

There is only one planet in the universe, as far as we know, where there is life. 迄今为止 宇宙中已知只有一颗行星 拥有生命
as far as:至于…;
The Earth. 那就是地球
Our home. 我们的家园
The perfect planet. 这是一颗完美的星球
Life here is only possible because of a unique balance of natural forces. 生命之所以成为可能 是因为诸多自然力量形成了独一无二的微妙平衡
Energy from the sun powers the living world. 来自太阳的能量为这个生命世界提供了动力
Weather systems transport fresh water around the globe. 天气系统将淡水输送到世界的各个角落
And powerful ocean currents circulate life's essential nutrients . 强大的洋流促进了生命必需的营养物质的循环
circulate:v.循环;传播;流传;传阅; essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; nutrients:营养盐;[食品]营养素;
This series will reveal how these global forces have worked together to create our planet's fragile life-support system. 本系列片将揭示 这些席卷全球的力量如何合力 塑造我们星球上脆弱的生命支持系统
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; life-support:adj.保障生命的,维持生命的;
One of these forces is so important that life would never have even started without it. 这些自然力量每一种都意义非凡 如果缺少任何一环生命就绝无可能出现
Across the surface of our planet, there are over 1,500 active volcanoes . 纵观我们的地球表面 活火山数量超过1500座
This is the most active - 这是最为活跃的火山之一
Kilauea in Hawaii. 夏威夷基拉韦厄火山
Here, magma - liquid rock from the planet's hot interior - bursts out through fractures in the Earth's crust . 岩浆 即来自地球炽热内部的液态岩石 通过地壳的裂缝冲出地面
magma:n.[地质]岩浆;糊剂; interior:n.内部;内陆;内地;里面;adj.内部的;里面的; bursts:[天]爆发;破裂(burst的第三人称单数); fractures:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的第三人称单数) crust:n.壳;表面;厚颜无耻;[美国]雪壳;v.用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿;形成硬壳;
And it's been flowing for months. 涌动的岩浆足足流淌了数月
Nothing can stand in the lava's way. 所到之处生物全部死亡
Volcanoes are certainly destructive , but without these powerful underground forces, there would be no breathable atmosphere . 火山的破坏力毋庸置疑 然而如果没有这股强大的地下力量 就不会有可供呼吸的大气
destructive:adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的; breathable:adj.可以吸入的,可以呼吸的; atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
No oceans. 不会有海洋
Noland. 也不会有陆地
No life. 生命更无从谈起
We can't control volcanoes, but they're vital for all living things on Planet Earth. 火山虽然难以掌控 但是它们对所有地球生命都至关重要
This is Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania. 这里是坦桑尼亚的伦盖伊火山
It's one of Africa's most active volcanoes, and has erupted over 15 times in the last hundred years. 它是非洲最活跃的火山之一 在过去100年间喷发超过1 5次
On its northern flank lies Lake Natron , 400 square miles in extent , and one of the world's most corrosive bodies of water. 纳特龙湖位于火山北侧 面积超过1000平方公里 是世界上腐蚀性最强的湖泊之一
flank:n.侧面; vt.守侧面; vi.侧面与…相接; v.在左右两边; Natron:n.天然碳酸钠;[无化]泡碱; extent:n.程度;范围;长度; corrosive:adj.腐蚀的;侵蚀性的;n.腐蚀物;
The water wells up from deep below, carrying such a concentration of chemicals that it can burn skin. 湖水来自地下深处 化学物质浓度很高 足以灼伤皮肤
concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心; chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数)
But one animal thrives here. 但这里却成为了一种动物的乐园
Volcano birds. 与火山共舞的小红鹳
Nearly two million lesser flamingos live in East Africa and all of them come here to breed . 东非接近200万只小红鹳 会全部飞来这里繁育后代
lesser:adj.较少的;次要的;更小的;adv.较少地;更小地;不及; flamingos:n.火烈鸟;火鹤(flamingo的复数); breed:v.繁殖;孕育;培育(动植物);导致;以…方式教育;n.品种;
But they can only nest here when the lake's level drops so far that in the centre its bed is exposed . 但这些小红鹳要在这里筑巢 只有等湖水水位下降 湖底中央的河床露出来时
centre:中心 exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
And that rare moment is now. 现在它们迎来了期待已久的时刻
How they know when the conditions are right is a mystery. 它们确定筑巢时间的方式仍是一个谜
But some have flown thousands of miles to be here. 一些小红鹳为了来到这里已经飞行了数千公里
The flamingos head for the middle of the lake, where the intense evaporation has created islands of salt. 成群的小红鹳飞向湖泊中央 那里有着众多因为剧烈蒸发形成的盐碱岛
intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; evaporation:n.蒸发;消失;