

Identify . 表明身份
Victor Rovner, requesting permission to transmit . 维克多.瑞孚纳 请求传输文件权限
Victor:n.胜利者;获胜者;adj.胜利(者)的; transmit:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染;
Log in. 允许登录
Permission granted . 权限审核通过
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式)
Excuse me a moment. Let me catch up with you. 失陪一下 稍后再聊
catch up with:赶上,追上;逮捕;处罚;
This is Walsh. 我是沃尔什
Sir, we just heard from Rovner. 长官 刚收到瑞孚纳消息
He confirmed there will be an attempt today. 他确认了今天会有一起预谋袭击
Did he find out who the target is? 他知道袭击目标是谁吗
Senator David Palmer . 大卫.帕尔默参议员
Senator:n.参议员; Palmer:n.朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫);
As soon as the polls open, we'll be there. 投票一开始 我们就过去
As soon as:一…就; polls:n.民意调查; v.对…进行民意测验,使投票(poll的单三形式);
Senator Palmer seems poised for victory. 看来帕尔默参议员已胜券在握
poised:adj.摆好姿势准备行动的; v.保持(某种姿势);
I hate it. "On this historic occasion"? 我讨厌这句 在这个历史性时刻
Well, it is an historic occasion, sir. 这确实是个历史性时刻 先生
It's self-serving to say it. 这么说话太显自私
I want to stay low-key . - Wrong. 我想低调点 -错了
Play it up, inspire people. 要积极一点 以鼓舞人民
Honey, what do you think? - I agree with Patty . 宝贝 你觉得呢 -我同意帕蒂
Okay, but not "occasion." 好吧 但别用 时刻 这个词
It sounds like we're having brunch . 听上去像在吃早午餐
'"On this historic day"? - Deal. 在这历史性的一天 -就这样吧
You going to bed? - How can I sleep? 你要睡了吗 -我怎么睡得着
No, I'm going to write a few thank-you's. 我得去写一些感谢信
Call me if you need me. 需要我的话就叫我
Thank you, angel. 谢谢你 天使
You're in trouble, Dad. 你有麻烦了 爸爸
Really? - Yeah. 是吗 -没错
So... 所以...
Is she still giving you the cold shoulder ? 她还是冷落你吗
cold shoulder:冷遇;冷淡对待;
If by "she," you're referring to your mother... 如果你说的 她 是指你妈的话...
I'd appreciate it if you'd call her by her name, mom. 我想你最好叫她妈妈
And no, she's just busy. 而且她没有冷落 只是忙
She's busy a lot. 她一直很忙
And it's a school night for you, so time for bed. 明天还要上学 你该睡了
Good night. - I love you. 晚安 -我爱你
I'm glad you moved back in, daddy. 很高兴你搬回来了 爸爸
Me, too, sweet. 我也很高兴 小甜心
Have a good sleep. 睡个好觉
Good night, sweet pea . - Yeah. 晚安 小甜豆 -好
sweet pea:n.香豌豆;麝香豌豆花;
She still giving you a hard time? 她还是跟你过不去吗
I don't know when I became the enemy. 我不知道自己什么时候得罪她了
I think she blames me for you moving out. 可能她怪我让你搬走吧
Well, I never gave her any reason to. 我没有给她任何理由怪你
Maybe not. 也许没有吧
But I think you let her manipulate you, Jack. 我觉得你太纵容她了 杰克
No, I don't. 不 我没有
Let me guess. 让我猜猜
Just now she was sweetness and light, right? 她刚刚一副善解人意 开朗大方的样子对吗
Then she said something nasty about me? 接着就开始说我坏话了
Yeah, and I just busted her on it. 没错 但我制止她了
Why you're taking this so personally ? 为什么你觉得她针对你
It's just that mother-teenage daughter thing. 也许是妈妈和青春期女儿之间的正常矛盾而已
Maybe you're right. 也许你是对的
Maybe we should talk to her right now. 也许我们现在就该找她谈谈了