

So, I don't like to boast , but I am very good at finding things to be annoyed about. 我不喜歡自誇, 但我真的非常擅長找到惱人之處。
boast:v.自夸;自吹自擂;n.夸耀;夸口; annoyed:adj.恼怒;生气;烦恼;v.使恼怒;使生气;打扰;骚扰(annoy的过去分词和过去式)
It is a real specialty of mine. 這是我的一項專長。
I can hear 100 compliments and a single insult , and what do I remember? 當我聽見一百個讚美和一個侮辱時, 我會記得什麼?
compliments:n.赞扬;问候;祝贺;v.赞美;钦佩;(compliment的第三人称单数和复数) insult:v.侮辱;辱骂;损害;n.侮辱;凌辱;无礼;
The insult. 那個侮辱。
And according to the research, I'm not alone. 研究指出,我並非獨一無二。
according to:根据,据说;
Unfortunately , the human brain is wired to focus on the negative . 不幸的是,人類的大腦天生 就是會專注在負面的地方。
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝;
Now, this might have been helpful when we were cave people, trying to avoid predators , but now it's a terrible way to go through life. 當我們還是穴居人時, 這點可能還算有幫助, 讓我們避開要捕食我們的動物。 但在現代,這是一種 很糟糕的生活方式。
It is a real major component of anxiety and depression . 它是造成焦慮和憂鬱的 一個主要因素。
component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
So how can we fight the brain's negative bias ? 所以,我們要如何 對抗大腦的負面偏見呢?
According to a lot of research, one of the best weapons is gratitude . 根據很多研究, 最好的方法之一就是感激。
So knowing this, I started a new tradition in our house a couple of years ago. 知道這一點之後,從幾年前開始, 我在我們家建立了一項新的傳統。
Before a meal with my wife and kids, 在我和太太與孩子們吃飯前,
I would say a prayer of thanksgiving. 我會先說一段感恩的禱告。
Prayer is not quite the right word. 禱告不算是正確的用詞。
I'm agnostic , so instead of thanking God, 我是不可知論者, 所以我不是感謝上帝,
I would thank some of the people who helped make my food a reality. 我是感謝一些讓我能吃到食物的人。
I'd say, "I'd like to thank the farmer who grew these tomatoes, and the trucker who drove these tomatoes to the store, and the cashier who rang these tomatoes up." 我會說:「我想要感謝 種植這些蕃茄的農夫、 把這些蕃茄載到店裡的卡車司機, 以及為這些蕃茄結帳的收銀員。」
trucker:n.卡车司机;从事货车运输业者; cashier:n.出纳员;v.开除…的军籍;
And I thought it was going pretty well, this tradition. 我以為這個傳統一直運行得挺好的。
Then one day, my 10-year-old son said, "You know, Dad, those people aren't in our apartment. 接著,有一天,我十歲的兒子問: 「爸,你知道嗎,那些人 並不在我們的公寓裡。
They can't hear you. 他們聽不見你說的。
If you really cared, you would go and thank them in person." 如果你真的在乎, 你就會親自去謝謝他們。」
And I thought, "Hmm. That's an interesting idea." 我心想:「嗯, 那是個很有趣的想法。」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Now I'm a writer, and for my books I like to go on adventures. 我是個作家,
Go on quests . 去探索。
quests:n.过关模式(游戏用语); v.探索;
So I decided I'm going to take my son up on his challenge. 所以,我決定接受我兒子的挑戰。
It seemed simple enough. 它似乎相當簡單。
And to make it even simpler, 為了讓它更簡單,
I decided to focus on just one item . 我決定只把焦點放在一項東西上。
An item I can't live without: my morning cup of coffee. 我們生活不可缺的東西: 我早晨的一杯咖啡。
Well, it turned out to be not so simple at all. 結果發現,它並沒有那麼簡單。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
This quest took me months. 這項探索花了我數個月。
It took me around the world. 它帶我走遍全世界。
Because I discovered that my coffee would not be possible without hundreds of people I take for granted . 因為我發現,若沒有數百個 被我視為理所當然的人, 就不會有我的咖啡。
take for granted:认为…理所当然;
So I would thank the trucker who drove the coffee beans to the coffee shop . 所以我要感謝開車 把咖啡豆載到咖啡店的卡車司機。
coffee shop:na.咖啡店;(一般的)小餐馆;
But he couldn't have done his job without the road. 但若沒有道路,他就做不到這件事。
So I would thank the people who paved the road. 所以我要感謝鋪路的人。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And then I would thank the people who made the asphalt for the pavement . 接著,我要感謝做瀝青鋪路的人。
asphalt:n.沥青;柏油;v.以沥青铺;adj.用柏油铺成的; pavement:n.路面;人行道;石板铺的地面;
And I came to realize that my coffee, like so much else in the world, requires the combined work of a shocking number of people from all walks of life. 我漸漸了解,我的咖啡, 和世界上許多東西一樣, 需要結合來自各行各業 非常多人的努力才能實現。
Architects , biologists , designers, miners , goat herds , you name it. 建築師、生物學家、設計師、礦工、牧羊人,任何你能想到的。
Architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); miners:n.[矿业]矿工(miner的复数);煤矿工人; herds:n.畜群;大量(herd的复数);人群;v.聚在一起;结交(herd的三单形式);
I decided to call my project "Thanks a Thousand." 我決定把我的計畫命名為 「千分感謝」。
Because I ended up thanking over a thousand people. 因為我最後感謝了超過一千人。
And it was overwhelming , but it was also wonderful. 這計畫真的是讓人難以招架,
overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
Because it allowed me to focus on the hundreds of things that go right every day, as opposed to the three or four that go wrong. 因為它讓我能把焦點放在 每一天中順利進行的數百件事, 而不是出錯的那三、四件事。
opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
And it reminded me of the astounding interconnectedness or our world. 且它提醒了我,
reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) astounding:adj.令人震惊的;使大吃一惊的;v.使震惊;使大惊;(astound的现在分词) interconnectedness:n.互联性;
I learned dozens of lessons during this project, but let me just focus on five today. 在這個計畫中,我學到了數十課, 但,今天讓我把焦點 放在其中五課就好。
The first is: look up. 第一課:抬頭看。
I started my trail of gratitude by thanking the barista at my local coffee shop, 我的感激之路始於 感謝我們當地咖啡店裡的咖啡師,
trail:v.(被)拖,拉;疲惫地走,磨蹭;落后,失败;n.痕迹;踪迹;小路;路线; barista:n.咖啡师;咖啡吧员;
Joe Coffee in New York. 我去的店是紐約的喬咖啡。
Her name is Chung, and Chung is one of the most upbeat people you will ever meet. 她的名字叫鍾, 鍾非常樂觀。
Big smiler , enthusiastic hugger . 她總是帶著大大的微笑, 熱情地擁抱人。
smiler:n.微笑者; enthusiastic:adj.热情的;热心的;狂热的; hugger:n.劈理;极端派;拥抱者;
But even for Chung, being a barista is hard. 但就算是鍾這樣的人, 做為咖啡師也很不容易。
And that's because you are encountering people in a very dangerous state. 那是因為你會遇到 處於非常危險狀態的人。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
You know what it is -- precaffeination. 你們知道的——急需咖啡因的人。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So, Chung has had people yell at her until she cried, including a nine-year-old girl, who didn't like the whipped cream design that Chung did on her hot chocolate . 所以,鍾曾經遇過有人對她大吼, 包括一位九歲女孩, 她不喜歡鍾在她的熱巧克力上 做的鮮奶油拉花。
whipped:v.鞭打;鞭策;除去,抽出(whip的过去分词和过去式) hot chocolate:n.巧克力热饮;一杯巧克力热饮;
So I thanked Chung, and she thanked me for thanking her. 所以,我向鍾表示感謝, 她謝謝我謝謝她。
I cut it off there. 我就在這裡畫上句點。
I didn't want to go into an infinite thanking loop . 我不想我們互相謝得沒完沒了。
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限; loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
But Chung said that the hardest part is when people don't even treat her like a human being. 但鍾說,最辛苦的部分是, 大家不把她當作人來看待。
They treat her like a vending machine . 他們把她當成販賣機來看待。
vending machine:n.(出售香烟,饮料等的)投币式自动售货机;
So, they'll hand her their credit card without even looking up from their phone. 他們把信用卡遞給她, 但視線都沒離開過他們的手機。
credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
And while she's saying this, I'm realizing I've done that. 當她這麼說的時候, 我發現我也做過這種事。
I've been that a-hole . 我也是那種混蛋。
And at that moment, I pledged : when dealing with people, I'm going to take those two seconds and look at them, make eye contact . 那一刻,我立下誓言: 在和人打交道時, 我要花兩秒鐘時間, 看著他們,做眼神交會。
pledged:v.保证给予(或做);正式承诺;抵押(pledge的过去分词和过去式) contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系;
Because it reminds you, you're dealing with a human being who has family and aspirations and embarrassing high school memories. 因為那能提醒你, 你是在和一個人打交道, 他有家人,有抱負, 也有尷尬的高中時期回憶。
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) aspirations:n.愿望; embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
And that little moment of connection is so important to both people's humanity and happiness. 而那短暫的連結時刻, 對於人的人性以及快樂 都是非常重要的。
Alright, second lesson was: smell the roses. And the dirt . And the fertilizer . 好,第二課是: 聞聞花香。還有泥土。還有肥料。
dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话; fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者;
After Chung, I thanked this man. 在鍾之後,我感謝了這個人。
This is Ed Kaufmann. 他是艾德考夫曼。
And Ed is the one who chooses which coffee they serve at my local coffee shop. 艾德在我當地的那間咖啡店裡, 負責選擇要用哪種咖啡豆。
He goes around the world, to South America , to Africa, finding the best coffee beans. 他去世界各地,到南美,到非洲, 去找最好的咖啡豆。
South America:n.南美洲;
So I thanked Ed. 所以我感謝了艾德,
And in return, Ed showed me how to taste coffee like a pro . 而艾德則教了我 如何像專家一樣品嚐咖啡。
And it is quite a ritual . 那是個很了不起的儀式。
You take your spoon and you dip it in the coffee and then you take a big, loud slurp . 你要拿起湯匙,把它浸入咖啡中, 接著你要喝一大口, 且要發出很大的啜飲聲。
dip:n.游一游; v.蘸; slurp:vt.出声地吃或喝;vi.出声地吃或喝;n.吃的声音;啜食声;
Almost cartoonishly loud. 幾乎就像卡通裡的一樣大聲。
This is because you want to spray the coffee all over your mouth. 這是因為你想要讓咖啡 噴灑在你整個嘴巴裡。
spray:n.喷雾; v.喷;
You have taste buds in the side of your cheeks, in the roof of your mouth, you've got to get them all. 在你的臉頰內側都有味蕾, 嘴巴的頂上也有, 你要咖啡觸及它們全部。
So Ed would do this and he would -- his face would light up and he would say, "This coffee tastes of honey-crisp apple and notes of soil and maple syrup ." 所以,艾德會這麼做, 而且他會—— 他的臉會亮起來,然後說: 「這種咖啡嚐起來有蜜脆蘋果的味道, 以及土壤以及楓糖漿。」
maple syrup:n.槭树汁;槭糖浆;
And I would take a sip and I'd say, "I'm picking up coffee. 我會啜飲一小口,說: 「我嚐到咖啡。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
It tastes to me like coffee." 我覺得它嚐起來就像咖啡。」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
But inspired by Ed, I decided to really let the coffee sit on my tongue for five seconds -- we're all busy, but I could spare five seconds, and really think about the texture and the acidity and the sweetness . 但,受到艾德的鼓舞,我決定真的 讓咖啡在我的舌頭上 停留五秒鐘—— 雖然我們都很忙, 但我能騰出五秒鐘, 真的去思考它的質地、酸度、甜度。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; texture:n.质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质; acidity:n.酸度;酸性;酸过多;胃酸过多; sweetness:n.美妙;芳香;可爱;
And I started to do it with other foods. 我開始在吃其他食物時也這麼做。
And this idea of savoring is so important to gratitude. 這個品嚐的做法, 對於感激是非常重要的。
Psychologists talk about how gratitude is about taking a moment and holding on to it as long as possible. 心理學家說,感激就是 抓住那個瞬間, 盡可能留住它久一點。
Psychologists:n.[心理]心理学家(psychologist的复数形式); as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
And slowing down time. 讓時間慢下來。
So that life doesn't go by in one big blur , as it often does. 這樣,人生才不會像平常那樣, 模模糊糊地就過去了。
Number three is: find the hidden masterpieces all around you. 第三課: 在你身邊找找隱藏的傑作。
Now, one of my favorite conversations during this year was with the guy who invented my coffee cup lid . 今年我最喜歡的對話之一, 對象是發明了咖啡杯蓋的那個人。
And until this point, 在那之前,
I had given approximately zero thought to coffee cup lids . 我幾乎從來沒有想過咖啡杯蓋。
approximately:adv.大约,近似地;近于; lids:n.(容器的)盖,盖子;(lid的第三人称单数和复数)
But I loved talking to this inventor, Doug Fleming, because he was so passionate . 但我很喜歡和這位發明家 道格佛萊明談話, 因為他充滿了熱情。
And the blood and sweat and tears he put into this lid, and that I had never even considered. 他放在這個杯蓋中的血汗及眼淚, 我從來沒有想過。
He says a bad lid can ruin your coffee. 他說,不好的杯蓋 可以毀掉你的咖啡。
That it can block the aroma , which is so important to the experience. 它會阻擋香味, 香味對於咖啡體驗來說是很重要的。
So he -- he's very innovative . 所以他——他很擅長創新。
He's like the Elon Musk of coffee lids. 他就像是咖啡杯蓋的伊隆馬斯克。
Elon:n.埃伦(可溶性显影剂粉末); Musk:n.麝香;麝香鹿;麝香香味;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So he designed this lid that's got an upside-down hexagon so you can get your nose right in there and get maximum aroma. 他設計的這個杯蓋 有個上下顛倒的六角形, 所以你可以把你的鼻子放到那裡,
upside-down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; hexagon:n.六角形,六边形;adj.成六角的;成六边的; maximum:n.最大限度;最大量;最高限度;adj.最高的;最多的;最大极限的;
And so I was delighted talking to him, and it made me realize there are hundreds of masterpieces all around us that we totally take for granted. 我很高興能和他談話, 那經驗讓我了解到, 我們身邊就有數百件傑作, 但都被我們視為理所當然。
delighted:adj.高兴的; v.使高兴; (delight的过去分词和过去式)
Like the on-off switch on my desk lamp has a little indentation for my thumb that perfectly fits my thumb. 就像我的桌燈的開關,
on-off:adj.开关的;n.开关; switch on:n.接通; desk lamp:桌灯,台灯; indentation:n.压痕,[物]刻痕;凹陷;缩排;呈锯齿状; thumb:v.翻阅;以拇指拨弄;作搭车手势;笨拙地摆弄;n.拇指;
And when something is done well, the process behind it is largely invisible . 當一樣事物被做得很好時, 它背後的過程大部分我們都看不到。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
But paying attention to it can tap into that sense of wonder and enrich our lives. 但多去留意它, 就能發掘出來驚奇感, 讓我們的生活更充實。
Number four is: fake it till you feel it. 第四課:先假裝, 直到你能真正感受到。
By the end of the project, I was just in a thanking frenzy . 在這個計畫到達尾聲時, 我陷入一種感謝的狂熱當中。
So I was -- I would get up and spend a couple hours, 所以我——我會起床之後 花幾個小時的時間,
I'd write emails, send notes, make phone calls, visit people to thank them for their role in my coffee. 寫電子郵件,發送訊息, 打電話,親自造訪, 謝謝他們在我的咖啡中 所扮演的角色。
And some of them, quite honestly -- not that into it. 而當中有些人,很老實說—— 對我的計畫沒那麼有興趣。
They would be like, "What is this? 他們會說:「這是幹嘛?
Is this a pyramid scheme , what do you want, what are you selling?" 這是老鼠會嗎? 你要幹嘛?你想推銷什麼?」
But most people were surprisingly moved. 但大部分的人都出乎意料的感動。
I remember, I called the woman who does the pest control for the warehouse where my coffee is served -- 我記得,我打電話給這名女子,
I'm sorry -- where my coffee is stored. 對不起——我是指 儲存我的咖啡的倉庫裡。
And I said, "This may sound strange, but I want to thank you for keeping the bugs out of my coffee." 我說: 「這可能聽起來很奇怪, 但我想要謝謝你 讓蟲子遠離我的咖啡。」
And she said, "Well, that does sound strange, but you just made my day." 她說:「嗯,聽起來的確很怪, 但你讓我十分開心。」
And it was like an anti-crank phone call. 這就像是一種反騷擾電話。
And it didn't just affect her, it affected me. 受到影響的不只是她,還有我。
Because I would wake up every morning in my default mood , which is grumpiness , but I would force myself to write a thank-you note and then another and then another. 因為每天早上起床, 我通常情緒很不好, 但我會強迫我自己寫一張感謝字條, 然後再寫一張,再寫一張。
default:n.违约;拖欠;缺席;缺陷;v.违约;拖欠;缺乏;不履行; mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛; grumpiness:乖戾;暴躁;坏脾气;
And what I found was that if you act as if you're grateful, you eventually become grateful for real. 我發現,如果你在行為上 先假裝你很感恩, 最終,你會真的變得很感恩。
The power of our actions to change our mind is astounding. 透過我們的行為來改變 我們的心的力量是很驚人的。
So, often we think that thought changes behavior, but behavior very often changes our thought. 通常,我們會認為, 思想能改變行為, 但行為經常會改變我們的想法。
And finally , the last lesson I want to tell you about is: practice six degrees of gratitude. 我想告訴各位的最後一課是: 練習六度感激。
And every place, every stop on this gratitude trail would give birth to 100 other people that I could thank. 在這條感恩之路上, 每個地方,每個停靠站, 都會產生出另外一百個 我能夠去感謝的人。
give birth to:产生,造成;生孩子;
So I went down to Colombia to thank the farmers who grow my coffee beans. 所以我跑到哥倫比亞
And it was in a small mountain town, and I was driven there along these curvy , cliffside roads. 那是一個山區小鎮, 我搭車前往,
curvy:adj.弯曲的;曲线美的(等于curvaceous); cliffside:n.悬崖之边或面;
And every time we went around a hairpin turn the driver would do the sign of the cross. 每次車開過一個髮夾彎, 駕駛就會畫一個十字。
And I was like, "Thank you for that. 我心想:「謝謝你這麼做。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
But can you do that while keeping your hands on the wheel ? 但你在這麼做的時候, 能不能把雙手放在方向盤上?
Because I am terrified." 因為我好怕啊。」
But we made it. 但我們到了。
And I met the farmers, the Guarnizo brothers. 我見到這些農夫,葛瓦尼佐兄弟。
It's a small farm, they make great coffee, they're paid above fair-trade prices for it. 那是個小農場, 他們種的咖啡很棒, 他們能賣到比公平交易價 高一點的價格。
And they showed me how the coffee is grown. 他們帶我去看咖啡怎麼種出來的。
The bean is actually inside this fruit called the coffee cherry . 豆子其實是長在果實中, 這種果實叫做咖啡果。
And I thanked them. 我感謝了他們。
And they said, "Well, we couldn't do our job without 100 other people." 他們說:「若沒有另外一百人, 我們也無法完成這些工作。」
The machine that depulps the fruit is made in Brazil , and the pickup truck they drive around the farm, that is made from parts from all over the world. 用來去除果肉的機器是巴西製的, 而他們在農場中 開來開去的收成卡車, 組成零件來自世界各地。
Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); pickup:n.收集,整理;小卡车;拾起;搭车者;偶然结识者;
In fact, the US exports steel to Colombia. 事實上,美國出口鋼鐵到哥倫比亞。
So I went to Indiana, and I thanked the steel makers. 所以,我去了印第安納州, 感謝了製造鋼鐵的人。
And it just drove home that it doesn't take a village to make a cup of coffee. 我更清楚了一件事, 要泡一杯咖啡, 需要的不只是一個村子的人,
It takes the world to make a cup of coffee. 要做一杯咖啡, 需要的是全世界的人。
And this global economy , this globalization , it does have downsides . 這種全球經濟,這種全球化, 它也有不好的面向。
economy:n.经济;节约;理财; globalization:n.全球化; downsides:下降趋势;消极面,缺点(downside的复数);
But I believe the long-term upsides are far greater, that progress is real. 但我相信,長遠來看, 好的面向絕對大勝, 進步是真的。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; upsides:adv.半斤八两;n.上边;正面(upside的复数);
We have made improvements in the last 50 years, poverty worldwide has gone down. 在過去五十年間,我們做出了改善, 全世界的貧困已經下降了。
improvements:n.改善;改进;改善的事物;(improvement的复数) poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
And that we should resist the temptation to retreat into our silos . 我們應該要抗拒誘惑, 不要縮回到自己的小圈圈。
resist:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂; temptation:n.诱惑;引诱;煽诱人的事物; retreat:v.撤退;退却;后退;退缩;n.撤退;退却;退缩;退避; silos:n.筒仓;粮仓;贮仓(silo的复数);
And we should resist this upsurge in isolationism and jingoism . 我們應該要抗拒孤立主義 和侵略主義的高漲。
upsurge:n.高潮,高涨;vi.涌起,高涨; isolationism:n.孤立主义; jingoism:n.侵略主义;沙文主义;武力外交政策;
Which brings me to my final point. 這就帶到了這場演說的 最後一個論點。
Which is my hope that we use gratitude as a spark to action. 那就是,我希望我們 以感恩引發行動。
Some people worry that gratitude has a downside. 有些人擔心,感恩有不好的一面。
That we'll be so grateful, that we'll be complacent . 擔心我們會太感恩而感到自滿。
We'll be so, "Oh, everything's wonderful, I'm so grateful." 我們會變成:「喔, 一切都很美好,我好感激。」
Well, it turns out, the opposite is true. 結果發現,事實完全相反。
The research shows that the more grateful you are, the more likely you are to help others. 研究指出, 你越是懂得感恩, 你越有可能去協助他人。
When you're in a bad state, you're often more focused on your own needs. 當你處在不好的狀態時, 你通常比較會把焦點 放在你自己的需求上。
But gratitude makes you want to pay it forward. 但感恩讓你想要把它再傳出去。
And I experienced this personally . 我有親身的體驗。
I mean, I'm not Mother Teresa, 我並不是德蕾莎修女,
I'm still a selfish bastard a huge amount of the time. 大部分的時候, 我仍然是個自私的渾球。
But I'm better than I was before this project. 但我已經比在這個計畫 之前的自己更好了。
And that's because it made me aware of the exploitation on the supply chain . 那是因為這個計畫讓我知道了 供應鏈上的剝削壓榨。
exploitation:n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销; supply chain:n.供应链;
It reminded me that what I take for granted is not available to millions of people around the world. 它提醒了我,全世界 有數百萬人得不到 那些我認為理所當然的事物。
Like water. 比如水。
Coffee is 98.8 percent water. 咖啡有 98.8% 是水。
So I figured I should go and thank the people at the New York reservoir , hundreds of them, who provide me water, and this miracle that I can turn a lever and get safe water. 所以我想我應該要去 謝謝紐約水庫的人, 這數百人提供水給我, 造成了我轉一下控制桿 就有安全用水的這個奇蹟。
reservoir:n.水库;蓄水池; miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例; lever:n.杠杆;控制杆;v.用杠杆撬动;把…作为杠杆;
And that millions of people around the world don't have this luxury and have to walk hours to get safe water. 而全世界各地有數百萬人 都無法享受這樣的奢華, 他們得要走數小時的路 才能取得安全用水。
It inspired me to see what I could do to help people get more access, and I did research and found a wonderful group called Dispensers for Safe Water. 這鼓舞了我,讓我想試試看 能否協助人們更容易取得用水, 我做了些研究, 發現了一個很棒的團體, 叫做「安全用水發放者」。
And I got involved . 我參加了。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And I'm not expecting the Nobel Prize committee to knock down my door, but it's a baby step, it's a little something. 我並不期待諾貝爾獎委員會 會來我家敲門, 但這是一小步,它是有意義的。
Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖; committee:n.委员会; knock down:adj.最低的;可拆卸的;不可抵抗的;压倒一切的;n.打倒的一击;混战;降低;
And it's all because of gratitude. 這全都是因為感恩。
And it's why I encourage people, friends, family, to follow gratitude trails of their own. 這就是為什麼我會鼓勵 人們、朋友、家人, 循著他們自己的感恩之路走下去。
Because it's a life-transforming experience. 因為那是一種會轉變人生的體驗。
And it doesn't have to be coffee. 不一定要是咖啡。任何東西都可以。
It could be anything.
It could be a pair of socks, it could be a light bulb . 可以是一雙襪子,可以是一個燈泡。
light bulb:n.灯泡;
And you don't have to go around the world, you can just do a little gesture , like make eye contact or send a note to the designer of a logo you love. 你不需要跑到全世界, 你可以只要做出一點表示, 比如做到眼神交會,或是發個訊息 給你喜愛的商標的設計師。
gesture:n.手势;姿势;示意动作;表示;v.做手势;用手势表示; logo:n.标志;
It's more about a mindset . 比較重要的是心態。
Being aware of the thousands of people involved in every little thing we do. 要知道我們所做的每一件小事, 都涉及到數千人。
Remembering that there's someone in a factory who made the fabric for the chairs you're sitting in right now. 要記得,在工廠有某個人做了布料, 才會有你現在所坐的椅子。
That someone went into a mine and got the copper for this microphone so that I could say my final thank you, which is to thank you. 有某個人進入礦坑 我才能夠說我最後的感謝, 就是要謝謝你們。
copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包]; microphone:n.麦克风;传声器;话筒;
Thank you a thousand for listening to my story. 「千分感謝」你們傾聽我的故事。
(Applause) (掌聲)
(Cheering) (歡呼)