

You never give it any thought, and there are billions of them out there, but the amount of design and passion and creativity that goes into this little disc is remarkable . 你从不会特别留意它, 而且这个东西在世界上有几十亿个, 但是这个小小圆盘富含许多 设计巧思、热情与创意,
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的;
[Small thing.] 实在令人惊叹。
[Big idea.] [大构思]
The coffee cup lid is a lid for your coffee cup. 咖啡杯盖是爲你的 咖啡杯准备的盖子,
It snaps on. 它可以自如地打开,
snaps:n.纽扣; v.猛咬;
It has an opening. 它有个开口,
You've got lids with a little latch that opens and closes. 它有一个可以 打开和关闭的小闩子。
lids:n.(容器的)盖,盖子;(lid的第三人称单数和复数) latch:vi.占有,抓住;闭锁;vt.闩上;纠缠住某人;n.门闩;
You've got ones that are in creative shapes. 有的杯盖形状富有创意。
Coffee cup lids have their own vocabulary. 咖啡杯盖有它自己的专有词彙。
People talk about the " peripheral skirts," 人们会说「翻边裙」 (peripheral skirts)、
the "press-in dimples ," the " fragrance outlets ," 「按入式凹槽」 (press-in dimples)、
dimples:n.酒窝; v.现出酒窝; fragrance:n.香味,芬芳; outlets:n.出路;销售点;排水口;批发商点(outlet的复数形式);
the " slosh factor ." 「泼溅指数」 (slosh factor)。
slosh:vi.溅,泼;在泥中荡;vt.搅动,晃动;把…泼溅出;n.泥泞;溅泼声; factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入;
But you need these words, because so much thought and innovation goes into these coffee cup lids. 但你需要这些词彙, 因爲这些咖啡杯盖中 包含了大量巧思与创新。
Our society is just more and more mobile . 我们社会的流动性与日俱增。
Everything is on the move . 万物不停地运动,
on the move:在活动中,在进行中;四处奔波;
The good part: it's convenient . 咖啡杯盖的好处是方便。
You can drink coffee anywhere, you don't have the stay in the diner. 你可以随时随地喝咖啡, 不需要坐在餐厅裏。
It can be in the subway. You can be walking. 可以在地铁上, 也可以在行走途中。
The bad part is, it's harder to savor a coffee when you're taking it on the road. 坏处是,当你拿着咖啡在路上喝时 更难享受咖啡的风味。
savor:vt.尽情享受; vi.有…的滋味; n.滋味;
The first patent for a lid on a cup was in 1934, but it was for cold beverages . 杯盖的首个专利 于 1934 年问世, 但它是爲了冷饮设计的。
patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权; beverages:n.饮料;酒水;饮料类(beverage的复数形式);
And in 1950, this guy named James Reifsnyder invented the first snap-on lid. 1950 年,一位名叫 詹姆斯·洛夫斯奈德的人 发明了第一个扣合式杯盖。
But it didn't have an opening for drinking. 但没有设计可饮用的开口。
In the '60s there was this huge cultural shift , where people started drinking coffee on the move. 到了 60 年代,发生了 巨大的文化变迁, 人们开始边走边喝咖啡。
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换;
And 7-Eleven was the first to sell coffee to go. 7-11 便利店是首个 提供外卖咖啡的店。
And then came this revolution in 1967. 在 1967 年的变革中,
A man named Alan Frank invented a lid that you could peel a tab off, like in the shape of a guitar pick, and drink it from there. 一位名叫阿兰·弗兰克的人 设计了新的杯盖, 你可以从杯盖上 撕掉一块像吉他拨片的小片状物, 从那裏喝到咖啡。
Frank:adj.坦白的,直率的;老实的;n.免费邮寄特权;v.免费邮寄; tab:n.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌;v.说(某人)适合于(某工作或角色);
In 1975, another big advance: you could peel back a tab and attach it to the lid itself. 1975 年出现重大进展: 你可以揭开杯口的小片状物, 再把它卡在盖子上。
So, more and more people started drinking coffee on the go . 于是越来越多人 开始喝外卖咖啡。
on the go:adj.忙个不停的;活跃的;
In 1984, a watershed moment in the history of coffee cup lids: the birth of the traveler lid. 1984 年是咖啡杯盖 历史上的一个分水岭: 旅行杯盖诞生了。
And it is iconic -- you've seen it a million times. 这杯盖很有代表性, 你已经见过无数次。
And it solved a whole host of problems. 而且它解决许多问题。
It's designed so that you don't splash your face, because it's higher than any of the other ones. 它的设计不会让咖啡泼到脸上, 因爲它比其他杯盖要高。
And it's got this protruding rim , so it slightly cools the coffee before it hits your lips. 它有这样的突出杯沿, 可以在咖啡碰到嘴唇前 稍微冷却一下。
protruding:adj.突出的;伸出的;v.突出(protrude的现在分词);伸出; rim:n.边,边缘;轮辋;圆圈;vi.作…的边,装边于;vt.作…的边,装边于; slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
It's got a small depression in the center for your nose, so you can really get in there and get maximum aroma . 它的中心有个为鼻子 设计的小凹槽, 这样你就能充分沉浸其中, 享受最浓郁的香气。
depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁; maximum:n.最大限度;最大量;最高限度;adj.最高的;最多的;最大极限的; aroma:n.芳香;
It's got this tiny air hole that lets the steam out and stops it from creating a vacuum . 它有个迷你出气孔来排出蒸气, 防止杯内形成真空。
vacuum:n.真空; adj.真空的; v.用真空吸尘器清扫;
This is one of those objects where you just don't notice it until it dribbles on your lap. 正是这种毫不起眼的设计, 可以防止咖啡洒在裤子上。
So I think the coffee cup lid will just continue to evolve , and you're going to see a move away from single-use plastic lids to lids that are a little more sustainable . 我觉得咖啡杯盖还会继续进化, 你将看到免洗塑胶杯盖 转变爲更环保的设计。
evolve:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成; single-use:一次性的; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
We're not going to stop moving. 我们会继续奔波,
We're not going to stop drinking coffee. 我们会继续享用咖啡。
And I think that's what these coffee lid engineers are trying to do, is to make it so that the experience of taking it on the road is as good as sitting in a restaurant, drinking from a ceramic cup . 我觉得这就是咖啡杯盖 设计工程师的努力方向: 让人在路上喝咖啡 和坐在餐厅裏用陶瓷杯 啜饮咖啡的体验同样惬意。
ceramic cup:陶瓷杯;陶爵;
Because, you know, coffee is serious business. 因爲,喝咖啡可是件正经事。