole YouTube channel of people submitting really interesting content . 整个YouTube网站,有很多人建议了非常有趣的内容。
submitting:v.提交,呈递;顺从;屈服;投降;表示;主张;(submit的现在分词) content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
More recently, somebody even 3D-printed Thom Yorke's head, which is a little creepy , but pretty cool. 最近,有人居然三维印刷出汤姆·约克的头像, 这令人毛骨悚然,但也很酷。
So with everybody making so much amazing stuff and actually understanding what it was they were working on, 每个人都制作惊人的东西 同时也知道他们在做什么,
I was really interested in trying to make a collaborative project where people were working together to build something. 我因此非常感兴趣把这些东西收集起来 把所有人聚集起来一起来制作点什么东西
And I met a music video director named Chris Milk. 我遇到了音乐录影带导演克里斯·缪克。
And we started bouncing around ideas to make a collaborative music video project. 我们开始寻找创意 来制作一个集合的音乐录影带。
But we knew we really needed the right person to kind of rally behind and build something for. 我们知道我们需要找到对的人 来支持和制作这个东西。
So we put the idea on the back burner for a few months. 所以我们把这个想法暂时搁置了几个月。
on the back burner:放在次要位置;
And he ended up talking to Rick Rubin, who was finishing up Johnny Cash's final album called "Ain't No Grave ." 结果他后来遇到了里克·鲁宾, 他就是那个约翰·卡什最后一张专辑的制作人 那张专辑叫《没有坟墓》
The lyrics to the leading track are "Ain't no grave can hold my body down." 歌词是“没有坟墓能容纳我的身体”。
lyrics:n.歌词;抒情诗(lyric的复数); track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
So we thought this was the perfect project to build a collaborative memorial and a virtual resurrection for Johnny Cash. 我们认为这是一个难得的机会 去集合关于约翰·卡什的回忆 和虚拟再现约翰·卡什。
memorial:adj.纪念的;悼念的;n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念品; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); resurrection:n.复活;恢复;复兴;
So I teamed up with my good friend Ricardo Cabello , also known as Mr. doob, who's a much better programmer than I am, and he made this amazing Flash drawing tool. 所以我与我的好朋友利差多·卡贝洛(也叫大麻先生)共同合作, 他是比我更优秀的编程人员, 他制作了这个出色的Flash绘画工具
teamed up with:与…合作,与…协作; Cabello:n.卡贝略港(委内瑞拉的第一大港); Flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的;
As you know, an animation is a series of images . 你知道的, 动画就是一系列的图像。
animation:n.活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
So what we did was cross-cut a bunch of archival footage of Johnny Cash, and at eight frames a second, we allowed individuals to draw a single frame that would get woven into this dynamically changing music video. 所以我们从约翰·卡什的档案影片中截了许多单幅图, 每秒8帧图, 我们分配给不同的人,每人画一张图 然后再编入 这个动态变化的音乐录影带里。
archival:adj.档案的; footage:n.英尺长度;连续镜头;以尺计算长度; frames:n.[计][电子][通信]帧,[电影]画面;[建][计]框架;眼镜架(frame的复数); individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); woven:v.编织;交织(weave的过去分词);编造;adj.织物的;n.机织织物; dynamically:adv.动态地;充满活力地;不断变化地;
So I don't have time to play the entire thing for you, but I want to show you two short clips . 这里我没有时间把整个作品播放给您, 但是我想向您展示两个短片。
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住;
One is the beginning of the music video. 一个是这个音乐录影带的开头。
And that's going to be followed by a short clip of people who have already contributed to the project talking about it briefly . 然后是一个短片 关于那些已经投入到这个项目里来的制图者 简短的讲评。
(Music) (音乐)
(Video) Johnny Cash: ? There ain't no grave ? (视频)约翰·卡什:?没有坟墓?
? can hold my body down ? ?能容纳我的身体?
? There ain't no grave ? ?没有坟墓?
? can hold body down ? ?能容纳我的身体?
? When I hear the trumpet sound ? ?当我听到喇叭声?
? I'm going to ride right out of the ground ? ?我将要升出地面?
? Ain't no grave ? ?没有坟墓?
? can hold my body ... ? ?能容纳我的身体???
(Applause) (掌声)
AK: What better way to pay tribute to the man than to make something for one of his songs. 考博林:为他的歌曲制作点什么, 是比较好的一种方式来向他致敬。
Collaborator : I felt really sad when he died. 522号画作者):他死的时候我真的很伤心。
And I just thought it'd be wonderful, it'd be really nice to contribute something to his memory. 我以为,贡献点什么来纪念他 将会很棒,很不错 。
Collaborator Two: It really allows this last recording of his to be a living, breathing memorial. 329号画作者:这种方式 使他最后录制的作品 成为一个赋有生命的纪念。
Collaborator Three: For all of the frames to be drawn by fans, each individual frame, it's got a very powerful feeling to it. 851号画作者:歌迷们画的所有画, 每一幅画, 都具有非常强烈的感情。
Collaborator Four: I've seen everybody from Japan, Venezuela , to the States, to Knoxville, Tennessee . 225号画作者:我看到人们来自于 日本,委内瑞拉,美国 还有田纳西州的诺克斯维尔。
Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉; Tennessee:n.田纳西州(美国州名);
Collaborator Five: As much as is different from frame to frame, it really is personal . 998号画作者:只要是不同于其他的画, 它就是个人作品。
Collaborator Six: Watching the video in my room, 583号画作者:在我房间里看这段视频,
I could see me not understanding at the beginning of it. 我自己刚开始也不明白。
at the beginning of:在…的开始;
And I just worked and worked through problems, until my little wee battles that I was fighting within the picture all began to resolve themselves. 我只是工作,解决问题, 直到有天凌晨,我纠结于我分配到的那幅画 突然一切问题都开始自行解决
resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决;
You can actually see the point when I know what I'm doing, and a lot of light and dark comes into it. 我了解了我正在做什么, 茅塞顿开。
And in a weird way, that's what I actually like about Johnny Cash's music as well. 以一种奇怪的方式, 那也是我为什么喜欢约翰·卡什的音乐。
It's the sum total of his life, all the things that had happened -- the bad things, the good things. 这是对他一生的一个小总结, 这都是发生过的事件- 坏的,好的。
You're hearing a person's life. 你在听的是一个人的一生。
AK: So if you go to the website JohnnyCashProject.com, what you'll see is the video playing above. 考博林:如果你去网站JohnnyCashProject.com 你会在那里看到这个短片
And below it are all the individual frames that people have been submitting to the project. 短片下面是每位参与这个项目的 人的图像。
So this isn't finished at all, but it's an ongoing project where people can continue to collaborate . 这是个未完成的项目, 一个还在进行当中的合作项目。
ongoing:n.发展; adj.持续存在的; collaborate:vi.合作;勾结,通敌;
If you roll over any one of those individual thumbnails , you can see the person who drew that individual thumbnail and where they were located . 如果滑动鼠标到任何一个简图, 你可以看到制作该简图的人 以及该制作人所处的方位。
thumbnails:n.拇指甲(thumbnail的复数形式); located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
And if you find one that you're interested in, you can actually click on it and open up an information panel where you're able to rate that frame, which helps it bubble up to the top. 如果你找感兴趣的, 还可以点击然后打开相关信息版块 在那里,你可以评分 以此来帮它上榜。
panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); bubble:n.泡;气泡;肥皂泡;一点感情;v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情);
And you can also see the way that it was drawn. 你也可以看到该图像的制作过程。
Again, you can get the playback and personal contribution. 你还可以回放
In addition to that, it's listed, the artist's name, the location , how long they spent drawing it. 此外,还有艺术家们的名字和所在地, 以及他们制作该图像所花费的时间长短。
In addition to:除…之外; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位
And you can pick a style. So this one was tagged " Abstract ." 你可以选择风格。例如这个归类为“抽象派”。
tagged:adj.标记的;示踪的;加标记的;v.附以签条(tag的过去分词); Abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要;
But there's a bunch of different styles. 有很多不同的风格。
And you can sort the video a number of different ways. 你可以通过不同的分类方式来查找图像。
You can say, "I want to see the pointillist version or the sketchy version or the realistic version. 你可以说,“我想看这个点彩画版本 或者是素描版本,或者是真实版本。
And then this is, again, the abstract version, which ends up getting a little bit crazy. 然后这个是抽象版本, 结果弄得有点疯狂。
So the last project I want to talk to you about is another collaboration with Chris Milk. 最后我想探讨的项目,是另外一个我和克里斯·缪克的合作
And this is called "The Wilderness Downtown ." 名字是“市区荒野”。
Wilderness:n.荒野;(草木丛生的)荒地;荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处; Downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的;
It's an online music video for the Arcade Fire. 它是乐队拱廊之火的在线音乐录影带。
Chris and I were really amazed by the potential now with modern web browsers , where you have HTML5 audio and video and the power of JavaScript to render amazingly fast. 克里斯和我 都对现在网页浏览器的潜力感到惊讶, 你有HTML5的音频和视频 JavaScript的速度就呈现得很快。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; browsers:n.[计]浏览器(browser的复数);
And we wanted to push the idea of the music video that was meant for the Web beyond the four-by-three or sixteen-by-nine window and try to make it play out and choreograph throughout the screen. 我们想推广这样的想法,就是音乐录影带和网络本来就是天作之合 超越镜头的限制 努力使其得以发挥,并编排整个屏幕视觉效果。
choreograph:vt.设计舞蹈动作;为…编舞;vi.设计舞蹈动作; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
But most importantly, I think, we really wanted to make an experience that was unlike the Johnny Cash Project, where you had a small group of people spending a lot of time to contribute something for everyone. 但最重要的, 我们想要尝试一下跟约翰·卡什那个项目不一样的东西, 一小群人集合大量的时间 来为大家呈献上点什么东西。
What if we had a very low commitment , but delivered something individually unique to each person who contributed? 如果我们花很少的投入, 却可以让每个制作者都制作出很独特的作品?
What if:如果…怎么办? commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; individually:adv.个别地,单独地;
So the project starts off by asking you to enter the address of the home where you grew up. 所以这个项目首先要求你输入 你家乡的地址。
And you type in the address -- it actually creates a music video specifically for you, pulling in Google maps and Streetview images into the experience itself. 你输入地址- 然后利用谷歌地图和街道景观, 为你制作出一份独特的音乐录影带 使你身临其景之中。
So this should really be seen at home with you typing in your own address, but I'm going to give you a little preview of what you can expect. 你回家输入地址后应该可以看到这个, 我现在就给你预览下你将看到的东西。
(Video) Win Butler: ? Now our lives are changing fast ? (影片)温·巴特勒:?现在我们的生活变化迅速?
? Now our lives are changing fast ? ?现在我们的生活变化迅速?
? Hope that something pure can last ? ?希望那些纯净能延续?
? Hope that something pure can last ? ?希望那些纯净能延续?
? Ooh we used to wait ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
? Ooh we used to wait ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
? Ooh we used to wait ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
? Sometimes it never came ? ?有时,它根本不曾来过?
? Sometimes it never came ? ?有时,它根本不曾来过?
? Still moving through the pain ? ?仍然正试图走出伤悲?
? We used to wait for it ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
? We used to wait for it ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
? We used to wait for it ? ?喔 我们曾等待?
AK: So I think, if there's one thing to take away from my talk today, it's that an interface can be a powerful narrative device . 考博林:所以我认为,如果我今天的演讲有一处可取的话, 那就是,界面可以是一个很强大的叙事设备。
narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
And as we collect more and more personally and socially relevant data, we have an opportunity, and maybe even an obligation , to maintain the humanity and tell some amazing stories as we explore and collaborate together. 当我们搜集越来越多的个人数据和相关的社会数据, 我们有一个机会,也许是一个责任, 那就是当我们探索和累积的同时, 也要维续人类并传承那些惊人的故事。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的; obligation:n.义务;责任;职责;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务; maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见); explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
Thanks a lot. 非常感谢!
(Applause) (鼓掌)