

(Music) (音乐)
We are the tribe that they cannot see 我们是他们看不见的部落
We live on an industrial reservation 我们住在一个工業保留区
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; reservation:n.预约,预订;保留;
We are the Halluci Nation 我们是幻觉国度
We have been called the Indians 我们曾被称为印第安人
We have been called Native American 我们曾被称为美国原住民
Native American:n.美洲土著居民;
We have been called hostile 我们曾被称为敌人
hostile:adj.敌意的; n.敌对分子;
We have been called pagan 我们曾被称为异教徒
We have been called militant 我们曾被称为好战者
We have been called many names 我们曾被赋予各式各样的名称
We are the Halluci Nation 我们是幻觉国度
We are the human beings 我们是人类
The callers of names cannot see us but we can see them 用名称谩骂我们的人看不见我们 但我们看得见他们
We are the Halluci Nation 我们是幻觉国度
Our DNA is of earth and sky 我们有着土壤和天空的 DNA
Our DNA is of past and future 我们有着过去和未来的 DNA
We are the Halluci Nation 我们是幻觉国度
We are the evolution , the continuation 我们是进化 延续
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; continuation:n.继续;续集;延长;附加部分;扩建物;
The Halluci Nation 幻觉国度
(Music) (音乐)
The virus took on many shapes 病毒有许多不同的外形
The bear, the elk, the antelope , the elephant, the deer 熊、麋、羚羊、大象、鹿
The mineral , the iron, the copper , the coltan, the rubber 矿物、铁、铜、钶钽铁矿、橡胶
mineral:n.矿物;矿物质;汽水;adj.矿物(性)的;含矿物的;无机的; copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包]; rubber:n.橡胶;橡皮;v.涂橡胶于…;
The coffee, the cotton, the sugar 咖啡、棉花、糖
The people 人类
The germ traveled faster than the bullet 病菌的行进速度比子弹还快
germ:n.[植]胚芽,萌芽;细菌;vi.萌芽; bullet:n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;
They harvest the mountainside , protect the crops, herd the cattle 它们在山腰上收割 保护作物,放牧小牛
mountainside:山腰,山坡, herd:n.兽群,畜群;放牧人;vi.成群,聚在一起;vt.放牧;使成群;
The people 人类
The women and children were separated from the men 女人和小孩与男人分离
They divided us according to the regional filters of their minds 他们依据他们脑中的区域 过滤器来将我们分开
according to:根据,据说; regional:adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的; filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数)
The violence of arrogance crawls into the air, nestles into the geospatial cortex 自大的暴力缓缓地进入了空气中 在地理空间的皮层筑巢
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; arrogance:n.自大;傲慢态度; crawls:v.爬;匍匐行进;(昆虫)爬行;缓慢行进;(crawl的第三人称单数) nestles:vi.舒适地坐定;偎依;半隐半现地处于;vt.抱;安置; geospatial:n.地理空间; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮;
We are not a conquered people 我们并非被征服的人民
The compound was on fire 楼群着火了
compound:v.合成; adj.混合; n.大院;
The missionaries never hid their perspective 传教士从不隐藏他们的观点
missionaries:n.传教士;工作人员(missionary的复数); perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
Prospectors of land would rather see us disappear 土地的勘探者 宁可看到我们消失
Prospectors:n.[地质]勘探者;探矿者(prospector的复数形式); would rather:宁愿,宁可; disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在;
Recyclable prayers 可回收的祷告
The people 人类
This is my body which is given for you 给予你的是我的身体
The people 人类
This is my blood 这是我的血液
We are not a conquered people 我们并非被征服的人民
(Electronic music and chanting) (电子音乐和吟唱)
I was wakened by my elder brother 我被哥哥唤醒了
The compound was on fire 楼群着火了
Awakened by my elder brother 被哥哥唤醒了
The compound was on fire 楼群着火了
(Music) (音乐)
The compound was on fire 楼群着火了
The compound was on fire 楼群着火了
The Halluci Nation 幻觉的民族
The human beings 人类
The people 人民
See the spiritual in the natural 看自然中的灵魂
Through sense and feeling 通过触觉和感觉
Everything is related 一切都是相关的
All the things of earth 地球的所有事物
And in the sky have spirit 在天空中有灵魂
Everything is sacred 一切都是神圣的
Confronted by the ALie Nation 面对这个异化国度
The subjects and the citizens 国民和市民
See the material religions 看着物质宗教
Through trauma and numb 通过创伤和麻木
Nothing is related 一切都毫不相关
All the things of the earth and in the sky have energy to be exploited 地上和空中的所有事物 只有能被剥削的能源
Even themselves, mining their spirits into souls sold 就连他们也在采矿自己的灵魂 卖掉自己的心灵
Into nothing is sacred 一切都不再是神圣
Not even their self 就连他们自己也不再是神圣
The ALie Nation 这是一个谎话国度
Alienation 异化国度
Ancestors 我们的祖先
Live in the DNA 住在我们的 DNA 中
In genetic memory 在遗传记忆中
The evolution of descendants 后代的进化
Human being is our natural identity 人类是我们的天生身份
Natural identity is where the power of being 天生身份就是那份存在的力量
Waits for human recognition 等待着人类的认可
To understand 要清楚明白
Not to just know 不单单只知道
But to understand sacred 却要真正明白神圣
Without religion we evolve 没有宗教,我们就会进化
Back into our ancestors 成为我们的祖先
With religion we disappear 没有宗教,我们就会在
Into religious heaven and hell 宗教的天堂与地狱中消失
(Electronic music and chanting) (电子音乐和吟唱)
Human beings 人类
We are human, we are of the earth 我们是人类 我们是拥有地球性质的生物
(Electronic music and chanting) (电子音乐和吟唱)
Human beings 人类
We are human 我们是人类
We are of the earth 我们是拥有地球性质的生物
Our bone, flesh , blood, metals, minerals , liquids, of earth 我们的骨骼、肉体、血液、 地球的金属、矿物质、液体
flesh:n.肉;肉体;v.喂肉给…;发胖; minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质;
We are earth 我们是属于地球的
We are being 我们是生物
We are of the sky 我们是属天空的
The sun, moon, stars 太阳、月亮、星星
A reality of how ancestors live 祖先生存的现实
We are the children of earth and sky 我们是地球和天空的孩子
We are the Halluci Nation 我们是幻觉民族
(Applause) (掌声)
(Cheering) (掌声)