

What's your emergency ? 你有什么紧急情况
The first kind of emergency is the one we all have, every day. 第一种紧急情况是每个人每天都要面对的
You're looking at my emergency right now. 我的紧急情况就是你看到的这样
It's been a year since my boyfriend Tommy broke up with me. 我和男友汤米分手一年了
I'm still not over it. 我还没放下
My mom's a big part of my emergency. 我的紧急情况里 我妈占很大一部分
Alzheimer's disease , late-stage. 晚期老年痴呆症
Mom, I'm going to work. 妈 我去上班了
Veronica's in the kitchen. 维罗妮卡在厨房里
Taking care of her pretty much takes up all my free time. 我的大部分空闲时间都要照顾她
There's my number, right there, in case you need to call me for anything. 那里有我的电话号码 如果你有事就打电话找我
You don't have to tell me every time. 你不用三番四次提醒我
Sometimes you forget. 你有时会忘记
And then you forget you forget. 然后你会忘了你不记得了
I'm hopeless, right? - No, you're not. 我没救了对吗 -才不是
Careful, careful. You got it. Good, good. 小心点 拿稳了 很好 很好
I'm healed . 我康复啦
You look good today. 你今天气色不错
Have a good day. 祝你今天过得愉快
Drive carefully. - I will. 开车小心 -好的
You smell good. 你真香
Then there's the second kind of emergency, the kind you never want to have, the kind that comes without warning- the car crash , the fire, the heart attack , the break-in . 还有另一种紧急情况 你绝不想碰到的 而且发生前毫无征兆 车祸 火灾 心脏病发 入室盗窃
car crash:n.车祸; heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞 break-in:n.闯入;非法进入;
That's the kind you call me about. 这些情况下 大家就会打电话到我这来
I'm the actual first responder . 我是 紧急事件第一反应人员
911. What's your emergency? - My son. 911紧急中心 你有什么紧急情况 -我儿子
He hit his head on the diving board , and he's not breathing. 他在跳水板上磕到头 没了呼吸
diving board:n.(游泳池的)跳水板;
What's your address, ma'am? 您在哪里 女士
242 Beatrice Lane . 比特里斯巷242号
I'm in Beverly Hills. Please hurry! 比佛利山庄内 请尽快过来
Okay, paramedics are on the way. - My God. 好的 急救人员已出发 -天啊
He's turning blue! - I need you to perform CPR on him. 他的脸发紫了 -请你立刻进行心肺复苏
Do you remember what to do? 你还记得步骤吗
30 chest compressions followed by two breaths. 胸外心脏按压三十下 随后进行两次人工呼吸
Okay. - 30 and two. 好的 -三十次按压与两次人工呼吸
Okay, Buck , start chest compressions. 巴克 开始胸外按压
Hen, start bagging him. 亨 准备用呼吸气囊给他通气
Got you, Captain. 好的 队长
Ma'am, come with me. I need to get my team in there. 女士 请随我来 让急救人员有足够空间救人
Don't worry. He's gonna be all right. 别担心 他不会有事的
He's gonna be all right. Please, just take a seat. 他会没事的 请坐
Get some of that water out. 让他把水吐出来
Coming around. Starting compressions. 准备好了 开始胸外按压
Pulse ox is on. Pad's on. 指夹式脉搏血氧仪和除颤仪已开启
How long was he underwater ? - I don't know. 他泡在水里多久了 -不知道
A few minutes, maybe. 可能几分钟吧
Does he have medical conditions? - No. 他有既往病史吗 -没有
Is he on any medications ? - No. 他有在服药吗 -没有
No rhythm . 没有心跳
Come on, Kid. Come on. 呼吸啊 孩子 醒过来吧
The crazy part is that as soon as help arrives... 最糟的是 只要救援人员抵达现场
as soon as:一…就;
most people just hang up. 大部分人就直接把电话挂了